Los Cinco Lenguajes Del Amor

Editorial Unilit, 2 sept 2013 - 235 páginas
T puedes conocer el gozo del amor incondicional! Tienes un anhelo dado por Dios de amor total e incondicional. Sin embargo, nunca sers capaz de expresarlo, ni de recibirlo, a menos que aprendas a hablar el adecuado lenguaje del amor. Descubre cmo las diversas personalidades expresan amor de maneras diferentes. // You can know the joy of unconditional love! Dr. Gary Chapman believes you have a God-given yearning for complete and unconditional love. But you'll never be able to express it-or receive it-until you learn to speak the right "love" language. "The Five Love Languages for Singles" reveals how different personalities express love in different ways.

Sobre el autor (2013)

Relationship counselor, pastor, and author Gary Chapman graduated from Moody Bible Institute, received a B.A. and M.A. in Anthropology from Wheaton College and Wake Forest University respectively, completed graduate work in education at Duke University and the University of North Carolina, and earned his Ph.D. in Adult Education and Master's of Religious Education from Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary. Chapman has discussed his five love language theory in numerous books and video programs, and he has also written many works of guidance on the topics of marriage, parenting, and in-law relationships. The director of Marriage and Family Life Consultants, Inc., Chapman has also been the senior associate pastor at Winston-Salem, North Carolina's Calvary Baptist Church since 1971. He has spoken internationally and domestically on relationships and received the Platinum Book Award from the Evangelical Publishers Association for The Five Love Languages. He also made The New York Times Best Seller List with The Five Love Languages of Children in 2015.

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