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after such an exercise in prayer.” The clergymen were much exhausted, nevertheless two of them agreed to his proposition. He proposed that they should occupy distinct rooms till twelve. This being done, they met for social supplication.

The two remarked as they met, one to the other, “I have had remarkable freedom in prayer, and I believe light will beam from some quarter, I know not where.” While they were in prayer a loud rap was heard upon the door of the house. A messenger from the dwelling of the accuser was there, with an urgent entreaty that they would come immediately thither. On entering her apartment, she addressed them, saying, “ I have sinned. He is perfectly innocent.” By circumstances which she related, all were convinced that she then told the truth. She had been suddenly prostrated by disease, which terminated fatally. Her statements were given to the public. Great fear fell upon the people. A most powerful revival of religion ensued. The man of God was heard with great effect long after, as he ministered at the altar, living in the respect of all, and died in the sweetness of Christian assurance, leaning his head upon the arm of Jesus. And to this day many remember well the emphasis with which these words were quoted in that region : namely, “Verily there is a reward for the righteous ; verily He is a God that judgeth in the earth.”

WHAT THE FLOWER-POT COVERED. "What a beautiful place!” said I a little child. Then I understood it to myself, as I walked out into the all! The little one, more precious grounds of my friend. It was early than all these flowers and grounds, in the morning, when the dews were the only child, had lately been caron the flowers, and the rays of the ried away by unseen hands. It was new sun were just glinting through among the dead; and the mother in the trees, and the birds were flutter her walks, had found the print of its ing and singing in their gladness. little foot, and had carefully (oh, The walks were smooth and perfect, how carefully !) covered it with this and if there were fairies in these flower-pot. How often she had lifted days, I felt sure they would love to it up with tears can never be known. dwell here. In the laying out of But I felt that I had almost done a the grounds and in the choice and wrong to lift it up. It was not for cultivation of the flowers, nothing my eye. was to be desired more perfect. In O mother, who but He who one of the walks among the flowers, created the heart can know anything I noticed a large flower-pot, turned of the agony which thou hast felt! bottom upward. It seemed in the They call thee childless, but it is way, and out of place, and I won- | not so. When in thy dreams thou dered at the carelessness of the gar stretchest out thy arms for the little dener who had left it there. But one, the heart feels it. When thou perhaps there was a reason for it. sittest down, its beautiful face smiles So I stooped down and carefully in thy memory; and when thou lifted it up, and there, in the soil, walkest forth, its little footsteps plain to be seen, was the footprint of patter by thy side. It lives fresh

and green to thy memory, and will | grow up like the sons of Eli and never cease to live there. Other Samuel-to be a curse to their mothers will have all their children | generation. grow up and pass out of childhood, Perhaps He sees that the child but thou wilt never be without a will never be able to resist the little child! Thou mayest live and temptations of life, but will yield, grow old, it may be, but the child become a sorrow to that mother will live a child still, just as it heavier far than the sorrow over the drooped and withered in thine arms dead. -a child still till thou meetest it in Perhaps He sees that he would heaven! These bright and early not only become wicked himself, but dead, how we love them! The golden would tempt the innocent and ruin tresses of childhood seem to wave many for ever. before our eyes, and the tunes and And perhaps the blessed Redeemechoes of their voices seem to ring er says: “Now I will do a kinder in our ears, as long as we live! Why thing for that beautiful child than are they taken away so early ?

to leave it in that sinful, sorrowful Perhaps to show us that men are world. I will take it at once to my not created for this world, and that own bosom, and place it where it for the great end of their creation it shall be educated by angels, and led

by saints in glory. It shall share in stay here a few days or seventy years. my redemption without the struggles

Perhaps God sees that if they lived 1 of earth, and shall never have a thing here they have bodies so delicately | to remember and regret!” And so formed that they would only pass, His own fingers lift the latch as life in pain and anguish, and they death enters the chamber, and His are taken away from the evils to own arms receive it. The little footcome.

prints are left on earth for a few Perhaps He sees that the parents days, but the little feet are walking have not strength or principle enough the golden streets of the New Jeruto restrain them; and they would I salem.”

