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scending his palace stairs to breakfast, and, tumbling to the bottom, his imperial skull receive an occipital derangement in the region of " adhesiveness," it is possible the half of Europe would not be embroiled in war, and countless numbers be left peacefully and quietly to live on, unskathed by the hellish atrocities of war. What mighty effects might a piece of orange-peel produce in the destinies of the world! How much longer will the million abase themselves to the reckless domination of the one? We shake our wise heads, and cast up our astonished eyes at the monstrous madness of the votaries of Juggernaut, and little dream how slight a shade of difference exists between it and our own. But the spirit of inquiry is abroad, asking some ugly questions. Verily kings must learn to live in future for their people: the people will no longer live for kings.

POLAND; OLD NICK AND YOUNG NICK.-The benign autocrat has been graci. ously pleased to remit, in part the sentence of a noble Lady, (Emilia Szczamieika of Warsaw,) condemned to imprisonment and the confiscation of her estates, for having attended her sick countrymen in the hospitals of the city, and bestowed a large sum of money on the National Treasury, in 1831. The property of Prince Sapieha in Lithuania, has been seized, to the amount of 900,000,000 florins; and in the act of carrying off the books, pictures, and statues to St. Petersburg, a fine statue, by Canova, was broken to pieces. Count Potocki, whose estates are situated in the Ukraine, has been despoiled of twenty millions. All the libraries, collections of pictures, medals, engravings, and natural history, are removed from Warsaw to St. Petersburg; and the autocrat replies to every remonstrance by a declaration, that " Toute prise de guerre est bonne prise !" At the castle of a distinguished nobleman in Podoli, (occupied as the head-quarters of the Russian army,) the books have been taken from the library, to light the stoves, in preference to the wood provided for that purpose. Even these outrages might be borne. But in August last, another seizure took place, of Polish children, in the capital and the provinces; the little creatures being torn from the arms of their mothers, and transported, for the remainder of their days, into the interior of Russia; the girls to be employed in manufactories, the boys in drudgery; all forced to adopt a new creed, and reared in a state of the grossest ignorance and demoralization! The family of Prince Zangusko (a nobleman who conciliated many friends during his residence in London) are still kept in ignorance of his place of exile in Siberia. The Emperor, it seems, added, in his own handwriting, in aggravation of the sentence, that the illustrious patriot, no less distinguished by his immense wealth, than by his high accomplishments, should perform the journey on foot; and the Princess, his aged mother, having thrown herself at the feet of the autocrat, to obtain a modification of the sentence, was informed that Zangusko might be accommodated with a Kibitka, on admitting that he was induced to join the patriots by her commands, or by distraction at the loss of his wife. "No!" replied the young Prince; "the resolution proceeded from my own unbiassed will and attachment to my native country. I will not disavow my principles." In an hour he was on his march towards Tobolsk ! "Long live Nicholas the Clement!"


PUTTING THE SADDLE ON THE RIGHT MAYOR.-The Mansion House, and its annual dictator, afford a standing target for the wicked wits of the metropolis. Peter Laurie, the new butt, (who, like the inimitable Saddletree of Scott's Mid-Lothian, is at once a saddler and a sumph,) was pleased to interdict all political allusions at the Guildhall dinner. "Ah," said Lord John Russell," it is plain that his Lordship is only a bit-by-bit reformer !"-a happy hit, to have been made on the spur of the moment.

SECOND SIGHT, OR SECOND SONG ?-An ear-witness of the Peninsular Campaigns, who immortalizes himself and them in the United Service Journal, states, in the last number, that himself or his friend marched into action at Ciudad Rodrigo, singing, "Ah! quel plaisir d'être soldat!”—a celebrated song composed by Boieldieu, in the year 1825.

"THE AWARD Of Gods, Men, aND COLUMNS."—It is understood in the metropolis, that, till the excitement caused by the public inquiry into the claims of the Duke of York's creditors, shall have, in some measure, subsided, no attempt will be hazarded to place the statue of his royal highness on the column now erecting in Carlton Gardens, lest it should afford an opportunity for the expression of public feeling. It is certain that a statue of Sir Walter Scott would be a much more appropriate and satisfactory ornament to the finest street of the finest metropolis in Europe; nor is his memory likely to undergo any diminution of reverence and regard from the disclosures of future years.



