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shrinkage sixty-six thousand seven hundred and forty-three acres have been devoted to growing apples. These figures show that rapid decadence of small orchards throughout the state, and the following summary of reports received from the Assistant Inspectors of the Division of Nursery and Orchard Inspection during the spring of 1904, relative to the amount of spraying that was being done by owners of small apple orchards in many different parts of the state, will serve to justify the statement already made that spraying is an index of the general care that is given orchards. Of three hundred and six owners that were interviewed, only nineteen per cent. sprayed regularly, and they were growing good crops. Of those remaining, sixty-seven per cent. did not spray, six per cent. had sprayed once and failed, and a similar percentage of growers had sprayed with satisfactory results in the past, but now neglect to do so. Unsprayed orchards were in all stages of decline and it was evident that some of them would be cut down before the end of the season.

The future of orcharding in Ohio will depend on systematic spraying, coupled with careful planting and cultural methods, and will be governed by the great law of the "survival of the fittest." Small growers must be interested by educational means and demonstration work in the field. The best scientific information obtainable can be secured by any farmer, for the asking, from the great National and State Agricultural Institutions, but success in carrying on the actual operations depends upon the individual.

The President: I have been instructed to insist that each person in speaking arise, give his name and the county he is from, so that the report will be made intelligible when written out.

Mr. A. H. Judy, Darke county: Did I understand you to say that by spraying you could prevent pear blight?

Mr. Burgess: No, sir. There is no way of preventing pear blight. As soon as the blight appears on the trees, the limbs should be cut out below the blighted portion and burned at once.

Mr. Dobbins, Greene county: How many times would you advise us to spray?

Mr. Burgess: I would advise spraying at least three times, and it would not do any harm to put in an extra spraying, spraying first as soon as the blossoms are falling, while the apple is standing upright with the calyx open. The second spraying apply a week or ten days later. If you apply four sprayings, apply your third spraying ten days or two weeks later, and the fourth spraying between the middle and the last of July, depending on the locality in the state. You should spray a little carlier in southern Ohio than in northern Ohio. The last spraying is for the control of the second brood of the codling moth.

Mr. Lunn, of Warren: What is the pear blight?

Mr. Burgess: The pear blight is a bacterial disease. There is no known remedy.

Mr. Lunn: How is it communicated?

Mr. Burgess: That is a difficult question to answer. It has been, and it is, a very difficult question to settle satisfactorily. It may be communicated by insects. I think some authorities have demonstrated that

under certain conditions it can be communicated by insects flying from one tree to another.

Mr. Seeley: I had a small elm tree that I set out in front of my house among other trees to fill a vacant space. The last two years I noticed a little knot come on the leaves, and after a while it resulted in the flying insect, and the idea came that if they stayed there I would spray them at the right time, and it would destroy them. The other elm trees around the house are not affected that way.

Mr. Burgess: The insect which you referred to I presume is a gall insect, a small four-winged fly, which deposits an egg inside of the tissue, and when it hatches, the growth is stimulated. Spraying would not be effective in that case.

Mr. Seeley: How about taking them off; pruning them off?

Mr. Burgess: If you could send me some samples next summer, 1 would be glad to determine the insect for you.

Mr. Hope, Meigs county: I have quite a large apple orchard, and I would like to ask you about spraying, please. I understand you to say, spray the first time after the blossoms drop. Is that correct, the first time?

Mr. Burgess: Are you troubled with apple scab on your trees? Mr. Hope: I don't think weʼare. I am not posted enough to know all of the names and qualities of the insects.

Mr. Burgess: Under your conditions I would recommend that you spray with bordeaux mixture early, before the buds burst, then give a spraying with bordeaux mixture and arsenate of lead as soon as the blossoms fall; the third spraying a week or ten days after. And if you are going to omit any spraying for the codling moth, don't omit the last one in July.

A member: I would like to ask if trees which are threatened with this blight, and are about to be destroyed by this blight, if you would recommend digging them up.

Mr. Burgess: I would recommend digging them up, but I don't think I would want to set trees in their place right away. I would rather put them somewhere else, and not immediately transplant.

Mr. D. T. Blackburn, Scioto county: In our section we are troubled by the peach borer, commonly called. Have you some remedy? It works on the apple.

Mr. Burgess: Did I understand you to say the peach borer works on the apple? Are you not confounding the peach borer with the apple borer?

Mr. Blackburn: No, sir; they are there, and they both work there in our section.

Mr. Burgess: For the peach borer, the best remedy that has been tried is to take out the borers and kill them, or to thrust a wire into the

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burrow and crush the worms, although some growers have found that where the lime and sulfur wash was used it seemed to deter the adults from depositing their eggs. Now, the same thing might apply to the apple borer. I am not entirely convinced as to the identity of the two species. If you could send me some samples, I would like to have them very much.

The President: What is your treatment of the tree after you remove the borer?

Mr. Burgess: It is well enough to bind the tree up if you could put some clay and bind it around the wound so it would hold. That would be satisfactory. A great many do not do anything more than to pick out the borers.

Mr. U. T. Cox, Lawrence county: I understood you to say that arsenate of lead would not injure the foliage. If I remember, Professor Green has said that he had some trouble in using it. When four or five applications are made, it seems that it injures the leaves and makes them fall.

Mr. Burgess: Didn't he use bordeaux mixture with the arsenate of lead?

Mr. Cox: I guess he did.

Mr. Burgess: If arsenate of lead is used it will not burn the leaves, if the aresnate is used alone without the bordeaux mixture.

