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enable you to 'forgive, that so you may be forgiven.""

The next evening, as Harry came in from school, his mother's inquiring look was answered by a happy smile as he said, “How glad I am, mother, that I forgave Walter! I overtook him just before I reached the schoolhouse door, and told him

how sorry I was I had made him so much trouble yesterday with his cap, and that I had spoken to him as I did. “And then he said he had been feeling so badly, because he thought I certainly would not be his friend now, after his unkind conduct

to me. But we are better friends than | ever, and I am so happy.”

THE THREE WONDERS. ABOUT the close of the last century, the Rev. Ebenezer Brown, of Inverkeithing, Scotland, went to London, in order to be present at a large missionary meeting; and being there on the Sabbath, he had an opportunity of preaching in the metropolis, and of witnessing London manners. A journey from Scotland to the great city at that period was of much rarer occurrence than it is now, and would have been regarded as an important event in one's lifetime. Mr. Brown felt it so, and as he had an opportunity of seeing many things not commonly known at home, he resolved to give his people the benefit of his experience.

On the first Sunday after his return, he took occasion to state, in the course of his forenoon sermon :-"My friends, I have three wonders to tell you of to-day, which I saw when in London ;” and then went on with his discourse without further reference to the matter, finished the sermon, and concluded the service by prayer and praise and the benediction, in the usual way. In leaving the church, many looks were cast at the worthy minister, as much as to say, "You have forgotten to tell us the three wonders.” The thing got wind in the village, in the interval, and there was a large turn-out in the afternoon,—the church being completely filled by the time Mr. Brown made his appearance. All was expectation, and the people were not doomed to disappointment a second time. After concluding the public worship, Mr. Brown said, “ Well, my friends, I am now to tell you the three wonders I saw in London.” With that all the people sat down in breathless silence. . “The first wonder I have to tell I saw in London is, when I came into the pulpit in the morning, the folks were a' waiting on me; I did na need to wait for them; and I never saw the like o' that in Inverkeithing. The second wonder I have to tell you I saw in London is, that when I was drawing the prayer to a conclusion, there was no Jostling, and making a noise and sitting down ; they a' stood till I said Amen; and I never saw the like o' that in Inverkeithing. And the third wonder I have to tell you I saw in London is, that there was nae Teaching for hats, and a' bundling up o' Bibles, when the last psalm was a-singing, and no a' coming down the stairs when the blessing Was being pronounced ; but they a' waited till the Amen, and then they

down a wee; and I never saw the like o' that in Inverkeithing till this afternoon.'''

OUR MISSIONS.-HEATHENS COMING TO CHRIST. In the north-east of Bengal, and to | our nation ever heard, the way to be the north-west of Assam, is found a saved.' Thus they patiently worked tribe of people called Gáros. They on alone for more than two years. are not numerous, probably 70,000 On one occasion, some of the boys in number, and are supposed to of the school cut two or three small represent a portion of the most bamboos on one of the hills sacred ancient inhabitants of India; but of to the worship of their imaginary their origin they can give no account. | deities. It so happened that the They have no written character, and rains were later than usual, and the they differ in language, in manners, crops greatly suffered. The heathen and customs from all the races about Gáros declared that their deities them. They build their wooden were offended by the cutting of the houses on piles. They seem to have | bamboos, and therefore the rains lost the knowledge of the existence were withheld to destroy their crops. of one Supreme Being, and worship Come on,' said they, let us go the objects of nature. They have and cut up these Christians, and neither temples nor images; but burn their village, and so appease they recognise inferior deities, whose the deities. But just then the vengeance they dread, who are with | heavens gave rain plenteously, and out pity or love for mankind. To they gave over their project. Aupropitiate these dreadful beings, gust 25th, 1866, a third Gáro, who they offer animals in sacrifice, and a | had been studying for several wealthy man will sometimes make months at Nowgong, was baptized himself poor to obtain their favour and added to the assistants. On

A few years ago, Mr. Bion preached reaching the Garo field, he wrote exin the bazaar of Gowalpára. Of the | pressing great joy at seeing seventy tracts he distributed some fell into of his countrymen kneeling together the hands of Gáro pupils in the in Christian worship on the Sabbath. Government school. They were read About this time I received a letter and pondered. Some of them were signed by eight Gáros of different led to Gowhatty, where our Ameri villages, to the effect that they had can brethren have a missionary heard from the lips of their two station for the conversion of the countrymen the way of salvation Assamese. In February, 1863, two through Jesus Christ. At first they were baptized, and in the following | ridiculed, but now they partly beyear they began to preach the Gos lieved; but they had nearly depel to their countrymen. Mr. Bron- stroyed themselves by the worship son, of the American mission, thus of false gods. They wished to hear describes the first effects of their from my lips whether these things devout and earnest effort :

were really so, and closed by begging “At first they met with constant me to visit them.” ridicule and reproach. What!' The visit of the missionary was a the people would say, “You a Gáro, most gratifying one. He found that born of a Gáro mother, do you pre- a Christian chapel had been built, sume to know more than all the that many had abandoned their Gáro nation and come to teach us heathen rites, and many proofs exreligion?' 'True,' the assistants isted of the power of the word. After would reply, 'we are only Gáros; examination, twenty-seven men and but hear a moment, what none of women were baptized, a church was formed, and a pastor set over ' “ Several had asked Omed for them. About to leave the next day, | baptism; but, anticipating our visit, Mr. Bronson was delayed by the he had requested them to wait. following scene :

