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ON a pleasant evening in May, near one of our villages, you might see a scene like this. Sam has

been ploughing all day, and is very tired, so he sits sideways on one of the horses to rest himself. Polly has been to milk the cows, and she has got a pail full on her head. Sam makes the horses go slow to keep pace with Polly; for he wants to have a bit of talk with her.

Some young people might not think much of Sam or Polly, but they are very useful folks, both of them. What should we all do without them? Sam works to raise the corn for our bread, and Polly brings home the milk. Just think of that, for what would English boys and girls do without bread and milk?

And then both Sam and Polly have to be up very early in the morning, work hard all day, and eat very plain food. But they are none the worse for that, for when they do go to bed they soon fall asleep as sound as a top. They hardly ever want doctors; early rising and fresh air are their doctors. Many rich young ladies would be glad to have such red cheeks as they have.



WELCOME, ye lovely crystal pearls
That sparkle in the sun,

Your mission ye do well fulfil,

Though short the race ye run;
Emblems of purity; though born
During the darksome night,
Ye shine with radiant beauty
In the fair morning light:
Ye shed your gentle influence
Upon the thirsty soil,
Repaying well the labourer

For all his care and toil:

May I a lesson learn from you,


As now on you I gaze,

And pray that I, as well as you,

May show my Maker's praise.

Lord of the earth and heaven above,

On me thy grace distil,

That I in all my ways on earth,

May do thy holy will.

S. S. B.



His mother wished to teach Charles why he should be thankful. How did she set about it? Let us see. "Are you pretty well this morning?" said she, in a kind, gentle tone.

"Yes, mother, I am very well.”

"I am very glad you are, my dear. I am very well, too, and when I waked up this morning and found that I was well, I thanked God for taking care of me."

"Did you?" said the boy, in a low half-whisper. "Feel my pulse," said his mother, placing his fingers on her wrist.

"How it goes beating!"

"Yes, it does."

"If it should stop beating, I should die at once." "Should you ?"

"Yes: and I cannot keep it beating."

"Who can ?"


"You have a pulse, too, Charles, which beats like mine; but I cannot keep it beating, nor can you. Nobody can but God. If he should not take care of you, who could ?”


"I dont know, mother," said the child.

"Well, then, you should first thank him that he has kept you alive all night, and then ask him to take care of you all day."

"May I do so, mother? Will the Lord hear me?" "Yes: God loves to hear children thank him. He would as soon hear you thank him as listen to an angel's song."

And dont forget the many other good things for which you ought always to thank God, for they all come from him; and above all, and more than all, thank him every day and night for sending Jesus Christ to save you from your sins and take you to heaven when you die.

Charles did not forget what mother told him.

But suppose a mother calls her boy and says, "Did you say your prayers this morning ?" and he says, "No, mother;" and then she begins to scold him, and desires him to go back into his chamber and say them all directly; how will that boy feel? Why he will not feel as he ought to do. He will be more likely to dislike prayer than love it.

Children must always be led gently on in doing what is right, and then they will be more likely to grow up wise and good, and be a blessing to their parents.

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