Imágenes de páginas

Japanese in the United States

Axling, William. Japan wonders why. Comm. on internat. justice and goodwill. Fed. council of the churches of Christ in Am. '24 36p The "gentlemen's agreement" among gentlemen: a manner of solving the Japanese immigration problem with decency and fairness. R. L. Buell. il Asia 24:519-23+ J1 '24 Notes exchanged between Japan and the United States on the immigration question. Japan M 14:342-50 Je '24 United States. Senate. Com. on immigration. Japanese immigration legislation: hearings on S. 2576, a bill to limit the immigration of aliens into the United States, and for other purposes, March 11-13, and 15, 1924. Apply to Congressmen '24 170p (U.S. 68th Congress, 1st sess.)


See also Hat industry; Sugar industry; Tea industry

Jewelry business


† Denison's directory, 1923: manufacturers of jewelry, silverware, watch cases, etc. in the United States & Canada. Denison '23 149p $1

† Jewelers' Circular buyers' directory of the manufacturers, importers and jobbers in the jewelry and kindred trades: a handy classified list for desk and pocket, 19241925. Jewelers' Circular pub. co. '24 336p $1

† Jewelers' index: a composite catalog of all lines handled by or used by the jewelry trade. 3d ed Keystone pub. co. '24 538p ?price Lent, not sold.

† Jobbers' handbook, for 1923-1924: "that little red book"; a complete list of manufacturing jewelers and kindred trades. H. B. Frost, ed. Providence, R.I., 42 Weybosset st, Manufacturing Jeweler '23 359p $1


Alexander, H. B.

The Hebrew contribution to the Americanism of the future. Menorah pr. '23 [40]p (Menorah pam. no. 1) 25c 1st annual Zunz memorial lecture. Reprinted from the Menorah Journal, Feb., and Apr., 1920.

The Jew in Mexico. Martin Zielonka. In Central conference of Am. rabbis. Thirty-fourth annual convention, 1923, p 425-43 23 Jewish industrial establishments in Poland, surveyed in 1921. Eliezer Heller. comp. Warsaw, Poland, Zaklady Graficzne "Gloria" '23 v 2-4 tables charts ?price

V. 2. Lodz City and district; v. 3, Bialystok City and district; v. 4, Districts: Kielce, Lublin.

Text in English, Polish and Hebrew. Volume 1 was listed in the 1923 annual. Jewish year book: an annual record of matters Jewish. 5684-85 (1st January-31st December, 1924). Isidore Harris, ed. London, E.C. 2. 2 Finsbury sq, Jewish Chronicle '24 264p bibl tables (V. 28) *2s Landesman, A. F. A curriculum for Jewish religious schools. United synagogue of Am. '22 276p bibl i $2.50

Seman, P. L. Jewish community life: a study in social adaptation. Chicago, Ill., 1258 W. Taylor st, Jewish people's institute '24 109p il tables

Reprinted from Observer, June, 1924. Some notes on the Jewish problem. R. N. Salaman. tables In Internat. eugenics congress. Eugenics, genetics and the family. v 2, p 134-53 '23

Sterling, Ada. The Jew and civilization. Aetco pub. co. '24 330p bibl $3.50


Books on reference. In Jewish year book, 1924, p 213-40 '24


General Jewish statistics. In Jewish year book, 1924, p 169-74 '24

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Bleyer, W. G. Newspaper writing and editing. rev ed Houghton '23 412p $2.25 Brockmeyer, H. J. Practical course in journalism. Pr. guild '23 6pts diag $10

Canons of journalism. Ann Am Acad p 305-6 S '23

Adopted by American association of newspaper editors, Apr. 28, 1923.

