Imágenes de páginas

"My attention is called to the 21st section of the legislative act. It is not probable that this section authorizes printing extra copies of the papers or documents of which the number to be printed is fixed by the statute itself.

"The writ of mandamus must issue commanding the defendants to exclude from their basis of computation the extra number of copies of bills mentioned in said concurrent resolution."

F. T. Hamlin, Esq., of Canandaigua, N. Y., has written quite a lengthy article reviewing

the work on the recent Constitutional Convention which was printed in the Yale Law Journal. In speaking of the judiciary article, he


system of the State.

preme Court. In addition to these changes the existing limitation of $500 on appeals to the Court of Appeals was abrogated, and the system of pensions for retiring judges was abandoned. It is, perhaps, worthy of mention, that the return to an appointive judiciary found little support in the Convention; while on the other hand an attempt to shorten the term of the judges from fourteen years to eight years was defeated by a large majority. That the new judiciary article has simplified and in the main greatly improved our judicial system is beyond question, but the general opinion of

the bar of the State is that the provisions for the relief of the Court of Appeals will prove entirely inadequate. By withdrawing all money limitation, an invitation is extended to appeal minor cases, which will, it is said, more than make good the appeals from orders that have been prohibited. So, too, it is asserted that the assumption that strengthening the intermediate appellate court will have a tendency to lessen appeals to the court of last resort, takes too little account of the staying qualities of the average litigant."

One of the most important decisions made recently is that of Judge Parker in the case of Bender v. Hemstreet. This case involves a principle in the law of partnership, which, so far as we know, has never been decided before and is a most novel question. The opinion is

as follows:

"The real occasion for a Constitutional Convention, and the one justifying its assembling, was the unfortunate condition of the judicial It had broken down under the stress of business it had been called upon to do. Our court of last resort had proved entirely inadequate to cope with its cases, and temporary relief had been supplied; at one time by a commission of appeals and at another by a second division, made up of Supreme Court justices selected by the governor. But this duplicate system had proved unsatisfactory. So, too, the calendars of the trial courts in the cities had become congested and some relief was demanded, as justice by being long delayed was practically denied. In addition to this the multiplicity of courts in the larger cities had been found confusing and undesirable. In order to remedy these and other existing evils the whole judiciary article was revised and materially changed. Briefly stated, the plan adopted to relieve the Court of Appeals was to strengthen the intermediate court by establishing an appellate division of the Supreme Court, to consist of five judges, and generally speaking to limit appeals to judgments and orders of the appellate division finally determining the action or proceeding, and to orders granting new trials on exceptions where the appellant stipulates that upon affirmance judgment absolute may be rendered against him. To relieve the trial courts and to supply | judges for the appellate division, twelve new "Whether it was legal, presents the only judges were provided. The Superior Courts question to be considered on this application to of the cities were consolidated with the Su-vacate an injunction restraining defendants

"The plaintiff, William H. Bender, and the defendant, George Hemstreet, formed a partnership under the firm name of George Hemstreet & Company. Hemstreet, becoming dissatisfied with the conduct of his partner, which he alleges was of such a nature as to prove detrimental to the business in which they were engaged, sold all of the partnership property and effects, of every name and nature, to the defendant Johnson, and this he did without consulting with Bender. The effect of this transaction, if legal, was to terminate the partnership, and render Hemstreet liable to account to his partner for the proceeds of the sale remaining, after the payment of the debts of the firm.

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How did the majority of the court arrive at the conclusion that a tax on incomes derived from land is a direct tax?

"As the facts appear, from the papers used on this application, the transfer made was illegal. "The basis of their conclusion seems to be "The learned counsel for the defendant in- the claim that there is no real distinction besists otherwise, and calls attention to the tween the rent or income from land and the numerous authorities in this State, from Mab- land itself, and on this assumption they conclude bett v. White, 12 N. Y. 442, to Bulger v. Rosa, that inasmuch as a tax on the land itself is a 119 N. Y. 459, holding, that one partner has direct tax it follows that a tax on the rent or authority to sell and transfer all the copartner- income from land is also a direct tax. They ship effects directly to a creditor of the firm in say: The real question is, is there any basis payment of a debt, without the knowledge or conupon which to rest the contention that real sent of his copartner. But none of them hold estate belongs to one of the two great classes of that a partner may sell all of the partnership taxes, and the rent or income which is the incieffects to a third party not interested as a cred- dent of its ownership belongs to the other? itor, thus practically terminating the partnership. We are unable to perceive any ground for the On the contrary, the court, in Welles v. March, 30 alleged distinction.' They cite, in support of N. Y. 344, while asserting the propositions that their position, the language of Coke, as foleach partner possesses equal power and author-lows: If a man seized of land in fee by his ity to dispose of the partnership property and deed granteth to another the profits of those effects for all purposes within the scope of the lands, to have and to hold to him and his partnership, and in the regular course of its trade and business; to assign firm property as security for antecedent debts; and to transfer all of the partnership effects to a creditor in payment of debts, nevertheless said, in effect, that aside from these exceptions the authority of each partner as the agent of the firm is limited to transactions within the scope and object of the partnership and in the course of its trade or affairs.

