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main at her house during his stay at Marseilles. She wished to show him every thing worth seeing in her native city.

Louise was now looking in better health; the early part of the voyage both mother and daughter had suffered exceedingly from seasickness. Louise was delighted at the thought of reaching home, her dear Marseilles,—from which she had been absent for two years. Madame La Tourette was a widow, and Louise was her only daughter. She had been passing a couple of years with a brother in Canada, and, after visiting the United States, sailed from Boston, as has been said, in the Sally Ann.

The captain stood on the deck with Madame leaning on his arm; Frank held a spy-glass for Louise. "Je vois ma patrie, ma belle France," exclaimed the young girl. “ Oui ; c'est vrai, nous verrons bientot, votre Marseilles,” replied Frank: and then he asked the captain how long it would be before they should be able to see the city.

"In about three hours," was his reply.

So happy were they all at this news, that they decided upon remaining upon deck till sundown.

And it was a glorious sunset. Far in the west the clouds were piled in rich masses of purple

and gold, while lighter flakes floated above, dazzlingly white, or tinged with red. The sea reflected far and wide the brilliant sky.

"There, I see the rocks," said Madame La Tourette; "I know those rocks well; often have I climbed them in my youth to look out upon the sea, and watch the distant vessels."

"And can we not land to-night?" inquired Louise, eagerly.

"Not to-night, but early in the morning," replied Frank.


"O, I shall be so happy!" exclaimed she; "but then I shall soon have to part with you for ever, Frank; and that makes me sad, even in the midst of my joy."


"My good friend, Frank," said Madame, as they were about to separate for the night, “I owe you a thousand thanks : is there any thing I can do you before we leave. Of course you are our visiter while you stay at Marseilles."


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"You owe me no thanks," said Frank, "and yet I have one favor to ask; - it is that you will include a friend of mine in your kind invitation. Joseph Brandon has never been to sea before, he has suffered much during the voyage, and I think it would do him good to be with me."

“I should be most happy to have him accompa ny us," said Madame, with great politeness.

"And will you ask the captain to give him leave of absence?" said Frank.

"As well as I can," replied Madame; and, turning to the captain, she said, "Capitaine, vill you let von friend of Meester Frank go chez moito mine house dat is- vid him?

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"Who is it, Frank?" asked the captain.

"Joseph Brandon, Sir. I should like to have him go ashore with me and remain the two days that we are at Marseilles.

Madame La Tourette

is so kind as to invite him to her house."

"He is a lazy dog, that Joe Brandon; he is n't fit to be a sailor, and I do not think he deserves the favor you ask for him; but since you ask it, Frank, I grant it.”

"Thank you, Sir; I hope he will do better on the voyage home; he was entirely green, you know, and has gone through a pretty good salting."



GREAT preparations were going on before a small looking-glass, on board the Sally Ann, the next morning.

Joe was delighted with the invitation of Madame La Tourette, and attributed it entirely to the impression he had made by his gentleman-like appearance, which, by the way, she had never observed.

The self same splendid Dickens, D'Orsay cashmere vest was once more the object of his admiration, as he surveyed himself with much complacency in the aforesaid bit of a looking-glass. But, like Sampson, he was shorn of his glory,— his long hair. The unfortunate tarring into the hammock had robbed him of his locks, and left him looking as if it had been gnawed off by the


Joe was a tall, thin, awkward boy, with long arms and large hands. His dress-coat was quite too short-waisted for him, the buttons seemed travelling up to the shoulders, and those large hands hung out of the sleeves at a goodly distance from the cuffs. But the ruffled shirt, the splendid vest, the gold chain, and large breastpin, they would atone for other deficiencies; at least so thought Joe.

When he appeared upon deck, the sailors gave three cheers, "Hurrah for Beau Brandon."

Frank appeared in his Sunday sailor dress. Soon Madame and Louise were ready; and were handed ashore, and into the carriage, by Joe and Frank.

The friends of Madame hastened to greet her on her return, and were not a little surprised to see her young companions.

A dinner-party was invited the next day to meet them.

The habitual politeness of Frenchmen could hardly keep them from laughing at seeing Frank Wood, dressed like a common sailor, walking up and down the splendid drawing-room, with Louise La Tourette. But so completely was he at his ease, and so graceful and polite withal,

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