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of Great Britain against my government not having been arranged, you have judged it proper to establish jurisdiction over this island in the name of her Britannic Majesty Queen Victoria. I, sir, have no forces with which to resist this invasion; and my only resource is to protest, as I now do, and as I have already done, against the occupation of this island; which protests I have sent to my government.

I witnessed, sir, the act effected by your forces this day, in the name of your sovereign; and I shall submit a detailed account of the same to my government.

I am, sir, &c.,




Leon de Nicaragua, October 23, 1849.

SIR: I have the honor to enclose you herewith a triplicate copy of a circular which I had the honor to address to you, in common with the other foreign diplomatic agents resident in Central America, upon the 28th of September last. A copy was also officially communicated to her Britannic Majesty's vice consul at this point. No proper means were omitted, by duplicate and otherwise, to insure the reception of this circular by you.

I have this day received information, by an official communication addressed by the commander of the port of Amapala (in the island of Tigre) to the director of Nicaragua, and by a copy of a letter addressed by the commander of her Britannic Majesty's steamship "Gorgon" to the commander of the said port, to the effect that on the 16th instant, under direction from you, the commander of that steamer landed with an armed force upon the island of the Tigre, in the Gulf of Fonseca, lowered the flag of Honduras, and raised under a salute that of Great Britain, proclaiming at the same time that the island was thereby taken possession of on behalf of her Britannic Majesty.

No such act can be regarded by the United States as invalidating her rights to this island, acquired by formal cession on the 28th of September last, under which date you were officially advised of such cession. I am compelled to believe that the measures adopted under your orders were taken in ignorance of this fact. The United States has therefore the right to expect that you will give directions for the evacuation of said island as soon as practicable after the receipt of this communication, the reception of which I beg you will acknowledge (with such explanations as the gravity of the circumstance demands) in open envelope to the bearer hereof.

I am, sir, with high consideration, your obedient servant,


H. B. M. Chargé d'Affaires, Sc.


Leon de Nicaragua, October 21, 1849.

To the Commander of the U. S. squadron in the Pacific:

SIR: I enclose you herewith a copy of a letter which I addressed to you on the 16th of August last, fearing (such is the uncertainty of communication on this coast) that it may have failed to reach you. I also enclose a copy of a circular which I have addressed to the various foreign legations in this country, by which you will perceive that the important island of the Tigre, commanding the Gulf of Fonseca, has been condi tionally ceded to the United States. The government of the United States cannot permit this point to fall into the hands of any great maritime power. The safety of the projected grand canal would be thereby endangered-a consideration of paramount weight.

The expected British naval force, which I alluded to in my letter of August, has arrived on the coast, and has certainly established the blockade of the port of La Union, in San Salvador; a measure of great injury not only to the people of these States, but to all persons engaged in commerce here. The fair of San Miguel on the 17th of November, at which time the crops are sold or exchanged, will thus be suspended, and with it all commerce. I have also received positive intelligence that the port of Honduras on the Atlantic coast, known as Omoa, is also blockaded, and that the same measure will be taken in respect to Truxille.

But, what is more important, it is stated here on good authority that a blockade has been instituted before the port of Amapala, on the island of the Tigre, eeded, as I have before said, to the United States. I have received as yet no official intimation that such is the fact; but I fear there is little room to doubt it. This cannot be permitted; and I shall take such action as lies in my power to vindicate our rights.

The United States has not departed from those principles relating to blockades which she established years ago, and these "catch" blockades, established without notice and sustained by inefficient force, which have been so common on this coast, cannot longer be permitted.

You will, sir, see from these facts, the importance of American interests in this immediate quarter, and the necessity of having a sufficient naval force on this coast to protect them. The measures which the English officials have adopted, whatever their pretexts, have been precipitated, if not originated, by the new and intimate relations which these States have opened with the United States. I have therefore again to request, and in the most urgent nanner, that you will detail some portion of your squadron for service on the line of coast from Ystapa to Punta Arenas.

My former communication of 16th August was forwarded to the United States on the 15th of September. I am, sir, &c.,



Leon de Nicaragua, October 24, 1849.

To the Commander of the U. S. squadron in the Pacific:

SIR: I had the honor to address you, under date of August 16th and October 20th, of which letters duplicates are enclosed, and which are necessary to the proper understanding of this communication.

The island of the Tigre, in the Gulf of Fonseca, was formally ceded to the United States by treaty with Honduras on the 28th ultimo, on which day a circular was issued announcing the fact to all the foreign diplomatic agents in Central America, including the British chargé in Guatemala (Mr. Chatfield,) and the British vice consul here.

On the 13th a British war steamer, the "Gorgon," having Mr. Chatfield on board, arrived off the port of Realejo, and it is understood had communication with the vice consul. Without entering, however, it proceeded to the Gulf of Fonseca, and landed an armed force on the island of the Tigre.

Notwithstanding the protest of the commander of the port, the British commander proceeded to take down the flag of Honduras, and raise that of Great Britain, under a salute, proclaiming that due possession had thereby been taken of the island on behalf of her Britannic Majesty. It will be seen by the enclosed letter from the commander of the "Gorgon" to the commander of the port (No. 1,) that the proceeding was in accordance with the directions of Mr. Chatfield alone. This gentleman has acted here for many years without apparently any idea of responsibility, and with astonishing unscrupulousness.

