Imágenes de páginas

fear of change obtaining among the powers of the earth at the prefent crifis! The Emperor of Ruffia follows the fuppreffing policy with moft zeal; and in his diflike of every thing foreign, he only appears to diftinguish French manners and productions with his peculiar averfion. The invention of ftereotypes (folid types) by the Parisian printers Didot and Her han, is thought a great improvement. Thefe types, instead of being detached characters, like the common, form a fingle folid mass for each page, which being incapable of derangement, fixes for ever the purity of the text. As all the types of a work may be thus preferved, it is not neceffary to take off a greater number of copies than are wanted at a time, whence the great faving of paper refults. It does not clearly appear how this vaft multiplication of type can be made economical on the whole, unless it were in printing books of common and perpetual demand; yet it feems, from the lift of prices given, that the ftereotype editions, befides being more correct than others, are fold aloft twice as cheap. Thefe printers likewife fell on very moderate terms the ftereotype plates of all the works they print, by which means any perfon with a common printing prefs is enabled to take off as many copies as he pleases.

The naturalifts Bruguière and Olivier, who were fent by the French government in 1793 to examine and collect objects. of natural hiftory in Turkey, Leffer Afia, Perfia, Syria, &c. after a five years' abfence returned to Europe, and landed at Ancona, where Bruguière died. His colleague difpatched for France the treafures collected by then, which are reprefented as very rich, in feeds, fruits, drugs, plants, quadrupeds, infects, reptiles, &c.

The Royal Danish Society of the Sciences has offered a prize medallion of the value of 201. for the butt andwer to each of the following queftions, to be tranfmitted to the fecretary of the fociety, Dr. Abildgaard at Copenhagen, before the laft of June, 1799:

1. In Hiftory: What nation has difovered and circumnavigated America at an earlier period than the Norwegians? How far have the difcoveries of the Norwegians been extended there, particularly towards the fouth? The proofs and arguments mu& be derived partly from authors, partly from monuments, for inftance, works of fortification, build ings, languages, or traditions, which are till extant in America.

2. In Mathematics. To afcertain the actual MONTHLY Mag. No, XLI.

quantity and effect of every combustible fubftance, or fpecies of fuel, which is ufed in domeftic life, whether wood, or turf, or sea-coal.

3. In Phyfics: To demonftrate by experiment the highest degree of heat which can be communicated to bodies by means of fteam; and whether that portion of the vaporific ftate, can acquire a higher degree of water, in Papin's Digefter, which is not in a heat than 212° of Fahrenheit?

4. In Philofophy: Which are the most remarkable progreffive fteps, which practical philofophy has made fince the time it was re duced to fyftematic form?

The Royal Academy of the Sciences at Berlin has propofed the following curious queftion in the department of Belles Lettres for the year 1800:

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On the Goths and Gothic tafte, or Gothicism: 1. Had the ancient Goths, who were a di-, ftinguished nation, any thing peculiar which was not common to thofe who had attacked the finking Roman empire, whether in their literature and the arts? conftitution, laws,, manners, cuftoms, or in Have the expreffions Gothic and Gothicifm any other meaning but that given them in later times, to mark thereby in a general manner the state of the arts and sciences fince the downfall of the Roman empire, and uring the middle ages? And 3, if the 1aft conjecture be founded, when were the before-mentioned expreflions more generally ufed in that fenfe?

The patriotic Society for the Promotion of native Industry at Nürnburg, on their laft public meeting, May 21ft, propofed a queftion, which does them infinite credit:

Which are the most effectual means of

checking the hurtful predilection in the inhabitants of fmall towns, particularly in the free Imperial towns of Germany, for foreign productions and manufactures; and on the other hand of impreting them with a more favourable tafte for domeftic productions, without the intervention of coercive laws, or · the limitation of a free trade.

Mr. WAGNITz, of Halle, (a German Howard) has for feveral years been employed in collecting materials for a Complete Hiftory of Prijens, and their management in un ient and modern times;" a work which the ingenious and philanthropic author is now preparing for the prefs. He folicits all literary men, particularly lawyers, to fupply him with the minutes of remarkable trials which may throw a light upon the fubject of prifons as well as on the ftate of mind of prifoners, according to the different methods and places of confinement. The fame author propoles fhortly to publish a continuation of his " Hiftorical Accounts and Remarks on the prin ipal Houfes of Cor. rection in Germany,” H



As a fpecimen of the rapidity, or rather rapacity with which fome bookfellers in Germany emulate certain bonourable publishers in London in the art of multiplying books and pirating literary projects, we find as early as in the month of August, 1798, two different tranflations advertised in the Intelligencer to the Jena Literary Gazette of the intended BRITISH NECROLOGY."

