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These works occupy sixteen acres of land, and employ over seven thousand men. About fifteen thousand locomotives have been constructed here. The greater number are used on railroads in the United States, the smaller number are in use in other sections of the world. Describe the different views represented here.

Name all of the different articles of which you

can think that are manufactured. Think of the thousands of people employed in making these articles and of the great amount of money used in paying for them. The farmer feeds them all. Visit manufacturing industries and learn all you can in regard to their work.

are near the sea or upon some stream body of water. Can you think of: reason for this?

All manufacturing plants should in easy communication with the co and iron districts. Iron is needed for th

The material from which articles are machinery, and coal is needed to drive

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MINING and QUARRYING.-MINING is an important industry. It is the digging of minerals from mines in the earth. Men thus engaged are called miners. They usually work in mountainous sections, because minerals are more often found there. Some miner-> als, especially coal, are found in the lowlands.

Make a list of the minerals which are mined in the world. What ones do you know at sight? Which are most valuable? Find out what articles are made from the various minerals, and something of their value. Describe the different scenes on this page. What is a smelter? How does the mining town differ from your town or city?

The mines of North and South America, Europe,



and South Africa are extensively worked; those of Asia and the islands are little worked. The people of the White Race have developed the mines, as they have every important industry.


The minerals are transported by cars or boats to great trade-centers, where they are sent to the different industries

world. It is found in great beds or in the bottom of shallow lakes near the sea. It is dug out, cleansed, and the water evaporated. Then it is refined for use. All animals and mankind seem to need it to season their food. Describe the pictures of the salt works. QUARRYING.-Cutting

stone from the earth is

called QUARRYING. The GRANITE QUARRY men so engaged are


Quarry men not only take the stone from the QUARRY, but they cut and shape it for use. Marble, sandstone, granite, and limestone are quarried.

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