"Bates, in his work on Partnerships, states the general rule to be that 'The power of sale must be confined to those things held for sale, and that the scope of the business does not include the sale of property held for the purposes of the business, and to make a profit out of it.'

“An examination of the authorities leads to the conclusion that this is a correct statement of the general rule, although not established by the decisions in this State. And we find nothing in the authorities to which attention has been called which persuades us that the courts of this State will adopt a different rule when the question shall be fairly presented, as it seems likely to be in this case."

Judge R. M. Benjamin of Bloomington, Illinois, recently wrote a very interesting article on the income tax decision, part of which is as follows:

* *


heirs the whole land itself doth pass.' This is the familiar law. In other words a grant or devise of the profits or use of land to a man and his heirs passes to them the fee simple - the absolute ownership of the land called real estate. Upon the death of the grantee or devisee the fee simple or absolute ownership passed to his heirs or assigns, and so on forever. But a grant or devise of the profits or use of land to a man for one year or five years does not pass to him the fee simple, real estate, but passes only a chattel interest. Upon his death within the term his interest would pass as personal property to his administrator or executor and not to his heirs. Here is a distinction between these two classes of property. Land belongs to one class of property and income from land belongs to another class. Again, the term 'profits' as used by Coke has a more comprehensive meaning than the term income.' The latter is confined to profits or uses of a pecuniary nature. Applied to the affairs of an individual, 'income' conveys the same idea that 'revenue' expresses when applied to the affairs of a state or nation. The term 'profits includes advantages and benefits in various respects other than pecuniary gains. There are other 'profits' besides pecuniary profits. The owner of a residence, whether it is worth $5,000 or $50,000 has the profits, ad

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"But notwithstanding all this the people of this country are patriotic. They believe that this is a nation; they know that in the time of a great war (a war with a great naval power, as England for instance, when our ports might be blockaded), a mere tariff or duties imposed on imported goods would afford but little or no revenue; they know that the taxing power is the strong right arm of the nation; and when they begin to reflect and realize that the doctrines laid down by the majority of the Supreme Court would maim and cripple this strong right arm of the nation they will hope and pray that in some future crisis of the nation (if such crisis must needs be), the Congress will reassert and the Supreme Court reaffirm the full constitutional power of the government, whereby it can call to its aid promptly and effectually, without regard to State machinery. or State lines, the resources of invested wealth as well as all the resources of brain and muscle, for the preservation of the nation."

vantages, benefits accruing therefrom by way of use of brain and muscle. personal and social convenience, comfort and clude with the minority of the Supreme Court. enjoyment, and yet such real estate may not (Justices Harlan, Brown, Jackson and White), and generally does not yield any pecuniary gain that for purposes of taxation there is no real or income, but on the contrary cannot escape and constitutional distinction between incomes an annual direct tax. Here is a distinction derived from industry and incomes derived between the 'profits' referred to by Coke-from wealth, whether invested in land or in the advantages and benefits arising from the personal property. various uses to which the owner in fee simple may put his real estate and the pecuniary gain or income from real estate. The owner of a residence worth $50,000 and yielding no income would find out the difference between land and the income from land, between a land tax and an income tax. There is still another difference between land and the income of land. Land is a certain, definite, corporeal, permanent object. A land tax law goes straight, directly to this object without regard to rents or income therefrom, and irrespective of the ownership thereof. This object, the land itself, cannot escape the tax, although the owner may be a Lord Scully, or may before the time for the collection of the tax, sell the land and squander all the purchase money. A land tax when assessed becomes a lien upon the land. It is a direct tax. On the other hand, what is the nature of a tax on last year's income from land when the time arrives for its assessment this year? What is that income this year? The assessor may know how much the income was and may assess the tax accordingly, but where is the income itself - the subject matter of the tax? It may have been carried away by an absconding debtor; it may be in the pockets of a foreigner; it may have been squandered in this country; it may be non-existent. Last year's income from land is no longer any part or parcel of the land. It is like a young bird that has left the parent-bird and the nest. The young bird has flown away, and who can tell whither. It may be in nubibus; it may have migrated to another clime; it may have been devoured by birds of prey; it may be dead.

