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that is WEANed from his mother: yea, my soul is Even as a wean- 'ed' child.

4. O Israel, TRUST in the Lord from this time. FORTH for e- ver- I more.


Glory be to the Father,* AND to the Son AND to the Holy Ghost;

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As it was in the beginning,* is NOW, and ever | shall' be: WORLD without | end. ' A- ' men.

Morning Prayer.

PSALM CXXXII. Memento Domine.

(Proper on Christmas Day, at Evensong.)

7th Tone E.


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ORD, re- mem- ' ber' Da- ' vid: AND | all' his ' trouble;

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2. How he SWARE | unto the Lord' and vowed a vow unto the AlMIGHTY | God of Ja- ' cob.

3. I will not come within the TAber- | nacle of mine' house nor CLIMB up | into ' my ' bed'

4. I will not suffer mine eyes to sleep,* NOR mine | eyelids to slum- 'ber: neither the temples of my HEAD to | take!

! rest any


5. Until I find out a place* for the TEMple

of the '

Lord an habitation for the MIGHTY |

God' of '



6. Lo, we HEARD of the same at Eph- ' rata : AND found it in the wood.


7. We will GO | into His taber-nacle and fall low on our KNEES be- | fore His foot-stool.

8. Arise, O LORD, into Thy | rest-ing-' place! - : THOU, and the ark of Thy strength.

9. Let Thy PRIESTS be | clothed' with ' righteous- ' ness and let Thy SAINTS | sing with ' joy- ' fulness.

10. FOR Thy | ser- vant Da- ' vid's sake: turn not away the PREsence of Thine A-noint- ed.

II. The Lord hath made a faithful OATH | un- ' to ' Da- ' vid : and He SHALL not | shrink ' - ' from ' it. 12. Of the FRUIT | of'thy' bo- ' dy: shall I SET up- | on thy seat '- .

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13. If thy children will keep My covenant,* and My TEStimonies that I shall learn them: their children also shall SIT upon thy | seat ' for ' ever- more.

14. For the Lord hath chosen Sion* to be an habiTAtion for Him- 'self' - : HE hath | long-ed for her.

15. THIS shall be My

rest' for 'e- ' ver: here will I dwell,* for I HAVE a de- | light' there- ' in '-.

16. I will BLESS her | victuals' with ' in- ' crease: and will SAtisfy her poor with bread-.

17. I will DECK her | priests with health '- : and her SAINTS shall re- | joice' and ' sing ' - .

18. There shall I make the HORN of | David' to ' flour-'ish: I have ordained a LANtern for | Mine' A- ' noint- ' ed.

19. As for his enemies,* I shall CLOTHE | them ' with ' shame' : but upon himSELF shall his | crown flourish.


Glory be to the Father,* AND to the Son' -: AND to the Holy Ghost;

As it was in the beginning,* is NOW, and | e- ' ver shall be: WORLD without | end'- . ' A- ' men.

PSALM CXXXIII. Ecce, quam bonum !

7th Tone E.

Be-hold how good

EHOLD, how good and JOYful a | thing it' is '- :

brethren, to DWELL to- | gether in u-nity.

2. It is like the precious ointment upon the head,* that ran DOWN | unto the beard '- : even unto Aaron's beard,* and went DOWN to the | skirts of his ' cloth- ' ing.

3. LIKE as the dew of Her- mon: which FELL upon the hill of Si- on.

4. For there the LORD | promised' His ' bless- ' ing AND | life' for ever- ' more.

Glory be to the Father,* AND | to the Son : AND to the Holy Ghost;

As it was in the beginning,* is NOW, and | e- ' ver ' shall be WORLD without end. - A- ' men.



Ecce nunc.

8th Tone A.


Be-hold now

EHOLD now, PRAISE the | Lord: all ye SER

vants of the Lord' ;

2. Ye that by night stand in the HOUSE of the | Lord : even in the COURTS of the | house of our ' God.

3. Lift up your HANDS in the | sanctuary: AND | praise' the Lord.

4. The Lord that made HEAven and | earth: give thee BLESSing out of Si- on.

Glory be to the Father,* AND to the | Son: AND | to' the Holy Ghost.

As it was in the beginning,* is NOW, and ever | shall' be: WORLD without | end. ' - ' A- ' men


Laudate Nomen.

8th Tone A.



PRAISE the Lord,* laud ye the NAME of the

Lord : praise it, O ye SERvants of the Lord ' — ; 2. Ye that stand in the HOUSE of the | Lord: in the COURTS of the house of our God.

3. O praise the Lord,* for the Lord is gracious: O sing praises unto His Name,* for it is love-ly.

4. For why ?* the Lord hath chosen Jacob UNto Himself and Israel for His | own' pos- ' ses- ' sion. 5. For I know that the LORD is great LORD is a- | bove ' - ' all' gods.

and that our

6. Whatsoever the Lord pleased,* that did He in HEAven, and in | earth: and in the SEA, and in | all' deep ' pla- ' ces.

7. He bringeth forth the clouds from the ENDS of the world and sendeth forth lightnings with the rain,* bringing the WINDS | out of His treasures.

8. He smote the FIRST-born of | E-gypt: BOTH of | man' and ' beast ' — .

9. He hath sent tokens and wonders into the midst of thee,* O thou LAND of| E- ' gypt: upon PHAraoh, and | all his ser- vants.

10. He smote DIvers | na- ' tions: and SLEW | might- ! y' kings' -;

11. Sehon king of the Amorites,* and OG the king of | Ba-san and ALL the | kingdoms of Ca- ' naan;

12. And gave their LAND to be an | heri- ' tage: even an HEritage unto | Israel' His ' peo- ' ple.

13. Thy Name, O Lord, enDUreth for | e- ver so doth Thy memorial, O Lord,* from one geneRAtion | to ' an-o-ther.

14. For the Lord will aVENGE His | peo- ' ple: and be GRAcious unto His ser- vants. 1

15. As for the images of the heathen,* they are but SILver and gold: the work of men's hands.

16. They have MOUTHS, and | speak' not: EYES have they, but they see not.


17. They have EARS, and yet they | hear not : neither is there any BREATH | in their mouths.

18. They that make them are LIKE unto them and so are all THEY that | put their trust' in them.

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19. Praise the LORD, ye house of | Israel: praise the LORD, ye house of Aa- ron.

20. Praise the LORD, ye fear the Lord,* | praise '

house of | Le- ' vi: ye that - the Lord.

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