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of the State, whose laws the courts administer, and within whose limits the property may be found. Speaking of this, Stayton, J., in Weider v. Maddox, said: "Such a rule seems to us to confer upon the courts a power too little restricted, too unqualified and unlimited, to be tolerated in any country governed by laws. What, upon such a matter is to be deemed injurious to the rights of the citizens of the State in which the property is situated, should be the subject of legislative and not judicial discre


The majority of cases arise over the construction of statutes regulating the recording or filing of assignments, or preferences contained therein.




An interesting case lately came before the Supreme Court of the United States, Barnett v. Kinney, 147 U. S. 476. A citizen of Utah made an assignment of all his property for the benefit of his creditors, containing preferences, to another citizen of Utah, which was valid by the laws of Utah and by the common law. Part of his property was situated in Idaho, of which the assignee had taken possession. This property was subsequently attached in Idaho by a resident of Utah. The Revised Statutes of Idaho provided that "no assignment of any insolvent debtor, otherwise than as provided in this title, is legal or binding on creditors, that creditors should share pro rata without priority or preference whatever," and for a discharge of the assignor upon a compliance with the statute. Was the assignment in conflict with the laws of Idaho Chief Justice Fuller, in writing the opinion, remarked, that "while the statute of Idaho provided a pro rata distribution without preferences in assignments under the statute, it did not otherwise deal with the distribution of his property by a debtor, nor prohibit preferences by non-residents debtors and creditors through an assignment valid by the laws of the debtors' domicile. No just rule required the courts of Idaho, at the instance of a citizen of another State, to adjudge a transfer, valid at common law and by the law of the place where it was made, to be invalid because preferring creditors elsewhere, and, therefore, in contravention of the Idaho statute and the public policy therein indicated in respect to its own citizens, proceeding thereunder. The law of the situs was not incompatible with the law of the domicile."

By a mere casual reading of this decision it is difficult to harmonize it with the decisions construing the New Jersey statute forbidding preferences, and like statutes; but there were certain features, looking at the context of the statute, which led the court to conclude that it was not the legislative intent that it should apply to all assignments both domestic and foreign — it is a question of legislative intent.



Again the question arose over the construction of a similar statute as effecting an assignment executed in the State of New York covering property situated in the State of South Carolina. (Ex parte Dickinson, 29 S. C. 453.) The statute of South Carolina contained this provision, "Any assignment by an insolvent debtor of his or her property for the benefit of creditors, in which any preference or priority is given to any creditor by the terms of said assignment, over any other creditor, shall be absolutely null and void and of no effect whatever." The court held that this statnte declared a great public policy of the law forbidding preferences, and that the word "any" covered every assignment, either foreign or domestic, affecting property in the State of South Carolina. court said: "The language of the Act is any assignment,' etc., and to adopt a construction contended for by the respondent it would be necessary for us to interpolate some such words as are found in the Missouri statute, 'hereinafter made in this State,' or some equivalent words; and this we have no right to do."


The marked tendency of the decisions is that the policy of the lex rei site must be declared and fixed by positive rules of law, if not by legislative enactment, and not left to the discretion of the courts in determining each particular case. In Guillander v. Howell, there is a dictum by PECKHAM, J., as follows: "What is injurious to the rights of citizens where the property is situate, should be the subject of positive legislation, and not left to the discretion of the courts and this is probably the true rule, assuming the transfer to be valid according to the common law of the situs, although the rule is sometimes more broadly expressed.

It has long been the policy of commercial States not to embarass the full transmission of the title to personal property; and has justly been considered a discourteous and illiberal policy in one State to abridge or fetter the operation of foreign contracts or to embarass foreign owners of personal property within its limits, in the full and free enjoyment of its beneficial use or its ready and unrestricted transfer. (Hanford v. Paine, 32 Vt. 443.)

Regarding such statutes for the protection of creditors it has been held that if the Legislature had intended such acts to apply to the case of foreign assignments making them invald when but for the act, they would have been valid, that purpose would have been particularly expressed. (In re Paige & Sexmith Lumber Co., 31 Minn. 136.)