GREAT BRITAIN. REFORM IN THE CHURCH. From the investigations making by Government into the state of the Church, and the language used by the adherents of the Ministry, it can hardly be doubted that an important reformation of the Church is at hand. It was currently reported, that the work of drawing up the Bill for this purpose, had been intrusted to the Reverend Sidney Smith, but he has contradicted this report. At a late election dinner at Wycombe, the Honourable Colonel Grey, son of Earl Grey, made the important statement, that the Reform Bill having become the law of the land, the people had a right to expect other reforms, equally advantageous. "No doubt they would soon have a practical and beneficial Church Reform-not a niggardly bit-by-bit Church Reform, like the Pluralities Bill of last session-but as full and efficient, and satisfactory a Church Reform as our own Reform Bill." At a meeting, on the 5th November, of the Electors of Southwark, Mr. Brougham said, "that a most important measure, which must soon be brought forward, without which the Reform Bill would be quite imperfect, was a Reform in the Church. It was well known, that the great body of the Clergy of the Establishment, who did all the work, received less wages than a gentleman paid his footman, while those who did no work, received enormous incomes. There were in the Church of England, 2999 clergymen, who had incomes less than L.100 ayear. This was less, including board wages and livery, than was paid a footman. There were between 700 and 800 clergymen, who had but half that income; while some—he would not at present go as high as the Bishops even the Dean of Durham had 1.9000 a-year, for doing nothing. He would support an effectual reform in the Church, by which all who laboured in the vineyard should receive adequate wages; but those who did not work should receive no pay." If these opinions are those entertained by Ministers, we may see much

sooner the beneficial effects of the Reform Bill than is generally anticipated. There is undoubtedly a considerable portion of those who call themselves liberals, who expected that the passing of the Reform Bill was to close the account between the aristocracy and the people, and who most absurdly supposed, that by due management on the part of the Ministry, further concessions might be withheld. Such pseudo-liberals utterly forget that the Bills were secured, not by the Ministry, but by the people; and that the conduct of the Court and the Tories, by causing the necessity of a demonstration of the power of the people, shewed every one, even the most ignorant, the means by which the victory was obtained. To suppose that the people will stop short, and allow the enemy to entrench themselves anew, betrays the utmost ignorance of the state of feeling throughout the country. The people, flushed with their recent success, will never be content till all the more flagrant abuses of the state are corrected; and any Ministry, Whig, or Tory, which attempts to control them in their just expectations, will speedily be hurled from their places, however high they may stand in the favour of the Crown, or in the good graces of the Aristocracy.

THE DISSENTERS are actively bestirring themselves. The evils of which they complain are great; and a simultaneous effort is all that is necessary to get rid of them. Taxation without representation is tyranny; and a compulsory assessment for a sinecure Church, while the assessed find themselves obliged, by their conscience, to pay for more efficient religious services, can be viewed in no other light. The system of patronage by which the great man of the parish provides for a family dependent, without regard to his fitness for the duties imposed on him, is a futile source of heart-burning in Scotland, and its abolition is loudly called for by many zealous adherents of the estab

lishment itself.

