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HARVARD SUMMER SCHOOL. The increase in attendance of this school from fifty or sixty, to seven hundred and seventeen, the number registered last year,



Fourteen y. ars under the same manager. A wide acqauintance among educators in prominent positions all over the United States. Special Advantages. Courteous treatment. Prompt attention. Efficient service. Circulars free Address R. L. MYERS & CO., Proprietors, Harrisburg, PENNSYLVANIA.

The Colorado

We recommend competent teachers to School Boards We assist teachers to desirable positions. Inquire into our method, satisfy yourself of our reliability, and then join

is positive evidence of the school's popularity. Teachers' Agency. "FRED DICK, Manager, Denver, Colo.

a popularity which is based on the very thorough instruction given there, as well as the desire of enterprising students to learn the Harvard methods. The list of courses offered


this year numbers thirty-eight in arts and Provides Good Teachers for Good Schools.

sciences, and embraces almost all the range of subjects which teachers require.

Business Education.

I desire to secure a copy of the Course of Study of all schools, public or private, which are giving any course in Business Education. It is desired to make a comparison of existing courses with a model which will be presented to the section at the Washington meeting.

D. W. SPRINGER, Pres. Business Section, N. E. A., Ann Arbor, Mich.

-Teachers were never given such an oppor. tunity of interesting their pupils in picture study as by the' publication of the Perry Pictures. Think of securing beautiful pictures of the Sistine Madonna, Aurora, Angelus, Baby Stuart, twenty-five different Madonnas; pictures of animals; portraits, and other subjects -two hundred in all-at one cent each by the hundred. You cannot afford not to know these beautiful pictures. You will be delighted with them. Send stamp for catalogue and three samples. Address, Mrs. E. M. PERRY, 10 Tremont Street, Malden, Mass.

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For descriptive pamphlet apply to,
M. CHAMBERLAIN, Cambridge, Mass.

Nature Study and Related Subjects

By Wilbur S. Jackman, Chicago Normal School.
Part I-TEN CHARTS: A conspectus of a year's work.
Part II-NOTES, 167 pp.: Suggestions as to method.
Not sold separately. Postpaid 85 cents.
Chicago Normal School Publishing House,
R Bartsch.
6905 Stewart Av, Chicago, Ill.


Sent Free to School Teachers.

New Pretty Artistic Designs of Flowers, Landscapes, Scenes, Juveniles, Birds, Animals, Crescents, Scrolls, Panels, Vases, Buildings, Bridges, Ships, Anchors, etc. Price, 12 cards, 3x41⁄2 inches, 8c; 34x54 12c; 44x6% 20c; 52x7% 30c; 7x9 50c. All beautiful cards no two alike.

New Catalogue of School Supplies,

Provides Good Schools for Good Teachers. If in search of either, you may find it to your advantage to write us fully in regard to your wants. What our Patrons say of us:

Silk-Fringed, Frosted, Mounted, Artistic Cut-Out, and
Embossed Chromo Reward, Souvenir and Gift Cards,
Books, Speakers, Recitations, Dialogues, Plays, Drills,
Marches, Tableaux, Entertainments, Drawing, Honor,
Prize, Alphabet, Number, Reading, and Merit Cards,
School Aids, Reports, Diplomas, Certificates, etc., free.
All postpaid by mail. Postage stamps taken Address,

F. E. SPAULDING, Superintendent of Schools, Passaic, N. J, December 22, 1897.

Allow me to thank you for aiding us in securing the services of Miss V. She has made an excellent beginning and
seems likely to prove one of our strongest teachers.
BYRON B. BRACKETT, Ph.D, Instructor of Electical Engineering, Union College, Schenectady, N. Y.
January 8, 1898.

My connection with your agency has been in every respect thoroughly pleasant and profitable to me. I shall
continue to keep in touch with you and your work, for I feel that it will be greatly to my advantage to do so, and I
shall advise others to follow my example in this respect.

WM. M. IRVING, Ph. D., President Mercersburg College, Mercersburg, Pa., December 27, 1897.

I have engaged Mr. George F. Ellinwood, of Worcester, Mass., whom you recommended, and I thank you for
your courtesy and assistance.
HARLAN P. FRENCH, Proprietor,
State Street,



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An Ingenius Method of Teaching Primary Number by a Primary Teacher.

