Imágenes de páginas

Educators and Brain Workers from all parts of the world use and commend



for the relief and prevention of all weaknesses resulting from over-work and anxiety. It gives active brain and nerves exactly what they need for their nutrition and normal action, and will help any case of mental or nervous exhaustion. Shall we send you a descriptive pamphlet ?

VITALIZED PHOSPHITES is a highly concentrated white powder from the phosphoid principle of the ox-brain and wheat germ formulated by Professor Percy more than thirty years ago. It contains no narcotic.

[blocks in formation]

CROSBY'S COLD AND CATARRH CURE.- The best remedy known for cold in the head, sore throat, and influenza. It does not contain cocaine, morphine, nor narcotic of any description. By mail, 50 cents.

[blocks in formation]

gritless, frictionless, tough.

If your dealer doesn't keep them, mention POPULAR EDUCATOR and send 16c for samples worth double the money.


See that Hole?




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To insert a pointed
instrument and eject
the pen from the
holder, to prevent the
ink from flowing back

into the holder and
soiling the fingers.

Samples on receipt
of return postage.
Ask for Vertical Pens
No. 37.


450 Broome Street, New York, N. Y.


For Word


and Busy


Used by

of Primary

Send six cents for sample set.


50 Bromfield Street, Boston.

There is no better way to secure a school or a teacher than to do it through


What results can we show? Over 2,800 positions filled. Send for manual.
F. B. SPAULDING, Manager, 36 Bromfield St., Boston.

[blocks in formation]


C. A. SCOTT & CO., Proprietors.

2 A Beacon Street, Boston and 169 Wabash Avenue, Chicago. First class Primary, Intermediate, and Grammar Grade teachers who desire advancement are invited to call at our offices when in Boston or Chicago. If you are a successful teacher we would like to become acquainted with you, whether or not you register with us. The demand for superior Grade teachers is at nearly all times of the year much greater than the supply.

If you will send us your address, we shall be pleased to mail you our Agency Manual.


PROVIDES GOOD TEACHERS FOR GOOD SCHOOLS. If in search of either, you may find it to your
PROVIDES GOOD SCHOOLS FOR GOOD TEACHERS. advantage to write us fully in regard to your wants.
HARLAN P. FRENCH, Proprietor, 24 State St., Albany, N. Y.

L. P. Goodhue, 7029 Yale Ave., Chicago, Ill. The HOME TEACHERS' AGENCY

[blocks in formation]

In Teachers' Agencies is presented by the selection of a Board of Registration, composed of eminent educators east and west, which establishes a standard of admission and passes on applications for membership. This is done by the

Blackstone Building, Cleveland.
378 Wabash Avenue, Chicago.

50 Bromfield Street, Boston.


Pencil Cases

Stationers' Rubber (In Siver and in Gold.)

[blocks in formation]






[blocks in formation]

Chestnut Time

What are these upon the ground,
Dressed in satin jackets brown,
White fur collars, slender neck,
Heads with caps that tassels deck,
Hiding under fallen leaves,

That are scattered by the breeze?
These are chestnuts, brown, you see,
Come to visit you and me.

They've been swinging many days,
Where the birds have sung their lays,

Prickly houses, closed so tight,
They were hidden from our sight,
Till the frost came to their home
And invited them to come,

Spend the winter, share the joys
Of the happy girls and boys.

[blocks in formation]

The Little Cricket

A dear little cricket lived under the hearth,
And always singing a song was he;

He seemed to run over with good will and mirth, And he chirped his tunes right merrily. "Cheer-up! cheer-up!" sang the cricket so gay; "Cheer-up: cheer-up!" from morning till night, "Oh, come good people, and list to my lay!"

And he sang and chirruped with all his might. For the little cricket under the hearth

Never wished for more than he had;
That was the cause of his good-will and mirth,
That is the reason he was so glad.-- Sel.

[blocks in formation]

The "Illustrated Work, etc.," published by N. E. Pub. Co., mentioned on TALKING TOGETHER page of September PRIMARY EDUCATION, is not one of the "Ten Cent Classics" of Educational Publishing Co. The price of the book is 25 cents.