Upon receiving official information of these events yesterday morning, I immediately despatched my private secretary to Mr. Chatfield and the commander of the "Gorgon," bearing the enclosed communication, No. 2. In case an evasive or unsatisfactory answer was returned to it, he was directed to present No. 3.

Such is the position of affairs at this moment. I need not say that the United States, both from principle and policy, will in no wise recognise this expost facto procedure of the British agents and officers here. The Froposed grand canal across this isthmus (the contract for the construction of which is guarantied and protected by the United States) will, without doubt, terminate in the Gulf of Fonseca; and the island of Tigre, commanding that gulf, cannot, under any contingency, be allowed to pass into foreign hands. You will, therefore, see that the service of the United States demands the immediate presence of as large a naval force as can be spared from duty elsewhere. I shall despatch a special messenger to the government with the information which 1 here with communicate to you. I beg, therefore, to suggest to you, or to any United States commander in whose hands this communication may come, that such a disposition of our naval force should at once be made as to place at least two vessels on this coast, one of which should be a steamer. I shall remain at this point, and may be communicated with through the port of Realejo.

It is proper to explain that I would have taken possession of the Tigre early in this month had it not been for the accidental drowning of the government special courier, which circumstance delayed and disarranged my

plans. The military forces of this State have been formally placed at my orders for the service of vindicating the rights of the United States and the integrity of the American continent. I mention the circumstance as an indication of the prevalent feeling here.

I am, sir, your obedient servant,


P. S.-I shall forward copies of this communication by every convey. ance which may offer, feeling assured that the call will be promptly responded to.



Leon de Nicaragua, October 23, 1819.

SIR: I transmit to you herewith copies of the communications I have this day addressed to Mr. Chatfield, her Britannic Majesty's chargé, &c., relative to the seizure of the island of Tigre by a British force on the 16th instant; also a copy of a circular issued in accordance with the terms of a treaty of cession of the island of Tigre, made by the plenipotentiary of Honduras, upon the 28th of September last.

It will be expected that the government of Honduras will omit no efforts to remove every obstacle which may oppose the peaceable possession of said island by the authorities of the United States, and use all means in its power to support these authorities in carrying out the provisions of the treaty of September.

I need not add that the American government will take prompt action in the premises.

I am, sir, with high consideration, &c.,

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of the Republic of Honduras.


Leon de Nicaragua, October 23, 1849.

SIR: I have the honor to enclose you herewith a copy of a circular which was addressed from this legation to the various foreign diplomatic agents in Central America, on the 28th ultimo. And as recent events may require that more intimate relations than have heretofore existed should be opened between this legation and the republic of San Salvador, and as I am prevented by circumstances from proceeding to San Salvador and presenting my credentials to your government in person, I take the liberty of enclosing you a letter from the Secretary of State of the United States, which I trust may be received and acknowledged as full evidence of my official character.

I have received information of the blockade of La Union, and of the

seizure of the island of Tigre. The latter act will not escape the attention of the United States; and I feel assured that the government of San Salvador will continue to manifest, in respect to foreign aggressions, the same independent spirit which has hitherto characterized it.

I am, with high, &c.,



[No. 8.]

of the Republic of San Salvador.

Mr. Squier to Mr. Clayton.


Leon de Nicaragua, November 2, 1849.

SIR: In my despatch No. 7, of the 24th of October, I had the honor to inform you that I had despatched my private secretary with communications to her Britannic Majesty's chargé d'affaires, Mr. Chatfield, on beard the steamer "Gorgon," in the Gulf of Fonseca. He has just returned, and I hasten to communicate the result to the department. It is, however, proper to explain that shortly after the departure of my messenger, I received the enclosed communication (A) from Mr. Chatfield, by the hand of her Britannic Majesty's vice-consul at this point, dated the 25th of October, acknowledging the receipt of my circular of the 28th of the preceding month, and denying the right of Honduras to make the arrangements which she had done with the United States, &c., &c. As some parts of this communication involved pretensions which I conceive cannot be admitted by the United States, I at once replied to the same. A copy of my reply is also subjomed, (B.)

Upon the same day I had also communicated to me, by the govern. ment of Nicaragua, a copy of a letter from the commandant of the legion of Chinandega, in reference to the proceedings of Mr. Chatfield, subse. quent to his occupation of the Tigre, by which it appears that he at once proceeded to organize a provisional government. Of this correspondence I submit translated copies, (C.)

Upon the 29th ultimo I received from the commissioner of Honduras a letter enclosing a copy of a decree relating to the island of Tigre, issued by the President of that republic, with the advice and consent of the council, in accordance with the terms of the special convention of September 28th. Also, a copy of a letter addressed by the Secretary of Foreign Affairs of Honduras to her Britannic Majesty's consul general, (Mr. Chatfield,) relating to certain alleged outrages, by the commander of the British frigate Plumper, at the port of Truxillo, on the northern coast of Honduras. I have seen private letters from Truxillo confirming all the statements in the last named communication. These documents are translated and appended, (D 1, 2, 3.)

Mr. Venereo, my messenger, reports that he reached the "Gorgon," off. the port of La Union, on the evening of the 27th, and at once placed in the hands of Mr. Chatfield my communication of the 23d of October. Mr. Chatfield stated that he would reply in the morning, upon which Mr.

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