Do thy little, do it well,
Do what right and reason tell ;
Do what wrong and sorrow claim,
Conquer sin and cover shame.
Do thy little, never mind
Though thy brethren be unkind,
Though the men who ought to smile
Mock and taunt thee for a while.
Do thy little, never fear
While thy Saviour standeth near :
Let the world its javelins throw,
On thy way, undaunted, go.
Do thy little, canst thou count
All the atoms of the mount?
Canst thou tell how many be
All the wavelets of the sea ?

Every little God will take,
And of all will wisely make
Mountain-paths to climb the sky,
Seas to drown our misery.
Do thy little, God has made
Million leaves for forest shade.
Smallest stars their glory bring,
God employeth everything.
Do thy little, and when thou
Feelest on thy pallid brow,
Ere has fled thy vital breath,
Cold and damp the sweat of death :-
Then the little thou hast done,
Little battles thou hast won,
Little masteries achieved,
Little wants with care relieved,
Little words in love expressed,
Little wrongs at once confessed,
Little favours kindly done,
Little toils thou didst not shun,
Little graces meekly worn,
Little slights with patience borne;--
These shall crown thy pillowed head,
Holy light upon thee shed.
These are treasures that shall rise
Far beyond the smiling skies.
These to thee shall all be given
For thy heritage in heaven.
These shall all perfume the air
When thy spirit enters there.
Yet they still will linger here,
And thy name shall long endear,
For a legacy shall be
In their deathless memory.

OUR MISSIONS.-AMONG BARBARIANS. The missionary work on the Came | the gathering. Canoes were sent up roons river, on the west coast of the country to purchase palm wine; Africa, is carried on amongst a people a large supply of rum was secured sunk in the lowest depths of bar from the English vessels, and much barism. With their gross supersti provisions from the country around. tions is united the most horrible Eating and drinking are the life and cruelty, and at certain seasons every soul of their gatherings and of every bad human passion is displayed. false religion, and not a little of what Among their customs is one which they have at such times is stolen progoes by the name of elung. It is perty. The great rendezvous for the very foolish, but at the same time is people was immediately behind our popular, and exercises a powerful in- house, and adjoining our meetingfluence over the minds. Mr. Robert | house. Between twelve and one Smith thus describes it :

o'clock in the day, several canoes “Great preparations were made for 1 of men arrived from other parts of

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the river, accompanied by firing of a foolish and sleepy condition; but guns, beating of drums, and every after well bathing themselves they other foolishness imaginable. When | gradually dispersed to their several the time for our afternoon service towns, amidst the same noise and had arrived, so great was the noise foolishness. I was pleased and thankand confusion, that we were com ful to see that King Bell seemed to pelled to hold our service in the keep himself separate from them: he house and piazza. By sundown was at our service that afternoon, several hundred men must have which was the more gratifying, as I arrived; and throughout the whole had not seen him venture to God's evening and night, and until day house before. The following day, a light the next morning, the strange vast number of females held the meetnoises, singing, and howling, were | ing and dance; it was painful to see only such as heathen people could what violent exertions they went make. Sleep was out of the ques through. When we look at them tion. Nobody but the members of in their foolish superstitions and that fraternity was allowed out after childlike follies, we ask, Can these