"We need not suggest other distinctions between land and income from land - between a land tax and an income tax. Now if there is a real distinction between these two kinds of property and between these two kinds of taxes, the basis upon which a majority of the court rest the contention that the tax upon income from land is direct and unconstitutional, sinks and disappears and the superstructure built thereon must fall. To be logical and consistent must we not treat income from the use of land and income from the use of invested personal property the same as income from the

The English Court of Queen's Bench decided an extremely interesting matter in the case of Gwilliam v. Twist. It seems that the driver of a 'bus, being drunk, was apprehended by a police officer and was further ordered by the officer to get down from his box-seat on the cab. He acquiesced and went inside and induced a former conductor to drive the 'bus back to the stable. By the negligence of this driver the plaintiff was injured, and it was held by the Court of Queen's Bench that the proprietor of the 'bus was liable for damages for such injury although it did not appear that the conductor had express authority to provide, in his discretion, for an emergency such as has been described. In one of the opinions of the court the law is very tersely summed up as follows: "The law is this: that in cases of sudden emergency, the servant may have authority, within the scope of the employment, to act in good faith, and, according to the best of his judgment, for his employer's interest, provided that he violates no express limitation of his authority, and no order of the master applicable to the case, and provided that the act be not plainly unreasonable."

UNION COLLEGE UPON THE BENCH AND better, with the single exception of one who has


An address delivered at the Centennial Celebration of Union




HY may we not proceed further and affirm confidently that the profession of the law is to be preferred before all other human professions and sciences, as being most noble for the matter and subject thereof, most necessary for the common and continued use thereof, and most meritorious for the good effects it doth produce in the commonwealth?"

How far Union College has during the first half of the century of her existence given a practical answer to this question, propounded nearly 400 years ago by Sir John Davy in the preface to his reports, is to be determined by the story of her sons who have devoted their lives to the practice of the law or been called to administer it from the bench. That record we shall give in brief and incomplete manner unworthy of the theme.

A consideration presents itself at the outset which requires a moment's attention. It will be a ground for just criticism as regards the contents of this paper that undue space is devoted to those graduates who have attained distinction by virtue of holding official position and that very many illustrious men have been passed by who were ornaments to the bar, in some instances their very names being ignored, in others receiving but scanty mention.

This may arise because the individual opinion of the writer as to the place any alumnus has taken in the minds of the public, may not be that which by common consent is accorded him. But the real and only justifiable excuse for thus passing hastily over the names of many who are entitled to be recalled upon an occasion like this lies in the fact that as to lawyers who have never occupied official position the records and even traditions are so scanty as to render it impossible to do justice to their merits or fairly to recall the story of their lives and influence. When to this is added the brief space of time allotted for the preparation of this paper and necessity for inquiry and research in many directions, it will be fully appreciated that it is not only difficult but almost impossible to render the proper meed of praise to all the illustrious names to be found upon the roll of graduates of Union at the bar and on the bench.

Still another embarrassment exists in the fact that very many of her illustrious sons are so well known in our own day and in the present generation, that to recall their names would seem to be a work of supererogation, aside from the difficulty of doing justice to those who are still engaged in the active duties of their profession. It has therefore seemed

passed away, to confine this paper to a record of a few of the leading lawyers and judges who graduated during the first half of that century, the completion of which we to-day commemorate.

In the first class graduated from Union we find the names of three clergymen, but not a single lawyer. A marked improvement is found in 1798, which graduated two lawyers, and in 1799 we not only find the bar fully represented but the bench recognized by the conferring of an honorary degree upon Egbert Benson, then justice of the Supreme Court and later judge of the United States Circuit Court.

In that year graduated John Savage, who survived until 1863, receiving from the college the degree of LL. D. in 1829. He was appointed chief justice of the Supreme Court of the State, January 29, 1823, and until 1836 presided over that court, having as associates such eminent jurists as Samuel Nelson, Green C. Bronson and William L. Marcy. His opinions are to be found in the volumes of Cowen and Wendell and do credit to his early training.

Samuel A. Foot was a member of the class of 1811, and admitted to the bar in 1813. After a long and distinguished service at the bar he became a member of the Court of Appeals in 1851. It was said by Judge Folger, on behalf of the Court of Appeals at the time of his death in 1878, at the age of eightyeight, "He was the living link which held in one three successive judicial organizations. He began the practice of the law before any one now sitting on this bench was born, and he continued it in full vigor of mind and body until the day of his death."

In 1818, with Bishops Alonzo Potter and George W. Doane, was graduated Sidney Breese. Taking up his residence in Illinois immediately after graduating, he was almost constantly in official position in that State, discharging public trusts up to the time of his death in 1878, successively district attorney, reporter of the Supreme Court, senator of the United States, and chief judge of the Supreme Court of Illinois. He is regarded as one of the ablest jurists who has occupied a place upon the bench of that State, possessing a character of great intellectual vigor and absolute independence.