Crawford, N. A. Ethics of journalism. Knopf '24 264p bibl $2.75

Heaton, J. L. Cobb of "the World": a leader in liberalism; compiled from his editorial articles and public addresses. Dutton '24 397p $3.50

Joseph, Michael. Journalism for profit. Hutchinson '24 240p *6s

"Covers the

whole ground of modern free lance journalism as well as dealing with journalism as a career". Journalism in Canada during 1922. tables In Canadian annual review of public affairs, 1922, p 342-4 '23

Mahin. H. O. The editor and his people: editorials by William Allen White, selected from the Emporia Gazette. Macmillan '24 380p $2.50

* Missouri. Univ. News and the newspaper: from addresses by editors, writers and readers at the fourteenth annual journalism week. Columbia Ag 1 '23 124p il (Bul. v. 24, no. 15, Journalism ser. no. 28)

† Nebraska pr. assn. History of the Nebraska press association, announcing date and place of meetings, list of elected officers, interesting special features, 1859-1923. (Bk. 1) Je 1 '23 47p ?price

The new journalism in Missouri. W. B. Stevens. Mo Historical R 17:470-8 J1 '23: 18:55-63, 197-211, 404-14 O '23-Ap '24

Part 1 is listed in the 1923 annual. Shuman, E. L. Practical journalism: a complete manual of the best newspaper methods. Appleton '23 265p bibl table $2 Reprint of 1903 publication.

Yost, C. S. Principles of journalism. Appleton '21 170p $1.50


Cannon, C. L., comp. Journalism: a bibliography. N.Y. public lib. 24 360p $2


* Arkansas pr. assn. Proceedings of the fiftyfirst annual convention, Lake Village, June 7-9, 1923, also mid-winter meeting, Jan. 29, 1923, at Little Rock. '23 64p tables Australasian provincial press association. [Perth, N.S.W.. Oct., 1923]. table Internat Pr R 1:19-26 Mr '24


* Missouri. Univ. Missouri alumni in journalism: graduates and former students of the School of journalism, University of Missouri. Columbia My '23 86p il tables (Bul. v. 24, no. 11, Journalism ser. no. 27)



United States. Bur. of educ. Recent developments in educational journalism. W. C. Ryan, jr. '23 14p (Bul. 1923, no. 25)

Advance sheets from the Biennial survey of education in the United States, 19201922.


International Press Review is a new periodical established for the purpose of bringing about a professional contact among the journalists of all countries. It is published monthly, volume 1, number 1 bearing the date, March, 1924. The subscription price is 10s; single numbers 1s. The publisher is the International press cutting bureau, 38 Oakfield road, London, E.5.


Bruce, A. A. The American judge. Macmillan '24 218p (Citizen's lib. of econ., politics and sociology, n.s.) $2

Bryant, E. E. A treatise on justices of the peace in Wisconsin, including the jurisdiction and practice of the Milwaukee civil court and a concise exposition of the important phases of the substantive law of the state; 9th ed. by F. A. Darnieder. Callaghan '24 2v $20

Putnam, B. H. Early treatises on the practice of the justices of the peace in the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries. Oxford '24 424p (Oxford studies in social and legal history v. 7, no. 13) 18s Taking judges out of politics: solution of problem lies in permitting bar to nominate candidates for bench, president of Ohio state bar association declares. G. B. Harris. Am Judicature Soc J 8:258-62 Je '24

Address at meeting of Ohio state bar association, Jan. 26, 1924. United States. House. Com. on the judiciary. To limit the power of judges of United States courts: hearing on H.R. 2910, H.R. 3260, H.R. 4509, and H.R. 4821, February 14, 1924. Apply to Congressmen '24 serial 13 20p (U.S. 68th Congress, 1st sess.) Who shall choose our judges: organized bar has a special duty to aid electorate in wise selection; conference of delegates report explains methods and result. I. V. Barth, chm. Am Judicature Soc J 8:48-58 Ag '24 Report submitted at meeting, July 7, 1924. See also subhead Judges under: Salaries


† United States. Lib. of Congress. List of references on the popular election of supreme court judges, state and federal. Ja 11 '24 6p (Typew. 70c)

To be obtained only thru P.A.I.S.


