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Thirst of glory, love for the country, and the wish for its prosperity, are passions which never become extinct in generous; hearts.-They are a guarantee of the zeal with which you will associate yourselves, Gentlemen, in the efforts of the administration, to support, by powerful means of defence, the negociations which are going to be opened. Less powerful, less strong, less rich, less fruitful in resources was France in the year Eight, when threatened on the North, invaded on the South, torn in pieces in her interior, exhausted in her fuances, disorganized in her administration, discouraged in her armies, the seas brought her hope, the victory of Marengo restored her her honours, the treaty of Luneville brought back peace to her. I describe this picture, Gentlemen, but for the purpose of again calling back, within and without, the energetic sentiment of our dignity and of our power; only that our friends and our enemies may, at the same time, understand the thoughts of the Monarch, and the force of the nation, the moderation of his wishes, his ardour for an honourable peace, his horror of a shameful peace."

the first, and was the consequence of its | territory, and the honour of its laws.
origin.To see to which must be im-
puted the misfortunes and the duration of
this war, it will be sufficient to refer to its
cause, and to recollect that the intervals of
peace, or rather the short truces, during
which nations have breathed, have been
owing to France. The aggression did
not proceed from France, neither in 1792,
when she was invaded; neither in the year
Seven, when the treaty of Campo Formio
was broken: neither in the year Eight,
when the Russians came across Germany
and Italy, to menace our frontiers; neither
in the year Ten, when the treaty of Amiens
was violated; neither at the epoch of the
invasion of Bavaria, when the peace of
Luneville was disavowed; neither at the
epoch when the treaty of Presburg was
placed in oblivion; neither when the en-
gagements of Tilsit were abandoned, neither
when the treaties of Vienna and of Paris
were torn in pieces. And was it not on the
contrary, France, who, victorious and con-
quering, consented to the armistice of Leo-
ben, and the peace which followed it: who
vanquished at Marengo only to treat at Lune-
ville; at Austerlitz, but to restore the greater
part of her conquests, or to endow thrones
with them; who has not refused an armis- The Legislative Body gave an authenti-
tice during the war, peace during negocia-cated copy to the orators, from the Council
tions, neither before the treaty of Presburg, of State, of the Imperial Decree, of which
nor before that of Vienna?—At this it had just received a communication, as
moment have not the preliminary bases, well as of the speech of Count Regnaud St.
proposed by the coalesced powers, been Jean d'Angely, and ordered that the whole
adopted by His Majesty, who declares to be entered in the minutes, and six copies
his people, to his allies, to his enemies, printed.After the departure of the ora-
that, on his side, there are no obstacles to tors from the Council of State, the Assem-
the re-establishment of Peace.These bly adjourned till eleven of the clock to-
truths, Gentlemen, as far as relates to pre-morrow precisely.
ceding wars, are consecrated by monu-
ments already become the immutable patri-
mony of history; in what relate to more
recent events, they will be proved by the
documents contained in the port-folio of
the Minister for Foreign Affairs, of which
His Majesty calls a Commission, named
from among you, to take cognizance.-
Whilst negociating, the coalesced powers
wished the continuance of hostilities. By
that they have shewn us the measures which
the safety of the State and the honour of the
Empire prescribe. Her Majesty has said
to you, Gentlemen, nations cannot treat
with security, except by displaying their
whole strength.'But already the energy
which manifests itself in all parts, the nu-
merous levies which are in motion, suffi-
ciently make known the resolution of the
French nation to maintain the safety of its


Tuesday, Oct. 22, 1813.

(Continued from page 816.)

of Acken, on the left bank, a little lower down the river, was fortifying, under the direction of Count Woronzow, in such a manner as to render it a place of considerable strength, while preparations were accelerating for constructing a bridge there.

