Imágenes de páginas


JOHN B. WHITE, Kansas City, Mo.

Executive Secretary,

THOMAS R. SHIPP, Washington, D. C.


D. AUSTIN LATCHAW, Kansas City, Mo.

Recording Secretary,

JAMES C. GIPE, Indianapolis, Ind.

Executive Committee.

E. LEE WORSHAM, Atlanta, Ga., Chairman.

J. LEWIS THOMPSON, Houston, Texas.
W. A. FLEMING JONES, Las Cruces, N. M.
GEORGE C. PARDEE, Oakland, Cal.

DR. H. E. BARNARD, Indianapolis, Ind.
MRS. PHILIP N. MOORE, St. Louis, Mo.
BERNARD N. BAKER, Baltimore, Md.
HENRY C. WALLACE, Des Moines, Iowa.

[blocks in formation]


Forests-H. S. Graves, Washington, D. C., Chairman; E. T. Allen, Portland, Ore.; Major E. G. Griggs, Tacoma, Wash.; William Irvine, Chippewa Falls, Wis. ; George K. Smith, St. Louis.

Minerals-Dr. Joseph A. Holmes, Washington, D. C., Chairman; Dr. Charles R. Van Hise, Madison, Wis.; Dr. I. C. White, Morgantown, W. Va.; C. W. Brunton, Denver, Col.; John Mitchell, New York City.

Lands and Agriculture-Prof. L. H. Bailey, Cornell University, Chairman; Prof. George E. Condra, Nebraska; Prof. J. L. Snyder, Lansing, Mich.; F. D. Coburn, Kansas; Charles S. Barrett, Union City, Ga.

Education-Dr. C. E. Bessey, Lincoln, Neb., Chairman; Dr. David Starr Jordan, Leland Stanford University, Oakland, Cal.; Dr. Edward E. Alderman, University of Virginia, Charlottesville; Dr. E. C. Craighead, Tulane University, New Orleans, La.; Prof. E. T. Fairchild, Topeka, Kas.

Vital Resources-Dr. William H. Welch, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Md., Chairman; Prof. Irving Fisher, Yale University, New Haven, Conn.; Dr. J. N. Hurty, Indianapolis, Ind.; Hon. A. B. Farquhar, York, Pa.; Dr. Oscar Dowling, Shreveport, La.

Homes-Mrs. Matthew T. Scott, Washington, Chairman; Mrs. Harriet Wallace-Ashby, Des Moines, Iowa; Mrs. J. E. Rhodes, St. Paul, Minn.; Mrs. Sarah S. Flatt-Decker,* Denver, Col.: Mrs. Amos F. Draper, Washington, D. C.

Child Life-Hon. Ben B. Lindsay, Denver, Col., Chairman; Dr. Samuel M. Lindsay, New York City; Judge Henry L. McCune, Kansas City, Mo.; Mrs. Carl Vrooman, Bloomington, Ill.; Dr. Anna Louise Strong, Seattle, Wash.

Food-Dr. Harvey W. Wiley, Washington, D. C., Chairman; F. G. Urner, New York; Prof. F. Spencer Baldwin, Boston, Mass.; J. F. Nickerson, Chicago, Ill.; Lucius P. Brown, Nashville, Tenn.; E. H. Jenkins, New Haven, Conn.; M. A. Scovelle, Lexington, Ky.; Prof. Geo. A. Loveland, Lincoln, Neb.

Civics-Ralph Easley, New York, Chairman; Albert Hall Whitfield, Jackson, Miss.; B. A. Fowler, Phoenix, Ariz.; H. M. Beardsley, Kansas City, Mo.; Francis J. Heney, San Francisco, Cal.

General (including Domesticated Animals and Wild Life)—Dr. W. T. Hornaday, New York, Chairman; Dr. L. O. Howard, Washington, D. C.; Mrs. Minnie Maddern Fiske, New York City; Dr. John Muir, Martinez, Cal.; D. Austin Latchaw, Kansas City, Mo.; Prof. Geo. A. Loveland, Lincoln, Neb.

Waters-Hon. J. N. Teal, Portland, Ore., Chairman; Hon. Joseph E. Ransdell, Lake Providence, La.; Walter S. Dickey, Kansas City, Mo.; Hon. Herbert Knox Smith, Washington, D. C.; W. K. Kavanaugh, St. Louis, Mo.; Dr. W J McGee. Washington, D. C.; Prof. Geo. F. Swain, Harvard University.

National Parks (including Mammoth Cave, Ky., and Adjacent Lands)—Dr. W J McGee,* Washington, D. C.; Dr. Henry F. Drinker, South Bethlehem, Pa.; Hon. William P. Borland, Kansas City, Mo.; Hon. Gifford Pinchot, Washington, D. C.; M. H. Crump, Bowling Green, Ky.






MRS. PHILIP N. MOORE, St. Louis, Mo.

Executive Secretary,

THOMAS R. SHIPP, Indianapolis, Ind.


D. A. LATCHAW, Kansas City, Mo.

Recording Secretary,

JAMES C. GIPE, Indianapolis, Ind.

Executive Committee,

E. LEE WORSHAM, Atlanta, Ga., Chairman.

WALTER H. PAGE, New York City.
J. B. WHITE, Kansas City, Missouri.
B. N. BAKER, Baltimore, Maryland.
DR. HENRY S. DRINKER, S. Bethlehem, Pa.
GEORGE E. CONDRA, Lincoln, Neb.

JOSEPH N. TEAL, Portland, Oregon.
DR. HENRY WALLACE, Des Moines, Iowa.
DR. GEORGE. C. PARDEE, Okland, Cal.

GIFFORD PINCHOT, Washington, D. C.
MRS. EMMONS CROCKER, Fitchburg, Mass.

*Standing Committees.

Forestry-HENRY S. GRAVES, Chairman, Forest Service, Washington, D. C.; E. T. ALLEN, Yeon Building, Portland, Ore.: J. B. WHITE, Long Building, Kansas City, Mo.; W. R. BROWN, Berlin, New Hampshire; E. A. STERLING, Secretary, Real Estate Building, Philadelphia, l'a.

"At the time the Proceedings went to press the other standing committees had not been appointed.




As Amended by the Fourth Congress.


This organization shall be known as the National Conservation Con



The object of the National Conservation Congress shall be: (1) to provide a forum for discussion of the resources of the United States as the foundation for the prosperity of the people, (2) to furnish definite information concerning the resources and their utilization, and (3) to afford an agency through which the people of the country may frame policies and principles affecting the wise and practical development, conservation and utilization of the resources to be put into effect by their representatives in State and Federal Governments.


Section 1. Regular annual meetings shall be held at such time and place as may be determined by the Executive Committee.

Section 2. Special meetings of the Congress, or its officers, committees or boards, may be held subject to the call of the President of the Congress or the Chairman of the Executive Committee.

Section 3. After a call of the Executive Committee by the Chairman, and after all members of the Committee have been notified of the meeting in sufficient time to be present, three members shall constitute a quorum

for the transaction of business.


Section 1. The officers of the Congress shall consist of a President, to be elected by the Congress; a Vice-President to be elected by the Con

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