The fame whimfical anticipation prevails alfo in Germany in announcing tranflations of " MUNGO PARK's Travels in the Interior of Africa." Thefe had actully attracted the attention of no lefs than half a dozen German publishers before a fheet of them was prir.ted in England. The old proverb of "phlegmatic Germans" can no longer be applied with juftice.

Among the numerous English books, of which tranflations into German have either already appeared, or are now in the prefs, we notice the following: Travels into Sicily and Athens: the Iflands of the Archipelago, Smyrna, Conftantinople, and the Coafts of Africa; the Myfterious Castle, a novel, in two parts; Travels in Hungary, with a fhort Account of Vienna, in the year 1793, by R. Tornfon; the Life of Thomas Day; An Account of the English Colony of New South Wales, by David Collins; British Public Characters of 1798; the Rector's Son, by Mifs Ann Plumtre; Clermont, a tale; Survey of the Turkish Empire, &c. by W. Eton; Fragments in the manner of Sterne, fecond edition 1798; a Tour in Switzerland, &c. by Helen Maria Williams ; a Sketch of Modern France, in a feries of letters, &c. the Young Philofopher, by Charlotte Smith; Chronological Tables of Univerfal History, by John Blair, continued by Chontreau; Anecdotes of two well-known Families, written by a defcendant, and dedicated to the first female pen in England, prepared for the prefs by Mrs. Parfons, three vols. 1798; Anecdotes of the Founders of the French Republic, vol. ii; Geraldina, a ftory; the Priory, or the Hiftory of an Orphan; Walling ham, or the Pupil of Nature, by Maria Robinfon, &c. &c.

New Maps.-Prof. Mannert has lately publifhed a new Map of the Eaft-Indies, or Hindoftan. A Chorographic Map of Belgium, by Capt. Louis, editor of the National Atlas of France in 69 folio plates; a Chart, fhewing the fituation of the German and French armies near Trier and Saarburg, in the years 1793 and

1794, by an officer of the German army
a Plan of the Fortreffes of Strasburgh and
Kehl and the neighbouring country, with
a reprefentation of the fortifications
erected at the firge of Kehl, &c.; a new
Map of the prefent territory of the Bata-
vian Republic, according to its divifion
into departments, delineated by J. G.
Roder; a Map of the Black Sea, accord-
ing to the latest aftronomical calculations
of Citizen Beauchamp, sketched in the af-
tronomical obfervatory at Seeberg near
Gotha, large 4to. ; a Map of the Straits,
called the Dardanelles or the Hellefpont,
and the Channel of Conftantinople or
Bofporus, together with the Sea of Mar.
mora, publifhed from the actual found-
ings by Güffefeldt; and a Map of Greece,
and the Archipelago, according to the
lateft drawing of Delarochette.

The rage for critical investigation and reformation in every branch of science, has arrived at fo high a pitch in Germany that Divinity and the Christian religion itself does not appear to be exempt from it. A periodical publication has been lately commenced by J. C. GREILING, at Magdeburg, entitled "New practical materials for Sermons on the Sunday and Holiday Gofpels, extracted and digefied from IMMANUEL KANT's moral and religious writings.

Mr. Schubart, a German poet of fome celebrity, who was for feveral years kept in confinement by the late reigning Duke of Wurtemberg, for publishing a fatirical poem, in which he animadverted on the Duke's extravagance and prodigality, is now employed in tranflating Offian into German poetic profe; a fpecies of compofition which has been fuccessfully introduced by various late writers, but particularly by Geffner in his Idyls, Death of Abel, &c.