In the mean time, the enemy, who appear to have had no idea of the passage of the Elbe, at Acken, sent strong detachments of troops to occupy Dessau and the line of the Mulda, and employed themselves in throwing up works, as well before that town as in front of the tele-de-pont at Rosslau, with intent to impede the passage there, and to obstruct the movements of the army

after the passage. This gave occasion to skirmishes between the enemy and the Swedish advanced-guard, which was obliged to relinquish Dessau, and to retire to the neighbourhood of the tele-de-pont at Rosslau, and indeed to the right bank of the river. Under these circumstances, the Prince Royal received intelligence from General Blucher, on the 1st instant, informing his Royal Highness, that he should, on that day, inake a movement with his whole army on his right towards Hertzberg; that on the following day he should be at Jessen; on the 3d at Elster, and on the following day (to-day) would effect the passage of the Elbe at Elster, proceeding upon Kemberg against the French corps stationed there.

and it was calculated that it would be ad-
vanced as far as Chemnitz on yesterday, the
3d.I am as yet without details of the
affair of General Blucher; but Baron De
Wetterstedt has engaged me to detain this
messenger until I shall receive a dispatch
from him this evening for M. De Rehausen,
and he promised me (for he went to-day to
Dessau), to transmit to me at the same
time the same particulars, if he should ob-
tain them. I shall keep this dispatch open
for them.—We have indirect accounts of
General Czernitscheff having taken posses-
sion, with his corps of Cossacks, of the
whole city of Cassel, from which Jerome
Buonaparté had fied. But nothing has yet
been received from himself.—I have the
honour to be, &c.


P.S. Ten p.m. I have the honour of transmitting to your Lordships enclosed, a letter which I have just received from Baron de Wetterstedt. (Signed) E. T.

-The bridge at Acken had just been completed, and yesterday, to-day, or perhaps to-morrow, was each spoken of as the probable day for passing the river. General Blucher crossed the Elbe at Elster yesterday with some opposition, and attacked the entrenched village of Wartemberg, on the opposite bank, which he carried, Head-quarters, Dessau, Oct. 4, 1813. after an obstinate resistance, making him- According to reports received from Gen. self master of sixteen pieces of cannon. Blucher, he has been engaged with the 4th It is understood that this victory, which French corps, commanded by General Berwas carried against the corps commanded trand.The latter was strongly entrenchby Bertrand, was not obtained without con- ed in a village between Wartenberg and siderable loss, particularly among the troops Bledin.-General D'Yorck's corps discommanded by General D'Yorck; but the lodged and overthrew the enemy, taking particulars have not been received.The above one thousand prisoners, sixteen pieces Prince Royal received this intelligence yes- of cannon, and seventy tumbrils, with their terday evening, while he was at Rosslau, or train, were captured. A body of two immediately on his return here, and took thousand men threw themselves into Witthe resolution of crossing the whole army tenberg; the remainder of the enemy's to-day over the Elbe, at Acken and at Ross- troops fell back upon Kemberg. General lau, the Russians at the former, and the Blucher pursued them, and his head-quarPrussians and Swedes at Rosslau, somewhat ters will be this evening at the latter place. later or otherwise, according as it should His cavalry is at Duben. By five o'clock be understood whether the French would this morning, the enemy's troops, under the make a stand at Dessau. This, however, orders of Marshal Ney, which were in this was not to be expected, when once the pas- town, amounting to eighteen thousand men, sage of the Russians was completed at Ac- had begun their retreat towards Leipzig. ken, particularly under the position of Ge- -Our advanced posts had, in the course neral Blucher's army, and in effect it was of this evening, pushed on as far as Raguhn learnt this morning, that the French had and Jesnitz, and to-morrow the junction retired from Dessau, where, consequently, with General Blucher will take place.I learn that the head-quarters of the Prince The van-guard of the Russian army, under Royal will be established this evening. His the orders of Count Woronzoff, occupies Royal Highness left this place about nine Coethen. Bernbourg is garrisoned by Ruso'clock this morning. Yesterday even- sian cavalry. To-morrow the two arinies ing Mr. Aldercrentz, a son of the General, of the Prince Royal and of General Blucher and an Aid-de-Camp of the Prince Royal, will make a combined movement in adreturned here from the Imperial head-quar-vance, probably in the direction of Leipters, to which he had been sent after the battle of Donnewitz. He brings intelligence of the actual movement of the grand army, as was projected, on the 1st instant;

zig. They form together a total of one hun dred and twenty-seven thousand, or one hundred and thirty thousand men. His Royal Highness will, without doubt, esta

blish his head-quarters at Reguhn. -I have the honour to be, &c.


