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ought to be the most active and industrious of all to whom public trusts are confided. Our curate systein has been alike injurious and disgraceful to the country. It has rendered the master slothful and negligent, by enabling him to provide himself with a slothful and negligent deputy; it has sunk our officiating clergy to the feelings and need of paupers; it has robbed the poor of that which the Church ought to bestow on them; and it has multiplied the Dissenters in all directions. In almost all other cases, it is the interest of the master to provide the most efficient servant possible; but it is actually the interest of the incumbent to provide the most inefficient curate that he can find. The latter must be got for the lowest possible wages, and he must, on no account, be equal to his employer in eloquence and piety. This employer must, whatever may be the consequence, be the first man whenever he may condescend to appear in his pulpit. The new law is we hear grossly evaded, and it will always be evaded. A clergyman, when his labour is excessive, should be permitted to provide himself, not with a substitute, but with an assistant, and beyond this the curate system should be abolished.

The dissenting preachers are compelled to retire from the pulpit when they are incapacitated by age and infirmities for discharging their duty properly; our ministers of state, judges, &c. are compelled to retire from office when they are similarly incapacitated; and we think there would be neither hardship nor degradation in placing the clergy under the like regulations. The worn-out clergyman might retain for life a portion of the proceeds of his living when the amount would admit of it, and a superannuation fund might supply all he might lack of an adequate income. What we recommend may perhaps be impracticable, but it would not be so if common sense and justice could prevail over prejudice and interest, and if the interests of the people and the church, in its collective capacity, could be as much attended to as those of the clergy.

We wish that the Heads of the Church were somewhat more vigilant in watching the conduct of the infcrior clergy. A clergyman is but a man, and like all other men he needs spur

ring to the discharge of his duty. In the country he has his living for life; if he be a curate, he has no one to please but his employer, who cares no-thing about his conduct; provided he perform divine service the requisite number of times, he is independent of his congregation; the press and public opinion cannot reach him, and he is almost wholly without those stimulants to exertion which operate upon almost all other public servants. A clergyman may punctually perform divine service, and still he may perform it in such a manner that it will benefit no one; his life may give the lie to his prayers and sermons, and thus he may do far more injury than service to religion and the church. He may be reasonably efficient in the pulpit, and he may lead a moral life; and still he may neglect the visiting of the sick, the relieving of the distressed, and those other smaller duties the fulfilment of which is of such essential importance. When this is the case, the Heads of the Church ought to watch the conduct of the officiating clergy with sleepless anxiety. Wide as the difference is between positive offences and the neglect of duty, the latter ought not on any account to be tolerated.

With regard to amusements, far be it from us to say that a clergyman should have none, but still he ought to shun many that may be permitted to the laity. The world assigns different conduct to different men, and its regulations cannot be violated with impunity. We should look with scorn upon a secretary of state who should be the leading dancer at a ball, who should regularly associate with foxhunters, and who should be a constant lounger at the opera. We should do this, because we should think that such conduct was utterly inconsistent with the dignity and duties of his official station, and that the mind which could devote itself to such pleasures could not be such as the statesman ought to possess. On this principle, public feeling forbids many amusements to the clergy, which are perhaps in themselves innocent; and it is perfectly justified in so doing. The mixing in scenes of levity,jollity, and dissipation, must inevitably unfit the clergyman for the performance of his solemn, sacred, and important duties.

There are several other points which are nearly as important as those on which we have briefly touched, but we must reluctantly leave them unnoticed. We will say one word to the laity. If those who so zealously cry up the Establishment and declaim against the Dissenters, would, with their servants and dependents, regularly attend the Church, they would render it essential service, and we fear, that on this head, many of them are very culpable. Why do our Church of England Nobility, and our Church of England Ministers of State, give their "grand dinners," and other entertainments, on the Sabbath? The servants of these people are compelled to labour more industriously on the Sunday than on any other day of the week; and as to their attending a place of worship, it is out of the question. What Sunday buying and selling does not this produce; and where is the limit to its operation in the way of example? Why do not our Prelates do their duty against this monstrous and scandalous evil? We do not say this from puritanism. We are commanded to say it by the Bible, the Church of England, and the political interests of the nation. Public morals form the root and life-blood of our constitution and liberty; and whatever militates against the former, militates in an equal degree against the latter. Sunday-labour deprives our lower orders of the best of their few enjoyments, and it strikes at the foundation of one of the most beneficial regulations of society.