New York state assn. of magistrates. 15th annual conference, Geneva, N. Y., Oct. 12-13, 1923. Frederick A. Moran, sec., N.Y. state probation comm., Albany. New York state probation comm. Proceedings of the fourteenth annual conference of the New York state association of magistrates, held in Buffalo, New York, February 5-6, 1923. '23 100p

Judgments, Declaratory


Colorado-Act concerning declaratory judgments and decrees and to make uniform the law relating thereto. (Ch. 98, Laws 1923) North Dakota-Act concerning declaratory judgments and decrees and to make uniform the laws relating thereto. (Ch. 237, Laws 1923)

Pennsylvania-Act concerning declaratory judgments and decrees, and to make uniform the law relating thereto. (No. 321, Laws 1923)

Judicial councils

What a judicial council can do: direction of judiciary in administrative way regenerates

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Balkan Review has a special number entirely devoted to the Economic position of the Kingdom of the Serbs, Croates & Slovenes. The price is 6 francs.

Economic position of Jugoslavia. F. D. Andricevich. il Internat Banking and Commerce p 10-11+ O '23

Jugoslavia in 1923. D. F. Andricevic. Bankers M 109:60-3 JI '24

† Nedelkovitch, Milorad. Economic and financial review of the kingdom of the Serbs, Croats and Slovenes at the beginning of 1924. Paris, 20 rue Soufflot, Librairie générale de droit & de jurisprudence '24 65p tables ?price

Yugoslavia. K. S. Patton. (Trade and econ. review, 1922. no. 49) tables Commerce Repts Sup 14p '24


Aspects of the financial and monetary crisis in our kingdom [Jugoslavia]. M. Radosavljevitch. Belgrade Econ and Financial Rp 4-6 D '23 Budget of Yugoslavia for 1924-25. table Commerce Repts no 30 p 254-5 Jl 28 '24 Financial stabilization of Yugoslavia. M. S. Stanoyevich. Yugoslav Rp 2-4 My '24 Kingdom of the Serbs, Croates, and Slovenes. Financial position of the Kingdom of the Serbs, Croates, and Slovenes. Milan Stoyadinovitch. Belgrade '24 32p tables

Speech on the occasion of the principal debate on the proposed budget, for the year 1924-1925, which took place in Skoupshtina, Jan. 30, 1924.

Foreign relations

Text of the agreement between the Kingdom of the Serbs, Croats and Slovenes and the kingdom of Italy, concerning Fiume. Belgrade Econ and Financial R p 3-4 F '24

Government and politics Centralism and autonomy in Jugoslavia. Franjo Suklje. Slavonic R 2:328-35 D '23

Jugoslavia-Government and politics-Continued Graham, M. W., jr. and Binkley, R. C. New governments of central Europe. Holt '24 683p charts (Am. political science ser.) $4 Periodicals

The first The subBelgrade

Belgrade Economic and Financial Review is published monthly in Belgrade. number is dated October, 1923. scription price is $4. Address Economic and Financial Review, 1 Kolartcheva Ulica, Belgrade. Serbia

Junior high schools. See High schools, Junior Jury

The great American jury. M. J. Wade. In Am. bar assn. Report of the forty-sixth annual meeting, 1923, p 509-21 '23

The jury system of the southwest. C. P. Patterson. Southwestern Pol and Social Sci Q 4:221-37 D '23 Present day jury: a defense; much of criticism of juries as of other institutions is based on fallacious comparison of their operation with some ideal existing only in the mind of the philosopher; judges as substitutes for jurors; present system the most practical. Connor Hall. Am Bar Assn J 10:111-14 F '24 Trial by jury: an ineffective survival; we have clung with pathetic earnestness to unrecognizable remnants of a system which is today marked by inadequacy and inefficiency as a means of ascertaining facts, and affords frail security to natural and acquired rights. B. G. Sebille. Am Bar Assn J 10: 53-7 Ja '24

Governors' messages, 1923

New Mexico-Gov. Hinkle recommends a constitutional amendment reforming the grand jury system.


