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abiding here seems so needful for us, shocks the inmost soul, and un. belief may stir a momentary murmur; but faith soon triumphs, and induecs the patriarchal solace, “ The Lord gave, and the Lord taket! away ; blessed be the name of the Lord.” Many a reader, doubtless has felt the pang of such a bereavement, either by a sudden breaking of the silver cord, or a gradual taking down of the earthly tabernacle to such we recommend the reflection of the pious Bishop Hall, “ Thor hast lost a dear wife, the wife of thy youth, the desire of thine eyes Did ye not take one another on the terms of re-delivery, when yoi should be called for? Were you not in the very knitting put in min of your dissolution ? Were not these the words, “Till death us d part’? Knowest thou not there was a pre-contract betwixt th Saviour and her soul, and wilt thou not allow Him to call for a con summation of that happy match ? If thou lovest her as a Christian envy her not that better Husband above, who gives her no less dowry than a happy immortality.” I will only add the testimony appender to one of these memorials of a departed wife, exhibiting an example worthy of imitation :

- She loved Christ in childhood;
Lived by faith upon Him;
Was saved by grace alone,.

And is now with Jesus.” I observe, also, various memorials of aged Christians, fathers an mothers in Israel. Some were rich, and were faithful stewards of the Lord's money, in whose dying pillows covetousness had planted n piercing thorns; they could say without boasting, but by grace Divint ão When the ear heard me, then it blessed me; and when the eye sav me, it gave witness to me: because I delivered the poor that cried, ani the fatherless, and him that had none to help him. The blessing him that was ready to perish came upon me; and I caused the widow heart to sing for joy." If a rich and aged Christian should read thi can he say the same? And will the poor, the widow, and the father less, the minister and members of the Church standing around hi grave, make the place of burial a Bochim with their tears and lamenta tions, as they remember his almsgivings, and his generous outgushir benevolence to the cause of Christ ? Happy are such aged saints wl 6 come to their grave in a full age, like as a shock of corn cometh in i his season !" Others of our departed friends of more than foursco years were poor in this world, but rich in faith ; they had no fear of the bank failing; their shares in the heavenly inheritance were all paid 1 long ago on Calvary, and were as safe as the everlasting covenar The Bible and hymn-book comprised their library; scanty items lil those of the prophet's chamber described the inventory of their furi ture; and though sometimes in their pilgrimage they, like an ancie sister whose name was “Much Afraid,” had their seasons of despon ency, yet like her, “when the time was come for them to depart, th went cheerfully to the brink of the river, crying, 'Farewell night; wi come day!'" Surely the writer thought, standing by such deathbet as their spirits ascended to their mansions in the skies, "all the bells in the city rang for joy,” and it was said unto them, “Enter ye into the joy of your Lord.”

Another of these silent monitors calls to mind one with whom, some sixty years ago, the writer stood side-by-side as a Sunday-school teacher. His memorial card shows that he died in the seventy-sixth year of his age, and that, “ He rests from his labours." We tarry for a moment, from this example of steadfast perseverance in the good work, to urge upon Sunday-school teachers not " to be weary in well-doing,” for this | devoted servant of God, when settled in life, and exercised with the

cares of business, did not, as many do, abandon the Sunday-school, in addition to which also, he “served the office of a deacon well.” It is pleasing doubtless to witness youthful piety consecrated to this department of Christian enterprise ; but it commands our veneration and esteem in a special degree, to behold the fathers and mothers in Israel, still, with “the ruling passion strong,” giving their riper experience, example, and service to the work of the Sunday-school.

But we linger a moment longer, with peculiar interest to reflect on the accumulated memorials of departed ministers. Looking at these, the writer feels like one who has been long on the battle-field, and whose earlier comrades, one by one, have fallen by his side. Some of these fell early in the conflict; they had just put on the armour as "good soldiers of Jesus Christ," when they were called to quit the field. To us such dispensations are involved in a mystery which only the light of heaven will fully unfold; yet even now we are consoled by the thought that they are only removed to a more exalted sphere of activity, where they serve the same Lord “day and night in His temple.” Thus the removal of young and eminent ministers, apparently In the prime of their usefulness, ceases to be so impenetrably mysterious ; and while we mourn the loss of their service to the Church below, faith, looking within the veil, rejoices to recognise their ministry

in heaven.