If we have said sufficient to offend all parties, the testimony of our conscience will prevent it from giving us much uneasiness. If the admission of the Catholics to power produced mighty public evils, these would ultimately

fall on the Catholic as well as the Protestant. If the Dissenters obtained the preponderance, this would at last be destructive to their own interests as religious bodies. We are laymen, but there is not a clergyman in the Establishment who is more zealously attached to the Church of England than ourselves. We believe that it has the strongest claims upon our love for both past and present benefits, and we are convinced that it is a vital part of our system, and that its destruction would be the destruction of the whole. We wish not only to see it exist, but to see it powerful and triumphantthe sun of our religious system, giving light to, and guiding the chapelplanets, and pouring the blaze of religious truth upon the people at large, both directly and by reflection. There is, however, no royal road to success of any kind; and the Church can only live, conquer, and flourish, by following the hackneyed rules which must guide the private individual. It must oppose effort to effort, and qualification to qualification; it must renew what has been destroyed, supply what is deficient, and adapt its offensive and defensive means to the altered shape and condition of society. Of the clergy we think very highly in very many particulars. There are, perhaps, too many worthless characters among them; but, as a body, they cannot be excelled for purity of doctrine and blamelessness of conduct; many of them, particu larly of the country portion, might, however, be rendered more efficient in their spiritual character. To the serious consideration of all whom it may concern, we now leave what we have written.

Y. Y. Y..


No. II.

Two or three omissions, and one or two alphabetical irregularities (hardly to be avoided, in the first concotion of an index, without assistance,) have been discovered by ourselves-in two or three of our late papers, concerning the affairs of NORTH AMERICA. Our justification is-for we never make an apology-that we write altogether from recollection, without a book of any kind; a note, or a hint, of any name, or nature, to freshen our memories with. Books, indeed, except as a reference for dates, words, and figures, three things which we carefully avoid, wherever they can be avoided, with decency-believing, on our oaths, that there is nothing so insupportable, in this world, as unnecessary precision-books, indeed, would be out of the question; for, we profess to supply that, which cannot be found in any book or books, whatever. And as for notes and memoranda, about matters and things in general, we are of those, who take them, as they do perceptions of beauty-sound and colour-flavour and hue-only upon the invisible tablets of the heart and mind; only into the lighted chambers of both.We use no camera obscura; make no drawings -no sketches-blot no paper with hints, every one of which, over a sea-coal fire, or in it, as the case may be (that generally depending upon another question-as whether it be in print or in manuscript; the property of the author or the purchaser, &c.) at some future period may become the nucleus of a chapter-perchance, of a volume. We like to carry our young till they are fully grown, where na ture intended them to be carried-not in memorandum-books, cotton, rawsilk, or hand-baskets-within us, not without-in our hearts, not in our hands:--and would be delivered of them, if not precisely as Jove was, of his, in panoply complete-at least, not before their teeth and claws are grown, so that they can take care of them selves. A short season of gestation is bad enough-but whelping in a hurry is the devil-one full-grown cub of the lion (as we have well nigh said before) will outlive a litter of lap dogs.

We make no apologies, as we have

said before; but-we do what is better, we make atonement; correct our irregularities, and supply our omissions, just so fast as they become obvious to ourselves-but no faster.

