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3dly. Mr. Mant, in regard to the after, Mr. Mant refused his assistance to "commencement of the dispute," says he them, the Pilot, Haire, entered on the has no recollection whatever of preferring agency, as so particularly described at page charges against Captain Campbell, when 38 of the said pamphlet; and further reabroad, and positively denies the "show-specting his "not messing as usual," he ing of papers, to several respectable gentlemen at Southampton," (and this can easily be refuted by his mentioning the names) and but in a very partial manner elsewhere; nor did he ever show papers, or did he ever speak of Captain Campbell in any disrespectful way, prior to Captain Campbell's writing to the Transport Board, and exposing those papers he circulated against Mr. Mant, in this neighbourhood; and it is certainly most extraordinary," where Captain Campbell says, he wished of all things to avoid anything like a controversy with Mr. Mant," that he should not recollect, that he was through this channel, regarded as having given the challenge, now strengthened by his last declaration, viz. "of having reported Mr. Mant's conduct to the Transport Board, previous to the circumstances rendered to the Admiralty of himself," and further corroborated by the statement of Mr. Mant, in his said pamphlet, page 46, viz. "ex pressive of his unwillingness to enter into a further controversy with Capt. Campbell, &c. being in some measure satisfied with the justice, that had been rendered his character, by the extract of that letter Captain Campbell sent to Lord Collingwood, as the explanation of the several reports, viz. to the purport of informing his lordship that, after a diligent search, &c. he could not find any thing to criminale him;" and moreover the perfect acquittal of the several charges, &c., by the Deputation's letter to Captain Campbell, with whom the peculation was said to have existed, and both which may be seen at pages 20 and 24 of the said pamphlet.

-4thly. Mr. Mant also observes, that his integrity will not permit him to feel that weight, which Captain Campbell so pileously commiserates; as he can with the he never say, purest truth had any idea of the illegality of the proceedings, till Captain Campbell, had acquainted him of the calumnious reports, and then at Malta; for on his return to the Adriatic, he was solicited by the deputation to re-commence their negotiations, which he refused, and was never informed his services would not be required further on his agency, by any one; nor did it ever appear to him, that the deputation, after his refusal, &c. ever continued their negotiations, as very soon

also observes, that Captain Campbell never refused to sit down with him at his messtable, till December 16, 1808, although the charges had been known to Captain Campbell, in the latter part of September, 1807; and this circumstance, of such a considerable time having been suffered to elapse, before the objection was resorted to, surely must in the minds of his readers experience a powerful conviction, that this act did not proceed altogether from the subject of the supposed unfairness in conducting the prize-affairs, but in a great measure owing to the information, Mr. Mant felt himself obligated to render to the officers of the Unité, which took place on the 10th of December preceding, respecting the present of 1,500 N. Zeechens sent to Captain Campbell, and which he had received; the statement of which is made at p. 30 (vide Pamphlet); and for which statement he was confronted with Captain Campbell, on the said 10th of December, in the presence of the then first Lieutenant, C. H. Watson, and Haire, the pilot, when Captain Campbell could not contradict the facts; therefore this circumstance is somewhat different; and certainly both the facts, as Captain Campbell calls them, now become disputable; particularly as it was not the wish of every member of the mess for Mr. Mant to quit it, but of a partial occur. rence, of which he now furnishes a proof, by inserting the following declaration, legally authenticated, of an officer of the Unité, who did and must ever stand high in the opinion of Captain Campell and others, to this effect, viz. "in regard to your quitting the mess (meaning Mr. Mant), was contrary to my wish; and as to your general character, I have only to say, to the best of my knowledge and belief, that your conduct during the whole time we served together, nearly four years and a half, appeared to be strictly conformable to that of the officer and gentleman;" and Mr. Mant now asks, what officer in the navy would not be obliged to comply with his Captain's desire for the exclusion of a member from his mess, whether deserving of it or not?-Again, Mr. Mant asserts, that Captain Campbell never did show any disposition to confront him with Jursovich, and always refused him a personal inter

