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again ; with three of my children, | life than I ever deserved," said good just babies, I can always find you Mrs. Bacon, with such a pleasant plenty of work.”

light in her motherly eyes, that, I "Did you ever hear, ma'am, of think, had you been there to see, the blessing of those ready to you must have kissed her at the perish'? because you will have it risk of flouring your face. She kept to-night."

her word. Lucy never went with "I've had more blessings all my | out dinner any more.


“Go work to-day in my vineyard.”--Matt. xxi. 28. THERE is work, and hard work too, and plenty of it to do. The vineyard is wide, the labourers few, and idlers crowd the market-places. The fields are white, the harvest is great, and there is work enough for all. Reaping is work for the strongest man, who fills his bosom with grain at one sweep of the sickle: the feeblest can reap a little, and now and then gather a sheaf. Boaz can go forth among the reapers and direct them in their toil; and even timid Ruth can follow after to glean the scattered stalks, and find some handfuls dropped to encourage her in her work.

There is work to dobut who will do it? It is not forming resolutions, joining societies, or making a great ado; but it is putting your own shoulder to the wheel. If you want a thing done right, do it yourself. The way to do a thing is to do it! Let every man begin at home, build against his own dwelling, and live in humble dependence on the Lord, looking up to Him for guidance day by day, and standing ready to do all His blessed will.

There is something for all to do. One can bake a loaf of bread; another can carry it to a starving child. One can make a coat; another can find a shivering form that needs it. One can give of their substance; another who has nothing to give, can go to those who have, and assist them in their distribution. One can devote a day ; another give a shilling. One can speak; another can listen and obey. One can preach; another can get the people out to hear him. One can visit the sick; another can comfort the sad. One can say kind words; another can give good counsel. One can comfort the mourners; another can weep with those who weep. One can pray for blessings; another can say “Amen” to this petition. One can teach a child to read God's word; another can instruct a class in the Sabbath-school. One can plan work and select workers; another can execute the enterprise that has been planned. One can go forth into the “regions beyond" to spread the glad tidings; another can sound out the word of the Lord while he remains at home. One can edit a paper; another can get subscribers for it. One can write a tract; another can pay for printing a thousand copies; a hundred others, who may have neither ability to write nor money to print, can take them and distribute them in a thousand families in different localities. One can go forth for Christ's name's sake, “taking nothing of the Gentiles;" another can help him forward “after a godly sort.” One can whisper "a word in season" to some friend whom no one else can so readily approach ; another can write a letter which may bear the message of salvation to the lost. One can speak to the wayfarer the words of everlasting life; another can drop a tract in the path of a stranger, thus sowing seed for the final barvest-day. One can do this, and another that. All can do a little, and some can do much. God alone can give the increase, and that He waits to do.

The greatest thing, the first thing, the last thing, the most important thing, we can all do—we can all pray. Let us do this as a preparation for every other duty, and God will hear and bless. “Go work!".