Others, in the meridian of their days, and with the promise of long years of holy service in the sanctuary, have left weeping Churches, and bereaved families, to mourn the loss of the pastor, parent, guide, and trend. Thus Elijah ascends to heaven, and Elisha cries, “My father, my father ! the chariots of Israel, and the horsemen thereof." But Filisha takes up the falling mantle, and notwithstanding the ravages of death, the great Head of the Church maintains a true prophetic and apostolic succession, the broken ranks are filled up, the sword that falls from the hand of one is grasped by that of another, and still the holy war continues with no doubtful result. When we, too, are called away, the Lord of hosts can prepare standard bearers of holier resolve and higher courage, for conflicts sharper than the Church has yet known, put which will all terminate in the triumphant acclamation, “ Thine, O Lord, is the greatness, and the power, and the glory, and the victory, and the majesty : for all that is in the heaven and in the earth is Thine;

ine is the kingdom, O Lord, and Thou art exalted as head above all.”

It only remains to remark that while these memorials remind us of those who have been summoned from their earthly service when the dew of their youth was upon them, some at noon in the heat and burden of the day, others have passed the boundary of their threescore years and ten. The day with them was far spent, the shadows of the evening had fallen around them, and in a good old age they were gathered as shocks of corn ripened for the heavenly garner. Just as the pen had written thus far, as if to deepen the solemnity of these reflections, the memorial card arrived, announcing the departure of the Rev. John Alexander, of Norwich, the father of Nonconformist ministers in the eastern counties, who, after serving his generation by the will of God, fell asleep in Jesus, July 31st, in the seventy-fifth year of his age, fifty of which were spent in the same city proclaiming the unsearchable riches of Christ. With what joyous greetings will such venerated saints be welcoined by their spiritual children who had gone before them! What re-unions and mutual recognitions must enhance the felicities of their Father's house! It is no wonder that when dear old Bunyan caught a glimpse of the holy city, and they that walked the golden streets, and heard them singing withont intermission, “Holy, holy, holy is the Lord !” we say, it is no wonder he should exclaim, “ Which when I had seen, I wished myself among them.”

Reader! How soon may a memorial card convey to loving friends the tidings of thine own departure! Whither then art thou going? Looking over these sombre messengers (and you may make it a profitable study) you will be reminded that childhood, youth, manhood, and old age, are alike incident to death. Oh then, “ Prepare to meet thy God !” and for this, know how indispensable is the possession of a new heart,—“Repentance towards God, and faith in our Lord Jesus Christ." Having these inwrought by the Holy Spirit, it matters not what age may be engraved on your tomb, you will sleep in Jesus, to wake in heaven, where these emblems of parting are unknown; for no mourners go about the golden streets of the New Jerusalem. The properties of that city being health without sickness, union without separation, and life without death. And what a life! Life with Jesus! That we may all, through sovereigu grace, participate in that blissful consummation, is the prayer of

Yours affectionately,

CORNELIUS ELVEN. Bury St. Edmund's.


FOR THE YOUNG. "I NEVER shall forget it, as long | sweet tones, "forgive, that you may as I live.”

be forgiven.” “O brother!” was heard in Susy's! "I have forgiven him, but I can never forget it, and will not, either, 1 “What has he done, Harry?” so there;” and with face flushed and The quiet tones were like oil to the voice trembling with passion, Harry troubled spirit of the boy. Macy passed through the doorway “Why, mother, you know how into the sitting-room of their hum much Walter and I have been togeble home. Flinging his cap on a ther, and that I thought as much chair, he threw himself down on the of him as if he had been my own bed, with his face in the pillow. brother. Well, to-day, when school

"Sunbeam Susy," as every one was done, all the boys were coming called his sister, moved about with

through the little grove, and in fun à noiseless step, but clouded face, I caught off his cap, and tossed it preparing their simple meal. It up in the air. Instead of coming grieved her to see her brother's down again, it caught on one of the usually bright face overshadowed. branches so high up that none of us

In his excitement, Harry had not could reach it. I was really sorry noticed on entering, that an inner as soon as I had done it, but before door of the room stood partially I could say any thing, Walter had open, revealing a small room, the got so angry. And then he began bed in such a position that any one to taunt me with being lame, and in it could see as well as hear all that worse than that, he called us . pautook place in the outer room.

pers,' and said I ought to be ashamed After a silence of some length, to be going to school, when you were a feeble voice was heard calling, living on other people. I got angry “ Harry." There was no answer.

then, and told him that was a lie, He was too busy yet with thoughts and he knew it, and then I ran off of the injury done him, to heed any without waiting for the rest. I don't thing about him.