-The noted lecturer, Rev. D. E. Croft, is arousing great interest among the schools of New England and the Central States by the delivering of his popular and famous lecture, "Kingdom Beautiful " Elaborate tributes of praise have been spoken of it, some of which appear in another place in these columns.

STORIES OF STARLAND. By Mary Proctor. Published by Potter & Putnam Company, New York. Cloth, 186 pp. Price 50 cents.

The style is conversational in character and the story is developed and guided by the inquisition and natural questions of her brother Harry and his little cousin Nellie.

The story of the Giant Sun, the Family of Giant Sun; A Ramble on the Moon; the Planet Mars and the Baby Planets, Story of Jupiter and His Moons; The Giant Planets; Comets and Meteors; Stories of the Summer Stars; God Bless the Star, are the main chapter headings. Nearly forty legends are told, some of them appearing in print for the first time.

The book is copiously illustrated, and at the end of each chapter are appropriate and simple poems. The typography of the book is most excellent, the binding attractive.

-The annual conference of Librarians was held July 5-9, at Lakewood, N. Y. The attend. ance was about five hundred. Mr. Herbert Putnam, Librarian of the Boston Public Library, was elected President.

Much interest was taken in the reports of special efforts to promote "home education." Children's rooms in the libraries, traveling libraries for remote districts and neighbor. hood libraries in the cities, the use of the public schools as branch libraries with instruction given by teachers as to reading and the use of books, were among the chief agencies reported. The free access to the shelves now granted in the New York Free Circulating Libraries and in many others, is found to be one of the best agencies for getting the attention of readers to the better classes of books and so promoting the circulation and reading of good literature.

STYLE IN ENGLISH PROSE. Though you must never imitate any writer, you may study the best writers with care. And for study choose those who have founded no school, who have no special and imitable style. Read Pascal and Voltaire in French; Swift, Hume, and Goldsmith in English; and of the moderns, I think Thackeray and Froude. Ruskin is often too rhapsodical for a student; Meredith too whimsical; Stevenson too "pre. cious," as they love to call it; George Eliot too laboriously enamelled and erudite. When you


Solid Gold Pen-Hard Rubber Engraved Holder - Simple Construction- Always Ready
Never blots - No better working pen made-A regular $2.50 pen.
Mailed to teachers, complete, boxed with filler, for $1.50. Your money back-if you want it. Agents Wanted.

[ocr errors]



A Manual of Instruction for Teachers and Mothers Based on the Principles of Froebel.
More than two years of work systematized to meet the needs of the Little People and Teachers.
New Arrangements and New Illustrations leading to accuracy, self-reliance, and love for the study.
A minimum of board work-a maximum of seat work. "Suggestions on the Multiplication Table are worth the
price of the book."
Cloth, 8 vo. 177 illustrations. Price, 75 cents. Copies can be obtained directly of the author. Address


Croton, Tompkins County, New York.


cannot quietly enjoy a picture for the curiosity Primary

aroused by its so-called "brush-work," the painting may be a surprising sleight-of-hand, but is not a masterpiece.

Read Voltaire, Defoe, Swift, Goldsmith, and you will come to understand how the highest charm of words is reached without your being able to trace any special element of charm. The moment you begin to pick out this or that felicity or phrase, this or that sound of music in the words, and directly it strikes you as elo

quent, lyrical, pictorial- then the charm is index, prepared by one of

snapped. The style may be fascinatingly bril liant, impressive; but it is not perfect.

Read Swift, Defoe, Goldsmith, if you care to

know what is pure English. I need hardly tell teachers. Useful for Spell

you to read another and a greater Book. The

Book which begot English prose still remains ing, Punctuation and Lan

its supreme type. The English Bible is the

true school of English literature. It possesses guage Work. In a neat

every quality of our language in its highest

form-except for scientific precision, practi. box.

cal affairs, and philosophic analysis. It would be ridiculous to write an essay on metaphysics, a political article, or a novel in the language of the Bible. Indeed, it would be ridicu lous to write anything at all in the language of the Bible. But if you care to know the best that our literature can give in simple, noble prose-mark, learn, and inwardly digest the Holy Scriptures in the English tongue. Frederic Harrison in The Nineteenth Century. 63 Fifth Ave., New York.