During the week of our stay, twenty"I arose early, and entered the five men were examined and bapchapel to say a few last words. But tized. A baptismal scene, always I found the chapel crowded. One interesting to the Christian, how of the principal men of the village much more this to me! On either was weeping, and expostulating with side of the narrow valley where the the native pastor, as follows: 'I too village stands is a mountain stream. am a Christian. When the heathen A dam had been thrown across one, Gáros threatened to kill us, I was about twenty rods from the chapel, obliged to flee for my life, but I did which formed the baptistery. The not turn back. I detest heathen sun shone bright and clear berites. I believe in Jesus Christ the tween the high hills upon that Saviour. My mind is made up; 1 quiet day and scene. The entire and why may I not be baptized, and village lined the banks of the benumbered with Christ's disciples?'

stream, clad in their clean white So felt others. I saw that my work garments. Here and there were was not done; so I called the Church groups of wild and almost naked together again, and we listened to Gáros from the hills, on their way to other requests for baptism, and the a market in the plains. They pause reasons for desiring it. Ten other

to witness the scene. Omed, the persons, well spoken of by the assist pastor, being unwell, the ordinance ants were received and baptized that was performed by Mr. Bronson and morning, making with the three 'myself, baptizing each every other assistants, a Church of forty mem one. As we passed in and out of bers. Then in a body they made

this Jordan, engaged in this delight.. entreaty for a school. We wish ful work, we sang in the Assamese our children to be taught. Here are hymns such asforty-nine boys and girls for a

“There is beyond the sky.' school. We wish to have our girls “We'll try to prove faithful.' taught as well as the boys. So I What poor, despised company' gladly appointed one of their number, formerly a pupil in the Government “In the evening of this day we school, at Gowalpára, as Pundit, observed the Lord's Supper. It was and supplied them with elementary witnessed for the first time by the books. The monthly reports show most of the seventy-two Gáro Christhat the attendance is good. Two tians present. One year ago only new schools have been started. three baptized Gáros-now, eighty"Only Gáro teachers among Gáros,' one, in all! A nation awakening 18 our rule. As fast as suitable from ignorance and darkness most teachers can be qualified, it is pro profound! Oh, the wondrous power posed to establish schools at all the of simple faith in Jesus as the Saviour Háts, and work gradually into the of sinners-as my Saviour! Look hills, as Providence may open the at this company around the Lord's door."

Table, seated upon mats on the Since this, Mr. Bronson has been ground-seventy-two Gáros! Fifty obliged to return to America, but at least, including all the females the good work has been proceeding present, witness for the first time with increasing power under the this Supper. As I pass the elements, guidance of his successor. Mr. Stod- assisted by Omed, what silence ward thus reports the result of a | reigns ! Nothing but my heart is very recent visit:

| heard to beat, and the sobs of one

or two women as I approach them | change the heart of a savage to a with these wonderful emblems. Is it | saint." possible that hearts so ignorant and In this good work we may rejoice dark only yesterday, as it were, with our American brethren. The can now be thus melted at the first seed was planted by our own missight of these symbols of a Body, sionary brother, Mr. Bion. These broken, bruised for us! 'Let there have entered into his labours and be light, and there was light. Thus reap the harvest he has sown. To instantly can the grace of Christ 1 God be all the praise !

NEWS OF THE CHURCHES. THE Thirtieth Annual Meeting 1 The Rev. R. Evans has been re. of the Haverfordwest College was cognised as the pastor of the church held at the beginning of August. | at Pentyrch, near Cardiff.—The Rev. The report of the examiners was

D. E. Evans, late of the Metropolivery satisfactory.

tan Tabernacle College, has been re

cognised as the pastor of the church The Annual Meeting of the Bris. | at Enfield.-The Rev. W. R. Irvine, tol College was held September 3rd. | late of Ascott and Leafield, has The report was particularly gratify been recognised as the pastor of the ing. By an unanimous and enthu church at Chipping Camden, Glousiastic vote, the Rev. Dr. Gotch was cestershire. appointed President, in the place of the late lamented Mr. Crisp. lt The following reports of MINISwas also resolved to make an effort TERIAL CHANGES have reached us since to increase the salaries of the tutors, our last issue :--The Rev. W. Benta step which was felt to be absolutely ley, of Ryde, Isle of Wight, to necessary.

Lough on, Essex; the Rev. D.

Evans, of Dudley, to Stow-hill, A testimonial, consisting of a Newport, Monmouthshire; the Rev. purse containing £574, has been H. Bradford, of the Metropolitan presented to the Rev. Charles Stovel, Tabernacle College, to New Mill, of London, after thirty-six years Tring, Herts; the Rev. J. Wilshire, ministry. •

of Penzance, to Silver-street, Taun

ton; the Rev. S. C. Burn, of Canton, A new chapel has been opened at Cardiff, to Lindley, Huddersfield. Taibach, Glamorganshire, for the The Rev. G. Fisher has, on account ministry of the Rev. J. Jones.-A of ill health, resigned the pastorate new schoolroom, to be accompanied of the church in Brook Lane, Alder: ultimately by a chapel, has been ly Edge. The Rev. B. D. Thomas opened in Burley Road, Leeds.-The has resigned his pastorate at Neath foundation stone of a new chapel has being about to go to America. W been laid at Oakengates, Salop.-The regret to announce the death of foundation stone of a new chapel the Rev. W. Bontems, of Middlesbo has been laid at Potter's Bar, near rough, which took place suddenly or London.-The memorial stone of the 14th of August. We regret als new schoolrooms, in connection with to announce the death of the Rev the chapel at New Swindon, was J. E. Yeadon, of Whitchurch, whicl laid on the 25th of August.—The took place on the 6th of September memorial stone of a new chapel has “They rest from their labours, and been laid at Kington, Herefordshire. | their works do follow them."


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