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was formed out of the ground, but though symmetrical and beautiful, it was not till God breathed into him the breath of life that he became a living soul. Such is every resurrection of mercy. The prophet Ezekiel saw the vision of the valley. That valley was full of bones, very many and very dry. At the divinely appointed command they came together, and were clothed with flesh; yet they remained corpses still. Only when the wind breathed on them did they stand up an exceeding great army. “It is the Spirit that quickeneth.” Here is one title of the Gospel, “ The law of the spirit of life in Christ Jesus." This was the garment of the Apostolic power, “He hath made us able ministers of the new testament; not of the letter, but of the spirit: for the letter killeth, but the spirit giveth life.” Men are dead in sin; their great need is a resurrection. For this God has given the quickening Word; and when this result is produced, it is known that the Holy Ghost is there.

“But if Thy Spirit deign to breathe,

Life spreads through all the realms of death." Here is the unfading life of the saints, in freedom and energy, light and gladness.

"Now the Lord is that Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is there is liberty." If on entering an assembly you find all things cold and dead, minds wandering in idle day-dreams or vague unbelief, or hearts distracted with grovelling cares, pleasures, or gains, if sinners are unconverted and saints unblessed, you will be rebuked and repelled by the enquiry, “Why seek ye the living among the dead?

The Spirit is holiness, and where He dwells sanctification reigns. “A temple of the Holy Ghost.” This idea is very hard to realize, but it must be, or we cannot know or exhibit true Christian worship. The Divine Spirit must be to us, not a doctrinal notion or a vague influence, but a personal indwelling; the presence of One whose eye watches my every thought, whose face frowns or smiles on my every emotion, and whose hand holds and sways my every step. He must be to me the Comforter, my best friend, to aid my weakness, to reveal my Saviour's glory to my mind, to apply the memory of familiar truth, to lead me into profounder knowledge, to remove the load from my conscience, to heal my wounded heart, and to waft my affections like incense towards heaven in songs and prayers. Yet He must be the Spirit of truth, to rebuke all falsehood; of holiness, to consume all sin ; and of peace and love which cannot abide where anger flashes or temper frets. “A temple of the Holy Ghost.” So let my poor heart be, filled with the incense-breath of heaven. “A temple of the Holy Ghost." So let each Christian assembly be, near the gates of the New Jerusalem, lighted up with its glory and within hearing of its songs.

The declared purpose of eternal Love is that we should be “conformed to the image of His Son." Nothing was more distinctive of that image than prayer. This was His very life-breath, and His whole being was absorbed in devotion. The undevout can have no part with Jesus. In proportion as our souls are swallowed up in supplication and praise shall we be the sons of God. This sonship is in the Spirit: “ Because ye are sons, God hath sent forth the Spirit of His Son into your hearts, crying, Abba, Father.” The life of devotion in believers is the life of the Holy Ghost, and He is the Spirit of Christ. Not merely did our Lord procure Him by His merits, and impart Him in proof of His own exaltation, but the conduct and character of Jesus was the unceasing effluence of the Spirit. Wherever, therefore, the Spirit of His Son dwells and works, there the Divine Father sees the same look of trustful and reverent love as He once saw in Jesus of Nazareth. There He feels the same pulse as He once felt throbbing in the bosom of the Man of sorrows, and there He hears the same tones as were wont to ascend to Him from the lonely mountain and dark Gethsemane. Nothing can be more welcome to the Father's heart. It arrests His attention, wins audience, and commands a blessing. The Saviour said, “I knew that Thou hearest me always." We may have the same confidence, and shall in proportion as we have the same Spirit. In memory of this, how ineffably consoling the record, “How much more shall your heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to them that ask Him?"

UNCLE JOHNSON, THE PILGRIM OF SIX SCORE YEARS. It is still the custom in some towns “Uncle Johnson” was of purely of the West, as well as in New | African descent. His full name was England, to announce the death of Johnson Harrison-the Harrison, as individuals by measured strokes of he said, being his master's name in the bell, each stroke marking a year | Virginia, and the Johnson his own; of the life of the deceased.

for which reason he preferred being Not long since, the inhabitants of called by the latter. Y-- wearied and wondered in The following evidence, collected counting the strokes of the bell, as from frequent conversations with it told first the number of infancy, him respecting his age, lead us to then of childhood, then of manhood, conclude that his death occurred in then of old age, and still tolled on his one hundred and twentieth year. to a number beyond even the latter His first master felt that his ser in all common experience. But the vants were, in some sense, memberi wonder who had died passed away | of his family, and recorded theii ere the counting had reached one names in the family Bible. The old hundred and twenty; for all knew man remembered seeing oppositi that “ UNCLE JOHNSON" had at last his name 1745. The month he could gone home.