Wednesday Nov. 3, 1813.

strong in front of a wood of some extent, near Radefeld; and behind it the ground is more intersected; generally speaking, however, it is open, and adapted to all arms.

-The disposition of attack of the Silesian army was as follows:-The corps of General Langeron was to attack and carry Freyroda, and then Radefeld, having the corps of General Sachen in reserve. The corps d'armée of General D'Yorck was directed to move on the great chausće, leading to Leipsig, until it reached the village of Sitzchera, when, turning to its left, it was to force the enemy at Lindenthal. The Russian guards and advanced guard were to press on the main road to Leipsig.– -The corps of General St. Priest arriving from Merseberg, was to follow the corps of General Langeron. The formation of the ca

Foreign Office, Nov. 3, 1813. Mr. Solly arrived this morning at the Office of Viscount Castlereagh, from Leipsig, with duplicates of dispatches from Lieutenant-General the Honourable Sir C. W. Stewart, K. B. of which the following are copies. The originals, by his Aid-deCamp, Mr. James, are not yet received. Skenditz, Oct. 17, 1813. My Lord,-The glorious army of Silesia has added another victory to its list, and the brow of its veteran leaders is decorated with fresh laurel.-Forty pieces of can-valry and the different reserves was made non, twelve thousand killed, wounded, and prisoners, one eagle, and many caissons, have been the fruits of the victory of Radefeld and Lindenthal.To give your Lordship the clearest idea in my power of this battle, I must revert to the position of the armies of Silesia and the North of Germany on the 14th inst. When we received certain intelligence that the enemy was withdrawing from the right bank of the Elbe to collect in Leipsig, at this time the Prince Royal was at Cothen, and General Blucher at Halle. The former occupied with the advanced guards the left bank of the Mulda, and the latter Merseburg and Schenditz. General Blucher moved his head-quarters, on the 14th, to Gros Kugel, pushing his advance on the great road to Leipsig, and occupying the villages on each side of it. The enemy was in force in his front, still holding Deblitsch and Bitterfeld, with some troops along the Mulda. The Crown Prince of Sweden issued orders to march to Halle in the night of the 14th; but when his troops were in march, he took up his head-quarters at Sylbitz, and placed the Swedish army with its right at Wittin, and the left near the Petersberg. Gen. Bulow occupied the centre of his line between Petersberg and Oppin, and the corps of Winzingerode was on the left at Zorbig.

General Blucher found the enemy's forces, consisting of the 4th, 6th, and 7th corps of the French army, and great part of the Guard, under Marshals Marmont and Ney, and General Bertrand, occupying a line with their right at Freyroda, and their left at Lindenthal. The country is open, and very favourable for cavalry, around these latter villages; but the enemy was posted

on the open ground between the villages. It was nearly mid-day before the troops were at their stations.The enemy soon after the first onset gave up the advanced villages, and retired some distance, but tenaciously held the woody ground on their right, and the villages of Gros and Klein Wetteritz, as also the villages of Mockern and Mokau, on their left. At Mockern a most bloody contest ensued; it was taken and retaken by the corps of Yorck five times; the musketry fire was most galling, and this was the hottest part of the field; many of the superior officers were either killed or wounded; at length the victorious. Silesians carried all before them, and drove the enemy beyond the Partha. In the plain there were many brilliant charges of cavalry. The Brandenburg regiment of hussars distinguished itself in a particular manner, and, supported by infantry, charged a battery of eight pieces, which they carried.