These authorities show us the nature of the law of the situs which may or may not interfere with the operation of a foreign assignment, and that a voluntary assignment will be given a universal effect unless there is some meritorious and well defined

policy of the law intervening. And the true rule seems to be, assuming that we have a voluntary assignment valid at common law, that until such legislative policy is positively declared, and interposes a direct obstruction, to the operation of such assignment, it would be effectual to transfer the debtor's property wherever it may have its situs.

DOMICILE OF THE ATTACHING CREDITORS. By the domicile of the parties seeking a remedy we mean any party or creditor invoking the law of the situs and pursuing a remedy thereunder. And the fact that we have determined the situs of the property, the nature of the assignment, and the nature and effect of the lex rei site does not quite settle the question; for here again the courts are divided, many of them holding that in case of a conflict only creditors residents of the situs can invoke the law of the situs to defeat the assignment. This is the rule in Illinois, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Maine, Massachusetts, Missouri, and some other States.

In Illinois the question arose as to the effect of a New York assignment on property situate in Illinois as between the New York assignee and a New York creditor pursuing his remedy by attachment in Illinois subsequent to the assignment. The assignment was valid by the law of New York, the common residence of the creditor and assignee, but in conflict with the law of Illinois. The court gave full force and effect to the assignment in preference to the lien of the attachment. (Julliard v. May, 139 Ill. 87.) The question again arose upon a similar state of facts except that the attaching creditor was a resident of Massachusetts. The court upheld the assignment executed in New York. (May v. First National Bank, 122 Ill. 551.) Sheldon, Ch. J., writing the opinion said: - The true rule of public policy is this, that a voluntary assignment made abroad, inconsistent in substantial respects, with our statute, should not be put in execution, to the detriment of our citizens, but that for all other purposes, if valid by the lex loci, it should be carried fully into effect." In that case the assignor being a resident of New York, the creditor a resident of Massachusetts attaching property having its situs in Illinois, the question was squarely presented.

So in a late case in Pennsylvania it was held that a resident of a foreign State could not by an attachment in Pennsylvania obtain a lien paramount to that of an assignee's title under an assignment executed by a citizen of another State. The rule rests upon inter-state comity, and the courts will make no discrimination by allowing citizens of other states to invoke the aid of such courts to defeat the assignment; only domestic creditors can question its validity. (Long v. Girgwood, 150 Pa. St. 413.)

The Federal Courts have been considered as taking a contrary view on this subject of domicile, and as allowing all creditors, both domestic and foreign to invoke the law of the situs against the validity of the assignment when there was a conflict (Green v. Van Buskirk, 5 Wall. 307; s. c., 7 Wall. 159), but in a late case before the U. S. Supreme Court, Ch. J. Fuller reviews and discusses at length the decisions holding the same principle as the Illinois courts just mentioned, and seems to favor that view. But all this discussion was unnecessary for the decision; the real point for decision was, whether the assignment was in conflict with the laws of Utah? The court held that it was not, and when that was determined the whole case was decided, and the discussion as to the residence of the attaching creditors was obiter dictum. Notwithstanding this decision the question in the United States Courts is an open one yet to be decided; but with a strong dictum by the chief justice in favor of the Illinois doctrine.

In many States it is the settled rule of law that only domestic creditors can invoke the lex rei sita in opposition to the validity of the foreign assignment. (Chafee v. Fourth National Bank, 71 Me. 514; Frank v. Babbitt, 155 Mass. 114; Julliard v. May, supra; May v. First National Bank, supra ; Green v. Wallis Iron Works, 49 N. J. Eq. 48; Thurston v. Rosenthral, 42 Mo. 474; Halstead v. Strauss, 32 Fed. Rep. 279; Bently v. Whitmore, 19 N. J. Eq. 462; Bryan v. Brisbain, 26 Mo. 423.)