be converted from the error of their “Fearing lest they should do some ways? We turn to our Church damage to our premises, I kept members and remember-such were watch, and was walking with a good some of these! Therefore we labour stick in my hand, not far from my on, believing that God will, ere long, door, when two large canoes came pour out a copious blessing." along by our beach. On seeing me As the mission-house is in the on the hill, they demanded who I was, midst of the people, the missionary's and when told, they threatened to labours are often interrupted by the throw me over the cliff and burn the noises they make. When people die house down. I smiled at their folly, there is often great confusion, firing and when they found that I was not of guns, and drunkenness among to be frightened by their threats, the friends of the survivors. One they gave further vent to their feel Lord's-day, Mr. Smith tells us, a mar ings in many curses, and went about of some influence died. A great dance their business. I could see through was got up, and the services were the darkness that they had something interrupted by the shouting, the sing large and covered with a white cloth | ing,and the firing of guns and cannon in their canoe. I saw the same thing Not seldom those who are converte again during the night; it looked have to pass through great affliction like a man under an immense crino by which their faith and constanc line, with a figure-head, covered with are sorely tried. Thus at Dido Towi white, buff, and gaudy trappings. a man and his wife have been bar This foolish thing represented their tized, and seven inquirers forme elung, and they were afraid of my into a class. Now all these pod seeing it and exposing their folly. people are slaves, held in bondag Had it been a Cameroons man instead by men of their own race, by th of myself, doubtless he would have chiefs or principal men of the town been beaten almost to death. At and are therefore subject to the ci one time during the night we were price of their masters. At the bi very much startled by some of these ginning of April, three of the me drunken fellows beating the zinc had their clothes torn from ther plates of our house; not knowing their wives were confined to a hous their intentions, I seized my gun, their little property taken away, ar and would have fired over their their huts locked up. The reaso heads, but they were off instantly. the chief had for this oppressive co The next morning the men looked in duct was his jealousy of his peop going into his neighbour's town to prisoned. Nevertheless the perseworship. He also feared that he cuted ones stand fast in the faith, and should lose the services of his slaves. the cruelty of their enemies is in vain. Some of the converts have been com But it is amid such scenes of human pelled to drink some country drink, passion that our brethren are diliwhich, in their superstition, the peo gently labouring, slowly impressing ple swear by, saying they will not go on the people the knowledge of into their neighbour's town to wor Divine things. Frequently do they ship, where the meeting-house hap risk their lives in their endeavour to pens to be. Three of the converts stop the shedding of blood, and to refused to take the oath, in conse rescue some poor creatures from dequence of which the woman is put grading servitude. But the Lord into chains, and the two men are im- | is their refuge and their defence.

NEWS OF THE CHURCHES. WITH much pleasure we find room , circulars. To furnish the houses we for the following communication from need £400 additional. This amount the Treasurer and Secretary of the we seek from Christian ladies in Spurgeon Testimonial Fund: "Per London and the country: they are mit us again in the columns of the always known as the friends of the Church to present a statement and orphan. Towards this fund we ask appeal on behalf of the two orphan donations of money, and also of houses now being erected with the goods suitable for sale. A bazaar, money which was lately presented worthy of the Metropolitan Taberas a testimonial to our brother the nacle and its large-hearted pastors Rev.C. H. Spurgeon. At that large and friends, is to be held in Septemmeeting held on the Orphanage ber. At the suggestion of the Rev. Grounds, June 1st, we were honoured C. H. Spurgeon one stall will be by having the task remitted to us to allotted for the sale of goods contriraise the funds requisite to complete buted for this express object. We the houses and to furnish them. “We hope contributions of all kinds will accept the task as a privilege. In | be sent in for this purpose. The our first appeal to the Churches we encouraging success of the past, asked for £1100. At that time we the magnificent gathering on the 1st supposed this amount would cover June--the love felt for Mr. Spurthe cost; but the houses will be on geon and his great work and the & larger scale, and there will be object itself-make us feel confident room for sixty instead of forty boys. of a hearty response, and a successful The total cost will be £1600. Up to termination of our work.” June 26th we had received £1360. We have much pleasure in inThe expenses of printing, postage, forming our readers, that after and advertising have been three per constant effort and inquiry, a site cent. We were, therefore, nearly has at last been secured for a new

400 deficient. We ask those mission house in connection with Churches in London, and others in the Baptist Missionary Society. It the country, which have not yet con- | is situated in Castle Street, Holborn, tributed, to help us at once, and and possesses the advantages of heartily: We are hopeful that they | ample space, great quiet, and easiwill do so. We should be glad to ness of access from Holborn, Chanreceive their help without the neces- cery Lane, Fleet Street, is near the sity and expense of another issue of railway stations in Farringdon Street

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