Alaska-Act regulating the method of choosing jurors in the courts of the territory of Alaska and repealing all acts, or parts of acts in conflict herewith. (Ch. 91, Laws 1923) Legislation

† New York (state). Lib. Legislative ref. sect. Compilation and digest of the laws of the various states relating to jury service for Women. W. E. Hannan. Albany F '24 15p (Typew. $1.60)

To be obtained only thru P.A.I.S. Justice, Administration of

† Administration of justice. Calif Commonwealth Club Transac v 19 no 3 147-200p My '24 18c

Administration of justice in England. 1906 v. 1923. W. J. Brown. Yale Law J 33:838-40 Je 24

Administration of justice in the United States. J. L. O'Brian. Can Bar R 1:737-47 N '23 Address before the Ontario bar association, at its 17th annual meeting, Mar., 1923. Administrative justice. R. H. Smith. Mo Labor R 28:945-54 My '24


Reprinted from Illinois Law Review, Apr., Growth of administrative justice. Roscoe Pound. In Wisconsin state bar assn. Proceedings, 1923, p 191-208 '23

Preventive justice and social work. Roscoe Pound. In Nat. conference of social work. Proceedings, 1923, p 151-63 '23 Rural justice in New York state. Bruce Smith. J Crim Law 14:284-9 Ag '23 Washburne, G. A. Imperial control of the administration of justice in the thirteen American colonies, 1684-1776. Longmans '23 191p bibl (Columbia univ. studies in history, econ. and public law v. 105, no. 2) $2

Sce also Judicial councils

Jute industry Jute: an [British] empire monopoly. "Agricola". tables Imperial Commerce and Affairs p 37-43 My '24


Imports of jute, flax, hemp, manila, sisal and kapok and manufactures thereof in 1923-1924. Econ World n s 28:196 Ag 9 '24

Juvenile courts

The children's bureau and the juvenile court. Ruth Colby. table In Minnesota. Bd. of control. Proceedings of the state conference of social work, 1922, p 195-203 '23 Jeter, H. R. The Chicago juvenile court. private ed Chicago, Ill., Univ. of Chicago libraries '22 119p bibl ?price

Thesis (Ph.D.)-University of Chicago. Reprinted from U.S. department of labor bureau publication no. 104)

Legislative needs of New York city children's courts for 1923: with discussion. C. J. Collins. In N.Y. city conference of charities and correction. Thirteenth annual confer

ence, 1922, p 81-93 '23 North Carolina. Bd. of charities and public welfare. Juvenile courts in North Carolina. Raleigh '23 11p (Special bul. no.2)

A plan for a state-wide system of juvenile courts. C. J. Kimball. S C Bd Pub Welfare Q Bul p 85-6 N '23

Address before the South Carolina state conference of social work, Greenwood, S.C., Nov. 20-22, 1923.

Seattle, Wash. Juvenile court. Seattle juvenile court report for the year 1923. Kings county juvenile court bldg, 200 Broadway '24 18p il tables

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Juvenile delinquents

Broken homes and delinquent boys, by F. D. Whipp; Delinquent Geneva [Ill.] girls and co-operation, by J. F. Binford; The community and the delinquent, by C. L. Chute. Inst Q 14:74-6, 141-4, 154-60 D '23

Addresses at the 3d annual Illinois conference on public welfare, Bloomington, Oct. 25-29, 1923.

Causes of delinquency in boys of superior intelligence. J. C. Tjaden. bibl la State Inst Bul 25:245-331 O 23

Charity organization soc. of the city of N.Y. Com. on criminal courts. The adolescent offender: a study of the age-limit of the Children's court made by the Committee on criminal courts. 105 E. 22d st, Lawrence Veiller, sec. Ja 1 '23 85p tables Edition exhausted.

The delinquent attitude: a study of juvenile delinquency from the standpoint of human relationship. Miriam van Waters. Family 5: 109-18 JI '24

Given at the National conference of social work, Toronto, Ont., July 1, 1924. The delinquent child. W. B. Wilbur, S C Bd Pub Welfare Q Bul p 44-8 N 23

Address before the South Carolina state conference of social work, Greenwood, S.C.. Nov. 20-22, 1923.