The name of William H. Seward, of 1820, is so thoroughly associated in the mind of every graduate of Union, with his record as a statesman, that it seems like trenching upon the ground of others to mention his name in connection with his career at the bar, yet it would be a manifest injustice to pass by the record of Mr. Seward as a lawyer. That he was eminently successful at the bar as a very young man is a matter which has a basis much more substantial than mere tradition, and none can listen but with pleasure to the well authenticated anecdote

illustrating his confidence and courage upon his first argument before Chancellor Walworth in the Court of Chancery. The story is told by one of his friends and admirers as follows:

Seward's manner when he began his argument was that of exceeding diffidence. To add to his embarrassment, the chancellor began to ply him with questions and suggestions. At length, when the questions became too frequent, the young lawyer paused in his argument and took his seat.

"Why do you not proceed with your argument?" was asked in some surprise.

I beg leave to say,” said Seward, "if your honor will permit, that until now I never understood the arguments in the Court of Chancery were conducted in the form of dialogue with the court, and not understanding that practice, I am unwilling to proceed."

Proceed, sir, proceed with your argument," said the chancellor, "you shall continue it uninterrupted." And no further interruption occurred. After retiring from the State Senate, Seward's legal career covered a period of little over four years, but during that time the celebrated cases of The People v. Freeman and The People v. Wyatt, in both of which he appeared for the prisoner, gave him a widespread and solid reputation as a lawyer, he having in the latter case interposed for perhaps the first time the defense of moral insanity, which has since become so popular, insisting that "persons who were the subjects of natural or congenital derangement are not morally accountable, because, though they may know an act to be wrong, they cannot refrain from doing it, being irresistibly compelled to its commission."

Mr. Seward's argument to the jury in that case, although unsuccessful, is said by one who was present to have rivalled Erskine's famous defense of Hadfield under a like plea.

Hiram Gray was a member of the class of 1821, and survived until a very recent date, having been a member of the Commission of Appeals appointed under the provision of the Constitution of 1869, which constituted as such commission four judges of the Court of Appeals then in office, for the purpose of completing the calendar of that court, and authorized the governor to appoint a fifth commissioner.

In the same year was graduated Philo T. Ruggles, who at his death had the distinction of being the oldest living alumnus of the college. Although not distinguished as an advocate, and holding no judicial position, he exercised judicial functions during a period extending over very many years, and relating to matters of the utmost importance, since by virtue of his judicial temperament, thorough knowledge of the law and inflexible integrity,

he was selected alike by courts and litigants as referee to determine controversies involving most important questions of law and fact, as well as very large, varied and important financial interests.

John A. Lott was of 1823. After holding the office of justice of the Supreme Court, he became a judge of the Court of Appeals in 1869, and upon the organization of the Commission of Appeals was selected as chief commissioner, and continued to act in that capacity during the continuance of the commission and until the completion of the work assigned it under the Constitution.

In 1824 graduated Ira Harris, who not only represented the State with honor in the United States Senate, but discharged the duties of justice of the Supreme Court under the new Constitution in a singularly felicitous manner, rounding out a successful and honorable career as one of the founders of and lecturers in the Albany Law School, and acting for a brief period as the president of Union Collage ; a man of thoroughly solid attainments who left the impress of his personality upon those with whom he associated at the bar, on the bench and in the lecture room, and whose name is one of those the sons of Union delight to honor. His long and honorable career closed in 1875.

Amasa J. Parker, of 1825, who passed away May, 1890, ripe in years and honors, in the eighty-third year of his age, filled a large place in the history of the bar and of the bench of the State. Although for a considerable period from 1844 to 1855 he was a justice of the Supreme Court, he is best known and will be remembered most distinctively as a lawyer. The manner of his graduation was novel and unique.

He was only sixteen years of age when he took charge, as principal, of a classical school at Hudson, which he conducted with success. Nearly two years after he had assumed charge of this academy, he learned that the trustees of a rival educational institution at Kinderhook, boasted of an advantage enjoyed over the Hudson Academy, in that their principal was a college graduate. Mr. Parker waited until the close of the school year at Hudson, then went to Schenectady. There he was presented to Dr. Mott and Vice-President Potter, afterward the Bishop of Pennsylvania. He explained his visit and said he was there to pass his four years' examination. The faculty approved of the novel application, and the full examination for the four years' course was successfully passed during the week, and he took his diploma with the class of 1825 and returning to Hudson sent word to his friends at Kinderhook that their boasted advantage was no longer good. Subsequently a trustee of Union, he was always loyal to its interests.

In 1851, with Judge Ira Harris, of Union, 1824,

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