Imágenes de páginas

Grand Titan.

SEC. 3. It shall be the duty of the Grand Titan, who is the chief officer of the dominion, to report to the Grand Dragon, when required by that officer, the condition, strength, efficiency, and progress of the * within his dominion, and to transmit through the Grand Giants to the subordinate *s of his dominion, all information or intelligence conveyed to him by the Grand Dragon for that purpose, and all such other information or instruction as he may think will enhance the interests of the *. He shall keep, by his G. Scribe, a list of the names (without caption) of the Grand Giants of the different provinces of his dominion, and shall report the same to the Grand Dragon when required; and he shall number the provinces of his dominion with the Arabic numerals, 1, 2, 3, &c., ad finem. And he shall instruct and direct his Grand Exchequer as to the appropriation and disbursement of the revenue of the* that comes to his hands. He shall have power to appoint his Furies; also to appoint a Grand Scribe and a Grand Exchequer of his department, and appoint and ordain Special Deputy Grand Titans to assist him in the more rapid and effectual dissemination and establishment of the * throughout his dominion. He shall have further power to appoint and instruct deputies to organize and control provinces and dens until the same shall elect a Grand Giant and a Grand Cyclops, in the manner hereinafter provided.

Grand Giant.

SEC. 4. It shall be the duty of the Grand Giant, who is the chief officer of the province, to supervise and administer general and special instruction in the formation and establishment of *s within his province, and to report to the Grand Titan, when required by that officer, the condition, strength, progress, and efficiency of the * through

Fide non armis.

Fiat justitia.

out his province, and to transmit through the Grand Cyclops to the subordinate *s of his province, all information or intelligence conveyed to him by the Grand Titan for that purpose and such other information and instruction as he may think will advance the interest of the *. He shall keep, by his G. Scribe, a list of the names (without caption) of the Grand Cyclops of the various dens of his province, and shall report the samé to the Grand Titan when required, and shall number the dens of his province with the Arabic numerals, 1, 2, 3, &c., ad finem; and shall determine and limit the number of dens to be organized in his province; and he shall instruct the Grand Exchequer as to what appropriation and disbursement he shall make of the revenue of the that comes to his hands. He shall have power to appoint his Goblins; also, a Grand Scribe and a Grand Exchequer for his department, and to appoint and ordain Special Deputy Grand Giants to assist him in the more rapid and effectual dissemination and establishment of the * throughout his province. He shall have the further power to appoint and instruct deputies to organize and control dens until the same shall elect a Grand Cyclops, in the manner hereinafter provided. And in all cases he shall preside at and conduct the Grand Council of Yahoos.

Grand Cyclops.

SEC. 5. It shall be the duty of the Grand Cyclops to take charge of the * of his den after his election, under the direction and with the assistance (when practicable) of the Grand Giant, and in accordance with, and in conformity to, the provisions of this prescript, a copy of which shall in all cases be obtained before the formation of a * begins.

Hic manent vestigia, morientis libertatis.

Curæ leves loquuntur, ingentes stupent.

It shall further be his duty to appoint all regular meetings of his *, and to preside at the same; to appoint irregular meetings when he deems it expedient; to preserve order in his den, and to impose fines for irregularities or disobedience of orders, and to receive and initiate candidates for admission into the *, after the same shall have been pronounced competent and worthy to become members by the investigating committee. He shall make a quarterly report to the Grand Giant of the condition, strength, and efficiency of the * of his den, and shall convey to the Ghouls of his den all information or intelligence conveyed to him by the Grand Giant for that purpose, and all such other information or instruction as he may think will conduce to the interests and welfare of the *. He shall preside at and conduct the Grand Council of Centaurs. He shall have power to appoint his Night Hawks, his Grand Scribe, his Grand Turk, his Grand Sentinel, and his Grand Ensign. And he shall instruct and direct the Grand Exchequer of his den

as to what appropriation and disbursement he shall make of the revenue of the* that comes to his hands. And for any small offense he may punish any member by fine, and may reprimand him for the same. And he may admonish and reprimand the * of his den for any imprudence, irregularity, or transgression, when he is convinced or advised that the interests, welfare, and safety of the demand it.

Dat Deus his quoque finem.