THE ELECTIONS.-Nothing is more difficult, during the progress of a general

election, than to estimate the numbers of the members likely to be returned by the different parties. Every one acts on the notion, that to admit that the chance of his favourite candidate is doubtful, is to ensure his defeat. From all that we can learn, the result in Scotland will not disappoint the friends of liberty. Of the Scotch counties, Perthshire and East Lothian are perhaps the most decidedly Tory. Yet Lord Ormelie, the eldest son of the Marquis of Breadalbane, and a true Whig, is secure of the former, and Sir David Baird, a liberal, is equally sure of the latter. The Tory candidate for Perthshire is Sir George Murray, backed by his numerous connexions, and all the power of the Athol family, and the victory cannot otherwise be considered than as great and glorious. It is most fortunate for Perthshire that a candidate so well fitted as Lord Ormelie has been found to break up the bondage in which the county has long been held by the Tories. To great hereditary possessions and family influence, he joins talents and information, which render him worthy to represent such a county. The antagonist of Sir D. Baird is Mr. Balfour of Whittingham, a nabob wallowing in wealth, the son-in-law of the Earl of Lauderdale, who now, in his latter days, has become a Tory, after passing through nearly all the shades of political opinion. But neither the political influence of the Earl, nor the gold of his son-in-law, avail him in the hour of need, and both must yield to the straight-forward honesty and independence of Sir D. Baird. From these specimens, we may judge of the prospects of the Tories in the Scotch counties. In the burghs, again, matters have still a worse aspect for them. The most servile and corrupt is Edinburgh. It has been, since the Union at least, the scene of perpetual jobbing, and, for the last half century, the headquar ter of Toryism in Scotland. The Dundases long held the undisputed political sway, and the representation of the City of Edinburgh became almost the appanage of their family. Yet here the Tories have only started one candidate, and the return of the Lord Advocate and the Hon. James Abercrombie is all but certain. The Tory candidate, Mr. Blair, has never once ventured to meet the electors in public, to declare to them his political opinions. We have, therefore, no fear that Scotland will do her duty at the ensuing election, and that a very great majority of the Scottish representatives to the new Parliament will be men of liberal opinions.

SIR WALTER SCOTT.-A meeting of the creditors of Sir Walter Scott was held at Edinburgh on the 29th of October,

when an offer was made, by the family of our illustrious countryman, to pay to his creditors, on the 2d of February, a sum of money, which, in addition to that in the hands of his trustees, and the amount insured on his life, will pay nine shillings in the pound. The whole amount to be thus distributed, will be L.53,000, which with the former dividends, and payments received from co-obligants, is equal to the whole claims against Sir Walter Scott in 1823. The meeting was very numerously attended, and the proposal was adopted without a dissentient voice. The following resolution was also carried unanimously :-" And while the meeting state their anxious wish that every creditor who is not present may adopt the same resolution, they think it a tribute justly due to the memory of Sir Walter Scott, to express, in the strongest manner, their deep sense of his most honourable conduct, and of the unparalleled benefits which they have derived from the extraordinary exertion of his unrivalled talents under misfortunes and difficulties, which would have paralyzed the exertions of any one else, but in him only farther proved the greatness of mind which enabled him to rise superior to them." The proceedings of this meeting seem to have been overlooked in London, for on the 9th November we find a meeting was held at Bridgewater House, the residence of Lord L. Gower, at which it was determined, "That a subscription be forthwith entered into, for the purpose of not only preserving Abbotsford, but of securing its proper maintenance in the family of Sir Walter Scott." Subscriptions are likewise raising in all parts of the country for the erection of monuments to the memory of Sir Walter Scott. His Majesty has subscribed L.300 for the monument to be erected at Edinburgh.

THE LORD CHIEF JUSTICE.-The Right Honourable Charles Abbot, Lord Tenterden, Chief Justice of the King's. Bench, died on Sunday the 4th of November. He attended the trial of Mr. Pinney, the Mayor of Bristol, on the 27th of October, but he was evidently labouring under the effects of great weakness. He was unable to leave his house after his return home from the Court, and the symptoms of his complaint became rapidly more alarming. His Lordship was in his 71st year. Lord Tenterden was elevated to the Bench in 1816, when his Lordship succeeded Mr. Justice Le Blanc. In 1818, Lord Ellenborough having resigned the office of Chief Justice of the King's Beuch, over which Court he had presided from the year 1802, he was succeeded by Lord Tenterden, then Sir Chas.

Abbot. His Lordship was an able lawyer and a good judge, except when his political prejudices interfered. Sir Thomas Denman, the Attorney-General, was immediately appointed Chief Justice. The salary of the office has been reduced from L.10,000 to L.8000 a-year.