The juvenile and the tramp. Nels Anderson. J Crim Law 14:290-312 Ag '23

† Juvenile crime. Calif Commonwealth Club Transac v 19 201-24p J '24 11c Need for scientific study of delinquent and problem children and provision for an adequate mental-hygiene program in the schools. C. P. McCord. Mental Hygiene 8: 438-52 Ap '24

Read before the section for exceptional children, New York state teachers' associa

Juvenile delinquents-Continued

tion, Albany, N.Y., Nov. 27, 1923, and before the 2d world humane conference, New York City, Oct. 27, 1923.

Play and juvenile delinqency. R. E. Park. Playground 18:95-6+ My '24

Address delivered at recreation congress, Springfield,, Ill., Oct. 9, 1923. Problem of the quasi-delinquent



school. Dorothy Wallace. bibl charts Mental Hygiene 8:115-65 Ja '24 Problems of boyhood. F. E. Lyon. In Am. prison assn. Proceedings, 1923, p 81-5 '24? Psychiatric clinic in the treatment of conduct disorders of children and the prevention of juvenile delinquency. V. V. Anderson. tables J Crim Law 14:414-56 N '23

Read before the New York psychiatric society, June, 1923.

The quasi-delinquent child in relation of the juvenile court and the community. T. D.

Elliott. table J Social Forces 1:556-66 S '23 Relation of public health and juvenile delinquency. C. W. Smith. Tex State J Med 19: 512-16 Ja '24

Read before the section on state medicine and public hygiene, State medical association of Texas, Fort Worth, May 9, 1923. Some illustrative delinquent careers. J. H. Williams. In California. Teachers col., San Jose. Proceedings, 1923, p 32-47 '23 Study of one hundred and fifty adolescent runaways. Elizabeth Greene. In Internat. eugenics congress. Engenics, genetics and the family, v 1, p 413-15 '23

Survey of 341 delinquent girls in California. Julia Mathews. bibl tables charts J Delinquency 8:196-231 My '23

What the public schools in America must do to prevent juvenile delinquency. L. W. Goldrich. In N. Y. state conference of charities and correction. Proceedings, 1923, p 141-5 '24?

Governors' messages, 1923

Porto Rico-Gov. Towner approves the recommendation of the Department of justice that an additional school for delinquent boys be established and mentions also the need for a school for delinquent girls. Laws

Montana-Act to amend section 12280 of the Revised codes of Montana of 1921, relating to the arrest or taking into custody of juvenile delinquents, and the proceedings to be had therein. (Ch. 52, Laws 1923) training

United States. Bur. of educ. Industrial schools for delinquents, 1921-22. '24 22p tables (Bul. 1924, no. 2)

Advance sheets from the Biennial survey of education, 1920-1922.



• Kansas. House. House journal: proceedings of the House of representatives of the state of Kansas, special session, Topeka, August 6 to August 14, inclusive, 1923. Topeka, Clerk of the House '23 59p tables Kansas. House. House journal: proceedings of the House of representatives of the state of Kansas, twenty-third biennial session, Topeka, January 9 to March 22, inclusive, 1923. Topeka, Clerk of the House '23 916p tables

Kansas. Senate. Senate journal: proceedings of the Senate of the state of Kansas, special session, Topeka, August 6 to 14. 1923. Topeka, Sec. of the Senate '23 54p tables Kansas. Senate. Senate journal: proceedings of the Senate of the state of Kansas, twenty-third biennial session, Topeka, January 9 to March 22, 1923. Topeka, Sec. of the Senate '23 857p tables

↑ Kansas state historical SOC. Collections, 1919-1922; together with addresses, memorials and miscellaneous papers. '23 673p bibl il tables (V. 15) $2.50

See also Agriculture-Conferences; Agriculture-Statistics; Arbitration and conciliation, Industrial; Child labor; Child welfare; Colleges and universities: EducationDirectories; Forage; Hog industry-Statistics; Legislation; Milk-Marketing; Motor vehicles-Registration-Statistics; Municipal improvements; Municipal leagues-Conferences; Municipal taxation; Public utilities-Rates; Taxation-Rates; TaxationStatistics; Tourist camps; Tractors-Accounting: Women in industry; also subhead Laws under: Education