809 Market St., San Francisco.

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POSE DRAWING. With Brush and Ink. By
Irene Weir, Art Director of Brookline, (Mass.)
Schools. Price, 50 cents.

Sketching from life has come to be a distinct
and popular feature of the drawing in the pub-
lic schools. The object of this
is to help the teachers and children in the art
of pose-drawing. There are twelve full-page
drawings of children, direct from life, to illus-
trate the best methods of observation and exe-
cution. They are not meant to be finished
drawings but indicative of the way in which
masses of light and dark should be related to
each other. Teachers who "can't draw " must
be encouraged to undertake this sort of work
when once they have seen and studied these



Sidney Marsden Fuerst, editor. Price, $1.00 for
four numbers.

The New York Teachers' Monographs is a quar-
terly periodical devoted to the presentation
of information concerning the course of study
for the public schools of the greater New York.
The June number contains one hundred and
fifty pages of matter devoted to the discussion
of elementary science. Among the subjects
treated are: "Development of the Aquarium
in Primary Work," "Teaching Insect Life in
Schools," "Nature Study in the Primary
""Mosses," etc. It is packed full of
desirable information for the teachers who
must teach elementary science and don't know
where or how to obtain the desired material
for their work. The teachers of Greater New
York are most fortunate in having such a peri-
odical, for suggestion, reference, and inspira
tion. It would be well if other cities should
follow the example of New York in the publi-
cation of similar monograph helps. Any
teacher wishing to obtain this book can ad-
dress New York Teachers' Monograph Co.,
25 East 14th St., New York City.

ous interweaving of instruction about birds
and animal life, science in cooking that leads
up to the study of food products and the home
touches everywhere, are made vividly attrac-
tive by the sympathetic pen of Nellie Lathrop
Helm. Col. Parker chose wisely when he
selected this intelligent pupil and charming
writer to give to the educational world his
scheme of teaching a thousand things con
nected with the natural life of a farm home. It
is always an experiment to connect instruc-
tion with a story, but this series of supple-
mentary readers has made a success of this
part of the undertaking. The book is well-
illustrated with birds, animals, country life
and farm scenes that will be a revelation to
town and city children.


Education Series.) By A. R. Taylor, Ph.D.

The author says: "Every chapter in this
book is an attempt to organize the knowledge
already possessed by those who know little or
nothing of scientific psychology, and to assist
them to inquiries which will give a clearer
apprehension of the nature and possibilities
of the child." The avowed purpose of this
book, "to assist in dignifying and systematiz.
ing Child Study," is reason enough for its exist-
ence. The vast amount of aimless, silly Child
Study that has been attempted since organiza-
tion was made for this purpose calls for pro-
test and for the thoughtful consideration of
well-balanced minds that can discuss a popu.
lar subject and keep it within the realms of
facts and reason. The contents of this book
embrace the senses and their functions, con-
sciousness and apperception, muscular or
motor control, the feelings, the functions of
the will and intellect, children's instincts and
plays, manners and morals, etc. In the closing
chapters topics for Child Study are suggested

for teachers' and mothers' clubs.


SWINTON'S TALKING WITH THE PENCIL. (Primary Lessons in Language.) By William Swinton.

The lessons in this book are designed to
cover one year's work and to prepare the
pupil to pursue the study of language with
increased interest. The method promises to
be attractive to young pupils. Bright pictures
of most excellent quality and full of child life
and doings are plentifully introduced as sub-
jects for the questionings that follow. Full
sentences are then constructed from the oral
answers of the children and thus the child is
led into story-telling. Vertical script is intro-
duced on the first page and continues through-
out the book. One feature of the book is open
to criticism, viz., the filling in of blanks in
sentences- a universal fault in elementary
language books. A child would much prefer
to construct his own sentences, and would put
the thinking and individuality into it that is
Manual for Students and Correspondents. By lost in filling out sentences made by somebody
Kate O'Neill. 149 pages. 50 cents.