POORS' LAWS COMMISSION.-Sometime ago a Commission, to inquire into the state of the Poors' Laws, was appointed, from which much benefit may ultimately be derived. Their first step was to send forth printed queries, directed to persons the most actively engaged in the administration of the Poors' Laws; one set of queries being framed expressly for the rural districts, and another for the towns. As answers to these queries were returned, commissioners itinerant were deputed from the Central Board, to examine witnesses on the spot, to inspect books, and visit workhouses. During the last three months, the greater part of the country, including almost all the parishes distinguished by peculiar management has been visited by these Commissioners, and they are expected to complete their labours in a few weeks. A bill on the subject is to be brought into Parliament very soon after it meets.

BRISTOL RIOTS.-The trial of Mr. Pinney, the Mayor of Bristol, for neglect of duty, in not having used due vigour in his magisterial capacity, during the memorable riots at Bristol, was brought to a close on the 1st November. The following is the verdict of the Jury:" We unanimously find Charles Pinney, late Mayor of Bristol, not guilty. We are of opinion that, circumstanced as he wasmenaced and opposed by an infuriated and wreckless mob; unsupported by any force, civil or military, and deserted in those quarters where he might most reasonably expect assistance, the late Mayor of Bristol acted to the best of his judgment, and with the highest zeal and personal courage."

CAPTAIN ROSs.-During the month several meetings have been held in London, with the view of fitting out an expedition in search of Captain Ross and his companions, who sailed in spring 1829 to the Arctic Seas, with the view of discovering the so much sought for north-west passage to America. Captain Ross had two vessels, a steamer and a ship, but the crew of the latter having mutinied, he proceeded on his expedition with the steamer alone, in which were only himself and nineteen men. At a meeting, on the first November, at which Admiral Sir George Cockburn presided, he stated his opinion, from all the facts which had come to light, that Captain Ross was still

alive, and in the neighbourhood of the spot where the Fury was wrecked in Parry's last voyage. It appears that the Hudson's Bay Company has formed depots of provisions to a considerable extent in the line of Captain Ross's assumed route overland. The sum necessary for two years' maintenance of the proposed expedition, and which, with husbanding, may suffice for three years, is L.5000, of which sum Government has subscribed L.2000, and the remainder is in the course of being raised by private subscription. Captain Back, the energetic companion of Franklin, will command the expedition.

CHEAP PUBLICATIONS.-The miserable prosecutions of the poor wretches who sell cheap publications, has continued in London during the month. Hardly a day elapses that some of the venders of the Poor Man's Guardian-for this is the publication marked out for prosecution— are not sent to the jails, to be there kept for two or three months at the public expense, and to complete their education for the commission of more serious offences. Some of the police magistrates are utterly disgusted with these proceedings, and refuse to convict upon the evidence of the informers, who make a livelihood by enforcing the laws enacted to keep the people in ignorance. How long will our rulers permit those laws to disgrace our statute book? Where is all the love for the liberty of the press which so many of our present Ministry professed when out of office?

TRIBUTE TO MINISTERS.--On the 6th November, a deputation, headed by Sir John Key, Lord Mayor of London, waited upon Lords Grey, Althorp, and John Russell, to present their Lordships with gold cups, the produce of a penny subscription among the people. Lord Brougham, in consequence of illness, could not receive the deputation. The Lord Mayor, in his address, said, "that the people could readily, from amongst themselves, have contributed for a much more expensive proof of their approbation, but it was wished to afford as large a number as possible the pleasure of uniting in thus testifying their gratitude. It was on that account that the subscription of each individual was limited to so small a sum as one penny, by which means an opportunity had been afforded to 300,000 individuals to contribute to the subscription." The cups bore the inscription, "Take away the wicked from before the King, and his throne shall be established in righteousness."-Proverbs, Chap. xxv., Verse 5. They weigh eighty-five ounces, and will contain five pints of wine cach.