not recall. In confirmation of thi That venerable relic of a long past great age which such a date would generation was one of our most inti give him, as he lived to the year mate neighbours for years, living in 1864, he said that he was a mai a cabin upon a lot which joined the grown when sent out to throw fire back end of our own. From our balls in the evening because of thi study-window we could look down joyful news of the signing of thi upon his garden, and we had no diffi Declaration of Independence. Con culty in becoming familiar with the cerning the events of the revolu tenor of his life.

tionary war, so far as they occurred upon the line of the James River, 1 tears began to trickle down the old Virginia, he was familiar. General man's cheeks.) “ An' den dar com'd Washington was frequently at his along dat man dat died an' den master's house, and his master was com'd to life again, an' he tell de a member of the first assembly. He slaves 'bout Jesus. Oh, what was said, “ De last time I seed de general | he name? I don't mind now.” 'twas when de war was ober, I baited I suggested William Tennent. de general's horse in de yard while "Oh, yes, massa! Willie Tennent! he takes dinner wid de masser." Glory to God! I been tryin' to tink

He stated also that he was about ob dat name these many years. I thirty before he was allowed to have knowed I should know him in glory; a wife; that he lived with her fifty but now I will call him by name jus' years; then for several years had as soon as I sees him. After I heard no wife; and his last wife, who died him how I did feel! When I was two years before him, said that she walking on de ground it would keep had lived with him twenty-eight sayin', Unworthy! Unworthy !' years. He also stated that he was When I took a bit ob bread, or a set free by his last master, and sent | cup of water, dey keep sayin,' Unto Canada, partly because he was worthy! Unworthy!' When I goes more than one hundred years old, into de yard I sees dat all de cattle and by right of age deserved to be kneels down afore they lies down, his own man. He accounted for his an' I neber done dat. Omassa, I long life in part by saying

thought I should die. I feel so "I neber worked bery hard. When bad." (Then he would go on in I was a boy I chored 'bout house, various terms to tell of his utter deden for about sixty years I blowed spair). “But bimbye dere com’d de gospel trumpet on the plantation along a coloured man who telled me for 'bout six months of de year, to des no use in my libin' dat way. make the slaves good and ’ligious; | He telled me ob de passage dat says, and I tell ye, massa, when I was in * Behold de Lamb of God dat takes my prime, say along 'bout eighty, I | away de sins ob de world;' an’den I could blow de old trumpet so dat goes into de woods, an' all night I dey could hear me for miles.”

cries, ʻO Lamb ob God, hab mercy on His own account of his early re- dis poor man;' an' I cries an' prays ligious knowledge and experience i disober an' ober; an', 0 massa! was nearly as follows:-

just as de light was coming ober de “I was quite a chunk of a boy mountains ob ole Virginie de light afore I hearn much about ’ligion ob Jesus shined into dis poor soul, afore I hearn much dis glorious an' from dat day on, now about a gospel. Once in 'bout a year one o' hundred years, I've been tryin' to dem clergy dat com'd ober de big tell to saints and sinners round water com'd round and preached up what a dear Saviour I have found.” all de funerals ob de slaves dat died. He was ever magnifying the grace sen he com'd afore, and sometimes I that rescued such a sinner as he, feels very bad den. But after a bit and that had sustained and comdere comed round one of de big forted him in his long and weary men from de college in de Jarseys,* pilgrimage. We have never known and he tellid us 'bout de matter one whose soul would so soon melt Werry solemn. But I know nothing | and flow down in the presence of den 'bout Jesus.” (And now the the great facts of infinite love and

This it seems probable was the eloquent President Davis. TA Presbyterian pastor of New Jersey, who once lay in a trance for three days. Partentars of this and other remarkable circumstances in his life are given in the "Memoirs of the Rev. W. Tennent," printed at York in 1822 by W. Alexander & Son.-ED.

mercy. The name of Jesus was the | at the end of his table with a humble greatest and best of all names to repast before him, while his hands him. Not unfrequently he would were lifted high in gratitude and utter that dear name over and over, praise. I said, “ You seem happy with tones and tears and gestures of this morning.” gratitude and praise.

“Oh, yes; Ellen went away to her One day, while he was at work in work, and so I gets me breakfast his garden, singing and shouting, I and den begins to say grace; an', 0 said, “ You seem happy to-day.” massa, de Lord am so good, seems I

“Yes, massa, I'se just tinking." neber will be done sayin' grace!”. “What are you thinking of ? " What a rebuke to those who sit

“Oh I'se just tinking” (and then down to loaded tables with no his emotions prevented utter | thought of their Benefactor! ance), “ I'se just tinking dat ef de Gratitude to God for His daily crumbs dat fall from the Masser's mercies was one of his most distinct table in dis world am so good, what peculiarities. If he received a gift will de GREAT LOAF in glory be? I from his neighbour, he ever evinced tells you, massa, dar will be 'nough | an appreciation of the kindness an' to spare dere.”

of the giver; and then, at once, At another time, when he seemed his eye would be lifted towards very happy, and I had heard him heaven, and some expressions shout, "Lord Jesus, will dere be one would clearly indicate his heart's for me?” I said

response to Him from whom we re. “ You are having a good time to ceive every good and perfect gift. day, uncle ?"

