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not agree to an armistice, unless the armies of the Allies retire across the Rhine, and take up the positions they occupied when they issued their famous proclamation at Frankfort. These opinions are founded on a belief that the French people are unanimous in favour of the present government; and, finding that sentiment of unanimity prevail, I cannot entertain a doubt that they will be successful in all their endeavours to support Bonaparte.

drawn from the premises. But here, as in almost every other case, this prostituted journal has shown its contempt of all principle, all decency, all propriety, and all truth; for on the very same day, in which the above remarks appeared, its columns announced, in the form of a second edition, accounts of the entrance of Monsieur into France, in a way which showed its entire approbation of the measure, although Bonaparte had not been" defeated in a general battle," and although the Allies had THE BOURBONS IN FRANCE.An ar not obtained possession of Paris." The ticle lately appeared in a German news following is the manner in which the above paper, which stated, that the Allies had intelligence was announced in the Gourier been applied to by Louis the XVIIIth, for of the 9th inst." Second edition-Courier permission to enter France by Basle, and Office, 3 o'clock. We have made inquiries to circulate the Bourbon proclamation; but at places where the best information might that this permission had been refused. be expected, and have received three coUpon this article, the Courier observed, pies of the following letter from different though the Allies might be desirous of see- quarters, which we have no doubt is geing the ancient family restored; yet that guine: Vesoul, 22d of Feb. 1814.they may be afraid of encreasing the We left Basle on Sunday the 19th, and partisans of Bonaparte by publicly declaring, have arrived in Tranche Comte. We have in their favour, or of putting an apparent been received in at the French towns and affront on the French nation, by seeming to villages with acclamations by the whole of choose for it a monarch. The Allies evi- the people, and with cries of Vive le Roi dently stand on the best possible footing Louis XVMI. Vive les Bourbons. with the French people, and they are wise The people are enchanted with our dear not to endanger their ground. If they Prince, who has conducted' himself with were to defeat Bonaparte in a general bat- great affability and condescension. tle, and to obtain possession of Paris, then old, the women and the children kissed his the friends of the Bourbons would feel con- hands and his cloaths. Happiness was fidence in declaring themselves, because painted in every face, and the people were they would know they could be protected. so touched with the affability of Monsieur, At present they must remain quiet, or they that tears of joy flowed on all sides. may be cut off, to the great injury of the The old said, we shall die contented, cause. One would have thought, after since we have had the good fortune of bethis sage advice to the allied Sovereigns, holding the return of our ancient Masters, and to the partisans of the Bourbon race, who have ever lived in our hearts.". to remain quiet for the present; to avoid Others said, "I give you my heart, for every step which might increase the friends the Monster has only left me that." of Napoleon; to be anxious not to affront arriving here, at Vesoul, the whole poputhe French people by seeining to choose a lation, about 5000, came out to meet us. monarch for them; and to be careful not to They requested we would walk in on foot, weaken the hold which the Allies possessed that they might behold their Prince. in the affections of that nation. It might Gentlenieni arrive from all parts, announchave been expected, I say, after giving ing that the peasants of their communes such deliberate, advice, that the Courier place themselves at their service, and desire writer would not have been in great haste to march for their legitimate sovereign. to applaud proceedings which had a fen-A person has just arrived from Alsace, dency to show that his counsel was held impertinent, far less that he himself would soon act a part which demonstrated he was conscious, at the time of giving the advice, that it was not only improper, but would not be attended to by either of the parties for whom it was meant. This, in my mind, was the natural conclusion to be

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requesting powers to raise a legion with the
white cockade: Every place desires to
surrender to Louis XVII. All France is
ready to rise. If attempts are made to
throw difficulties in the way, it will be
found that France will liberate herself.-
The first day Monsieur entered France, we
travelled thirty-three leagues (about seventy


OCCURRENCES OF THE WAR. -The last French bulletin stated, that a "flag of truce was sent by Prince Schwartzenburgh to propose an armistice" to Bonaparte on the 23d ult., while he was at the little town of Chatres;" and that on the next day "Count Elahaut, Aide-de-Camp of the Emperor Napoleon; Count Ducca, Aidede Camp of the Emperor of Austria; Count Schonwaloff, Aide-de-Camp of the Emperor of Russia; and General Rauch, Chief of the Engineer Corps of the King of Prussia, have assembled at Lusigny, in order to treat of the conditions of a suspension of arms."