In New York and some other States a contrary view is firmly established. It is a general rule in this State that a foreign creditor rightfully in the courts of this State may enforce his remedy to the same extent, in the same manner, and with the same priority of lien as a citizen of this State. Hibernia National Bank v. Lacombe, 84 N. Y. 367, which is a leading case on the subject. And this rule applies to foreign creditors coming into this State to invoke the aid of our courts against a foreign general assignment which is repugnant to the policy of our law. (Barth v. Backus, 140 N. Y. 230; see statement of facts above.) In this case it was urged that the attaching creditors stood in no better position than the creditors from whom they took title, who were residents of Wisconsin, the State in which the assignment was made, and hence were bound by the assignment; but the court, Ch. J. ANDREWS writing the opinion, held that the attachments were liens paramount to the title of the assignee under the assignment, assuming that the attachinent creditors stood in no better position than the Wisconsin creditors, and quoted approvingly from the Hibernia National Bank case as follows: "A foreign creditor rightfully in the courts of this State, pursuing a remedy given by the

statues of the State, may enforce that remedy to the same extent, in the same manner and with the same priority of lien as a citizen of the State." (To the same effect are Warner v. Jaffray, supra; Keller v. Paine, supra.

The foregoing is the rule adopted in Maryland, Connecticut, South Carolina, Minnesota, New Hampshire, Iowa and Maine. (Brown v. Smart, 69 Md. 327; Paine v. Lester, 44 Conn. 196; First National Bank of Rockville v. Walker, 61 Conn. 154; Ex parte Dickinson, 29 So. Car. 453; Jenks v. Lud

den, 34 Minn. 482; Kidder v. Tuffts, 48 N. H. 121; Moore v. Church, 70 Iowa, 208; Boston Iron Co. v. Boston Locomotive Works, 51 Me. 591.)

This is said to be the strictly logical doctrine. The Constitution of the United States provides that "The citizens of each State shall be entitled to the privileges and immunities of citizens in the several States." (U. S. Constitution, Art. 4, Sec. 2.) The New York doctrine accords to a non-resident credi

tor who invokes the aid of our courts and complies with all the requirements of the law, a right paramount to that of a non-resident debtor who utterly ignores the policy of the law and seeks to transfer his estate by a conveyance at variance with the laws of the State where the property is situated. If in any case, by interstate comity or courtesy the courts of one State ought to recognize an assignment, in conflict with the policy of the law, there would seem to be a greater reason why they should recognize and enforce the rights of a non-resident creditor who voluntarily comes into that State, invokes the aid of its courts, submits to its remedy, and complies with its laws. It is a choice between non-residents; one seeks to avoid the law of the situs in transferring his property by an assignment in conflict thereto, the other voluntarily invokes its aid, submits to its remedies and complies with all its provisions. To which should comity accord the better right? The court in Jenks v. Ludden, commenting on the Illinois doctrine, above referred to, denominates it as "narrow and provincial, and of questionable constitutionality."

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EMINENT DOMAIN-DAMAGES.-The refusal of the court to allow a reversioner, upon his application, to be made a party defendant in a suit brought by the holder of the life estate against a city for damage to the land caused by the widening of a street, was error, although such reversioner had refused to join in the suit at request of the plaintiff. (Jones v. City of Asheville [N. Car.], 21 S. E. Rep. 691.)

MUNICIPAL CORPORATIONS CHANGING BOUNDARIES. What the boundaries of a municipal corporation are, where they are, and whether a particular piece of territory lies within or without the corporate limits of a municipality are all matters for judicial determination; but the power to create municipal corporations and the power to enlarge or restrict their boundaries are legislative ones. - (City of Hastings v. Hansen [Neb.], 63 N. W. Rep. 34.

JUDGMENT-RES JUDICATA.-Where, in a suit for

divorce, the bill shows that a former bill was filed

for the same cause, and that such bill was dismissed

by the complainant, but neither the pleadings nor

the evidence shows whether any answer to the former bill was filed, or whether the dismissal was without prejudice or not, such former suit is not a bar to the second suit. Gerber v. Gerber [Ill.], 40 N. E. Rep. 581.)

