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we need every day, first, cooking, because you know that while man can ve without poetry, music and art, he cannot live without cooks, so we are going to begin raising each one to be a cook for the future. We have these courses in cooking out all over the state, not only being used by the individual girls in the farm home, but being taken up by the public schools where the towns or the communities are too poor to afford a department in domestic science and art. During the past year 2,300 girls took lessons either in cooking or sewing or both from this department at the college, and already, as the new schools are opening, letters are pouring in every day asking for more of that work in the various sections of the state. Moreover, during the last year, due to these efforts, seventy-five high schools put domestic science or art or both into their systems where it had not existed before. Wishing to utilize or bring together the organization that already existed instead of forming new organizations, we have been getting together a course of domestic lessons, or demonstrations, if you please to call them so, that can be used by the women's clubs that are already organized in the state. That course is almost completed; and when we have that finished, we hope to see every single organization of the women in the state adopting part or all of it, not because they need it so much, because women that have time for clubs, have more or less leisure through their added efficiency. But it will mean that they are still thoughtful along these lines, and that their efforts are going to be with us in spreading this gospel of good housekeeping throughout the state.

Now, we have a big work yet before us. We are not going to stop. We are going to work at every single channel that we have opened, and we are going to open as many new ones as can be helped, until every roof in Kansas covers a harmonious home where we will find every single thing that will tend to the highest efficiency and the needs of every member of the family in that home. I thank you. (Applause)

Chairman WALLACE-I know I voice the feeling of this audience when I say we have already highly enjoyed these addresses from the ladies this afternoon. The executive committee of this association has some business that you must transact, and the report will now be read by Mr. J. B. White, the chairman of the executive committee.

Mr. WHITE-The executive committee met this morning and adopted the following resolutions:

In view of the very effective help which the national organizations have given the Conservation Congress and the conservation movement in general, the members of the executive committee of the Third National Conservation Congress feel that the national organizations should have more adequate representation. Therefore, at a meeting of the executive committee of the Congress today, it was decided unanimously to recommend that the constitution be amended so as to provide for an advisory board to be made up of representatives of the national organizations which have appointed conservation committees.

To this end the executive committee respectfully begs leave to submit the following amendment to Article 5, Section 3, of the Constitution of the Conservation Congress, by adding the following:

"An advisory board, consisting of one person from each national organization having a conservation committee, shall be created to act for that Congress and during the interval before the next succeeding Congress. The board shall report to and co-operate with the executive committee."

The executive committee is also of opinion that the scope of the work of the permanent committees of the Congress should be extended so as to cover a larger field. The present sub-committees are those on forests, waters, land, mineral and vital resources.

The committee, therefore, recommends that the constitution of the Conservation Congress be amended as follows:

Article 5. Section 5. The committee on vital resources shall consist of members, each selected with the view to becoming chairman of the sub-committee and that six sub-committees be created subordinate to the committee on vital resources as follows: Food, homes, child life, education, civics, general (including wild_life, domesticated animals and cultivated plants). The chairman of each committee, with the approval of the chairman of the executive committee, shall be authorized to appoint as members of these sub-committees, such members as in their judgment will best accomplish the object sought.

Delegate BRUCE DODSON of Kansas City-I move that the report of the executive committee be received.

Delegate WM. H. DYE of Indianapolis-I second the motion.

Chairman VESSEY-All in favor of them will say aye. Contrary minded. The amendments are adopted.

Mr. WHITE-Mr. President, we invite all those who are here and are delegates of the different national associations that have conservation committees to come on the platform, that they may choose their representatives, if possible, and confer with the executive committee immediately after adjournment.

President WALLACE-What now is the pleasure of the Congress? We have filled up the program of today. I take pleasure in introducing Miss Mame E. Weller of Nathan, Iowa, of the conservation committee of the Iowa Federation of Women's Clubs.

Miss WELLER I bring greetings from the Federated Club women of Iowa, who today stand ready to help in all lines of conservation.

We have been and are working for the conservation of child-life, health and happiness. We have done much toward procuring sanitation in schools, and especially pure drinking water. We are trying to have our bird laws enforced and shall petition our Legislature at its next session to prohibit spring shooting of ducks and all shore birds, who are our sanitary commissioners of lake, shore and stream borders.