miles) in the territories of his august an- form, and if leisure permits, to illustrate cestors. Had he been an angel from hea-ny observations, by extracts from the CODE ven, the people could not have shewn more NAPOLEON. eagerness and joy at receiving him.It is not my intention here to make any remarks upon the above precious document, and that for a reason which, I dare say the reader has anticipated-namely, that the in telligence comes in most questionable shape; in the form of a private letter, and that even without any signature. It is besides dated as far back as the 22nd of February, since which government have had official accounts from France so late as the 2nd instant, without one word being said either about the entrance of Louis, or the enchantment" of " the old women and children," who are said to have "kissed his hands and his clothes," and to have shed "tears of joy" on seeing the "dear prince." -I have no hesitation, therefore, in saying, that the whole appears to me a most impudent fabrication invented for stock jobbing purposes. I shall not be sorry, however, to learn that it has had the effect intended; for if there are people so foolish, so credulous, as to believe such ridiculous lies, they ought to suffer for their folly and credulity.

In No. 3, of the Register for the present year, I published at full length, the proclamation of the Bourbons, and made some copious remarks upon it by way of answer. As the subject has been again revived, and the number which contained the proclamation and answer is in great request, and all the copies sometime ago disposed of, I intend republishing the same in a separate


Some of those Gentlemen, who preserve the Register in Volumes, having expressed their regret, that the STATE PAPERS, and other important DOCUMENTS of a public nature, are, in future, to be excluded, and their representations appearing to have great weight in them, it has been determined on to continue the publication of these Official Papers; not, however, in the Weekly Numbers of the Register, but in a compilation, to be published once in 2, 3, or 6 months, as shall hereafter appear to be best adapted

-As I have noticed in another part of the Register, not a word is said of this important occurrence in the dispatches published in our Gazelle, though they are said to detail the whole events of the war down to the 2d inst.- -Paris papers have arrived to the 6th, but they contain nothing of an official nature. Á minor paper of the 4th has the following article: The latest letters from the head-quarters, received yesterday evening, announce that the different corps of the army are performing grand manoeuvres, and that his Majesty continues to enjoy the best health.”. Under the head "The Emperor Napoleon and his Army," the reader will find the particulars of the different movements of the contending armies, as far as they had transpired when the Register was sent to press.

to the purposes in view. It is intended to print these documents in the same type, form, and size of paper with the Register itself. The price will, of course, be proportionably lower, because no stamps will be required, as it will be unnecessary to dispatch this part of the work by post. There will be, as at present, an Index Sheet to the Weekly Numbers, and another Index to the Public Papers. The latter publication may be taken, to be bound up with the Weekly Numbers, or not, at the option of the Reader.

Published by G. BAGSHAW, Brydges-Street, Covent-Garden.
LONDON: Printed by J. M'Creery, Black-Horse-Court, Fleet-street.


VOL. XXV. No. 12.] LONDON, SATURDAY, MARCH 19, 1814.


[Price 1s.


really been the contrivers of the hoax, and had actually profited from its success, they would not have been chargeable with the commission of any fraud, or any immoral act, if all gambling be not immoral.-I have had no communication with either my Lord Cochrane or his Uncle, except that the latter, in a short note, received on Sun→ day, desired me to suspend my judgment, until the Report of the Exchange Commit tee should come out. I wanted no such re quest; for I did not care what the Report might be; my only fear really being, that he had not won the sum of money, which the news-papers told me he had won.— However, we will first take the Documents in their regular order: 1. The Report of the Committee of the Stock Exchange; 2. The Minutes of the Evidence on which that Report was founded; 3. The Affidavit of Lord Cochrane; 4. A Letter of Mr. Coch rane Johnstone; 5. A Letter of Mr. Butt. When the reader has gone patiently

SUMMARY OF POLITICS. LORD COCHRANE and the HON. COCHRANE JOHNSTONE. Few persons have been worse treated, upon any occasion, than the gentlemen whose names stand as a title to this article, have been treated by the London prints and their prompters upon occasion of the recent hoax on the Stock Exchange. The nature of the hoax, its history, and its effects, having been fully detailed in the public prints, I shall merely state the substance of the charge preferred against Lord Cochrane and his Uncle. A trick having been play. ed off, through the means of a pretended officer arriving from France with news of the death of Napoleon, and of the hoisting of the Bourbon cockade at Paris, a sudden rise was produced in the price of the funds. The hoax was soon discovered, and, it was asserted, that the pretended of ficer went to the house of Lord Cochrane, where, it was said, and said in print, that a part of his dress was found by a Bow-through these, I shall offer him my remarks street officer, though it is not stated upon what authority, or in virtue of what law, that Bow-street officer either searched for, or took away, that article of dress.In the meanwhile, the news-papers teemed with insinuations against his Lordship, his Uncle, the Hon. Cochrane Johnstone, and Mr. Butt, said to be their agents in a grand scheme of speculation and imposition. I will not quote the particular instances, which will, probably, become the cause of more serious inquiry; but, I cannot help observing, that, from the beginning to the end, there appeared to be, in these publications, as malicious a spirit as I ever saw at work in my life.—Very busily engaged in some important private concerns in the country, I was not able, last week, to pay that attention to this matter, which the matter itself merited, and which my heart as well as my mind would have disposed me to give it. But, I shall now, with the authentic documents before me, offer to my readers those reasons which have led me to the conclusion, first, that the gentlemen accused have been falsely accused in the public prints: and, secondly, that, if they had

