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man in a velvet coat"-"See-saw"-"One a penny"
"There's never a maiden in all the town"-
"Pinky, pinky, bow-bell"-Numerical Nursery
Rhyme-Baker's Man




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X. SCRAPS -"Oh, slumber, my darling, thy sire is a
knight"-"Bye, baby bumpkin "—"Nose, nose,
jolly red nose"-"I saw a man in the moon"—
A Henry VIII. Rhyme-"Peg-Peg"-"Round
about "-"Father Long-legs"-" Two-penny rice"
"Come when you're called "-A Game-"Nanny
Natty Coat"-"As I was going down Sandy Lane"
-"There was an old woman"-"Robert Rowley"
-"Little General Monk" "Dr. Tom Tit"-
"Tommy Trot "-"Goosey Gander "_"The White
Dove sat on the Castell Wall"-"This Little Pig'
-"Little Bo Peep”—“ See-saw, Margery Daw".
"Four-and-twenty Tailors"-"Little Moppett "-
"Hub-a-dub, dub"-" Diddle Dumpling "—"Jack
and Jyll"-" The Cat and the Fiddle"-"Baa!
baa! black sheep"-"Here comes a poor Duke out
of Spain"—"Ride to the market"—"Cross-patch"
-"The Man of the South"-A Lancashire Frag.
ment—"Dickety dock "—"There was an old woman
toss'd up in a blanket”—“We're all in the dumps"
-A Proverb-A Compliment-The Reverse..

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XI. SONGS-"Will the love that you're so rich in?"—
'Cock-a-doodle-doo"-"King Cole"-"Rowsty
dowt"-"There was a Little Man"-The Creole's
Song-"Dapple Grey"-"Blue Betty"—"Tom,
Tom, the Piper's Son"-" Oh dear, what can the
matter be?"-" Simple Simon"-"I saw a Ship
a-sailing"-" David the Welshman"-" My Father
he Died "

. 152


XII. SCOTCH RHYMES-"As I went up the Brandy Hill"
-Scotch version of Bryan O'Lynn-"Cripple Dick"


."Pan, Pan, Play”—“Gi'e a thing”—A Gruesome
Riddle—“King and Queen of Cantelan "— Hidee
-"Wha's your Daddie ?"-The Moon is a Lady", 162

XIII. A favourite Nursery Hymn-The Latin version of the
Virgin's Lullaby

XIV. "There was a maid came out of Kent"-"Martin
Smart"-"Great A, little B"-A Nursery Tale-
"A duck, a drake"-"Hark! Hark!"-A BC
Jingles-A Catch Rhyme

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XV. BELL RHYMES-"Banbury Cross"-"Gay go up,
and gay go down"—" Mary, Mary, quite contrary'
-The Provençal "Ding-dong"

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XVI. Political Significations of Nursery Rhymes-"Come,
Jack"-"A man of words"-Pastorini, Lord Grey,
Lyttleton, Dan O'Connell, and Lord Brougham

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WITHOUT advancing any theory

touching the progression of the

mother's song to her babe, other than declaring lullabies to be about as old as babies, a statement which recalls to mind an old story, entitled "The Owl's Advice to an Inquisitive Cat."

"O cat," said the sage owl of the legend, 1 "to pass life agreeably most of all you need a philosophy; you and I indeed enjoy many things in common, especially night air and mice, yet you sadly need a philosophy to search after, and think about matters most difficult to discover." After saying this the

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