WAR WITH HOLLAND.-On the 13th November, a meeting, rather numerously attended, was held in the City of London Tavern, to petition the King against the prosecution of the war with Holland. The time at which the meeting was held shews that the object was not for the purpose of endeavouring to avoid the calamities of war, but with the view of removing the Ministers from office. The convention with France was already signed, and so far carried into effect, that an embargo had been laid on Dutch vessels, and resolutions passed at public meetings can only have the effect of making the war more bloody and more protracted, by encouraging the King of Holland in his obstinacy. A similar meeting was held at Edinburgh on the 22d November.

IRELAND. The maintaining a sinecure Church in idleness by means of 50,000 bayonets, continues to drench the soil of our unfortunate sister isle with blood. On the 8th of October, a body of thirty policemen proceeded to the parish of Aglish, in the neighbourhood of Waterford, to post notices for the payment of the arrears of tithes; and being followed and hooted by a crowd of 200 or 300 persons, the majority of them women and children, the police fired, and 12 people were killed, and from 20 to 30 wounded. Not one of the crowd was armed, and there were not even stones thrown at the police before they fired. We refrain from any comment on this atrocious affair, as it must shortly become the subject of judicial investigation, the inquest having returned a verdict of wilful murder against Captain Burke and the party of police under his command, for killing Catherine Foley, and Joseph Sinnot, two of the persons who fell on the above occasion. The anti-tithe meetings have for the present been suppressed by the numerous prosecutions instituted by government against those present at them, in most of which prosecutions they obtained verdicts against the accused. The sentences were extremely severe, when it is considered that the illegality of such meetings was far from being generally known. Fines of L.50 and L.100, with four to six months' imprisonment, were in many instances inflicted. The prosecutions against the press continue.

Those against Mr. Halkett of the Tipperary Free Press, for publishing, as an advertisement, the resolutions of a political club, are almost unparalleled in the history of the country, and have called forth the sympathy of every friend of liberty in the three kingdoms. On the whole, the conduct of the Whig ministry towards Ireland, reminds one rather of the despotic governments of the Continent than of

the free institutions of Britain. Although, however, the ministry has been so far successful in their plans, the great object in view has not been attained. The tithes are not paid. The people allow their effects to be sold when purchasers can be found, and their persons to be imprisoned, but the accursed impost they will not pay. Were the Irish clergy dependent for their subsistence upon tithes, some sympathy might perhaps be felt for them, but while the Irish Church possesses 990,000 Eng. lish acres of land, worth at least a million a-year, for the support of some two thousand clergymen, with half a million of Episcopalian parishioners, there are ample revenues for the payment of the clergy, without oppressing the impoverished peasantry by the exaction of tithes. Scotland contains nearly two millions and a half of people, and her clergy are at least as efficient as those of any other Church, yet they do not cost more than a quarter of a million annually. In such circumstances, we say to the Irish, persist, by all legal means, in your opposition to the payment of tithes. Your resistance hitherto has been noble, and it only requires a few months' longer perseverance to ensure you the victory.


FRANCE.-The Duchess de Berri, who, by her ill-advised attempts to secure the throne of France for her son, has caused the greatest misery to thousands of the ignorant but devoted adherents of the wretched race of Bourbon, was apprehended at Nantes, on the 7th of November.

She was betrayed by Etienne Gonzague Deutz. This person, who is a native of Cologne, and brought up in the Jewish religion, had repaired to Rome, in the year 1826, to his uncle, of the same name, a celebrated Jewish rabbi, and he there renounced the Jewish, and assumed the Catholic, faith. He then lived, for a considerable period, on the pecuniary supplies afforded him by Cardinal Albani. In 1831, after making a voyage to America, he returned to Europe, and Drack, his brother-in-law, being attached to the suite of the Duke of Bourdeaux, he thus obtained the means of introduction to the Duchess de Berri. He was employed by her in several delicate missions to foreign courts. These missions he executed to the satisfaction of the Duchess, and thus the good opinion she entertained of him was strengthened. After the arrival of the Duchess in France, Deutz continued to be employed by her, and, in one of his missions to Germany, he became acquainted, at Frankfort, with an individual attached to the French police. Here the

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