care for being called 'lame boy,' but "Harry.” This time he heard, | to call you and Susy that, and before and rising, went into the little room. all the boys too, O mother, it was so

" Harry, my dear, will you not unkind. I shall never forget it." tell your mother what troubles you?" Utter silence reigned for some

The boy hesitated. The evil pride minutes, for Harry, as he ceased of his nature was as yet hardly sub speaking, had buried his face in the dued enough to make him willing to side of his mother's pillow. Preown, even to his mother, that he had sently Mrs. Macy spoke. “Harry, been so greatly in fault as he now have you had your supper?" felt to be the case. But the quiet “No, mother.” peace about him, the little chamber “Well, go now, and when you are $0 neat and clean, the windows part all ready for bed, you and Susy may y raised, and the white curtains come in, and I will tell you a story." drawn, letting the golden sunbeams Supper being eaten, the wood and play hide and seek through the water for the next morning brought boughs of the blossoming apple in, and the little kitchen put in pertree just outside, and above all, the fect order, Susy and Harry went insweet, patient face of his mother, as to their mother's room, and seating she waited an answer to her ques

themselves at the foot of the bed, tion, decided him.

waited for the story she had proO mother!” he burst forth, mised. "Walter Ferris has been so mean, “I have no recollection of either so unkind to me to-day. I never | my mother or father. All my childwant to see him again ; ' and as the hood was spent with my grandscene recurred to his mind, his face father, in the little village of Orton. again became flushed and his tones | He, as I have told you before, was excited.

the sexton of the old ivy-grown

church which stood at the edge of idly picking it up, I saw on it, 'Nelthe hamlet, and I often accompanied lie Ormsby, aged 14. Grandfather him to the great bell-tower, whither had not noticed me, and I could he went to send forth the summons scarcely utter the words, 'What does to the worship of God, to ring the it mean?' But he heard me, and peal for the happy bride, or to toll stopped his work to answer, 'Yes, the passing bell for the departing the dear child died last night; it?

As I grew older, part of my days was very sudden. You will miss) were spent at the village school, her. Without a word, I lay with where I became warmly attached to my face on the grass, till, his work Nellie Ormsby. We were scarcely all finished and his tools gathered separated an hour, except for our up, he said it was time to go home meals and at night. Companions in Not even looking up, I replied, 'Let school and out, we were completely me be now, I want to think,' and 88 opposite in our characters, as will often he turned away alone, I thought be found in intimate friends;—she, | heard him say, 'It will do her goo one of those sweet, loving lambs of the to think.' flock, with whom it seemed impossi “I did think; and as I stood by ble to connect any thought of evil: the next day, and saw them I, on the contrary, proud, self-willed, Nellie away in her last home, thoug and envious. I wonder now that my heart ached with the longing one of her nature could love one ask her forgiveness for my unkin like me.

words, I felt I had the forgivene “One day, when just about Harry's of my heavenly Father, and the age, we were returning from school with His grace I would subdue me with some of our schoolmates. All wicked disposition. Sad as the the wicked feelings in me had been collection of this incident is to m aroused that day by a public and I have related it to you, Harry well-merited reproof from my teach- hoping it may prove a warning er, and by the preference she had you not to yield to that pride ar shown for Nellie. In my anger I temper which are your besett vented it all on my innocent play- / sins. “Remember, my dear boy, N mate. Never shall I forget her look that is slow to anger is better the as I accused her of being glad I was ! the mighty, and he that ruleth punished, and said that I would spirit than he that taketh a city. never speak to her again. She said As he leaned over his mother t nothing, but looked, oh! so sad. give her his usual good-night kis

“The next day I started on a visit she said to him softly, “Can yo toan aunt, living a few miles distant, pray to-night, 'Forgive us our tre meaning to be gone two weeks. passes, as we forgive those wl But the time passed heavily, and I trespass against us'p Have yo felt glad when the visit came to an

forgiven Walter ?”. end. When I reached home I could "I have forgiven him so mar find no one in the house, and I went times, mother, for he often does u to the graveyard in search of my kind things to me, sometimes mea grandfather. He was a short dis ing to make me angry, and som tance back of the church, digging a times without meaning to. Ai grave, and I seated myself on the when he gets over it, he always sa grass to watch and talk with him. I was too proud to ask him anything

he's sorry, but this time I do n

know.” about Nellie. “Near where I was sitting lay one

“Our Saviour said, 'But I sayu of the little boards used for marking

to thee, Not seven times, but seven

times seven. Good-night, no the head and foot of a grave, and | Don't forget to ask for strengta

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