-The enemy made an obstinate resistance also on their right, in the villages of Great and Little Weteritz and Ilchausen, and in the woody ground around them; and when they found we had forced their left, they brought an additional number of troops on Count Langeron, who was chiefly engaged with Marshal Ney's corps, which arrived from the neighbourhood of Duben. However, the Russians, equally with their brave allies in arms, made the most gallant efforts, and they were fully successfulnight only put an end to the action. The Russian cavalry acted in a very brilliant manner. General Kolp's cavalry took a battery of 13 guns, and the Cossacks of General Emanuel, five. The enemy drew off towards Siegeritz and Pfosen, and passed

the Partha river. General Sachen's corps, who supported General Langeron, very much distinguished itself in the presence of Buonaparte, who, it seems, according to the information of the prisoners, arrived from the other part of his army at five o'clock in the afternoon. The corps of General D'Yorck, which so conspicuously distinguished itself, had many of its most gallant leaders killed or wounded; among the latter are Colonels Heinmitz, Kutzler, Bouch, Hiller, Lowenthal, Laurentz; Majors Schon and Bismarck. The momentary loss of these officers is serious, as they nearly all commanded brigades, from the reduced state of General Officers in the Prussian army, and I have sincere regret in adding, that his Serene Highness the Prince of Mecklenberg Strelitz, who was distinguishing himself in a particular manner, having two horses shot under him, and whose gallant corps took five hundred prisoners and an eagle, received a severe, but, I trust, not a dangerous wound. Among the Russians are General Chinchin, and several officers of distinction, killed and wounded; and I average General Blucher's whole loss between six and seven thousand men hors de combat.I can add little to the catalogue of the merits of this brave army in endeavouring feebly, but I hope faithfully, to detail its proceedings. Your Lordship will, I am persuaded, justly appreciate the enthusiasm and heroism by which its operations have been guided. It has fought twenty-one combats since hostilities recommenced. Your Lordship is so well aware of the distinguished merit and very eminent services of General Gneisenau, that it is unnecessary for me on this fresh occasion to allude to them.I attached General Lowe to General Blucher in the field; and being absent in the early part of the day with the Prince Royal, it is due to this very deserving officer to inform your Lordship I have derived every assistance from his reports.My Aid-de-Camp, Captain During, an officer of merit, has, unfortunately, I fear, fallen into the enemy's hands.I shall now put your Lordship in possession, as far as I am able, of the military movements of the grand army up to the 16th, and the disposition for the attack which was sent to the Prince Royal of Sweden and General Blucher, by Prince Schwartzenburg, and which was to be made this day. The corps of General Guilay, Prince Maurice Lichtenstein, Thieleman, and Platoff, were collected in the neigh-bourhood of Markrasted, and were to move

forward on Leipsig; keeping up the communication on one side with General Blucher's army, and on the other, these corps were to detach to their right, to facilitate the attack of the corps of General Mereveldt, and the divisions Bianchi Weissenworf, on Zwackau and Connewitz, at which latter place the bridge across the Pleisse was to be carried. General Nostiltz's ca~ valry were to form on their right. In case of retreat, these corps were to retire towards Zeitz.—The reserves of the Russian and Prussian guards were to move on Rotha, where they were to pass the Pleisse, and form in columns on its right bank. The reserves of the Prince of Hesse Homberg, Generals Mereveldt and Wittgenstein, were also to take post at this station.

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-General Barclay de Tolly to command all the columns on the right bank of the Pleisse, Generals Wittgenstein, Kleist, and Kleinau, were to advance from their respective positions on Leipsig, the Russian guards forming their reserve. General Colloredo advanced from Borne, as reserve to General Kleinau. The retreat of these corps was to be on Chemnitz. Generals Wittgenstein, Kleist, and Kleinau's on Altenberg and Penig.The army of General Bennigsen from Coldlitz was to push on Grimma and Wurtzen. The corps of Count Bubna had been relieved before Leipsig by General Tolstoy.A very heavy firing continued all the day of the 16th from the grand army. A report arrived late at night to General Blucher, that Buonaparté had attacked in person the whole line of the Allies, and forming his cavalry in the centre, succeeded in making an opening in the combined army before all its cavalry could come up; he was, however, not able to profit by it, as it appears he retired in the evening, and the Allies occupied their position as before the attack. Of the details of the above I am as yet wholly ignorant.- - On the 17th all were ready to renew the attack on this side. The Prince Royal, who had his head-quarters at Landsberg, and his army behind it, marched at two o'clock in the morning, and arrived at Brittenfeld, with General Winzingerode's and General Bulow's corps towards midday on General Bulow's left. General Winzingerode's cavalry and artillery had moved forward in the night, near the heights of Faucha. No cannonade being heard on this side of the grand army (though General Blucher's corps was under arms), and as it was also understood Gen. Bennigsen could not arrive until this day at

