Amusing Ourselves to Death: Public Discourse in the Age of Show BusinessPenguin, 2005 M12 27 - 208 páginas What happens when media and politics become forms of entertainment? As our world begins to look more and more like Orwell's 1984, Neil's Postman's essential guide to the modern media is more relevant than ever. "It's unlikely that Trump has ever read Amusing Ourselves to Death, but his ascent would not have surprised Postman.” -CNN Originally published in 1985, Neil Postman’s groundbreaking polemic about the corrosive effects of television on our politics and public discourse has been hailed as a twenty-first-century book published in the twentieth century. Now, with television joined by more sophisticated electronic media—from the Internet to cell phones to DVDs—it has taken on even greater significance. Amusing Ourselves to Death is a prophetic look at what happens when politics, journalism, education, and even religion become subject to the demands of entertainment. It is also a blueprint for regaining control of our media, so that they can serve our highest goals. “A brilliant, powerful, and important book. This is an indictment that Postman has laid down and, so far as I can see, an irrefutable one.” –Jonathan Yardley, The Washington Post Book World |
Introduction to the Twentieth Anniversary Edition | vii |
In 1985 | xvii |
Foreword | xix |
The Medium Is the Metaphor | 3 |
Media as Epistemology | 16 |
Typographic America | 30 |
The Typographic Mind | 44 |
The PeekaBoo World | 64 |
The Age of Show Business | 83 |
Now This | 99 |
Shuffle Off to Bethlehem | 114 |
Reach Out and Elect Someone | 125 |
Teaching as an Amusing Activity | 142 |
The Huxleyan Warning | 157 |
Otras ediciones - Ver todas
Amusing Ourselves to Death: Public Discourse in the Age of Show Business Neil Postman Vista previa limitada - 2005 |
Amusing Ourselves to Death: Public Discourse in the Age of Show Business Neil Postman Vista previa limitada - 2005 |
Amusing Ourselves to Death: Public Discourse in the Age of Show Business Neil Postman Sin vista previa disponible - 2006 |
Términos y frases comunes
A-Team advertising Aldous Huxley American Amusing Ourselves audience become believe Billy Graham Boorstin Broadcasting called communication conversation course culture entertainment epistemology example fact Frye Hart Hill Street Blues Huxley Huxleyan idea ideology intellectual irrelevant Jimmy Swaggart language learning Lincoln Lincoln-Douglas debates literacy Marshall McLuhan matter McLuhan means medium ment metaphor Mimi mind movie newscaster newspaper nineteenth century oral Orwell Ourselves to Death Pat Robertson Penguin Books Perry Miller photograph political preachers Presbrey printed word printing press problem public discourse question readers reason religion religious Robert Schuller rock music Roland Barthes sense serious Sesame Street show business sion social speech story symbolic tele telegraph television commercial television programs television show television's things thought tion truth typographic viewers Walter Ong watch write to Penguin written word wrote York