RECEIVERS SELECTION OFFICER OF CORPORATION.--While an officer of a corporation, whose misfortunes have made a receivership necessary, is not ineligible to employment as receiver, yet, where the corporation is one that covers a vast diversity of conflicting interests, and especially of speculation, an officer should not be appointed without careful scrutiny of his official and personal antecedents, and one who is or has been a speculator in the stock of the corporation should never be appointed. (Olmstead v. Distilling and Cattle Feeding Co. [U. S. C. C., Ill.], 67 Fed. Rep. 24.)

REMOVAL OF CAUSES. Under Act Aug. 13, 1888 (25 Stat. 433, § 2), a cause cannot be removed from a State to a federal court on the ground that it is one arising under the Constitution, laws, or treaties of the United States, unless the fact so appears by the plaintiff's statement of his own claim. (Caples v. Texas & P. Ry. Co. [U. S. C. C., Tex.], 67 Fed. Rep. 9.)

REMOVAL OF CAUSES- RIGHT OF INTERVENER TO REMOVE. An intervener who introduces himself into a pending action in a State court, solely to assist in its defense and to protect himself against a liability for indemnifying the original defendant, can confer no jurisdiction on the federal court that the original defendant could not confer. (Olds Wagon Works v. Benedict [U. S. C. C. of App.]. 67 Fed. Rep. 1.)

The Albany Law Journal.

ALBANY, AUGUST 17, 1895.

Current Topics.

[All communications intended for the Editor should be addressed simply to the Editor of THE ALBANY LAW JOURNAL. All letters relating to advertisements, subscriptions, or other business matters, should be addressed to THE ALBANY LAW JOURNAL COMPANY.]


HROUGH the kindness and courtesy of Judge Dillon, we are enabled to publish this week the proceedings and judgment in the case of Wright & Co. v. Hennessey, which was decided in the Queen's Bench Division late in July. Judge Dillon is taking a much needed rest at Karlsbad, and it is greatly appreciated by the JOURNAL that he took some of his leisure time to write us of the decision, which is most important. As Judge Dillon shows, there are three points involved in the decision.

our only hope for proper solutions of such unfortunate strifes lies in the legal judges who should have at their back the trust and confidence of the people. If judges fail in such matters, then public confidence is lost and all faith in our legal institutions fail. While writing on this subject let us look at the account of the mass meeting held last Saturday night in New York, it says:

"The meeting was called to order by Lucien Sanial, who presided. He said: 'In the name of the Hebrew trades I congratulate you tonight upon the size of this meeting. Many of you came here from Russia to escape from the tyranny of the Czar, and now you find yourselves tyrannized by capitalists to an

worse extent.


"You are the men who make the presidents and judges of this country, and you can take them from their high office by the ballot.'


He was followed by Daniel De Leon, who said: The fight is on every day in the shops, and at the polls on election day. The judges of the Supreme Court are put on the bench by the capitalists, and they obey them. The capitalists control the judges.'

First. Under the Common Law of England no person or association of persons has a right to boycott another; for example, to say to another if you do not employ members of such and such an organization we will injure you in your business by inducing employers to refuse to employ you or to break their contracting resolutions, which were adopted: with you, or by inducing men employed by you to strike.

Second. Such conduct, if done intentionally and for the purpose of injuring the person so boycotted, is in law malicious and is actionable in damages.

Third. Under the existing procedure acts in England, such an action for damages may be brought, and their may be united therewith an application for an injunction restraining the defendants from inducing or endeavoring to induce persons to break the contract made with the plaintiff and from continuing to write or publish libels concerning the plaintiff in connection with his business.

There are, however, two phases of the decision which are specially pleasing and which if followed in this country will bring many beneficial results. Both parties to labor controversies and fights must realize that each have their rights which will be strictly enforced by competent and trustworthy courts. All talk of other tribunals is unworthy of notice and VOL. 52 No. 7.

