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"The measures adopted to carry into effect the provisions of the law," may, in part, be seen in the preceding statement. In addition to which the Commissioners have, during the past year, caused a wharf to be built on the lot near Charlestown, Massachusetts, another on that near Philadelphia, made arrangements to build one at Brooklyn, New York, and caused other slight improvements to be made. They have also procured, with great care, from some of the most accomplished architects in our country, plans for the buildings which they suppose necessary at the places mentioned, keeping in view the improvements in such establishments in other countries, and the direction of the law to regard economy, and give preference to such plans as, with most convenience and least cost, will admit of subsequent® additions, as the funds will permit, and circumstances require."

They have employed Mr. Strickland, a very skilful and experienced architect, to make the necessary contracts for materials, and superintend the building of a "permanent asylum for disabled and decrepid navy officers, seamen, and marines," at Philadelphia; and Mr. Haviland, another skilful and experienced architect, to make the contracts for, and superintend the building of, a hospital near Norfolk Virginia. Both the asylum and the hospital, they hope, will be completed within the next year, in a manner suited to the interesting nature of the works themselves, and to the obligations due to those out of whose funds the cost of their erection is to be defrayed.

They propose, also, to proceed with the hospitals at Charlestow and Brooklyn, as soon as the funds under their control will permit and if the recommendations which they have suggested to pay to th fund what is really due to it, be adopted by Congress, they do no doubt that they will be able to complete all the hospitals mentioned i the course of the next two years.

Which is respectfully submitted.

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SIR: In answer to the resolution of the House of Representativ of the 20th January, "That the Commissioners of the Navy H pitals be directed to report to this House the amount of the st which they have received and expended by virtue of the act. enti An act establishing Navy Hospitals,' the balance remaining in t hands on the 31st of December, 1823, designating the sum which

been absorbed in the Pay of the Navy, and which is due to the Hospital Fund ;' and what measures they have adopted to carry into effect the provisions of said act;" we have the honor to enclose a copy of a letter from the Fourth Auditor of the Treasury, marked A, with a statement of the accounts in the Auditor's office, marked B, shewing the receipts and disbursements of said fund up to the 31st December, 1823.

The law separating the Naval from the Marine Hospital Fund, was passed on the 26th February, 1811. On that day a balance of $5,782 86, standing to the credit of the Marine Hospital Fund, was carried to the credit of the Navy Hospital Fund. This sum, with the deductions authorized by law, from the pay of the officers, scamen, and marines, constitutes the whole of the Navy Hospital Fund. These deductions have been regularly made whenever the officers, seamen, and marines, have received their pay, and the sums so deducted have been left in the Pay of the Navy," which is of course responsible for them. They were not in the first instance drawn from the Pay of the Navy" at the times in which they accrued, in consequence of he war, which succeeded the passage of the law, and were left in the dame situation for several years afterwards.




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By the report made on the 29th October, 1823, it appears that the alance to the credit of the fund at that time, was $ 117,074 34; ince which the deductions from the pay of the officers, seamen, and Farines, and for which the Pay of the Navy" is responsible, have "nounted to $2,638 61, making the Navy Hospital Fund, on the (1st December, 1823, amount to $119,712 95, exclusive of the I'mount which has been under the control of the Commissioners. 01 After the establishment of the fund in February, 1811, and before e 30th September. 1821, the expenditures by the Commissioners timounted to $ 10.652 85; since that time there has been drawn and baced in the hands of the Treasurer of the United States, subject to he orders of the Commissioners, $ 43.335 87, and in September, 23, 18,000 were paid for a site for a Naval Hospital near the pavy Yard at Charlestown, Massachusetts. These three sums added gether make $71,988 72, which, added to the sum of $119.712 95, which the Pay of the Navy" is responsible, makes $ 191,701 67, tiling the whole amount of money which has accrued to the fund buce its establishment.



off From this statement it will be perceived that the only funds which gir Commissioners can immediately control for the objects of the cay, are those in the hands of the Treasurer. viz. 43,335 87. The for at due from the "Pay of the Navy" can only be paid as balances of appropriations for that object shall remain at the end of the r; and as these appropriations are founded upon estimates, calcud with great care and accuracy, and are barely adequate to acpenplish their object, it is manifest that it will be a long time before the fund is repaid. and the Commissioners will have the control of sufh he means which properly belong to it.



pre he delay will greatly postpone the accomplishment of the be

lent purposes of the law creating the fund, and do injustice to

those who have contributed to it, and who by the delay will be deprived of its benefits.

With a view to avoid the difficulties which have heretofore existed on this subject, an order has been given to the Fourth Auditor of the Treasury, to make out, at the end of each quarter, from the returns of the disbursing officers, a statement of all moneys accruing to the Navy Hospital Fund during the quarter, and give a regular certificate of the amount, that a warrant may be issued for the same in favor of the Agent of the fund. By this means it will, at the end of each quarter, receive all the money to which it is entitled, and the Pay of the Navy" will not become any further indebted to it.


In September, 1823, the Commissioners purchased a site for a Hospital adjoining the Navy Yard at Charlestown, Massachusetts, for which they paid $ 18,000, and have made a contract for another site near the Navy Yard at Brooklyn. These are all the measures they have adopted to carry into effect the provisions of the act." Respectfully, &c.

To the Hon. the SPEAKER

Of the House of Representatives.




Fourth Auditor's Office, 26th January, 1824.

SIR: In obedience to the request contained in your letter of the 21st inst. enclosing a resolution of the House of Representatives relative to the "Naval Hospital Fund" I have the honor to report; That, from the 26th February, 1811, to the 31st December, 1823, there has been passed to the credit of said Fund on the books of this office, and those of the Accountant of the Navy, the sum of

-$187,918 81

To which must be added a balance standing to the credit of the "Marine Hospital Fund" on the 26th February, 1811, and carried to the credit of the "Naval Hospital Fund, "

From this sum is to be deducted amount of expendi-
tures to 30th September, 1821,
Moneys drawn and placed in the hands of the Treasu-
ry of the United States

$10,652 85

43.335 87

3,782 86

$191,701 67

Moneys drawn in September, 1823. for the payment of land purchased for a Naval Hospital site at Bos


18,000 00

71,988 72

$119,712 95

Leaving a balance to the credit of the Naval Hospital Fund "on the books of this office, on the 31st December, 1823. of one hundred and nineteen thousand seven hundred and twelve dollars and ninety-five cents, the whole of which has been absorbed in the Pay of the Navy," and for which the appropriation for that object is responsible. I have the honor to be,

Sir, with great respect,

Your obedient servant, CONSTANT FREEMAN, Auditor.


Secretary of the Navy.


$119,712 95 By balance standing at the credit of the
Navy Hospital Fund on the 1st day

of October, 1833, per report trans-
mitted 29th October, 1823.
By amount carried to the credit of said
Fund, from 1st day of October to
31st day of December, 1823,

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2,638 61

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