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darted out of the ball-room and ran down stairs in a great hurry. But her dress all turned to rags before she left the palace, and she lost one of her glass slippers. The Prince sought for her everywhere, but the guard said no one had passed the gate but a poor beggar girl. However, the Prince found the slipper, and in order to discover where Cinderella was gone, he had it proclaimed that he would marry the lady who could put on the glass slipper. All the ladies tried to wear the slipper in vain, Cinderella's sisters also; but when their young sister begged to be allowed to try it also, it was found to fit her exactly; and, to the Prince's delight, she drew the fellow slipper from her pocket, and he knew at once that she was his beautiful partner at the ball. So she was married to the Prince, and children strewed roses in their path as they came out of church.

Cinderella forgave her sisters, and was so kind to them, that she made them truly sorry for their past cruelty and injustice.

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