view with other persons, who had prefer- latter part of December, 1807, at Malta; red charges against him of a greater mag-on which information, Mr. Mant desired to nitude, and never fully informed him of recall his application, requesting Captain the accusations against him, or of the names Campbell to use the most prompt measures of his accuser, or ever talked to him about for procuring an investigation of the busithe said Jursovich's charges, till the early ness, assuring him at the same time, he part of the year 1809, when near to Malta; would lend Captain Campbell every assistand when going to the Commander in Chief, ance in his power, for promoting so desirable as before said, for an explanation of the an object, and this stands in print. circumstances, or ever till this moment, 2dly. Mr. Mant, respecting the charge "of has Captain Campbell showed to Mr. Jursovich, &c." declares, that he made Mant the Declaration of the said Jursovich. answer to Mr. Wilson, by saying, as CaptMr. Mant having now replied to the tain Campbell had promised him a formal essential points, stated in Captain Camp. investigation of all these matters, shewing, bell's Declaration, wishes to observe, yet (as has before been stated,) been already trusts he need not point out to the candid denied" a meeting with some of his accureader, that Captain Campbell has con- sers, that had preferred charges of a greater fined himself principally to those charges magnitude," that he should wait the event said to reflect on Mr. Mant's conduct, hav- of the investigation; but acknowledges to ing, but in a very slight manner, touched have said, that the fellow was a damned on Mr. Mant's "statement of facts," which rascal, and that his word was as good as appeared in a former register, and ex- Jursovich's.—Mr. Mant, respecting "to tracted from his pamphlet, viz. the taking the other conversation" also asserts, that and compromising for neutrals, &c. and his reply to Mr. Wilson on this circumprocuring a bond as an indemnification for stance was, that "his conscience was perthe money received, drawn up in his own fectly easy on the subject, but he must dediction and writing, &c.; nor has Captain cline giving any further answer, 'till the Campbell publicly accounted for the 40,000 inquiry on his conduct had been instituted, Spanish dollars, and the apparent giving as this was the counsel of a friend, whose away of the four valuable vessels, &c. advice he had received at Malta."- -And to a particular person at Trieste" (a circum- finally, as to Mr. Mant's not expressing auy stance very desirable), as the Document in compunction, (of the "999th part of a Captain Campbell's own hand-writing and thousandth) of his share of the supposed signature now exists; but this matter ap- illegal proceedings, says, it is scarcely pears either to have been most artfully worth speaking about, but it is notorious, evaded, or it must have ensued from want and has been for several years, that he did of memory; it must be evidently manifest, refuse to continue the agency, and such has that the reason Captain Campbell has en-been likewise, a considerable time in print deavoured to render so much injustice towards his character, proceeded chiefly from private motives, and of a mere personal nature, and not as might have been supposed to have originated from a pure desire of protecting the respectability of that service to which he belonged, and for the honour and interest of the officers and crews of those ships, which had been placed under his orders, during the ever memorable command of the Adria-fore cannot allow to go forth to the world, tic squadron. Mr. Mant now notices the several accounts contained in Captain Wilson's affidavit, and having made notes of the very matter, at the time, and having also lately referred to them, declares the circumstances of the case to be, as follows, viz, 1st. That Mr. Mant having applied for leave to return to England, in con. sequence of ill health, was informed by Captain Campbell, of some of the malicious reports now in question, and this at the

in this country.- -Mr. Mant having now also replied to the principal accounts contained in Captain Wilson's affidavit, observes, that Captain Wilson must have made those assertions, just alluded to, from inferences in his own mind, drawn from the conversation that passed between them, particularly as Mr. Mant's explanation, as said before, has been transcribed from notes made at the time, Mr. Mant there

what his own words will not, or cannot warrant, and further in order that the public may not remain uninformed of the full cause, that prevented his speaking about the particulars of Captain Wilson's affidavit. Mr. Mant now publishes the following, viz.- -That immediately at the period, to which Captain Wilson alludes, Mr. Mant was in daily expectation of answering to a public, a full investigation of all these matters, in consequence of some calumnious