A Manual of Instruction for Teachers and Mothers Based on the Principles of Froebel.
More than two years of work systematized to meet the needs of the Little People and Teachers.
A modification of the Grubé Method.

New Arrangements and New Illustrations leading to accuracy self-reliance a love for the study.
A minimum of board work.

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The Race of the Age.

What a race!

Our readers may ransack the pages of his. tory for two thousand years but they won't find recorded another race like this one which. means so much to millions of Americans. Here is what a studious observer who wit. nessed what he calls "a preliminary heat" says:

The train was just pulling out of Englewood, puffing and panting with its mighty efforts. As it slowly gained speed it came on a lot of tow-headed children roosting on a fence, who shorted and waved as the cars came up, and then, as if with a common impulse, every child leaped to the ground and began a race with the train. The race was of short dura

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Compare them with the women of to day! How straight they were and how strong, how hardy and how helpful they were, how heartily they ate and how heartily they laughed. They didn't smoke cigarettes and sip cordials and depend on chloral for sleep. They were a dif. ferent race from the bloodless, dragged-out, narcotic-and-stimulant-using women of to-day. Now that's all true in general and yet it misses the main point by failing to consider the vast difference in the conditions under which life is being lived by the man and woman of today. Our ancestry sauntered though life.

Far from the madding crowd's ignoble strife
Their sober wishes never learned to stray;
Along the cool sequestered vale of life
They kept the even tenor of their way.

"To-day, as men and women, millions of us do in earnest what those children did in play; we run a race daily against steam, against electricity and all the modern appliances for speed. Is it any wonder men and women take to stimulants and narcotics? It isn't depravity. It isn't because we are less of women or less of men than our ancestors. It's because we're keyed up to the straining point all the time, and the nerves won't stand the daily strains and drains without protest. They call the effervescent bravery of the man in liquor 'Dutch courage.' You might as well name the effervescent strength gained by stimulants 'Dutch strength.' It is not strength at all.

There is a ton of solid fact to reflect on, sug

gested by the statement just quoted. What are we going to do? This is the age of steam, the age of electricity. We must keep up in


But how long can we keep up when we are depending on a false strength? No longer, relatively, than the children kept up their race with the train. What we need is more brawn and less brandy, more blood and better blood. It's as impossible to get strength from stimu. lants as to hatch a turtle dove from the egg of a mud turtle. Strength of body depends on a pure and plentiful blood current, for science has never advanced a fact beyond the statement of Moses that "The Blood is The Life." But every generation of investigation shows the statement to be true in a wider, deeper and broader sense than was dreamed of in the past. Bad blood means bad morals. Foul blood and foul living go together. The taint in the blood has an echo in salacious speech, a shadow in corrupt conduct. Side by side with physical breakdowns we see the moral break. downs; defaulting cashiers, dishonest clerks, faithless husbands, false wives. It all begins with the blood. And any hope of reform must begin with the blood, too. You can't divorce the mental and moral from the physical. There is no special food that feeds the intellectual man, no manna of the mind. The mind is fed or starved as the body is fed or starved. Thin blood and weak nerves shake the throne of reason. Starvation of the blood and nerves drives men and women to mental, moral, and physical destruction. It is easy to understand in the light of these facts the reason for the enormous percentage of cures effected by Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery. It begins at the beginning with the blood. It cures practically a wide range of diseases because many forms of disease have their origin in the blood. It is a scientific compound based, not upon theory but upon the practical, common. sense proof that if you purify, enrich, and vitalize the blood you overcome disease in any organ. "The Golden Medical Discovery" heals disease in just this way. It begins first of all to strengthen the body through the blood and every ounce of new blood and pure blood counts against disease.

This is only common sense. Few people believe that consumption is curable. Its no use to argue the question. But here's a man, who, at twenty-five, was coughing, spitting blood, sweating his strength away at night, his face ruddy with the hectic tinge of fever. Не thinks he has consumption. His friends think so. His doctor has as much as told him so. And so they assume he can't be cured. He takes Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery, loses his cough, stops spitting blood, gains flesh, gains strenth, forgets he ever was sick,

and bids fair to live until he is 80. Will his

friends insist when he does die at a good ripe age that he died of consumption? His doctor just to persist in his doctrine that consumption is incurable may still say that after the fifty. five additional years of comfort and happiness consumption finally undermined his constitution and killed him. What of it?


