Cuentos Para Antes de Dormir: Como Me los Conto la Abuela

Editorial Patmos, 2000 - 87 páginas
Ratón corazón de león - El regreso de Lucero - La niña que quería ser rubia - Flor de papel - El verdadero pastor - La niña que vio a Dios - Un perro muy fiel - El perico que no quería crecer - Te compro una hora - El pequeño feliz - La niña de la muñeca - La niña que quería agradar a Dios - Los dos amigos - El viejo Rencor - En compañía de un ángel - La lata de agradecimientos - La buena y la mala hierba - Usa tu talento! - Un pintor de éxito - Ramón se fue de la casa - Dice la Autora: Los niños siempre me han inspirado un profundo amor. Pensando en ellos he escrito estos cuentos. Espero que al leerlos todos los niños reciban un mensaje de ayuda, bondad, responsabilidad, amor y todo lo necesario para que puedan diferenciar entre el bien y el mal.

Acerca del autor (2000)

The credentials that authorize that we select Mercedes Christian?s Bedtime stories are based without doubt in the intense 72 year?s life that she face with responsibility and determination. Also in her 2 children, 8 grandchildren, 3 great grandchildren and in what she define as the most important: to have Jesus in her heart now for twenty long and productive years. Even though she is from Colombia, Mercedes lives in the United States since more that 40 years, between Washington, New York, Maryland, Chicago and Miami. She studied Journalism in Colombia and Psychology in the University of Columbia, NY. In her walk by the world, she has been working as actress. Theater manager, script writer, cinema director and producer? until she found the Lord and left everything to dedicate herself to the Christian ministry to help the family where she has as fundamental activity the prevention and solution of the domestic violence. Bedtime Stories, between other television projects and manuscript that Mercedes has, is the first literacy work dedicated to the children. She used to improvise bedtime histories for her grandchildren and ?they were very happy?, Mercedes says. They used to come at bedtime ?Grandma, tell us a story!? One day the Lord told her clearly: ?Write 20 stories for children? and thanks God, she did so.

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