Grimma, and part of the Prince Royal's army being still in the rear, it was deemed expedient to wait till the following day to renew the general attack. The enemy shewed himself in great force in a good position, on the left of the Partha, on a ridge of some extent, which runs parallel to the river. There was some cannonading in the morning, and the enemy made demonstrations, and the hussars of Mecklenberg charged his advanced parties into the suburbs of Leipsig, and took three cannon and some prisoners of the hulans of the guards.- The state of our affairs is such, that the most sanguine expectations may be justly entertained, under the protection of Divine Providence, which has hitherto so conspicuously favoured us in the glorious cause in which we are engaged.

I am, &c.

(Signed) CHAS. STEWART, Lieut.-Gen.

vouring to escape in all directions, and who are still surrounded, are the next objects of exultation. The further result your Lordship can best arrive at from an account of our military position.It will be my endeavour to give you as succinct and clear an account as I am able, first, of the general and combined operations determined upon by the grand army; and, secondly, to describe what immediately came under my own observations, namely, the movements of the Prince Royal and General Blucher.

-My dispatches up to the 17th have detailed the position of the allied armies up to that date. It being announced by Prince Schwartzenberg that it was the intention of their Majesties, the allied Sovereigns, to renew the attack on the 18th, and the armies of the North and Silesia being directed to co-operate, the following general disposition was made:-I must here observe, that the attack on the 16th, by the grand Leipsig, Oct. 19, 1813. army, occurred in the neighbourhood of My Lord,-Europe at length approaches Liebert Wolkowitz. The country being her deliverance, and England may tri- particularly adapted for cavalry, a very umphantly look forward to reap, in con- sanguinary and hard combat ensued with junction with her Allies, that glory her this arm, and an artillery, exceeding in unexampled and steady efforts in the com- number six hundred pieces, between the mon cause so justly entitle her to receive. opposed armies. Two solitary buildings, I wish it had fallen to the lot of an which the enemy had occupied with several abler pen to detail to your Lordship the battalions of infantry, and which formed splendid events of these two last days; but nearly the centre of the enemy's position, in endeavouring to relate the main facts, to were attacked by the Russian infantry, and send them off without a moment's delay, I after several repulses, carried with amazing shall best do my duty, postponing more de- carnage. -The whole of the enemy's catailed accounts until a fresh opportunity. valry under Murat, were then brought for-The victory of General Blucher, upon ward: they made a very desperate push at the 16th, has been followed, on the 18th, the centre of the allied position, which for by that of the whole of the combined forces a short period they succeeded in forcing. over the army of Buonaparté, in the neigh-To oppose this powerful cavalry, six bourhood of Leipsig.--The collective loss regiments of Austrian cuirassiers charged of above a hundred pieces of cannon, sixty in columns. Nothing could surpass either thousand men, an immense number of pri- the skill or the desperate bravery of this soners, the desertion of the whole of the movement: they overthrew all before them; Saxon army, also the Bavarian and Wur- destroying, I am told, whole regiments, temburg troops, consisting of artillery, ca- and returned to their ground with many valry, and infantry, many Generals, among prisoners, having left seven hundred drawhom are Regnier, Vallery, Brune, Ber- goons within the enemy's line.Many trand, and Lauriston, are some of the first officers were killed and wounded. General fruits of this glorious day. The capture, Latour Maubourg, who commanded the by assault, of the town of Leipsig this enemy's cavalry, under Murat, lost his leg. morning, the magazines, artillery, stores of Both armies remained nearly on the ground the place, with the King of Saxony, all his on which the contest commenced.court, the garrison, and rear-guard of the While the grand army was to commence French army, all the enemy's wounded their attack on the morning of the 18th, (the number of which exceed thirty thou-from their different points of assembly, on sand) the narrow escape of Buonaparte, who fled from Leipsig at nine o'clock, the Allies entering at eleven; the complete deroute of the French army, who are endea

the principal villages situated on the great roads leading to Leipsig, the armies of the North and Silesia were jointly to attack from the line of the Saale, and upon the

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