I was born at Basu Nata Poor, about to fetch, beat, and give me tasks, forty miles to the north of Krishna In time I became more than a match Nugger. My father, Ram Lochana for them, and boys even older than Dass, was a rice grower. When I myself were afraid to touch me. My was about six years old I had to father and mother heard of my conhelp my father, chiefly by carrying duct, and reproved me; as I didn't his food to him in the field, and by | heed them, my brother took me in doing anything else he required of hand and punished me. I then fled me. My father had seven or eight from home and took refuge in my cows; I used to drive them into the uncle's house, which was about ten fields to graze. My father loved me or twelve miles distant. There I very much, and on no occasion did was allowed to play and do as I he beat me. When I was about liked. I remember that about this seven, my father entrusted me to | time my mother died of cholera. the care of a Guru Mahashoy, who After that we fell into great was to teach me writing and read trouble, as there was no one to look ing. The Guru put a piece of chalk after us. I was sent home again; into my hand and made me write my three sisters went to the houses Kau, Khau (=a, b, c,) on the ground. of their fathers-in-law; my brother I learnt the thirty-four letters of the also went with his wife to his fatheralphabet, then spelling, and after- in-law's house. He afterwards went wards the writing of names, also a with his wife's father to build some little arithmetic and algebra. After silk factories at a village named that I became bad, and, instead of Chagra. learning, used to play truant from My father and myself were now school. On this account the Guru in very reduced circumstances. At used to send some of the older boys | this time I knew nothing about cooking; but one day when my this they all consented. I then went father was in the field, I felt very with him to Chagra, where he and hungry, and tried to cook some food, his father-in-law attended to my but I put too much oil into the education. At the factory there was vessel, which instantly took fire, and a clerk who knew English. I was I narrowly escaped being burnt to frequently at his house. He soon death. My uncle and cousin were began to love me, and often emvery much surprised when they ployed me in various ways. heard of this, and offered to receive One day he said to me, “Ram me into their house again, on con Joy, will you learn English P" To dition that I would do what might that I said, “ Yes; if you will kindly be required of me. The work I had teach me, I will learn.” He took to do was as follows:-To wait on me at my word, wrote out the any guest in the house, supply ABC on a sheet of paper, and gave visitors with tobacco, and occasion. it to me. Thus, during the intervals ally to go to the bazaar to buy of business, he taught me the alphathings for the house. With this ar. bet and to spell. A few months rangement I was well satisfied, and after this, my brother's work at my father readily gave his consent. this place came to an end, and we Then I stayed for some time at my all went to Saradonta, in the zillah uncle's house; at length my uncle, of Gheish, where my brother and his aunt, and cousin, said to me, “Why father-in-law had to build another don't you learn to write and read ? factory. There I helped them, Look at your brother Ram Tann chiefly by attending to their acDass, he has learnt well, and has got counts. After our work was done & good situation; are you going to | in that place, we went to Rampore be his servant ?" At this I was Boyleah, and engaged in work there. annoyed, and angrily replied, “No, My brother became acquainted with I will never be his servant.” I then a shopkeeper belonging to that place. felt anxious to learn, so I said to my One day the shopkeeper said to my cousin, “Brother, is there any one brother, “I wish you would let Ram who can teach me to write and Joy come here and do my writing read?” He replied by offering him for me, for as most of my customers self to teach me. The same day he have things on credit, I have a great got a sheet of paper, and set me to deal of writing to do.” To this my write. I then gave my whole mind brother agreed, and I was accordto it, studied night and day; while ingly sent there. I stayed there my cousin most perseveringly taught about six or seven months, though me, and, at the same time, made my | much against my will, for I was other duties lighter for me. Thus, anxious to learn English. in the course of about two years, I About this time I heard that the made some progress in ordinary Rajah of Burdwan had made arwriting and arithmetic, and also rangements by which all the boys zemindarry accounts. When I was in the country might obtain food, about ten, my brother came home clothing, and an English education. from Chagra, and saw me at my I resolved to go: but how? I don't uncle's. After we had talked over know the way-well, I can ask as family matters, I told him of my I go along. I shall never learn studies, at which he seemed pleased, English if I stay here, for no and asked to be allowed to take me one in this part of the country is back with him to Chagra, as there acquainted with it. Thus I com