A clear, condensed work on Punctuation like this has not appeared for many a day. Ordi. nary books of rules for punctuation are over. done, "run together" and leave the student more mixed than ever. But Miss O'Neill has made this little guide a gem of clearness and condensation. The brief chapters stand out clearly and there is no wavering, uncertain sound in any of it. Its size makes it a convenient hand-book everywhere- the desk, library table, or in the pocket. Every writer and every teacher needs just such a book for


handy reference, and needs it divided and sub-
divided in just the way this is arranged. Suc-
cess to the little work.

ton's Home Reading Books.) By Francis W.
Parker and Nellie Lathrop Helm,

The readers, big and little, of the first of the
'On the Farm" Series, will gladly welcome
this second visit to the little country children
who are delightful because they are natural.
The play-life of the children with the ingeni,

else. Such work is little else than the finding

out of a puzzle. Children make fine, pithy
sentences before they ever see a school-house.

D. C. HEATH & CO., BOSTON. STORIES OF LONG AGO. By Grace H Kupfer. A collection of Greek and Roman myths, told in simple fairy-tale style. It is claimed that nothing objectionable for the leading of young children is left in these ancient myths, but that the contents have been carefully selected and given an historical setting. Poems bearing directly upon the subjects of the stories have been introduced at the close of the chapters. These poems are from standard authors, Lowell, Tennyson, Hemans, Bryant, etc., and the association thus established between these poets and poems and the classic myths will prove most valuable to the children. There are nineteen full-page illustrations, reproduc tions from the great pictures of the world, that immeasurably enhance the value of the book from the standpoint of art and history. It is a unique book and should be owned by children as well as read by them.

FROM SEPTEMBER TO JUNE. By Minetta L. Warren. Illustrated by Elizabeth A. Pickering. "The purpose of these lessons," says the author, "is not to give information alone, or to tell the child what he can find out for himself, but to arouse his interest, to excite his curiosty and lead him to habits of observation and reflection." The book is designed for a nature reader and its contents are arranged for separate months "from June to September." Shells, fruits, ripe corn, fall flowers, and seed-sowers, are discussed in September. tober has the flight of birds, nutting time, etc. The distinctive events of each month in the natural world are talked about in a plain, sensible way that children will understand and teachers will appreciate. The vocabulary is best suited to second year children and is remarkable for its simplicity and evenness. The illustrations are a delight, in their artistic design, especially in initial letters, good exe



cution and adaptation to the text. No color has been attempted and no startling effects but the pictures will give the children benefit and pleasure. The type is clear, not too large, and has been shaded well in the introduction of a few good poems. In looking at the book critically it is to be regretted that there has been such a marked omission of the mention of the beauty side of the natural world. Children are endowed with a beauty-sense, and there is little in this nature reader to feed it, or to train the aesthetic side of child-nature. The tacking on of human titles to plant life, so popular now, seems cumbersome and uncalled for. It is to be hoped the time is soon coming when Mr. Wind, Mr. Turtle, Mrs. Maple Tree and Mrs Horse-Chestnut are heard no more in the land. If there can be anything more absurd than for a tree to proclaim, "I am Mrs. Maple Tree!" where can it be found?

We May Learn

From Experience the Lesson of Health How to Keep the Blood Rich, Pure and Nourishing.

We know from experience that Hood's

THE STORY OF THE ENGLISH. (Eclectic School Sarsaparilla overcomes all scrofula troubles,
Reading.) By H. A. Guerber.

This is English history told in the charming
intellectually conversational style that has
given to the preceding works of this author
their deserved popularity. The children are
their mother country by
introduced to
vivid descriptions and well-told anecdotes,

and are not forced to consider the facts of

salt rheum, boils, pimples and eruptions. We know it conquers the worst cases of hip disease, invigorates the whole system, tones the stomach, creates an appetite, overcomes that tired feeling and gives strength to the nerves. We know it prevents sickness and suffering by fortifying the system against

the attacks of disease. We know it is just

medicine. By making the blood rich and pure it protects the system from malaria, fevers and the grin.

what is needed to keep the brain clear and law and religion of the past centuries, for the body strong for the work of school life. which they have neither interest nor taste. Hood's Sarsaparilla is the best fall Instead of narrating the usual dry historical facts which children have been formerly asked to memorize, they are made acquainted with the principal characters in English history by stories that will hold their interest from first to last. The book is beautifully illustrated with choice pictures (many full page) that must cultivate the artistic taste of the children. The book should be supplementary to all teaching of English history, to vivify and brighten it.