We shall do it, on this occasion (after a few minutes,) because we pique ourselves, not a little, upon our scrupulous impartiality, truth, exactness, and plain dealing, in our treatment of whatever concerns the United States of North America :-a country, about which, all circumstances considered, there would seem to be not only a lamentable mis-apprehension, but a lamentable ignorance, in quarters, where one might look for better things; for positive and exact information,-instead of rigmaroll (serious or profane)

for manly and severe criticism, instead of loose rambling, and superfluous recrimination :-among those who are extravagantly partial to whatever is American, chiefly because it is not English-and partly, because it is American; and among those, who are as decidedly partial to whatever is English-chiefly because it is Eng lish, and partly, because it is not American.Many laughable, some serious, some provoking, and some extraordinary errors, concerning one another, do prevail, at this hour, among both of these great partieson both sides of the Atlantic :-errors, which, if they be not speedily seen to, with a strong hand, or a sharp knife, will sow their own seed; multiply and perpetuate their poison; drug the very atmosphere with mischief; overgrow and strangle whatever is wholesome or precious, in the neighbourhood of our posterity, on both sides of the water.This must not be-shall not be-if we can prevent it: and we shall try hard.— Let Americans be what they pretend -Americans. Let our men of Great Britain, be what they pretend-Britons-let each prefer his own country, as he would his own mother; let each be partial, if you please, in any reasonable degree, to his own country,-for that is natural-(nay, to be otherwise, were so un-natural, that we should suspect any man's heart, and pity his understanding, who should not be somewhat partial-so far as affection, or judgment, but not veracity, were

concerned to his own country; just as we should, his understanding and heart, who should not be partial to his own mother:)but, while we say this; while we encourage a natural partiality, in every man's heart, for his own country, and his own mother; and are ready to forgive much-very much, that proceeds from an affection so honourable to humanity, even when it influences the head-Yet, we see no reason for encouraging anybody in running afoul of other people's countries and mothers:-and are not very willing, either to overlook or forgive, the folly and wickedness of that man, be he who he may, who, in the superfluity of his affection and zeal, for what relates to his own country, and his own home, is eternally breaking in upon the repose of every other man's country and home.-Defence is one thing-attack another. A brave manly quarrel, in withstanding aggression, is always creditable :-but, where we are the aggressor, shameful. Family feuds are absurd: national feuds, worse. Nothing was ever gained by either-not even reputation.

Would you flatter the Americans? -Don't puff them-don't exaggerate-stick to the truth. There is no flattery in falsehood. Acquaint your selves thoroughly with your subject: and, whatever else you do, speak the plain truth. Poetry, declamation, rhetoric, and all that, are out of place; wit, is mischievous; and humour, profane, (unless employed for seasoning; and only for seasoning,) on a subject of such importance. Nothing can be worse, for the stomach of this public, nor in much worse taste, than to dish up anything American-game or not game; wild meat,* or not-with a superabundance of sweet sauce, or Cayenne pepper.-No-if you treat of America at all, do it soberly-righteously-in the main, however, you may have to sprinkle it, now and then, with fire and brimstone, for the pa

late of the over-fed.

And so, too--if you would be severe on the Americans; severe, we mean, to any good purpose, either for yourself, or for them-for your country, or for theirs; severe, beyond the petty tingling sarcasm of the hour;

severe, beyond the miserable severity of that miserable insect, which cannot sting but once-and then, dies;——— that noisy nothing, which, when it is exasperated, strikes in a hurry-and is glad to escape in a hurry-always losing his weapon-often his lifenever drawing blood-and sometimes backing out, like the scorpion, by downright suicide-or, as the fashion is, to call it now, by derangement, visitation, or accidental death :-if you would be severe on the Americans, in a better way-a way more worthy of yourself, if you are a man-speak the truth of them. Nothing cuts like the truth:-or, as the QUARTERLY would have it, in a late criticism, NOT ANYTHING-cuts like the truth.

In one word-Let us understand what we are talking about, whether we praise or condemn these brother Jonathans, these western Englishmen ; these children of our fathers-on the other side of the world.To illustrate our observations, to some purpose from recent occurrences—we would ask what can be more absurd, in the estimation of a statesman; or more wicked in that of any person, of common-sense, or common humanity, than to hear the people of America called our inveterate enemies; our implacable enemies-and, worst of all, our NATURAL enemies,——Our natural enemies!-for what?-Why, forsooth, because (if they can help it

which is very doubtful) they won't let us manufacture for them: and, because, if they can (which is, also, very doubtful) they will manufacture for themselves.Does that make them our natural enemies?-we have no fear-nor they, any hope, (unless their heads are turned), of their ever being able to out-manufacture us; or to undersell us, in any but their own markets: nor even there, without a system of taxation, which, whatever may be the ultimate good, operates in a very equivocal manner, now, by obliging one part of the community to maintain the other, without an equivalent; that is, by obliging the consumer to feed the manufacturer, by purchasing of him, at much higher prices than he might purchase elsewhere.