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THE EMPEROR NAPOLEON AND HIS ARMY.Contrary to general expectation, nothing decisive has lately transpired respecting the operations of the contending armies, though some circumstances have occurred which justify the view I have taken of the operations of the campaign, and the more than probable result of the contest. The last official accounts from the French headquarters were dated Troyes, the 26th ult. which city was evacuated by the Austrians

reports, which were at that moment in general circulation, documents of which, Captain Campbell had said he held, and had promised to bring forward. Mr. Mant therefore considered, that any conversation whatever, on a subject, whereon a formal trial was pending, and especially with a party interested, would not only be highly improper, but it might experience an unjust representation, and at any rate it would have been a " supreme act of folly," well knowing the powerful effects of pre-on the night of the 23d, and next day ocjudice, which was then in existence, (and cupied by the French. It appears that since so prevalent in other quarters,) and of Buonaparte, previous to this, had, with so forcible a nature, as not to suffer even such admirable skill and promptitude, real truth a fair chance of success ;" and brought forward the great mass of his this was also the counsel of his friend at troops, that Troyes was actually invested, Malta, a major in the army; and in conse- and the greater part of Prince Schwartzenquence, Mr. Mant avoided giving the then burgh's army in danger of falling into his required explanation of Captain Wilson; hands. At this critical moment "a Rusand Mr. Mant now submits this declaration sian Aide-de-Camp came to the advanced of the several accounts, likewise to a com- posts to demand time to evacuate the city, parison with those of the two Captains, and otherwise it would be burnt." What a states in regard to his own veracity, that he trying circumstance for a inind like Bonahas a full authority from numerous friends, parte's. He had almost the whole of the and of the greatest respectability, to pub- Austrian army in his power; they were in lish, that his veracity stands unimpeached, fact encompassed as if they had been caught and which at any rate, has been ever con- in a net. What a triumph it would have sidered as equal to that of either Captain been to his ambition, had he availed himCampbell or Wilson; and it ought to be self of the opportunity which this afforded remembered, that the channel through of annihilating, by one blow, the flower of which Captain Campbell, &c. has always an army which had threatened to dictate received these reports, &c. said to reflect on terms to him in his own capital! Had he Mr. Mant's conduct, have been obtained, been that blood-thirsty, that sanguinary tychiefly, by the means of the said Haire, or rant which his enemies represent him to be; his associates. Men whose characters were had he been as regardless of the comforts such, as few persons would have listened and happiness of his subjects as we are told to. Mr. Mant lastly observes, that as he he is; and had he, as is said, been a total has been very recently informed, that stranger to the feelings of humanity, he Captain Campbell does not intend to enter would not have hesitated one moment in atinto any defence on the charges made tacking Troyes, notwithstanding the threat against himself, and Mr. Mant being fully of burning it held out by a Russian General, convinced his affidavit, as inserted in the and that the place contained about 60,000 Register of the 19th ult. remains uncon- inhabitants, and ranked as one of the printroverted, declines troubling the public fur- cipal cities in the empire. But no, Bonather with this controversy, at least by this parte is not the tyraut he is held out to be; mode of conveying his sentiments, yet he is not the sanguinary unfeeling wretch trusts his readers will do him the justice, that could sacrifice so many interests even if not already too much satiated, with the for the glory, great as it was, which was recollection of the base allempts, that has within his reach. He had done enough for been so invidiously, but so unsuccessfully glory; but he felt that he never could do aimed at his reputation, to read with leisure too much for humanity. "This considerand attention the whole contents of his ation arrested the movements of the Empepamphlet, and candidly bear in their ror:" Troyes was saved; and the Austrian minds, the substance of the paragraphs army, which had frequently before been in contained in the pages, 42 and three follow-the power of the conqueror, experienced, on ing, together with those of 55, 56, and 57, of the same publication-and which may be had gratis at Southampton. Southampton, March 7th, 1914.


-What a con

this occasion, a singular mark of his for-
bearance and moderation.-
trast does the conduct of the French Empe-
ror, in this instance, present to that of those
who ordered the burning of Moscow?