Many things received from time to He answered, “O massa, I was time were regarded by him and meditating 'bout Jesus bein' de car spoken of as if they came in answer penter; an' so He can make mansions to prayer. He said, “When I wants for His people in glory."

anything I asks de Lord, and He's And then, with uplifted face and sure to send it, sometimes afore I with tears he cried out, “ O Jesus, done asking, an' sometimes He waits will dar be one for me?"

jus' to see if I trusts Him." Once, after hearing him pray and Once, when we indicated a little sing at midnight while a thunder scepticism upon this subject, he said storm was passing, I said in the “Massa, don't you know dat de morning

Lord send de ravens to feed de pro “Was that you shouting so last phet ? Him is just as good now a night?"

den.” « Yes, massa, I 'spose."

We chanced to be present wher “Well, I thought the thunder one called with whom he was no made noise enough without your acquainted. After entering, ant hallooing."

shaking the old man by the hand He looked up with astonishment. he said, “Is this Uncle Johnson and said, “ Massa, do you tink I'se I have often heard of you, and hav goin' to lie dere on my bed like a meant sometime to see you. Bu great pig, when de Lord com'd as I was passing just now, somethin along shakin' de earth and de hea said to me, 'Go in there and giv vens? No, massa; when I hears the old man a dollar.' I said, the thun'er coming, I says, ' Ellen, can't do it;' and again somethin Ellen, wake up here; we's goin' to said, 'Go in there, I tell you, an hear from home ag'in.'”.

give him a dollar.' So here One morning, when I had heard is; get anything you please wit him for an hour or two, I went care-. fully to his door and saw him sitting | “Yes, massa, thank you, than

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you. I tought de Lord would send | “What makes you believe that ?" you dis afternoon. Sit down, sit “ Cause, massa, you knows dat de

Lord said so," quoting a passage or “No, not now, I am in a hurry. two. I hope you are getting along com

"Well, Uncle Johnson, you believe fortably. Good-bye.”

so and so ?” naming another doctrine "Hold ! hold! massa. Afore you seemingly antagonistic to the go I wants to know if you are bound former. for de kingdom? May be I'll neber “Yes, massa, I believes dat, too, see you again. Am you bound for 'cause de Lord said," and then he dat land of pure delight, where saints quoted again. immortal reign? Hab you de pass “But see here, uncle, both of these

things can't be true; you said you “The what?”

believed so and so, and also so and "De passport ? allsigned and sealed so. Now, how do you reconcile wid de blood of Jesus. You must these two things? they can't both be hab dat, mass', or you neber get fru true, in the nature of things; it is de gates ob de city.”

not philosophical that both should In some such manner as this he be true.” would improve every opportunity of And thus my friend went on atdoing good to those who came in tempting to confuse the old man his way, with perfect naturalness, with metaphysical subtleties. Uncle turning all conversation into a re Johnson heard him for awhile, ligious channel.

and then, lifting himself from his Nothing rejoiced him more than chair, and in a manner indicating to hear that sinners were inquiring grief and impatience, said, “ Massa, the way to the Saviour. Such I knows nothing about your philosotidings would make him weep for phies and your natur ob tings, but joy. Once, lifting his hands, he I knows dat de Lord said dem cried, “O Lord, call dem in. O, tings, an' I hab tried the Lord more Lord, make them willin' in de day of than a hundred years (weeping), dy power.”

and I'se not going now to gib up Once, in illustrating that sinners one ting dat He said.Having said should be more in earnest, he said, this he sat down. “Many tink dey be seeking 'ligion, My friend turned and said to me and dey be jus' putting it off all de in a low tone, " That will do; I give time; dey must lay right down to it, | it up.” jus' as de hos would to de dray, or A great sorrow overtook him in dey neber can get free. You know the death of his wife, who rapidly de gate is narrow-'tis mighty nar but very trustfully descended into row!

the valley of the shadow of death. His confidence in the word of God | Returning from an evening appointwas unbounded. Let him be sure ment, we were told that she was that the Lord had said anything, | dying. Hastening over, we found and nothing could shake his faith in that the spirit had just taken its deit. We were mentioning this fact to parture; and then we saw and heard a friend one day just as we were what we can never adequately degoing over to call on the old man. ! scribe. So, after having been there awhile, What a figure of grief and triumph my friend said, “ Uncle Johnson, in the presence of the stillness and you believe so and so?” naming solemnity of death! This aged one, some fundamental doctrine of the standing by the bedside of the lifegospel.

less form of his wife, with uplifted “ Yes, massa, I believes dat." | face and hands, was crying, "Fare

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