Kansas City, Missouri


Kansas City industrial exposition: curtain of Kansas City's big show to be raised [Oct. 10, 1923]; all lines of business join in greatest exposition ever held in this section. plans Kan Citian 12:885-6+ O 8 '23

Kansas City steps forward: annual inventory shows big increase in factory output and wholesale trade in 1923: building permits, bank clearings, post office. receipts, railroad tonnage, etc., all show material gains. il Kan Citian p 29-30+ Ja 8 '24

National bd. of fire underwriters. Com. on fire prevention and eng. standards. Report on the city of Kansas City, Mo. (superseding that of 1913). F '24 36p tables maps (Rept. no. 52)

Distributed only to officials, civic bodies and interested individuals of the city reported upon.

See also Municipal government

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† Kentucky. House of representatives. Journal of the regular session of the House of representatives of the commonwealth of Kentucky, begun and held in the city of Frankfort, the third day of January, in the year of Our Lord, 1922, and of the commonwealth one hundred and thirty. Frankfort, State lib. '22 3v $2.50 ea

† Kentucky. Senate. Journal of the Kentucky Senate, regular 1922 session, held in the city of Frankfort, Kentucky, in the year of Our Lord, 1922, and in the one hundred and twenty-ninth year of the commonwealth, begun on the third day of January, and adjourned on the fifteenth day of March, nineteen hundred and twenty-two. Frankfort, State lib. '22 3v $2.50 ea

See also Agriculture; Flood prevention; Fruit industry; Governors' messages-1924; Insurance companies-Directories; Land; Stone industry; Trachoma; also subhead Governors' messages, 1924 under: Firearms; Mines and mining; Roads-Finance; also subhead Laws under: Education; High schools; Roads; Workmen's compensation


† Great Britain. Colonial office. Colony & protectorate of Kenya: report for 1922. H. M. stationery office '24 17p tables (Colonial repts., annual no. 1188) *9d

See also Race problems; Soda industry

Natural resources Resources of central Africa: a study of the exportable products of Kenya, Uganda, and Tanganyika; coffee, carbonate of soda, cotton and flax seed, wheat, ghee, copra, ground nuts, sim-sim, sisal, beeswax, marble, timber, trade with Tanganyika, the need for a Union trade commissioner in these territories. tables South African J Ind 6:391-6 S '23

Key West, Florida. See Fisheries


International kindergarten union. Com. of nineteen. Pioneers of the kindergarten in America. Century '24 298p il $2 Poverty of kindergarten theory. David Snedden. Educ Administration & Supervision 10: 65-70 F '24

* United States. Bur. of educ. How the kindergarten prepares children for primary work: progress from one school to another should be easy and natural; differences between kindergarten and primary school rapidly disappearing; much of kindergarten work preliminary to primary subjects. M. G. Waite. Ja '24 6p (Kindergarten circ. no. 15) Reprinted from School Life, Dec., 1923. United States. Bur. of educ. The kindergarten and health. Arnold Gesell and J. W. Abbott. '23 38p il table (Health educ. no. 14) United States. Bur. of educ. Principles of kindergarten-primary education in consolidated rural school. K. M. Cook. Je '23 9p (Rural school leaflet no. 18)


United States. Bur. of educ. References on preschool and kindergarten-primary education. N. C. Vandewalker and H. E. Howard, comps. J '23 11p (Kindergarten circ. no. 14)


International kindergarten union, Proceedings of the thirtieth annual meeting, Pittsburgh, Pa., April sixteen to twenty, nineteen hundred twenty-three. '23 196p tables


United States. Bur. of educ. Statistics of kindergartens, 1921-22. '24 7p (Bul. 1923, no.