upon the subject, which will, in part, arise out of the malignant efforts, which some of the public prints are still making against the characters of the gentlemen accused. I perceive, and I perceive it with regret, that Mr. Cochrane Johnstone and Mr. Butt talk of legal prosecution of those who have made the publications in question. I am sure that they could not succeed in such a pursuit against the Stock Exchange Committee, who accuse them of nothing fraudulent, or criminal, other than the sort of immorality, if there be any, attached to gambling; and, as to the vipers of the press, who think that they ought to have all the loose money in the kingdom, they are too low for notice in a court of justice. Here follow the documents:

Report of the Sub-Committee of the Stock

Exchange, relative to the late fraud.-
Committee-room, March 7.

The Sub-Committee of the Stock Exchange, appointed to inquire into the circumstances relative to the late fraud on the public, have unanimously agreed upon the following


REPORT. time they have the satisfaction of being able It appears in evidence, from the exami- to declare, that it does not appear that any nation of various parties, and is already Member of the Stock Exchange has been well known to the public, that a person, implicated in the knowledge or participarepresenting himself to be Colonel R. Dution of a measure which would have ineviBourgh, Aide-de- Camp to Lord Cathcart, tably rendered him liable to expulsion from came to the Ship Inn, at Dover, about one the House.- -It is unnecessary here to o'clock, on the morning of the 21st of Fe-state the time and attention which the Subbruary. He stated, that he had just ar- Committee have devoted to the investigarived from the coast of France; that he tion of this subject. They cannot, howbrought the intelligence that Bonaparte had ever, refrain from noticing the great diffibeen slain in battle; that the Allied Armies culties and delay which they have expewere in Paris: and that peace was certain.rienced in obtaining information on those He immediately ordered a post-chaise and points, which would have enabled them to four to be got ready; and after having dis- have brought their labours to a more speedy patched a letter to Admiral Foley, at Deal, and complete issue. For though they have communicating to him the above informa- had every means of assistance, voluntarily tion, with a view to its being forwarded to rendered to them by His Majesty's GovernGovernment by the telegraph, set off with ment and by the Bank of England, in those all expedition to London. This pretended cases where it was very essential and desirmessenger has been traced all the way to able, yet having no legal power to compel town, and it appears, that, about a quarter the attendance of persons whose evidence before nine o'clock, he arrived at Marsh- would have been of the greatest importance, gate, Lambeth, where he alighted, and got they have been obliged to resort to a more into a hackney-coach, in which he was taken indirect mode of procuring the information to No. 13, Green-street, Grosvenor-square. on which their report is founded.—AIIt likewise appears in evidence, from though the Sub-Committee, in thus prethe examination of various persons, that senting the result of their labours, may be (whilst this grand plot was carrying on considered as virtually dissolved, yet they from Dover to London), a sort of under-plot | beg leave to state, that they are ready and was also carrying on from North Fleet to willing to continue their exertions, as long London. For, on the same morning, a per- as they may be considered necessary. They son of the name of Ralph Sandom, who had are in possession of still further information absented himself from the Rules of the on the subject, which it is considered proKing's Bench, set off from North Fleet, in per not to disclose at present, and which company with two other persons dressed as they hope and expect will eventually crown foreigners, in a post-chaise to Dartford. their efforts with complete success. When they arrived there, they got into a post-chaise and four for London. They decked the horses with laurel, and directing the post-boys to drive over London Bridge, and through the City, they circudated on their way the same news as the pretended Du Bourgh at Dover. This

CHARLES NAIRNE, Deputy Chairman.




Minules of Evidence.