The Privy-counfellor Hezel, of Geiffen, has lately announced a work which he is preparing for the prefs, entitled "The Humaniflic Encyclopedia, or a Dictionary of Facts, containing all the fciences requifite to an interpreter of the Latin and Greek claffics." In oppofition to this work we find lately another of a fimilar nature advertised for publication by the celebrated Mr. Tunke, of Deffau, who is already favourably known by feveral elementary works in the department of education. While Mr. Hezel's work comprehends natural hiftory, aesthetics (the theory and principles of taste) rhetoric, poetry, introductory to the ancient claffics, &c. that of Mr. Tunke is principally directed to subjects of ancient hif


tory, geography, philofophy, mythology, and antiquities, and confequently limited to thofe auxiliary branches, which are effentially required to the understanding of the claffics. The whole of the latter work is to form three volumes 8vo. the art of which was published in October last.

A New Mufical Gazette has lately been commenced at Leipzig, publifhed for Breitkopf and Härtel, two eminent bookfellers, who promife to furnith the mufical world with weekly intelligence of every thing new and interefting in this depart ment, with concife philofophical or hiftorical effays on mufical fubjects, fhort extracts from the molt important theoretical works on music, with reviews of the latest public compofitions, with interefting accounts of diftinguished artifts and virtuofi's, &c. &c.*

On the 1ft of Brumaire, viith year of the French Republic (October 22d, 1798, old ftyle,) appeared at Frankfort on the Maine, the firit number of a new and valuable periodical work intitled "The Paris Literary and Artifical Gazette for Germans," conducted by a learned German at Paris, and tranfmitted to the publifhers at Frankfort. It profeffedly contains, 1. Ac

*The fubftance of this and the following, and all other foreign journals, may be looked for in the Monthly Magazine.

counts of the latest state of literature in France; 2. The most recent events in the department of the arts; 3. Literary and artistical notices of rare and valuable works of every defcription, miscellanies, biography, &c. &c.

Vofs and Co. book and printfellers at Leipzig, are publishing a series of prints reprefenting the most renowned French Generals. Each livraifon contains the portraits of fix Generals in 4to. at the low price of one dollar eight grofhe (about 5s.) In the first number are likeneffes of Buonaparte, Hoche, Augereau, Bournonville, Jourdan, and Pichegru: the fecond number contains thofe of Massena, Berthier, Bernadotte, Dumas, Kleber, and Moreau.

One of the most complete Dictionaries of the English language now extant is the following, which lately appeared at Straf burg, printed for Levrault. "Phrafeologia Anglo-Germanica, or a collection of more than 50,000 English phrases, extracted from the best English writers, reduced to alphabetical order, and tranf lated into German by F. W. HAUSSNER, Profeffor at the central fchool of the department of the Lower Rhine to which is added a vocabulary of all fuch words as did not require to be explained by phrases.

A CORRECT LIST OF NEW PUBLICATIONS. The following is offered to the Public as a complete Lift of all Publications within the Month.-Authors and Publishers who defire a correct and early Notice of their Works, are intreated to transmit copies of the fame.


A GENERAL View of the Agriculture of the County of Lincoln, drawn up for the Confideration of the Board of Agriculture. By the Secretary to the Board, with plates, 8vo. gs. Nicol.


A Plan, preceded by a Review of fine Arts, to tranfmit to Pofterity the Portraits of the noft diftinguished Characters of Great Britain and Ireland. Alfo to encourage British Artifts, and to adorn London with Galleries of Pictures, &c. without any expence to Government. By Noel Defenfans, Efq. 15. 6d.



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The Trial of Mr. James Parfons, of Paternofter Row, for a Libel, 6d. Fiske. Reports of Cafes in the Court of Common Pleas, in Trinity and Michaelmas Terms, 1798. By Bofanquet and Putter, Part 4, 5s. Butterworth.

A Complete Syftem of Pleading. Volume 9, (containing Trefpafs and Scire Facias.) By John Wentworth, Efq. Barrifter, royal 8vo. 12s. beards. Robinfons.

A Correct Abridgment of the Act, impofing a tax upon income, and the Schedule at full length, for estimating the Income liable to be affeffed, 6d.

Trepafs, Jordan, Weft, Parfons. The fubftance of the Income Act, being an Abridgment of the Language only; and a methodical Arrangement of all the Claufes of the Act. By a Barrifter. Hurst.


The February Fashions of London and Paris, containing nine beautifully coloured Figures in the actually prevailing and most favourite Dreffes of the Month, intended for the ufe of milliners, &c. and of ladies of quality, and private families refiding in the coun- try. To be continued Monthly. Is. 6d. Carpenter and Co. The Secrets of the English Baftile difclofed; with a Copy of the Rules and Orders by which the Syftem is regulated. By a Middlefex Magiftrate, rs, Rivingtons.

