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Henry Craik. Those who knew Mr. Craik, as we did, will be prepared for a treat in this book. It is full of interesting instruction ; no ministe or bible-student will fail to appreciate it. We only hope that the treasury of Mr. Craik's manuscripts is not exhausted, and that Mr. Elfe Tayler (the able editor) will be able to furnish us with other teaching from the same pen.

· OUR MISSIONS :-THE MISSIONARY AT HIS WORK. THE itinerant missionary's life is chiefly, he says, to rescue some a very arduous and varied one. Hindoo girl, who would be sure to Arduous, because it has to be pur profess Christianity with him. But sued in a tropical clime, with very he is urged, by the value of his soul, imperfect accommodation, and with to make no delay in confessing Christ scarcely any intermission throughout | as his saviour. the hours of the day. It is also a The missionary visits Bikrampore, very varied one. In this place his a district in which many Brahmins auditors may be very poor and live. “It is so intensely hot,” he ignorant; in another, he has to on says, “as to make the afternoons a counter the learned pundit, the great burden. Here and there are astute Brahmin, the educated scholar immensely large rice fields, at present of a government school, or the native in a very promising state, and nothing official. Now he will be surrounded looks more beautiful; and then, in a market-place by a crowd of again, a khal (canal), which smells staunch idolaters, who will admit as bad as can be, and where everythat probably what the missionary thing seems to rot. Plenty of rich has said is true, but who are by no folk in small but pretty dinghies means prepared to act on any con- (canoes), and as they are secluded victions they have received. Else- from the wide world, the ladies take where, while walking on the road, a particular interest in a European he will be politely accosted by some if they see one.” Here the missionBabus : conversation follows, the ary preaches in the bazaar, and with party sometimes standing still, then | little interruption proclaims the perlaps going on a few steps, till the Gospel. interest of the argument brings the In the evening a Brahmin who talkers to a stop. Without any asked questions in the bazaar comes friendly tree to shade him, the to the missionary's boat. An earnest missionary will try to speak the conversation soon ensues, in which Word of Life to the crowds of a the Brahmin displays great shrewdbazaar. Voice and strength ex ness. At length a comparison hausted, he ends by selling many between his gods and Jesus Christ copies of Scripture or tracts, which is too strong for him, and he says, the people bear away to their “It will come to pass, and it is

beginning, that all will be but one An inquirer on a former visit religion, which no doubt will be comes to him. He is a man of high Christianity; but at present we take caste, and is the head constable of our refuge in that Great Spirit which police. Though his duties require prevails everywhere, and pervades much attention, he reads the Bible all over and in his creatures. There frequently. He wants to get married, we are all alike.” And thus this partly for his personal comfort, but / intelligent man, driven from poly


theism, takes refuge in pantheism, I sionary wishes to see the school. It yet not without hope that he may | is pleasant to see so large a school in some day look unto Christ and be such an out of the way place. “But saved.

that is not the reason why you traLater the missionary accepts an vel?” “No,” is the reply ; "I have invitation to the house of the richest a still more important reason-to zemindar of the place. Some eight show the way of man's salvation to gentlemen are present, all of them all I can reach.” He replies : “ This entertaining the sentiments of Brah is a government school, and I canminism, a species of theism to which not allow you to talk about religion." a large portion of the educated men The missionary is then told that the of Bengal now adhere. A very boys have a meeting every Friday free conversation takes place, the for reading papers and discussion; missionary, while showing how much to this he may stop. The invitation of Brahminism is true, and admitting is accepted. With not a little interest it to be purer than idolatry, pointing and pleasure the missionary listens out its deficiencies. At the same to papers on the pleasures of home, time, he proves that, because Brah on the love of country, on the geominism has no saying power, its graphy of India, and on the happifollowers have no courage, and ness of brotherhood. The discussion therefore so often, as in the present over, the missionary is invited to instance, decline to profess openly address the school; and summing their opinions when surrounded by up the addresses to which he had the masses who cleave to the national listened, he urges upon them the gods.

importance of religion, contrasting Preparations are being made for Christianity with the false religions the coming idolatrous festival of the of the land. Some discussion folDurga Pujah. It usually lasts for a lows, which over, he is accompanied week. Not only are the temples to his boat by the teachers and the and the gods freely served, but the zemindar. Here again discussion wealthy fetch from Calcutta, at con is resumed, and after reading the siderable expense, bands of singing | first chapter of Romans, the zeminmen and women. A singing party dar buys the Scriptures, and then generally consists of four men and the rest follow his example. Night four women; the latter devoted to has come, the natives retire to their the vilest practices. The nights are homes, and the missionary to his spent in singing in the houses of the rest. Babus songs of the most shocking In the above paragraph we have description, and that in the presence briefly epitomized a portion of the of the females of the family. The very interesting diary of the Rev. J. day is spent in sleep.