Mr. Lowell Roudebush, Clermont county: I have made a few experiments in using arsenate of lead or disparene at the rate of ten pounds. to fifty gallons, or one-pound to five gallons, and where used alone I have never found any injurious effects on the foliage, and I would agree with Mr. Burgess that either the arsenate of lead was home made or that it was used in connection with the bordeaux mixture, one or the other.

Mr. Peters, Pickaway county: I would like to ask Mr. Burgess if he has any experience in spraying with soda solution instead of the bordeaux mixture? It is something similar to the bordeaux, using blue vitriol and soda. Did you ever have any experience?

Mr. Burgess: I have never had any experience with that. In regard to advertised remedies, I would like to say just one word, and that is, fruit growers should be cautious and adopt them only after they have been tested, and I might add something which I said at a recent meeting of the State Horticultural Society, at Chillicothe, concerning "Con-Sol," remedy for San Jose scale. It has been widely advertised throughout this state, and the eastern states, and in the eastern states, especially, there has been a great deal of it sold. I learned two weeks ago that it is claimed to be a concentrated solution of lime and sulfur wash. I learned, as I say, that it had been tested by the chemists of the Department of Agriculture at Washington, and that it is what it is claimed to be. But it has been tested in the orchards and found that in order to be

effective for killing scale you must use one part of the solution to four parts of water. Solution costs one dollar a gallon. That is, every gallon of wash that you use would cost you twenty-five cents. The manufacturer represents that it will be effective for use at the rate of one gallon of solution to forty gallons of water, which would make a very cheap remedy. I just make this suggestion in case any of you are thinking of trying this remedy. I would not advise it.

Mr. Peters: I would also like to ask if there is any objection to the first spraying being made when the trees are in full bloom, instead of just after the bloom has fallen?

Mr. Burgess: Well, there is a question in regard to poisoning the bees, and there is some little difference of opinion in regard to that. 1, personally, would wait until the blossoms have fallen. Of course, in spraying a large orchard it often occurs that some varieties have dropped their blossoms while others are in full bloom, and that makes it difficult to spray when they have all dropped their blossoms, but I should prefer to wait until the bloom has fallen.

Mr. Peters: I have not a very large orchard at home, and we have been spraying for several years, and Mr. Stahl, of Quincy, Illinois, has recommended spraying while they are in full bloom. I have done it and had excellent results from it.

Mr. Burgess: You have not injured your fruit, Mr. Peters?

Mr. Peters: No, sir; in fact, I am about the only man around who has had very good fruit.

Mr. Cox, of Lawrence county: I would rather not spray while they are in bloom, but before they bloom, with the bordeaux mixture, and while I am about it I always put in some form of arsenic, to be sure to kill caterpillars that are eating the foliage. In regard to spraying, while they are in bloom, it may kill the blossoms to some extent, and it will knock off a great many of the blossoms. There have been experiments made by a great many of the experiment stations along that line, and in case the tree buds very full, and sets too large quantity of fruit, it will thin the fruit for you. If a man does not spray at all the apple scab will come along and thin them enough.

Mr. Dunlap, of Pickaway county: I would like to ask whether pear blight is more prevalent in rapid growing pear trees on cultivated land, or on land that is not so much cultivated?

Mr. Burgess: I don't know as I could give data as to that. I don't think I have any particular information on that phase of the subject.

Mr. Hinsdale, of Medina county: In the north end of the state we have had a good deal of trouble with twig blight in our apple orchards. Is that identical with pear blight? Is there any remedy for it?

Mr. Burgess: It is the same thing as pear blight, and the only remedy is to cut out the twigs as far as you can.

Mr. Peters, Franklin county: I would like to ask as to what kind of soil is the best for pear trees?

Mr. Burgess: Well, I don't know as I could give you a definite answer to that. In the northern part of the state where nursery stock is grown, I know they raise most excellent pear stock on heavy clay soil. Mr. McDaniels, Franklin county: Speaking of the blight, I think it is not altogether fatal. Last summer, in my neighborhood, I noticed a great many of the thistles and a great many of the weeds blighted. Something I never noticed before.

Mr. A. H. Judy, Darke county: I would just say that the United States Experiment Station has given tests along that line of the quality of the soil, and the accompanying effects of it upon the blight, and they find that the poor soil is less inductive to blight than the rich soil. That shows that sometimes when we try to make our trees grow, we are harming them more than we are helping them.

Dr. Chamberlain: I don't like to have this association go on record as favoring spraying during blossoming time. The records and testimony of almost all scientific men show that you had better not do it. It does kill bees, and kill them badly, and I like to have my neighbor's bees help to fertilize my orchard. Another objection is that it does not do the work as good. I want the blossom fallen, and the apple with the calyx up ready to receive the poison, when it will do the most good, attendant with least harm. I don't believe in spraying while the blossoms are still on the tree. I like it better afterwards.

Music by the Cecilian Ladies' Quartette.

The President: The next subject is one which, while of general interest, will be more especially so to those who are interested in horses. The paper will be presented by one of our prosperous young farmers from Pickaway county. The people of that district have been delighted to place him in high honor, and we all know that during last year, as a member of the General Assembly, he did much to help forward that which was of general advantage to the farmers of the state. I take pleasure in introducing to you Senator R. W. Dunlap, who will speak on the subject, "The Modern Draft Horse."


Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen:

I am not surprised that this subject is on the program for discussion, because the draft horse of today is a profitable animal. A few years ago he was not a profitable animal and we did not care to discuss him; he was not really worth talking about. No other horse was worth talking about. We were about as much disgusted with the horse a few years ago as the little boy was who had gray mare to take care of. He found that it got rather monotonous to attend

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