what he finally died of so long as he was saved to live a long, useful, and happy life? It doesn't matter much to us and to our families and friends what we die of when we've lived out our life. Consumption, too, begins in the blood. The first need of every weakly constitution is blood, blood for muscles, sinews, nerves, arteries; blood for the servant matter, and blood for the master mind. It is a notable fact that when every student of physiology could tell you just what blood is to brain and body, that it was reserved for one man to follow out the fact to its logical conclusion in the treatment of disease. Dr. R. V. Pierce, chief consulting physician to the Invalids, Hotel and Surgical Institute, of Buffalo, N.Y., was the man for the emergency. There is always one man who meets the need of the times, who fastens on to a fact and follows it until he reaches the goal of practical results. From the days of Adam down, men have lain under apple trees and watched the falling fruit. But only Isaac Newton followed the

falling apple to the logical conclusion of gravitation. Everybody knows the facts about the blood, but only Dr. Pierce followed them to the conclusion that if disease began in the blood, the cure must begin there also. That was the first step. The next step was to find the needed cure - to


Aside from the fact that Dr. Pierce is a physician by birth, a physician by choice, and a physician by training, he had facilities enjoyed by no other physician, living or dead. As head of the World's Dispensary and Surgi. cal Institute, in constant practice and consultation, treating successfully hundreds of thousands of cases, many of them the so-called hopeless cases, given up by every other physiclan, he was in a position to make practical proof of his knowledge. His success, the record of his triumph, is written in tens of thousands of testimonials received from grateful men and


The following are fair samples of many thousands of letters received by Dr. Pierce: "It was near the little town of Leroy, W. Va., and during the month of March, 1896, that a young man lay pale and motionless upon (what the neighbors called) his dying bed. Disease of the lungs, liver complaint, kidney trouble, and pleurisy were fast hastening him to the grave. The doctors had given him up to die. The neighbors said, he cannot live." 'Oh, I would not care to die,' he said,'' were it not for leaving my dear wife and little child, but I know that I must die.' A brother had presented him with three bottles of medicine, but he had no faith in 'patent medicines'; but after the doctors had given him up to die and he had banished every hope of recovery, he said to his wife, 'Dear wife, I am going to die, there can be no harm now in taking that medicine. I will begin its use at once.' He did begin to use it, and at first he grew worse, but soon there came a change. Slowly but surely he got better. To-day that man is strong and healthy and he owes his life to that medicine.

What was the medicine? It was Dr. Pierce's 'Golden Medical Discovery,' and I, Luther Martin, am the cured man. Dr. Pierce, I thank you from the very depth of my heart for rescuing me from the grave." The foregoing is from Luther Martin, Esq., a prominent citizen of Lubec, Wood Co., W. Va.

Vt., writes: "I had been out of health for M. L. Messer, Esq., of Garfield, Lamoille Co., about two years. Suffered with pain in head, nervousness, could not sleep, poor appetite, loss of flesh; caused by overwork. Doctors did not help me, so I applied to you for advice, and described my case. You replied, advising me to use Dr. Pierce's 'Golden Medical Dis

covery' and' Pellets.' I did so, and after using

one bottle I could sleep better and felt better. Discovery and two vials of 'Pellets,' I find After using six bottles of the Golden Medical myself gaining in flesh and I am almost entirely cured."


TO ALL OF OUR READERS who will defray postage (as specified below) Dr. Pierce offers his great work, the "Common Sense Medical Adviser," free. This marvelous book contains over 1,000 pages and 700 illustrations and is a cyclopedia of information on every subject relating to health. It is valuable at every stage, and to every age of life. It" holds the mirror up to nature," and enables men and women to know the laws that govern their beings, their responsibility to their offspring, and how to lay the foundations of family life so securely, that on them may be reared a perfect home. Women who have borne children too rapidly and experienced the usual depletion of their vitality find the way in the "Common Sense Medical Adviser" to put themselves in harmony with nature, and restore to them a condition of happy, healthful enjoyment of family life. This book, in paper covers, is sent for 21 onecent stamps to cover cost of mailing only. A stronger and bulkier volume of the same work, bound in cloth, will be sent for an extra ten stamps (31 stamps in all). Each contains the same matter and illustrations. Address World's Dispensary Medical Associatic n. Buffalo, N. Y.

