The Greatest Minds and Ideas of All Time

CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, 2016 M07 26 - 30 páginas
This book is based on the wonderful book "The Greatest Minds and Ideas of All Time" by the late author Will Durant. It offers you a quick read version of some of the best sections of the full version without investing too much time into the reading of it. This is a great quick read for those whose time is very precious to them and they have little of it to spare. By reading this summary of Will Durant's full version you will get a taste and be delighted in the parts that are shared with you. We have cut through the fillers areas of the book and are delivering you the juicy bits that you want to relish the flavor of. Why Should You Download this Book? You should consider downloading this book if you know you are someone that never seems to get a full version of a book read. If you enjoy the topic of human history then this book will take you on a wonderful journey throughout human history. It is filled with prohuman stories, highlighting our achievements as a species rather than our short comings and downfalls. Generally people are usually quick to point out others mistakes in life, but for a refreshing change we are going to address the brighter more positive side to the human story. Learn About: Durant's Personal Rankings of:...
  • Some of the Greatest Thinkers
  • Some of the Greatest Poets
  • Some of the Best books for an education
  • Some Vital dates in World History
  • and much, much more!
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