Obfervations on the intended Tunnel beneath the River Thames, fhewing the many Defects in the prefent ftate of the projection. By Charles Clark, F. S. A. 4to. 4s. Robinfons. Beauties of St. Pierre, 3s. boards.

Vernor and Hood. Index to Dodfley's and Rivington's Annual Register, from 1758 to 1792 inclufive, 2 vols. 14s. boards. Rivington.

The Works of the late John Maclaurin, Efq. of Dreghorn, one of the Senators of the College of Juftice, 2 vols. 8vo. 9s. boards. Robinfons.


A Courfe of Mathematics, Vol. 2d. By Charles Hutton, LL. D. F. R. S. Profeffor of Mathematics in the Royal Military Academy, Woolwich, 8s. 6d. boards. Robinfons.


Reflections on the propriety of performing the Cæfarean Operation. To which are added, Obfervations on Cancer, and Experiments on the fuppofed Origin of the Cow Pox. By IV. Simmons, Member of the Corporation of Surgeons in London, &c. 2s. 6d. Vernor and Hood.

A Treatise on Sugar. By Benjamin Mofeley, M. D. 5s. boards. Robinfons.

An Outline of the History and Cure of Fever endemic and contagious, more exprefsly that of Jails, Ships, and Hofpitals, and the (vulgarly called) Yellow Fever of the WeftIndies. To which is added, an Explanation of the Principles of Military Difcipline and

Economy, with a Scheme of Medical Arrangement for Armies. By Robert Jackson, M. D. 8vo. 7s. boards. Longman.


No. V. of the Military Magazine, or Mifcellany, appropriated to the ufes and amusement of the officers of the British army, and of gentlemen volunteers who are defirous of obtaining an accurate knowledge of military concerns. 2s. 6d. Carpenter and Co. a new Monthly Bunney and Co. Number 1, to be Harrison and Co. A complete Marine Pocket Dictionary, of the Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, and German Languages; with an English-french and French-english Index. By Henry Neuman, 7s. 6d. boards. Hurst,

The Naval Chronicle, Work, Number 1, 2s. 6d New Naval Magazine, continued Monthly, 6d.


Fanna Suecica Infecta, Vol. 1. By Guftar vus Paykull, a Naturalift in Sweden, &c. 9s. boards. Richardfon, Donovan's British Infects, Number 1. to be continued every Fortnight, 2s. Rivingtons.


Romances. By J. D'Ifraeli, interfperfed with Specimens of Perfian Poetry. To which is prefixed a poetical Effay on Romance and Romancers; embellished with a Frontispiece, 8vo. 8s. boards. Cadell and Davies,

Helen Sinclair, 2 volumes 7s. fewed. Cadell and Davies. The Natural Son, tranflated from the French of Diderot, 2 vols. 12mo. 7s. boards. Longman.

Tale of the Times, by the Author of a Goffip's Story, 3 vols. 12mo. 12s. fewed. Longman.

Rafh Vows; or the Effects of Enthusiasm, tranflated from the French of Madame de Genlis, 3 vols. 12mo. Ics. 6d. boards.

Longman. Lendor; or Early Engagements, 2 vols. 12mo. 7s. fewed. Trepafs. Emily Dundorne or the Effects of Early Improvement, 3 vols. Ios. 6d. fewed. Low.


Song of the Battle of the Nile, published for the benefit of the Widows and Children of the brave men who fell on that memora ble day. By the Rev. W. L. Bowles, 4to. Is. 6d. Cadell and Davies. Theodore, or the Gamefter's Progrefs, a Poetic Tale; with Frontifpiece, engraved by Neagle, 2s. 6d. Vernor and Hood.


The Speech of Sir John Sinclair, Bart. on the Bill for impofing a Tax upon Income, in the Debate, on Friday, December 14, 1798, Debrett.


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To be fold for the Increase of Public Contributions, the following new Publications in English, French, and German. By Obadiah Prim, one of the people called Quakers.

1. Addrefs to the Sovereigns of Europe. 2. Hiftory of fome great Mandarines, 3d. 3. Political Review of the prefent and future ftate of Europe, 3s.