Advance sheets from the Biennial survey of education in the United States, 1920-1922. Knit goods industry

† Davison's knit goods trade. "the standard": a directory of the knit goods manufacturers in the United States and Canada and including jobbers and large retailers, with names of buyers; hosiery and knit goods dyers; knittng yarns; raw, thrown and art, silk: cotton, wool and silk waste; manufacturers' agents; city offices and salesrooms of mills with selling agents, September 1923 to September 1924. Davison '23 942p (V. 33) office ed $6 pocket ed $4 The world's knit goods: United States production worth over half a billion dollars; United States the leading exporter of silk goods, the United Kingdom of woolen goods and Germany of cotton goods. J. J. Macfarlane. il charts Commercial Am p 13+ Ap '24

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Chosen, F. M. Beck. (Trade and econ. review, 1922, no. 37) Commerce Repts Sup 8p '23 Foreign trade of Chosen in 1923 more favorable. R. S. Miller. Commerce Repts no 24 p 732-3 Je 16 '24


Chosen (Korea). In Japan year book, 1923, p 658-77 '23 Ku Klux Klan † Bell, E. P.

Creed of the Klansmen: interviews with Dr H. W. Evans, imperial wizard of the Ku Klux Klan; Israel Zangwill, the eminent Jewish author; one of the chief legal advisors of the Klan; Mayor Ora D. Davis of Terre Haute; Edward H. Morris, a leading colored member of the Chicago bar, and Frank Johnston, jr., justice of the IIlinois appellate court. Chicago, Ill., Chicago Daily News '24 29p (Chicago Daily News reprints no. 8) 10c

Frost, Stanley. The challenge of the Klan. Bobbs '24 303p $2

* Ku Klux Klan. Minutes of the Imperial kloncilium, Knights of the Ku Klux Klan; meeting of May 1 and 2, 1923, which ratified W. J. Simmons' agreement with the Knights of the Ku Klux Klan, together with certified copies of all litigation instituted by W. J. Simmons against the imperial wizard and the Knights of the Ku Klux Klan. Atlanta '23 60p Ku Klux Klan. Am Fed 30:919 N 23

From the Report of the Executive council of the American federation of labor. The Ku Klux Klan and the democratic tradition. J. M. Mecklin. Am R 2:241-51 My '24 Mast, Blaine, K.K.K.: friend or foe, which? Kittanning, Pa., Blaine Mast '24 115p $1.75 Mecklin, J. M. Ku Klux Klan: a study of the American mind. Harcourt '24 244p $1.75

Contents: The rise of the invisible empire; The shadow of the past; Concerning Kian psychology; The Klan and nativism; The Klan and anti-Catholicism; Secrecy and citizenship.

† Rogers, John. The murders of Mer Rouge. Security pub. co. '23 61p il 25c

Simmons, W. J. The Klan unmasked. Thompson '23 289p il ?price

Tucker, H. A. History of Governor Walton's war on Ku Klux Klan, the invisible empire. Southwest pub. co. '23 67p il ?price Witcher, W. C. The reign of terror in Oklahoma: a detailed account of the Klan's barbarous practices and brutal outrages against individuals; its control over judges and juries and Governor Walton's heroic fight, including a general exposure of Klan secrets, sham and hypocrisy. Fort Worth, Tex., Walter C. Witcher '23 144p 50c World Tomorrow for Mar., 1924, deals with the Ku Klux Klan. Some of the special articles in the number are: The rise of the Ku Klux Klan, bv W. P. Beazell; Substitutes for brotherhood, by Devere Allen; The kreed of Klanishness; "Justice" by violence; Psychoanalyzing the Klan, by Wilfrid Lay; Prehistoric K.K.K.'s, by Alexander Goldenweiser; What brotherhood demands, by Paul Jones; How shall we meet the Klan, by J. J. Wolf and others; Patience and publicity, by W. A. White.


* Knights of the Ku Klux Klan. Papers read at the meeting of Grand dragons, at their first annual meeting, held at Asheville. North Carolina, July 1923, together with other articles of interest to klansmen. Atlanta, Ga. '23 136p


California-Act prohibiting the public wearing under certain conditions of masks or other means of concealment of the identity of persons and prescribing penalties for the violation hereof. (Ch. 153, Laws 1923)

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