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Removes Tan, Pimples, Freckles, Moth Patches, Rash and Skin diseases, and every blemish on beauty, and defies detection. On its virtues it has stood the test of forty-eight years; other has and is so harmless, we taste it to be sure it is properly made. Accept no counterfeit of similar name. The distinguished Dr. L. A. Sayer, said to a lady of the haut-ton (a patient): "As you ladies will use them, I recommend, 'Gouraud's Cream' as the least harmful of all the skin preparations." For sale by all Druggists and Faney Goods Dealers throughout he U.S., Canada and Europe.

FERD. T. HOPKINS, Prop'r, 37 Great Jones St., N. Y.

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Dr. Benjamin Andrews is much criticised
by the writers of small editorials on account
of his advocacy of free noon-day luncheon for
school children.

Theoretically the idea is a grand one, and as yet, no arguments have been advanced against its practicability. Indeed, it is said that the plan is in successful operation in several of our large cities.

Much of the irritability in school children is caused by abused stomachs. A hearty noon. day meal of indigestible foods, and in many instances, no dinner at all, are the causes for much of the sluggishness and ill-temper that visit the school-room, particularly in the afternoon.

Then again, where children are given a moderate allowance for the noon meal, the science of eating is understood by so few, that the needs of the body are not supplied in proper proportions.

Few people understand well the composition of foods and the effects that different methods of cooking heve upon the digestibility of the foods. Hence many children are made lug. gish by an excess of carbonaceous foods; others are made thin and nervous by too much phosphate, and others again are made cross and sullen looking by a tired stomach that is ever wrestling with improperly cooked substances.

If the child were studied in school with the view of discovering what his organism lacks, and then have the needed elements supplied at the noon-day meal, the public schools would be taking the logical step of preparing a wellbalanced organism in which to develop a sound mind.

The habits of chewing gum and candy. smoking and drinking would receive a death. blow, for when all the tissues of the body are sufficiently fed, a peaceful, satisfied calm pervades the body. Then, too, the foods eaten at these meals and the styles of preparation might serve as guides for the children and their parents in making up the other two meals of the day.

Let the day soon come when this plan will be put into execution and, in the meanwhile, let us encourage Dr. Andrews to give us more of such noble ideas.


Principal Cranston Grammar School.


The necessity for taking a good spring medicine to purify the blood and build up the system is based upon natural and unavoidable causes. In cold weather there has been less perspiration and the impurities have not passed out of the system as they should. Food has consisted largely of rich and fatty substances and there has been less opportunity for outdoor exercise. The best spring medicine is that which most thoroughly purifies the blood and gives it richness and vitality. For the purposes of a spring medicine no other preparation equals Hood's Sarsaparilla. Its great popularity and its general use among all classes of people prove that it has been found to be the best blood purifier and tonic on the market to-day.




You work at home or travel, showing, appointing agents,
and taking orders. Patented Quaker" Bath Cab
inet. 97,000 sold. Demand unlimited. Home ne-
cessity. Turkish, Hot Air, Vapor, Sulphur
or Medicated Baths at Home, 8 cta. Puri-
fies system, produces Cleanliness, Health,
Strength. Prevents disease, obesity. Cures
Colds, Rheumatism, Neuralgia, LaGrippe,
Malaria, Eczema, Catarrh, Female 11ls, Blood, Skin,
Nerve, Kidney troubles. Beautifies Complexion.
Guaranteed best made. Price, $5. Wt., 5 lbs. Write
today.Book Free. K. WORLD MFG. CO., Cincinnati, O.




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J. W.

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Favorite Actress Cured by Loring's Foods.

Alice Porter of Armstrong and Porter, the popular sketch artists, writes thus from her summer address, 1853 Walker St., Mt. Auburn, Cincinnati, Ohio: MESSRS. LORING & CO.,

42 W. 22nd St., New York, N. Y. Gentlemen: - Upon the recommendation of some of my friends I commenced to take, about the 1st of April, your Fat-Ten-U and Corpula Foods, and in 5 weeks since then I have gained 28 pounds. I am an actress and during the past season I have had so much work and extra acting to do, especially at the continuous performance theatres, that I became worn out and so very thin, that I found that I must do something or lose my engagement, so began taking your foods with the above results. My friends say, "How much better you look," and I am so thankful that I can hardly find words to express it. You have my permission to use this together with my photograph for advertising purposes and if I should receive any inquiries I shall be glad to answer them. Hoping you will have the same success with thousands of others, I remain,