Cessante causa, cessat effectus.
Grand Magi.

SEC. 6. It shall be the duty of the Grand Magi, who is the second officer in authority of the den, to assist the Grand Cyclops, and to obey all the proper orders of that officer; to preside at all meetings in the den in the absence of the Grand Cyclops; and to exercise during his absence all the powers and authority conferred upon that officer.

Grand Monk.

SEC. 7. It shall be the duty of the Grand Monk, who is the third officer in authority of the den, to assist and obey all the proper orders of the Grand Cyclops and the Grand Magi. And in the absence of these officers, he shall preside at and conduct the meetings in the den, and shall exercise all the powers and authority of the Grand Cyclops.

Grand Exchequer.

SEC. 8. It shall be the duty of the Grand Exchequers of the different departments of the * to keep a correct account of all the revenue of the * that shall come to their hands, and shall make no appropriation or disbursement of the same except under the orders and direction of the chief officer of their respective departments. And it shall further be the duty of the Grand Exchequer of the dens to collect the initiation fees and all fines imposed by the Grand Cyclops.

Grand Turk.

SEC. 9. It shall be the duty of the Grand Turk, who is the executive officer of the Grand Cyclops, to notify the Ghouls of the den of all informal or irregular meetings appointed by the Grand Cyclops, and to obey and execute all the lawful orders of that

Droit et avant.

Cave quid dicis, quando, et cui.

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officer in the control and government in his den. It shall further be his duty to receive and question at the outposts all candidates for admission into the *, and shall there administer the preliminary obligation required, and then conduct such candidate or candidates to the Grand Cyclops at his den, and to assist him in the initiation of the same; and it shall further be his duty to act as the executive officer of the Grand Council of Centaurs.

Grand Scribe.

SEC. 10. It shall be the duty of the Grand Scribes of the different departments to conduct the correspondence, and to write the orders of the chiefs of their departments when required. And it shall further be the duty of the Grand Scribes of the den to keep a list of the names (without caption) of the Ghouls of the den, to call the roll at all regular meetings, and to make the quarterly report under the direction of the Grand Cyclops.

Grand Sentinel.

SEC. 11. It shall be the duty of the Grand Sentinel to detail, take charge of, post and instruct the grand guard, under the direction and orders of the Grand Cyclops, and to relieve and dismiss the same when directed by that officer.

Grand Ensign.

SEC. 12. It shall be the duty of the Grand Ensign to take charge of the grand banner of the to preserve it sacredly, and protect it carefully, and to bear it on all occasions of parade or ceremony, and on such other occasions as the Grand Cyclops may direct it to be flung to the night-breeze.


ART. V, SEC. 1. The Grand Cyclops, the Grand Magi, the Gras Monk, and the Grand Dormitur aliquando jus, moritur numquam.

Deo adjuvante, non timendum.

Exchequer of Dens shall be elected semi-annually by the Ghouls of Dens. And the first election of these officers may take place as soon as seven Ghouls have been initiated for that purpose.

SEC. 2. The Grand Wizard of the Empire, the Grand Dragons of Realms, the Grand Titans of Dominions, and the Grand Giants of Provinces shall be elected biennially, and in the following manner, to wit: The Grand Wizard by a majority vote of the Grand Dragons of his empire; the Grand Dragon by a like vote of the Grand Titans of his realm; the Grand Titan by a like vote of the Grand Giants of his dominion; and the Grand Giant by a like vote of the Grand Cyclops of his province.

The first election for Grand Dragon may take place as soon as three dominions have been organized in a realm; but all subsequent elections shall be by a majority vote of the Grand Titans throughout the realm, and biennially as aforesaid.

The first election for Grand Titan may take place as soon as three provinces have been organized in a dominion, but all subsequent elections shall be by a majority vote of all the Grand Giants throughout the dominion, and biennially as aforesaid. The first election for Grand Giant may take place as soon as three dens have been organized in a province, but all subsequent elections shall be by a majority vote of the Grand Cyclops throughout the province, and biennially as aforesaid.

The Grand Wizard of the Empire is hereby created, to serve three years from the first Monday in May, 1867; after the expiration of which time biennial elections shall be held for that office as aforesaid, and the incumbent Grand Wizard shall notify the

Spectemur agendo.

