Imágenes de páginas

60. When God HEARD this,


was wroth '

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and took SORE dis- | pleasure at Is- ra- el. 61. So that He forsook the TAber- | nacle' in ' Si- ' lo : even the TENT that He had | pitched a- ' mong



62. He delivered their POWer | into 'cap- ' ti- ' vity : and their BEAUty | into the ' ene- ' my's 'hand.

63. He gave His people over ALso | un- ' to ' thesword! and was WROTH with | His ' in- ' he- ' ri- '


64. The FIRE con- | sumed their 1 young men and their MAIdens | were not ' given ' to ' marriage.

65. Their priests were SLAIN | with the sword! - : and there were no WIdows to make tation.

ꞌ la- ' men- 1

3rd Tone C.

out of sleep '

' wine ' - .

66. So the Lord aWAKed as one and LIKE a | giant' re- ' freshed' with 67. He smote His ENemies | in the hin- ' der parts: AND put them to a per- ' pet- ' ual shame.

68. He refused the TAber- | nacle of Jo- ' seph and CHOSE not 'the' tribe' of ' E- ' phraim.

69. But CHOSE the | tribe' of ' Ju- ' dah: even the HILL of Si- ' on which He lov- ' ed.

70. And there He BUILT His | tem- ple' on ' high : and laid the foundation of it like the ground* WHICH | He hath made ' con- ' tin- ' ually.


71. He chose DAvid | also ' His ' ser- ' vant and TOOK him away from the sheep- ' folds.

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72. As he was following the ewes GREAT with youngones He took him that he might feed Jacob His peoHis in-he- ritance.

ple,* AND Is- rael 73. So he FED them with a | faithful ' and 'true' heart : and ruled them PRUdent- | ly with all his power. Glory be to the Father,* AND | to the Son - : ☀ | :1 and to the Holy Ghost;

As it was in the beginning,* is NOW, and | e- ' ver shall be: WORLD | – ' with- ' out ' end. ' A- ' men.

[blocks in formation]

GOD, the heathen are COME into Thine in- ' he- '

ritance Thy holy temple have they defiled,* and

made JeRUsalem an | heap' of ' stones ' -.

2. The dead bodies of Thy servants have they given* to be MEAT unto the | fowls' of the air: and the flesh of Thy SAINTS unto the | beasts of the land -.

3. Their blood have they shed like water on every SIDE | of ' Je- ' ru- ' salem: and there was NO | man' to 'bury' them.

4. We are become an open SHAME | to ' our ' ene- ' mies a very scorn and derision unto THEM that are round! a- 'bout us.

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5. Lord, how LONG wilt | Thou be an- ' gry: shall Thy jealousy BURN like | fire ' for ' e- ' ver ?

6. Pour out Thine indignation upon the HEAthen that | have not known Thee and upon the kingdoms that have not CALLed up- | on Thy Name -.

7. For THEY have de- | vour- 'ed' Ja- ' cob: and LAID | waste' his ' dwelling' place.

8. O remember not our old sins,* but have MERcy upon us, ❘ and ' that soon for we are COME to | great '— ' mi- ' sery.

9. Help us, O God of our salvation,* for the GLOry | of Thy Name: O deliver us, and be merciful unto our sins, for Thy Name's sake.

10. WHEREfore do the hea- ' then I say: Where ! is ! now I their God?

II. O let the vengeance of Thy servants' BLOOD that' is shed be openly shewed upon the HEAthen | in ' our' sight.

12. O let the sorrowful sighing of the PRIsoners | come! be- fore Thee : according to the greatness of Thy power,* preserve Thou THOSE that are ap- | pointed ' to die -.

13. And for the blasphemy wherewith our NEIGHbours have blasphem-'ed' Thee: reward Thou them, O Lord, SEven-fold into their ' bo- ' som.

14. So we, that are Thy people, and sheep of Thy pasture,* shall GIVE Thee | thanks' for 'e- ' ver : and will alway be shewing forth Thy praise* from geneRAtion to | ge- ne'ra- ' tion.

Glory be to the Father,* AND | to the Son: AND| to the Holy Ghost;

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As it was in the beginning,* is NOW, and | e- ver shall be: WORLD with- | out' end. ' A- ' men.

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JEAR, O Thou Shepherd of Israel,* Thou that leadest
JOseph like a sheep: shew Thyself also Thou

that SITtest up- | on the cheru- ' bims.

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2. Before Ephraim, BENjamin, | and | Ma- ' nas- ' ses : stir up Thy STRENGTH, and | come, and help us. 3. TURN us a- | gain, ' O ' God: shew the light of Thy COUNtenance, and we shall be whole -.

bread of

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4. O LORD God of hosts: how long wilt Thou be ANgry with Thy | people that pray- ' eth? 5. Thou FEEDest them with the tears: and givest them PLENteousness of tears' to ' drink ' - : 6. Thou hast made us a very STRIFE | unto Our neighbours and our ENemies | laugh us to scorn 7. Turn us aGAIN, Thou God of hosts: shew the light of Thy COUNtenance, and we shall be whole-. 8. Thou hast brought a VINE out of ' E- ' gypt: Thou hast CAST out the | heathen, ' and ' plant- ' ed it. 9. Thou MAdest | room' for ' it: and when it had taken ROOT it filled the land ' |

10. The hills were COvered with the and the boughs thereof were LIKE the dar-trees.

shadow' of 'it :

good- ' ly ' ce- 1


II. She stretched out her BRANCHes | un- ' to ' thesea and her BOUGHS | un- ' to ' the ri- ' ver.

12. Why hast Thou then BROken | down her ' hedge : that all they that go by PLUCK | off her grapes - ? 13. The wild boar out of the WOOD doth | root it! 'up and the wild BEASTS of the field de- vour it. ! 14. Turn Thee again, Thou God of hosts,*LOOK | down ' from ' heaven: beHOLD, and | visit this ' vine ꞌ –.

15. And the place of the vineyard that Thy RIGHT hand hath plant-ed: and the branch that Thou madest so STRONG | for Thy- 'self' –.

16. It is burnt with FIRE, | and 'cut ' down: and they shall Perish at the re- | buke' of Thy coun- ' tenance.

17. Let Thy hand be upon the MAN of Thy 'right' hand and upon the son of man, * whom Thou madest so STRONG for | Thine' own self ꞌ —.



18. And SO will not we go | back us live, and we shall CALL up- on Thy 19. Turn us again, O LORD God of the light of Thy COUNtenance, and we whole -.

Thee: O let
Name -

hosts: shew
shall ꞌ be-

Glory be to the Father,* AND | to the Son: AND | to the Holy Ghost;

As it was in the beginning,* is NOW, and | e- ver 1 shall be: WORLD without | end. ' - ' A- ' men.

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