should have better opportunities muned with myself, and resolved to eta for learning and, afterwards, of go without saying anything of my ostaining suitable employment. To intentions to my father or brother. Keeping this in view, I asked my | try to get off without their knowing brother to allow me to go to our anything of it, otherwise they will own village for a few days and see prevent me." As soon as I heard our friends; he gave me permission, this, I said, “Brother, let me go and, at the same time, sent a man with you. I also want to leave the with me. At this time, I suppose I band.” To this he agreed, and the was about thirteen or fourteen. I next morning, very early, we started went, stayed with my father's friends off together. At last we reached his fifteen or sixteen days, and then, village; he went to his own home. having been provided with food for I was employed by some one else in the journey, took my leave. I pro the village to teach three or four ceeded on my journey; but instead | boys. In this way a month passed. of going towards Rampore Boyleah, I then told my employer that I was I made for the Jalengi river. I very anxious to learn English. He now began to ask myself whither I said that the karani (clerk) at the was going, for I had scarcely any indigo factory knew English, ani idea of the distance or the direction. would be able to teach me. I ther. In the evening I was received as went to the karani and made knowi a guest by a householder, who my wish, but he said that as he was hospitably entertained me. When someone else's servant, he was un my repast was finished, I went to able to teach me. Shortly after his boitakhanah (a sort of sitting. this, I happened to see two sahibe room), where there were several (Europeans) at the market. I mad persons engaged in conversation. my salaam to them and told then At about eight o'clock, some of them of my wish to learn English, ang proposed going to hear some sing- | | asked them to allow the karanit ing. I went with them. I did not teach me. One of them replied go, however, for the sake of the | “ We cannot do that, for the ka singing, but because I thought, if rani's hands are full of work. You these singers belonged to Burdwan, had better go to Cutwa. Padre I had better join them and go there Carey sahib has an English schoo with them. Having thus resolved, there, and he will gladly receiv I soon formed an acquaintance with you.” I then returned to my em them, and they began to like me. ployer and told him what had od They put their books of songs and | curred, also that I had resolved t poetry into my hands, and I very go to Cutwa. He was sorry to par soon learned them. On this their with me, but allowed me to go. chief man seemed to love me as his left two days after, and reached own son, and made an offer for me Cutwa the same day. I then askel to become one of their company. I my way to the Padre's house, and a asked them to what zillah (county) last reached the Christian villag they belonged, and they said, The people there gave me a sea “ Burdwan." I then asked if they and I told them that, having hear were now returning to Burdwan, that the sahib was giving instru but they replied that they had only tion to those who wished to lear just left it, and would go much English, I had come to stay wit farther north before going back him and learn. One of them again. After I had stayed with once took me to Mr. Carey an them six or seven days, one of them repeated my tale. Mr. Carey li said to me in private, “I won't stay tened, asked my name, and then si with the band any longer, for I have down and wrote a letter. When th an aged father, and I have pease and letter was finished, he put it int dal (a kind of pulse) and barley in my hand, and said, “You must g the ground to look after, so I must | to Serampore: you will be able 1 learn English there, and all your book, called the Bodhodaya. These wants will be attended to." About I had to read carefully and commit an hour after I left with the letter to memory. of introduction, and reached Seram The Müdghobodh I read with a pore the third day. I showed the | pundit, and the New Testament with letter to a Portuguese who was Mr. Ward, who used to come and walking on the river side, and he have worship with us. took me to Mr. - That gentle After I had been there about two man read the letter, and advised me months, one day Hari Dass said, to give my whole attention to my “ Look here, Ram Joy, I am a Boshstudies. I said that I wished to tob. There is always food prelearn English. He replied, “You pared in my house: why don't you must learn Bengali and Sanskrit eat with us? You would save time, grammar first. Afterwards, you for there you would not have to will quickly learn English.” Mr. cook for yourself.” I considered

- then proceeded to make ar that I should, by this plan, have rangements for my eating and more time for my studies-besides, sleeping. He sent me with the in our country everybody will eat a Portuguese to a very long brick Boshtob's rice; so I consented, and house to the south of the study. from that day forward ate at his house. There I saw very many boys. The A few days afterwards some of the sirkar (assistant) told me that was boys said to me, “You have eaten the boys' house, and that they had the Christian's rice.” I, however, four or five pundits to instruct them could not understand them. I had in Sanskrit; also that Mr. Mack no idea whatever what a Christian gave them a lesson once a day in was; this was the first time I had Sanskrit. He then took me to the so much as heard the word. Afterwest side of a tank situated to the wards, I observed English and south of that house. There I Portuguese boys going to Hari found a large space enclosed by Dass's house, and taking rice from four walls. Within the enclosure his vessels, and water from his were two houses and one long shed. kalsi (substitute for pitcher). When One part of this shed was appro I had seen all this, I began to think priated to the use of Hari Dass and within myself, “Well, my caste has his family; the other part was used gone.” Afterwards, I considered as a kitchen for the boys. At length | again, “Let it go, for my village is that day passed away. Next morn a long way off; no one is likely to ing at ten o'clock, Mr. Mack came I go from here to tell them at home to hear the boys. He examined me of it." Thus I speedily became rewith the others. Two days after he conciled to the loss of my caste, and gave me a copy of the Mugdhobodh continued to eat at Hari Dass's (long a popular Sanscrit grammar),

house. the New Testament, and a Bengali

(To be continued.)

NEWS OF THE CHURCHES. The Autumnal Session of the very large; while the subjects disBaptist Union has been held during | cussed were, several of them, of the past month at Bristol. We re- | great importance. We trust that Joice to say that the meetings were the result of these meetings will be very successful, and the attendance | seen after many days.

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