We have caused many hundreds of trees to be planted in Iowa, and the coming year we are to work for state control of the banks of our streams and shores of our lakes.

We have done much to prevent the wanton mutilation of trees and destruction of our wayside trees by telephone companies. Yet much

remains to be done. We have in Iowa a statute that exempts from taxation almost entirely all woodlands, native or planted, when kept and used for timber purposes only.

President WALLACE-We expected until today to have a paper or address by Dr. Knapp of Washington, D. C., but I am very sorry to say that he cannot come, but the Department of Agriculture has a gentleman that can take his place, and I would suggest that Dr. W. J. Spillman come forward and tell us about the wonderful demonstration work that is going on in the South.

Is Dr. Spillman in the audience? If not, we would be glad to hear from Mr. F. A. Guthrie, a member of the Congress representing the city of St. Paul, Minn. Five minutes, and then I promise you we will adjourn.

Mr. GUTHRIE As indicated in the announcement, my work is on a line somewhat different from almost anything that has been presented. In connection with charitable and correctional institutions, we have found that it is necessary to go to the country. This presentation this afternoon relates to charitable and correctional work. The dreariness. of the country home is very important and has to do with most of that which we have to treat. The national conferences on this matter have come to the conclusion that it is necessary for leaders in the country to engage some person specially qualified to advance social interests, to organize country meetings of various kinds, or organize musical entertainments, organize social entertainments, and organize educational work. We present that to the national conference as something to which we will have to come in order to bring about agreeable healthy country life, a life which gives joy in living, as was presented by the President at the opening. I thank you.

President WALLACE-We are ready to entertain a motion to adjourn. Ladies and Gentlemen, remember that the meeting is at 8 o'clock sharp. We are to have a great program tonight. Mrs. Moore, Dr. Wilson, and Dr. Wiley.

The Congress stands adjourned until 8 o'clock this evening.


President WALLACE-The house will come to order. The secretary has a telegram to be read:

Returning from two weeks on the firing line of conservation with Secretary Fisher. I send through you the accredited representative of the American Civic Association hearty good wishes for the great movement now being considered and promoted by those who believe in a continuing and improving America.

J. HORACE MCFARLAND. President American Civic Association.

President WALLACE-We are to be privileged this evening to have an address on the Community Club, by Mrs. Phillip Moore, St. Louis, president of the General Confederation of Women's Clubs. (Applause)

Mrs. MOORE-Members of the Conservation Congress: I have already said to the officers of the association that we very much prefer "Community Center" to "Community Club." It will cover the ground. much better, as you will see, from my viewpoint:

It may be a question in the minds of many present why this particular subject has been assigned to a representative of the General Federation of Women's Clubs. I am glad to present the very best of reasons: because we have studied it for years, and have worked on the findings of such study.

At the Second Conservation Congress in St. Paul our honored ex-president gave in some detail the history of the Country Life Commission in which he had become much interested. Economic and social questions engaged his attention; he had given thought to the economic strengthening and social elevation of the Irish farmer, in connection with the policies of conservation and country life in our own country.

The results of the Country Life Commission were of the widest import, but were never made public, inasmuch as Congress did not appropriate money to print the findings.

It was about this time that our interest was specially centered on the life of the women of rural communities; one of the Eastern publications supplemented the existing inquiries from the Government by sending out letters to approximately 700.000 readers. There were answers from nearly every state in the Union which would have required a large office force to read and tabulate. The majority of these letters was given to our general federation board members, representing through their own and advisory states all the community interest which we wish to bring to you today.

The result was extraordinary-answers from a thousand women, with facts, feelings, hopes, ambitions, possibilities and probabilities. The bulk of correspondence came from women, whose letters showed that they are not having for one reason or another what Mr. Roosevelt called a "square deal."

The letters were distributed among the board members, were carefully read, and they frequently gave an opening for further correspondence with most interesting, personal results. The letters were not. illiterate; many of the women have been school teachers and nearly all have had a good education; many were eloquent in deeper modes of expression than rhetoric.

The volume of data which these letters presented is of high value industrially, from a sociological point of view, and with reference to sanitary conditions; the study of public schools and country churches would gain largely from this material.

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