Grand Dragons, at least six months before said election, at what time and place the same will be held.


ART VI, SEC. 1. The tribunal of justice of this* shall consist of a Grand Council of Yahoos, and a Grand Council of Centaurs.

SEC. 2. The Grand Council of Yahoos shall be the tribunal for the trial of elected officers, and shall be composed of officers of equal rank with the accused, and shall be appointed and presided over by an officer of the next rank above, and sworn by him to administer even-handed justice. The tribunal for the trial of the Grand Wizard shall be composed of all the Grand Dragons of the Empire, and shall be presided over and sworn by the Senior Grand Dragon. They shall have power to summon the accused, and witnesses for and against him; and if found guilty they shall prescribe the penalty and execute the same. And they shall have power to appoint an executive officer to attend said council while in session.

Nemo nos impune lacessit.

SEC. 3. The Grand Council of Centaurs shall be the tribunal for the trial of Ghouls and non-elective officers, and shall be composed of six judges appointed by the Grand Cyclops from the Ghouls of his den, presided over and sworn by him to give the accused a fair and impartial trial. They shall have power to summon the accused, and witnesses for and against him; and if found guilty they shall prescribe the penalty and execute the same. Said judges shall be selected by the Grand Cyclops with refer

Patra cara, carior libertas.

ence to their intelligence, integrity, and fairmindedness, and shall render their verdict without prejudice or partiality.


ART. VII, SEC. 1. The revenue of this* shall be derived as follows: For every copy of this prescript issued to the *s of dens, ten_dollars will be required; two dollars of which shall go into the hands of the Grand Exchequer of the Grand Giant; two into the hands of the Grand Exchequer of the Grand Titan; two into the hands of the Grand Exchequer of the Grand Dragon, and the remaining four into the hands of the Grand Exchequer of the Grand Wizard.

SEC. 2. A further source of revenue to the empire shall be ten per cent. of all the revenue of the realms, and a tax upon realms when the Grand Wizard shall deem it necessary and indispensable to levy the same.

SEC. 3. A further source of revenue to the realms shall be ten per cent. of all revenue of dominions; and a tax upon dominions when the Grand Dragon shall deem such tax necessary and indispensable.

SEC. 4. A further source of revenue to dominions shall be ten per cent. of all revenue of

Ad unum omnes.

provinces, and a tax upon provinces when the Grand Titan shall deem such tax necessary and indispensable.

SEC. 5. A further source of revenue to provinces shall be ten per cent. on all the revenue of dens, and a tax upon the dens when the Grand Giant shal deem such tax necessary and indispensable. 1

SEC. 6. The source of revenue to dens shall be the initiation fees, fines, and a per capita tax, whenever the Grand Cyclops shall deem such tax indispensable to the interests and purposes of the *

SEC. 7. All of the revenue obtained in the manner herein aforesaid shall be for the exclusive benefit of the *, and shall be appropriated to the dissemination of the same, and to the creation of a fund to meet any disbursement that it may become necessary to make to accomplish the objects of the *, and to secure the protection of the same.


ART. VIII. No one shall be a member of this * unless he shall take the following oath or obligation:

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I, of my own free will and accord, and in the presence of Almighty God, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will never reveal to any one not a member of the ** by any intimation, sign, symbol, word, or act, or in any other manner whatever, any of the secrets, signs, grips, passwords, mysteries, or purposes of the ** or that I am a member of the same, or that I know of any one who is a member, and that I will abide by the prescript and edicts of the **. So help me God.

SEC. 2. The preliminary obligation to be administered before the candidate for admis

Deo duce, ferro comitante.

sion is taken to the Grand Cyclops for examination shall be as follows:

I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will never reveal anything that I may this day (or night) learn concerning the So help me God.