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"Several speeches to the same effect were made, and Patrick Murray offered the follow

"Whereas, nine cap manufacturers have locked us out for twelve weeks for the purpose of breaking our union and denying to us our constitutional right to organize into a lawful organization, and,

"Whereas, The scheme was made and attempted to be carried out not for the purpose alone of reducing our wages to a point of starvation, but also for the purpose of increasing the prices of the hats and caps in the market, thereby misrepresenting the present difficulties to the community at large to draw the inference of a strike, the difficulty being only a lockout, and,

"Whereas, The manufacturers have employed different ways and means to utterly destroy our union, and, after taking legal steps, secured an order of injunction depriving us of the liberty granted us by the Constitution from walking in the public streets, persuading individuals, etc., and going to the extent of preparing false and defamatory charges of conspiracy, and yet have failed to

hurt us or to discourage our ranks, although had renounced the old are pronounced biga

the courts have always supported the manufacturers; then, be it

mists. Not only this, but the ownership of property is involved in much litigation. The consequences are too apparent and disagreeable to require to be commented upon.

The inconsistencies of our State divorce laws are so notorious and numerous that they have tended somewhat to discredit the marriage relation. In this State adultery only is accepted as reason for an absolute divorce, and only the party aggrieved may remarry within the State. But the party who is prohibited from remarry

“Resolved, To publish the names of manufacturers who have entered into the conspiracy and denounce them as tyrants. Further, be it "Resolved, To stand firm together, one for all and all for one, until the unions shall receive recognition and our demands are granted; and it is also resolved that all among us who are now employed by other manufacturers will assist our locked out brothers, paying them their wages, so as to enable them to stay out asing in this State may go across the State line long as it may be necessary, and further re- into New Jersey or Pennsylvania, remarry, resolved to call the attention of the working turn to New York State, and his marriage then classes of the city of New York to the fact that be accepted as legal. More than that, couples the highest court in the city, the Supreme who cannot obtain divorce in this State may go Court, is assisting the manufacturers in their to other States for reasons the most trivial, such unjust and uncalled for battle against labor, as incompatibility of temperament, which is a and unless wage slavery be abolished such in- legal term for natural cussedness, may rid justice will continue."" themselves of the old love to be on with the


On the one hand there appears the attempt to organize laboring people, while on the other. The facility with which divorces are obtained the employers refuse to recognize any such in South Dakota, Oklahoma and Chicago has body and attempt to disrupt it. afforded a rich field for the humerous paragraphers, but they have a serious and scandalous side. The fact that couples thus lightly divorced almost always remarry has resulted in a sort of progressive polygamy.

On the one hand the courts are bound to protect the rights of labor and on the other they must insure individuals from any injustice from any person or association. In this instance we believe the Supreme Court of New York city did its duty and we also can see the vast good that the Queen's bench did in Wright & Co. v. Hennessy. Perhaps, however, the pleasantest and least important result of the case in question will be to recognize the simplicity of remedies in joining them in one action. Our own code and practice has many instances of this kind but many others may be introduced with good results.

The unfortunate results of each State having statutes which differ from others becomes more and more apparent as time passes and decisions are made by various courts.

The recent decision of the Oklahama Supreme Court, invalidating a number of divorces granted in that territory within the last few years, has directed attention anew to the need of an uniform national divorce law. Under the decision of this court, many people who have assumed new marriage vows as lightly as they

America, the most enlightened and Christian country in the world, is scandalized and put to the blush before all Christendom by her divorce laws. The God-given and divinely sanctioned institution of matrimony was not intended to be entered into lightly or ill-advisedly. There are cases where great mistakes are made by innocent parties, but if divorces are difficult to

obtain, there is likely to be a more mature consideration of marriage and all it involves before the words are spoken that should never be unsaid. The attitude of the Roman Catholic church in opposing all divorces may lead to some unhappiness, but taken as a whole it conforms more closely to the teachings of religion than that of any other church. If the Protestant body do not teach divorce, they at least tacitly sanction it.

"What God hath joined together let no man put asunder." And even the non-professor of religion, if he be an earnest man, can but view with alarm the increasing lightness with which our courts hold the marriage tie and the home,

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