Thomas Shilling stated, that he is a postboy at the Marquis of Granby Inn, at Dartford-that he took up a person about half past seven o'clock on Monday morning, February the 21st; that he drove the

chaise passed over Blackfriars-bridge, and stopped also within a short distance of the Marsh-gate.The Sub-Committee, for various reasons which it is unnecessary here to allude to, refrain from making any observations on the evidence which they have obtained relative to this subject. They therefore communicate it without a single comment. Their only object has been to ́endeavour to find out the principal agents in this disgraceful and dishonourable trans-wheel horses; that when the gentleman got -action; and they are happy to state, that there is every reason to hope that the chain sof evidence which they have been enabled to obtain, will finally lead to a full discovery of the offending parties; at the same

into the chaise, the waiter asked him if he knew of any news, to which he replied that "it was all over;" that when the waiter asked him what he meant by its being all over, he said that Bonaparte was torn in a

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thousand pieces, and that the Cossacks | Gentleman as having a large red nose, large fought for a share of him; that, at the same whiskers, face rather blotched, and that time he said this, he was in the chaise; when he spoke his eyes seemed to catch; that he ordered the post-boys to drive fast, he thinks him about the height of Sayer, and that they accordingly did drive very the Police-officer, but not quite so tall or so fast for the first three miles; but when they lusty: he had a brown surtout, and a red came to Bexley-heath, he told them they coat under it; a brown fur cap, with someneed not drive so fast; that he said his bu- thing like silver lace on it. He had also a siness was not so particular now, since he sword and a small portmanteau, which thought the telegraphs could work. Shil- were laid on the seat of the chaise. He ling replied, that he was sure they could paid for the chaise at Dartford, and ordernot, as he knew all the telegraphs; that the ed it to drive to Downing-street. Shilling gentleman then looked out of the chaise- says he has no doubt but that he should window and said, "Post-boy! you need know him again. not mention the news as you go along;" to William Crane stated, that he is the which Shilling replied, "I shall not, Sir, driver of the hackney-coach, No. 890; that unless you desire it;" and at the same time he took up on Monday, February 21, at asked him what the news was. The gen about forty minutes past eight o'clock in the tleman then told him exactly what he had morning, at the Marsh-gate, a Gentleman stated to the waiter, with these additional who had just alighted from a Dartford circumstances, that he came ashore within chaise and four; that he was directed to two miles of Dover, the Frenchmen being drive to No. 13, Green-street, Grosvenorafraid to come nearer; that he came from square, where the Gentleman alighted, and the place where he landed to the Ship Inn knocking at the door, inquired for Colonel at Dover, and left it at two o'clock in the or Captain -[the coachman did not hear morning that he had sent the intelligence the name], and was told by the servant that to the Port-Admiral at Deal, in order that he was gone to breakfast in Cumberlandthe telegraph might be worked, and that he street: that on receiving this reply, the was obliged to do so. The gentleman then Gentleman asked if he could write a note to said no more to the post-boys till they got him, and on being answered in the affirmato Shooter's-Hill, when they dismounted tive, he went into the parlour apparently and walked by the side of the horses. He for that purpose; that he took his portmangave them out of the chaise part of a bottle teau and sword in his hand, and laid them of wine and some biscuit, and said to Shil-down as if familiar with the house; that on ling, "Post-boy! I think I shall take a hackney-coach." Shilling told him the first hackney-coach stand was at the Bricklayer's-Arms. He replied, "I shall not get out there; that won't do; and asked if there was not a coach-stand in Lambethroad, and desired him to drive on to that place, as the chaise would go faster than a coach. At the same time the Gentleman told Shilling, that he need not mention any thing as he went on, but that on returning he might mention it to whom he pleased. When they came to the Stags at Lambeth, there was no coach there. The Gentleman then drew up the side-blind of the chaise (at the corner where he sat), as if to hide himself, and the post-boys drove on to Marsh-gate. They stopped at the side of a hackney-coach standing there, and on the chaise-door and coach door being opened, the Gentleman got into the coach and drove off, after having given a gold Napoleon to each of the drivers. Shilling asked the waterman where the Gentleman ordered the coachman to drive, and he replied "to Grosvenor-square." Shilling described the

Crane's asking him for more money, he came to the parlour door and gave him another shilling; that Crane then left him in the house, and the door being shut, he drove away; that he should know the house again to which he drove, and also that he should know the Gentleman again by his speech; that he looked like a foreigner, had a cough, and was a red-faced man, about the middle size; that he had on a brown great-coat, with a red coat under it, and a fur cap with gold lace; that the servant who opened the door was a short man, rather elderly, and dressed in black clothes.

Sayer, the Police-officer, stated, that on Saturday, February the 26th, he went with William Crane, the hackney-coachman, to Green-street, in order to identify the house. When they arrived there, he des red the coachman to knock at the door, and (under some pretence) to inquire for the Gentleman whom he had set down there on Monday. He did so, but was answered from the area, that the Gentleman did not live there; that Mr. Durand did live there, but that he had just left it;-that the family

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