• As the late case of MR JOHN D. HUNTER-for example; of whom a word by and by.

This is their look-out-not ours They won't employ us for ever— granted-but what right have we to complain?-They do not become our natural enemies, by refusing to employ us-it is only by out-working us; or underselling us to a third party. O, but they are our natural enemies, nevertheless. Why?-Because they multiply so fast-empire upon empire -from ocean to ocean.- -Alas! if they were not their own enemies-the most unnatural of all enemies-they would roll back again to their ancient boundaries-retreat into their citadel, the thirteen Original Statesor, at least, build a wall of brass about them, for a place of refuge, in the time, that will come.-They are, now, in a fair way to fall asunder by their own weight-or perish, like a monster, by exhaustion of the heart, while the extremities are preternaturally enlarged.-New England is the heart of the confederacy-New York and Pennsylvania, the back-bone-but, at the rate they are now going on, they will soon want a dozen such hearts, and as many more such back-bones, to keep them in shape.

Some people talk of staying the northern inundation, by making use of Mexico. This cannot be done the very idea is absurd-childish Mexico would be swept away, before it could muster on the frontiers-but if it could, why should it be done?Is it either wise, necessary, or expedient? Are the people of the United States are they indeed our NATURAL enemies?-If they are, it is time to look about us-and if they are, in the name of God, where are we to look for our natural friends? If we cannot look to them, who are of the same blood, and the same religion; whose language is the same; whose laws are the same; whose very form of government is more like ours, than any other government upon earth; whose literature is the same; whose antipathies and prejudices are the same-where shall we look-to whom?

One word more-the people of North America know their own interest. They do not want anybody to flatter them. They do not want miss

WRIGHT, nor miss anybodyelse, (whether she wear a hat, or a bonnet ; slippers, or spurs,) to go all over the world, prattling and gossiping about any of their institutions-for no better reason, five times out of six, than because the she-traveller in America, has been treated everywhere, with pound-cake, hyson tea, and the debates in Congress.

They know, for they are a shrewd people, take them all in all, that highly-coloured, romantic stories-and superfine rhapsodies, about anything, which is really excellent, only serve to make it ridiculous: that eulogy, however well meant, or delicately flavoured, is pretty sure to do more harm, than good; that intemperate praise, provokes intemperate ridicule, or censure; eulogy, satire-and that, the bitterness and asperity of the counteracting dose, are intended, wisely enough, to overcome the nausea, which is natural to him, who has unexpectedly, or accidentally, swallowed a small quantity of unadulterated eulogiumaccidentally, we say, because nobodynot even the subject of eulogium, will swallow it, if he knows what it is.

"Praise undeserved, is censure in disguise."-This is a favourite copy-slip in America.-" Heaven save us from our friends! we will take care of our enemies"-they say, also, when they read such beautiful books, as have been made about them lately. They know well, that the droll, stupid blundering of Messieurs FEARON, FAUX, and Co., on one side of the water; the worse than blunderingthe lies of the NEW-ENGLANDMAN,' on the other; and the everlasting misrepresentation, falsehood, and confusion of the newspaper-gentry, on both sides, are soon laughed out of countenance; overborne by weightier proof; smothered in their own dust, or consumed in their own acrimony.

The brother Jonathans will never think the worse of us-whatever they may think of our common sense, if, on taking up one of our papers, they come upon a paragraph headed 'AMERICAN ABSURDITY;' and containing an extract from one of their papers, wherein they had spoken very handsomely of two or three English

• Speaking of AMERICAN PAPERS-one word on a late MIRACLE, taken out of the NORFOLK BEACON; which seems to be doubted here, while it is going the VOL. XVI.

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