Yours very truly,


Fat-Ten-U Tablets $1 a bottle. Liquid Fat-Ten-U $1 a bottle. Corpula $1 a bottle. WRITTEN GUARANTEE to refund the price if Corpula and Fat-TenU are taken according to directions, without good results. THE HENRY MEDICAL DISPENSARY (Medical Department of Loring & Co.,) is the largest and best appointed in the world. Its physicians are the most skilful, and its appliances for the successful treatment of all diseases are the most complete and embrace every recent worthy invention for the benefit of suffering humanity. Address our Medical department at New York or Chicago for free advice about thinness or any disease.

Letters addressed by ladies to Mrs. Dr. Amy M Henry, who has charge of our Woman's Department, will be opened and answered by Mrs. Henry or her chief assistant.

Be sure and write to our Medical Department and describe your case if ruptured. Best truss and treatment on earth. Send letters and mail, express, or C. O. D. orders to Loring & Co., proprietors, Send for free copy of "How to Get Plump and Rosy." Mention department as below. Use only the nearest address.

SCHERMERHORN & co., LORING & CO., Dept. 103,

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An illustrated list of high class reproductions suitable for school decoration, selected from general catalogue.

Mailed upon receipt of 10 cents in stamps.

Berlin Photographic Co.,

Fine Art Publishers, 14 E. 23rd St.




A new large beautiful magazine for small children. Full of nice pictures. Bright and sparkling. $1 a year. Sent free for a year for two subscribers. Liberal pay to young people to act as agents. A 7-year-old girl took 13 subs. in 1 day. Send name and friends' for sample. S. E. CASSINO, 79 Pope Building, Boston, Mass.

WE SAVE YOU MONEY. Write to-day for reduced prices. Guitars, Mandolins, Banjos, Violins

Sold DIRECT. Save you 50 per cent United States Music Co., 213 Hewitt Block, Cin. O.

EDUCATION: Journal devoted

Secondary and Technical. Technical Education in Great Britain. Accurate and up to date in its intelligence. Subscription $2.00 per annum. Offices:




AT NORTH CONWAY, N. H., July 5-8, 1898. The next annual meeting of the AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF INSTRUCTION will be held at An North Conway, N. H., July 5th to 8th. attractive and helpful program for teachers and all interested in education is now in course of preparation.

Ample accommodation for guests will be furnished by the hotels at rates from $1 to $2.50 per day. Railroads will offer greatly reduced rates; it is hoped one fare for the round trip.

North Conway, on the east side of the White Mountains, presents attractions not excelled by any mountain resorts in the country. Beautiful in itself, it is the center of many charming drives for ten to fifteen miles in all directions.

The officers of the Institute particularly urge the active members and also all superintendents and teachers who are desirous of profesThe only weekly sional advancement not only to attend this to meeting themselves, but to Secondary and interest their friends and others to be present. Later bulletins and the educational papers will give particulars as to program, hotels, railroad arrangements, etc. This early notice is intended to aid and stimulate the friends of the Institute to plan for its success. If any of the active members know of persons interested in educational work, who wish to become members of the Institute, the names should be sent to Hon. Mason S. Stone, Montpelier, Vt.; M. Grant Daniell, Roxbury, Mass.; J. M. Nye, Phenix, R. I., or to one of the undersigned.

2 White Hart Street, Paternoster Square, LONDON, E. C., ENGLAND.

IDEAL LETTER CARDS for word building and busy-work.

BEST AND CHEAPEST. Used by hundreds of Primary Teachers. Send six cents for sample set. L. P. GOODHUE, 7029 Yale Ave., Sta. O., Chicago, Ill.

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George E. Church, President; Alvin F. Pease, Treasurer; Nathan L. Bishop, Ass't Treasurer; Walter P. Beckwith, Secretary; Edwin Whitehill, Ass't Secretary.

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Reprints of important historical docuIndisments with bibliographical notes. pensable for teachers. Eighty-five leaflets now ready. Send for completed lists. DIRECTORS OLD SOUTH WORK Old South Meeting House, Boston, Mass.


Is a necessity to the progressive primary teacher of to-day. No school can be well done that is not well planned.

What material to use for the different months of the year and where to find this material, are questions all are asking.