This, however, is a contrast upon which, stand of colours taken from the combined I feel, I cannot enter. It may one day or armies arrived at Paris, and were presented another "point a moral or adorn a tale;" to the Empress by the Minister of War, but, in the present fettered state of the Bri- who, on that occasion, delivered the followtish press, any attempt of this nature, I am ing impressive speech:"Madam,— fully aware, would be dangerous in the ex- New orders from the Emperor lead the to treme. But though I am sufficiently alive your Majesty's feet, to lay there new troto this degraded state of what is called a phies taken from the enemies of press, I cannot allow myself to pass by At the time when the Saracens were deunnoticed, the reception which the inha- feated by Charles Martel, in the plains of bitants of Troyes gave to Napoleon when he Tours and Poictiers, the capital was adornentered their city, not as a haughty con- ed but with the spoils of a single nation. queror, exulting over ruins and devastation, This day, Madam, when dangers equal to caused by his inordinate ambition; but those with which France was then menaced having obtained a greater victory, a victory have given rise to successes more importover himself, which must ever endear him ant, and which were more difficult to obto his subjects, and to all good men. tain, your august Spouse offers you stand"The Emperor (say the Paris papers) has ards taken from the three great powers of gratified all our wishes, by passing three Europe.-Since a blind hatred has raised · days in his good city of Troyes. The house up against us so many nations, even those which he inhabited was constantly surwhich France has restored to independence, rounded by an immense crowd, who always and for whom she has made such great saentertained the hope of seeing his Majesty; crifices, may we not say that these standbut during these three days the Emperor ards are taken from all Europe?—When did not stir out once. On the 27th, at our enemies, listening only to the suggestion midnight, his Majesty, surrounded by his of revenge, in contempt of the ordinary rules braye guards, took the road to Arcis. The of war, resolved to penetrate into this epeople pressed around him in passing. The pire, leaving behind them the vast chain of air resounded with cries of Vive l'Empereur. fortresses which surrounds it on all sides; The same enthusiasm was excited by the when they designed, by a rash manœuvre, presence of His Majesty, when he entered to get possession of the capital, without our walls victorious; all thought they could thinking of the means of effecting their renot testify too much gratitude; and, in treat, in the midst of a population whom fact, the details with which we have been their conduct has exasperated, how was it made acquainted, could not fail to add to possible that they were not stopped in this our love of the Sovereign. The French gigantic enterprise by their knowledge of army had arrived in a suburb about three the genius, of the talents, of the character in the afternoon; it could have entered the of tlie Emperor? In a few days they have city with the fugitives, but the Emperor learned the falseness of their calculations. chose rather to suspend the march of the The bold and rapid operations which have troops than to expose our city to the flames, just baffled their designs, recal to every with which it was threatened by an enemy mind the glorious and memorable campaign enraged at having been vanquished.-His in Italy in the year five, and those which Majesty passed the night at a miserable succeeded it. It was against the flower of hamlet, and it was not till eight in the the troops allied against us, at the battles of morning that he made his entrance into our Montmirail and Vauchamp, at the combat city. The circumstances of that happy day of Montereau, that the ten standards were will never be effaced from our memory. taken which I present to your Majesty from Every body approached the Emperor, spoke the Emperor.-These pledges of French to him, pressed his hand, thanked him with valour presage to us new and greater suctears. His Majesty seemed affected, and cesses, if the fobstinacy of the enemy prosaw in these marks of attachment the joy of tracts the war. This noble hope is in the children on the return of a cherished heart of every Frenchman. You share in father.”———Įt is unnecessary for me to add it, Madam; you who, always confiding in any thing to a description so affecting. the genius of your august Spouse, in the efAfter the Austrians were allowed to evacu- forts and the love of the nation, have contiate Troyes, they proceeded to Bar-Sur, a nued to shew, in all the circumstances of this retreat of nearly 20 miles from their posi-war, a firmness of mind, and virtues worthy tion at Troyes. While Bonaparte was thus the admiration of Europe and posterity."-It proceeding in his victorious career, several will be seen by the extract given above from