Supper of Dacca, in Bengal. It The government of India now fos gives to the readers a picture of the terseducation, and schools; supported ordinary work of a missionary in his by grants-in-aid, are springing up daily task of preaching to the people in all parts. The missionary finds the gospel of Christ. Day by day one in Bikrampore. It is kept up the seed of the Divine Word is thus through the exertions of a local sown; nor can we doubt that in zemindar, and contains fifty boys, God's own time it will bear a rich from eight to seventeen years of age, and fruitful harvest. Let earnest learning English, Bengali, and Sans prayer be offered on behalf of our crit. The head master receives the brethren who thus go forth bearing visitor rather contemptuously.

such precious seed. Then shall God's “What did you come here for ?" way be known on earth, and His he asks. He is told that the mis- | saying health to all nations.

NEWS OF THE CHURCHES. In consequence of the early ap- | German Mission will not be forpearance of our January magazine, gotten. Both Mr. Oncken, and the our “News of the Churches” this great work he is doing, have the month must be very brief.

strongest claims on English BapWe are glad to mention that the

tists. Let us all do something for appeal for Mr. Spurgeon's Orphan

him in the New Year! age, which we mentioned last month, A New Baptist Chapel, with has met with a hearty reception. At minister's house adjoining, has been the time we write, most of the money opened at Buckland Newton, Dorset. that was asked has been raised, and -The debt on Christ Church, Ryde, no doubt is entertained that the Isle of Wight, has, we are glad to whole, or more than the whole, will say, been fully liquidated. A testibe cheerfully contributed. If any monial has been presented to the congregations have not contributed

Rev. T. A. Binns, to whose devoted when they receive this magazine, we

efforts the liquidation is entirely due. trust that they will speedily do so. -Salem Chapel, Cheltenham, under We regard the gift to the Orphan the pastorate of the Rev. P. G. age, not only as a gift to the Or Scorey, has been re-opened, after phanage, but as an expression of considerable improvements and reaffection and esteem to Mr. Spurgeon. pairs.--A new Baptist Chapel has Surely, if it be regarded in this been opened at Kingston, Cambs. light, no church will fail to take its The Rev. W. Peppercorn, LL.B., share in the subscription.

of Regent's-park College, has been An appeal has just been issued, by recognised as the pastor of the church Mr. Wilkin, of Hampstead, on be

in London-road, Lowestoft. - The half of the German Baptist Mission.

Rev. W. March, late of Chillwell “Mr. Oncken,” says Mr. Wilkin,

College, has been ordained to the “writes despondingly that he has

pastorate of the church at Trenthambeen unable to pay the whole of the

road, Stoke-on-Trent.—The Rev. J. salaries of the missionaries due on

W. Thorne, of Dawley Bank, Salop, the first of October last; and know

has been recognised as the pastor of ing as I do that he makes it a point

the church at Kington, Herefordof the first importance to pay these

shire.—The Rev. W. H. M‘Mechan, good and self-denying men punc

late of Highbridge, Somerset, has tually, I am sure it must be an

been recognised as the pastor of the absolute dearth of funds that occa

church at Ower Darwen, Lancashire. sions it. He never hesitates to ad - The Rev. J. Howells, late of Llanvance his own money to any extent

gollen College, has been recognised needed, in order that they may

as the pastor of the church at receive the very small amount for Talgarth, Brecon. which they are content to labour; The following are the MINISTERIAL but every bank has its limit of CHANGES which have reached us at resources, and our venerable friend the time we write :—The Rev. E. has had extraordinary claims on Morgan, of Crewe, to Earby-inhim, both of a private and public Craven, Yorkshire; the Rev. J. M. character, during the past year. .. | Ryland, of Colne, Lancashire, to In the midst of numerous claims Woodstock, Oxon; the Rev. J. Bateupon our churches, those of the man, of the Metropolitan Tabernacle German Mission seem to have been College, to be co-pastor wit, the of late entirely forgotten.” We do | Rev. J. Hockin, at Niton, Isle of indeed hope that the claims of the Wight.





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