How to correlate these lessons and find suggestions which will enable teachers to use this material to the best advantage when found, all wish to know. THE PLAN BOOK IS A


for each school month and contains Stories, Poems and Gems of Literature Work, Programmes for Special Days, Songs, new and old, Science or Nature Lessons, Blackboard Reading Lessons, Drawing Lessons, Blackboard Illustrations and Seat Work.

The February Number contains among other things, Half-tone Portraits of Washington and Lincoln, also their early Homes and Monuments. Picture of White House at Washington, Longfellow's Home, Study and Arm Chair, the Village Blacksmith and others appropriate for the month.

Patriotic Songs, Patriotic Selections and Suggestions. Information as to where many of the different songs and exercises, etc., suitable for the day, may be found; also topics of study for each week in the month, embracing such as The Black Child of the South, Stories of the Life of Lincoln, Story of the War, Story of St. Valentine, Story of Dickens, Story of Edison, Lincoln in the School-room, etc., etc.

Morning Talks on noted persons of the month, interesting paper upon Edison, Message of St. Valentine's Days, Story of Old Abe, the War Eagle, and an abundance of other matter appropriate for the month. Price for February or any month, 25 cents.

A. FLANAGAN, 267 Wabash Ave., Chicago

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If at any time within a year you desire to trade for one of our REPEATING cameras, we will allow you $1.00 and take back the one you buy. The repeating camera is like a repeating rifle. You photograph one plate and instantly place another in position. No trouble or bother. You load it at home and snap the pictures at pleasure. Any child can handle it. This is a new device never put on the market before. $3.00, $4.00, $5.00, according to size and number of plates.


[blocks in formation]

Via the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway
to Los Angeles and Other Points in
Southern California.


These popular every Saturday California
excursions for both first and second class
passengers are "personally conducted "
by intelligent, competent and
"couriers," who will attend to the wants of
all passengers en route. This is an entirely
new feature of tourist car service and will be
greatly appreciated by families or parties of
friends traveling together, or by ladles travel-
ing alone.

The Midland Route Tourist Cars are up-
holstered sleeping cars and are supplied with
all the accessories necessary to make the
journey comfortable and pleasant, and the
sleeping berth rate is but $6.00 (for two per-
sons) from Chicago to California.

Ask the nearest ticket agent for a tourist car "folder," giving complete information about the Midland Route, or address "Eastern Manager Midland Route," No. 95 Adams street Chicago, Ill., or C. A. Brown, New England Passenger Agent, Boston, Mass.

Educational Publishing Co.

The books you have forwarded reached me
about three weeks ago. Regarding "In Myth-
land," I would say it is the most delightful
arrangement of mythological tales I have ever
used. I put them into the hands of my second
year pupils and they read them and re-read

"Stories of the United States" and "Stories
of the Red Children" are especially adapted
to the use of inexperienced teachers who have
no conception of how much information a
child needs or of the manner in which litera
ture and history stories should be presented
to him.
Normal School, Chico, Cal

5 ct. Classics? P





Reproductions of

Famous Paintings.




Etc., etc.

Are you using them?

If not send to us for circular showing how they are used in the Public Schools of Quincy, Mass.

EDUCATIONAL PUBLISHING CO, 50 Bromfield St., Boston, Mass.


Oldest agency in the United States west of the Hudson. Operates in every state. Our demand for firstclass primary, intermediate and grammar teachers exceeds the supply. Send for our Agency Manual.


If you wish a live, bright, original, up-to-date teachers journal; one that is filled to
the brim with practical, usable schoolroom material, and that deals in standard values
and solid experience, discarding wordy essays and meaningless studies," then the


will aid you. Ten large Natural History Supplement Charts free each year-Ten
large Double-Page Language Pictures- Cut-Up" Drawing Cards-Arithmetic
Cards-Story Cards-Supplementary Reading-Pieces to Speak-Correspondence
-Methods, Aids and Devices-Foundation Principles-Special Day Exercises.
Address the TEACHERS WORLD, 13 Astor Place, New York City

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More than 50,000 teachers are using its plans and suggestions.

ESTABLISHED 1889. Ninth year of increasing success.

48 Large Quarto Pages and Supplement. Monthly-Illustrated ONE DOLLAR A YEAR. One Sample Copy Sent Free.

Primary Grades

For Intermediate Grades.

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