allowed to leave it unmolested, the propo

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the French papers respecting the reception of Napoleon at Troyes, that, after remain-sal of an armistice mentioned in the French ing in that city for three days, he set out bulletin, its subsequent occupation by Boto Arcis on the 17th ult. This movement, naparte, nor his departure from it on the which carried him nearer to Paris than 27th, to proceed against Marshal Blucher. Troyes, is now explained by the arrival of These were circumstances surely which dispatches from Colonel Lowe, who accom- could not fail to attract his lordship's notice as, panies Blucher's army. The previous ac of some importance, particularly that which counts brought by Mr. Robinson informed respected the armistice, yet none of them us, that, in consequence of considerable are alluded to in his dispatches. This, reinforcements which the Marshal had re- silence in the Gazelle is the more extraorceived, he was then at the head of a new dinary that the official bulletin, which was army of about 60,000 men. With this issued on the receipt of the dispatches, left force, and while Bonaparte was pursuing no doubt in any one's mind that his lordSchwartzenberg, Blucher madeja rapid mave- ship had given the details of the above ment towards Paris, and reached Meaux occurrences. In that bulletin, as it appears, on the river Marne, only 25 miles north of in the Courier, I find the following statethat capital. Here he had spread out his ment: "Intelligence being received that. troops in various directions, evidently for Bonaparte was marching with a part of his the purpose of forming a junction with the army on Sezanne to act against Marshal different reinforcements advancing through Blucher, Prince Schwartzenberg had or-, Germany. In his advance to Meaux, dered an immediate advance upon Troyes. Blucher encountered a French division It is understood that Bonaparte, leaving under Marmont; and, in a partial affair 45,000 men on the line of Troyes, had with these troops, he was slightly wounded, marched with the rest of his army against, The intelligence of the progress of Blucher Marshal Blucher." If the information immediately drew Bonaparté from Troyes, communicated in this bulletin was obtained where he left 45,000 men to watch the from Lord Burghersh, how came his dismotions of Schwartzenberg, while he pro- patches to be afterwards published without ceeded with the main body of his army containing any allusion to Bonaparte's towards Meaux. Very important intelli- marching to act against Blucher," or, gence may, therefore, be soon expected" his leaving 45,000 men on the line of from that quarter, as Bonaparte, occupied Troyes?" It is possible his lordship may as he is with two separate armies, must have not said anything as to these and the bring one of them into immediate action, in other omissions which I have noticed, order to prevent the other from reaching though I should think it very extraordinary Paris. That this has been attempted by if this turned out to be the fact. But even the Austrian general since Napoleon set out then, if these particulars were actually from Troyes, is evident from dispatches drawn from another source; if they were, received from Lord. Burghersh up to the the substance of dispatches from another, 2nd inst. By these it appears that there accredited agent, I should still think that, had been some hard fighting at Bar-sur- these dispatches ought to have been pubAube, during which Schwartzenberg was lished, or some very good reason assigned wounded, but that these encounters ter- for keeping them back. Until some such minated in favour of the Allies, who had reason is given, I am afraid there are many in consequence determined again to "ad- who will continue to believe, with me, vance upon Troyes," It is rather singular, that they are not put in possession of all however, that Lord Burghersh has furnish- the information which, in my opinion, the ed us with no details of the particulars public, who are the principal parties inwhich immediately preceded and accom- terested, have an undoubted right to expanied the evacuation of Troyes by the pect. With regard to the complexion of Allies. He speaks of General Wittgen- the military intelligence contained in our stein having quitted the positions of No- official dispatches, it does not appear to gent and Pont-sur-Seine," He mentions me of sufficient importance to influence the some intended movements upon the road question one way or another, whether the "between Bar-sur Seine and Chatillon," French Emperor will be successful or not places considerably in the rear of Troyes, in repelling the invasion of the Allied. but he no where notices the investment of powers? I have distinctly stated it to be Troyes itself by Napoleon, the threat to my firm persuasion that he will drive them burn it if the Austrian army were not out of France. Nay more, that he will

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