4. Lavater's Addrefs to the 5 Tyrants, 2s. 5. Memorial delivered at Raftadt against His British Majefty. By a Jacobin of HanoCawthorn. Union with Ireland. Ceafe your Funning! Oh! that mine Enemy had written a Book. Dublin printed, London reprinted. Debrett.

ver, 3s.

The fallacy of French Freedom, and dangerous Tendency of Sterne's Writings; or, an Effay, fhewing that irreligion and immo. rality pave the way for tyranny, and that Sterne's writings are both irreligious and immoral. By D. Whyte, M. D. 6d. Hatchard. An Appeal to the Public, in vindication of John Hanfon, in regard to the prices charged by Mr. Mackell, fmith, for the Iron railings in the Green Park. To which are added en

gravings of illuftrative drawings. Wright. Recent State of Ireland: and the only Means of preferving it to the Empire confidered, in a Letter to the Marquis Cornwallis. By James Gerabty, Efq. 1s. 6d. Stockdale.

The Cafe of Ireland reconfidered, in anfwer to Arguments for and against the Union confidered," 25. Debrett.

Obfervations on the Political State of the Continent, fhould France retain her immenfe Acquifitions, 3s. 6d, Debrett.

6s. boards.

The Retrofpect. A Collection of Tracts published at various periods of the War; including Reflections on Mr. Locke's Theory of Government, in producing that Combina. tion of Anarchy, which has affumed the name of Jacobinifmi. By John Bowles, Efq. 8vo. Longman. New Edition, with fine heads, and the Arms of the Perfons addrefled, finely cut in wood, of Junius's Letters, 2 vols. 8vo. 11. Is. boards. Royal Paper, 11. 15s. Vernor & Hood. Neceflity of an incorporate Union with Ireland, proved from the Situation of both Kingdoms. With a Sketch of the Principles pon which it ought to be formed, 2s. 6d.



A Difcourfe preached at the Brethren's Chapel, Bristol, on November 29, 1798. By the Rev. T. Grenfield, 1s Mathews

The Efficacy of Courage in a geed Caufe

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Comfort for the Feeble Minded: Three Sermons preached at the Chapel, GrubStreet. By John Bradford, A. B. is. 6d.


A Charge delivered to the Clergy of the Diocese of Chichefter, at the Primary Vifitation, in the year 1798. By John, Lord Bishop of Chichester, 25. Robfon.

A Sermon preached before the Lords, on Thurfday, November 29, 1798. By John, Lord Bishop of Chichester, Is. Robfon.

A new Edition, with new Plates, and a number of additional Notes, A Tranflation of the Latin and Greek Quotations, and a Life of the Author of Derham's Phyfico-Theology, 2 vols. 8vo. 14s. boards. Cadell and Davies.

The unparalleled Favour of Providence towards Britain; A Sermon preached on the late National Thanksgiving. By Robert Walker, F. R. S. E. 15. Kay.

A Sermon delivered in the Church of St. Magnus, London Bridge, November 25th, and in the Church of Allhallows, December 16th, 1798, before the Volunteers, in the Wards of Bridge, Candlewick and Dowgate." By William Vincent, D. D. 15. Cadell & Davies.


L'Ami des Mcres: Journal d'Education, et des Spectacles, ouvrage des lequel en fera voir les raports qui doivent exifter entre l'Inftruction et l'Amufement. Par M. Le Texier, Number 1, to be continued Monthly, and completed in 12 Numbers, price of the whole 11. Is. to Subfcribers. Boofey.

French Publications by Dulau and Co. Carite et Polydore, par Barthelemy, auteur du voyage du jeune Anacharfis, avec une notice fur fa vie, par Le duc de Nivernois.

Cheife d'amusemens phyfiques et Mathématiques, propres à exercer agréablement l'efprit de la jeuneffe, 2 vols. 12mo. price 6s. par Mr. Despiau, ancien profeffeur de Mathématique et de Phyfique.

Le prophète confolateur, ou Mathieu Laenfbergh, almanach pour l'an de Grace 1799, ouvrage intéreffant, curieux et inftructif, redigé, par le croyant, price, 1s. 6d.

The 4th and laft vol. of Mémoires pour fervir à l'hiftoire du Jacobinifme, par l'Abbé Barruel, 8vo. price 7s. 6d. this vol. contains the history of the illuminati; the application of the three confpirations to the French revolution, and a very interesting conclufior.

L'Inde en rapport avec l'Europe, par Anque. til, 2 vols. 125.


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