* *


ART. IX, SEC. 1. No one shall be presented for admission into this order until he shall have been recommended by some friend or intimate, who is a member, to the investigating committee, which shall be composed of the Grand Cyclops, the Grand Magi, and the Grand Monk; and who shall investigate his antecedents, and his past and present standing and connections; and if, after such investigation, they pronounce him competent and worthy to become a member, he may be admitted upon taking the obligation required, and passing through the ceremonies of initiation: Provided, That no one shall be admitted into this who shall have not attained the age of eighteen years. SEC. X. No one shall become a member of a distant when there is a * established and in operation in his own immediate vicinity; nor shall any one become a member of any after he shall have been rejected by another

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ART. X. The grand banner of this shall be in the form of an isoceles triangle, five feet long and three feet wide at the staff. The material shall be yellow, with a

(Tempora mutantur, et nos mutamen in illis, ad utrumque paratus.)

red scalloped border, about three inches in width. There shall be painted upon it, in black, a Draco volens, or Flying Dragon,† with the following motto inscribed above the Dragon: "Quod semper, quod ubique, quod ab omnibus."‡


ART. XI. This prescript, or any part, or edicts thereof, shall never be changed except by a two-thirds vote of the Grand Dragons of the Realms, in convention assembled and at which convention the Grand Wizard shall preside and be entitled to a vote.

† See Webster's Unabridged Pictorial.

"What always, what everywhere, what by all is held to be true."

And upon the application of a majority of the Grand Dragons, for the purpose, the Grand Wizard shall appoint the time and place for said convention; which, when assembled, shall proceed to make such modification and amendment as it may think will advance the interest, enlarge the utility, and more thoroughly effect the purposes

[blocks in formation]

ART. XII. The origin, designs, mysteries, and ritual of this but the same shall be communicated orally.

shall never be written,

(O tempora! O mores!)

I.-1st. Dismal. 2d. Dark. 3d. Furious. 4th. Portentous. 5th. Wonderful. 6th. Alarming. 7th. Dreadful. 8th. Terrible. 9th. Horrible. 10th. Melancholy. 11th.

Mournful. 12th. Dying.
II.-I. White.

II. Green. III. Blue. IV. Black. V. Yellow. VI. Crimson. VII.

III.-1. Fearful. 2. Startling. 3. Awful.. 4. Woeful. 5. Horrid. 6. Bloody. 7. Doleful. 8. Sorrowful. 9. Hideous. 10. Frightful. 11. Appalling. 12. Lost.

I. The initiation fee of this initiated and received into the *


shall be one dollar, to be paid when the candidate is

II. No member shall be allowed to take any intoxicating spirits to any meeting of the *, nor shall any member be allowed to attend a meeting when intoxicated; and for every appearance at a meeting in such a condition he shall be fined not less than one nor more than five dollars, to go into the revenue of the *

III. Any member may be expelled from the * by a majority vote of the officers and

Cavendo tutus.

Astra castra, numen lumen.

Ghouls of the den to which he belongs, and if after expulsion such member shall assume any of the duties, regalia, or insignia of the *, or in any way claim to be a member of the same, he shall be severely punished. His obligation of secrecy shall be as binding upon him after expulsion as before, and for any revelation made by him thereafter he shall be held accountable in the same manner as if he were then a member.

IV. Every Grand Cyclops shall read, or cause to be read, this prescript and these edicts to the ts of his den at least once in every three months; and shall read them to each new member when he is initiated, or present the same to him for personal perusal. V. Each den may provide itself with the grand banner of the *.

VI. The ts of dens may make such additional edicts for their control and government as they shall deem requisite and necessary: Provided, No edict shall be made to conflict with any of the provisions or edicts of this prescript.

VII. The strictest and most rigid secrecy concerning any and every thing that relates to the * shall at all times be maintained.

VIII. Any member who shall reveal or betray the secrets or purposes of this * shall suffer the extreme penalty of the law.

Hush, thou art not to utter what I am. Bethink thee; it was our covenant. I said that I would see thee once again.

Ne quid detrimenti respublica capiat. Amici neque ad aras.


To the lovers of law and order, peace and justice, we send you greeting; and to the shades of the venerated dead we affectionately dedicate the † †.

Nos ducit amor libertatis.

A true copy from the book.


WASHINGTON, D. C., July 15, 1871.

ANDREW J. FLOWERS (colored) sworn and examined:


Question. Where do you live?

Answer. In Chattanooga, Tennessee.

Question. How long have you lived there ?
Answer. Since July, 1865.

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