Hood's Sarsa


Is America's Greatest Mcdicine. $1; six for $5.
Prepared by C. I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass.

Hood's Pills easy to take, easy to buy,

easy to operate. 25c.

[blocks in formation]


By MABEL O. WRIGHT. Price, $1.50. Sent postpaid for eight subscriptions to The Favorite, at 75 cts. each. NATURE STUDY BY MONTHS. By A. C. BOYDEN. Will be given for three subscriptions. THE FAVORITE, one year, and Citizen Birds, only $1.80; The Favorite, and Nature Study by Months, only $1.00. THE FAVORITE is published monthly, Sept. to June inclusive; contains 32 pp. of nature stories and poems; monthly outline for school work, etc. Send stamp for sample copy and begin your club

at once.

If you prefer cash discount, send for terms. 75 cents per year.

THE FAVORITE, Hyde Park, Mass.


A Stereopticon at Half Price!

Owing to the rapid development of our ACETYLENE GAS GENERATOR business, we are CLOSING OUT our Stereopticon Department, embracing Electric Arc Lamps, Stereopticons, Magic Lanterns and Slides in a great variety.

Send for "bargain" circular, also information about ACETYLENE GAS.

J. B. COLT & CO., Dept. E 10.

3 to 7 West 29th St.,

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New York.

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and Bryant Booklets. Souvenir Edition. Better than reward cards. Most instructive prizes in existence. Useful as supplem- tarv readers. All schools use them. LONCFELLOW BOOKLET containing celeb ated poems, bund with silk ribbon, artistic colored cover, 8 pazes, 12mo. Special prices to teachers: 6c per c py, 2 cop'es for 10C.; only 40c, per dozen, postpaid. BRYANT BOOKLET, celebrated poems, including Thanaropsis, To a Waterfowl, Death of the Flowers. Origmalillus, nd Cover in 3 col rs. Teachers special rates: 10c. each, 6 copies, 50c.; per dozen. 80c. postrald.. Sample of the two, 14c. Sperial Combination Offer: 1 d z Longfellow and 1 doz. Bryant Booklets, only $1.10 postpaid. 100 Longfellow Book ets, postpaid, $3.00 uet. 100 Bryant Booklets, postpaid $6 00 net. No free samples. Address: M C. BURKEL 479 Boulevard, Jersey City, N.


QF BOSTON, 258 Washington St., Recommends superior teachers. Its recommendations have weight with school officials.

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-The October list of J. B. Lippincott Co, includes an illustrated life of Franklin, "The True Benjamin Franklin," by Sidney George Fisher, uniform in character and style with the author's "The True George Washington"; "Myths and Legends Beyond Our Borders," by Charles M. Skinner, illustrated with photogravures, and completing the legends of North America, by adding to those of the United States, contained in the author's previous books, "The Myths and Legends of Canada and Mexico"; and Mr. Skinner's "Do-Nothing Days" and "With Feet to Earth," illustrated with photogravures and sold separately or boxed together under the name of the "DoNothing Days Library."

-Lee & Shepard will have ready about October 1, a new Sophie May story, "Pauline Wyman," and will issue all their Qinnebasset Series, by Sophie May, uniform with it, in a new style and at a reduced price. At the same time they will issue fifteen select novels of Amanda M Douglas, in a new, uniform binding, at a reduced price.

"John Hancock," His Book, announced for October 1, is a life of Hancock, made from his letter-book by Abram English Brown. It is a singular fact that no satisfactory life of John Hancock has heretofore been published, there. fore this volume will have a particular value. The letters give views of his private life, and throw light upon his position on all the politi. cal questions of his time.

- Bellows Brothers, for the last five years representatives of Ginn & Company, have recently established themselves in the Studebaker Building, Chicago, as publishers of School Charts and Specialties. They are of the opinion that school charts are not used as much as formerly because they have been too expensive and not in accord with the present and established methods of teaching. They desire to provide School Specialities that will meet with the approval of the leading educa tors.

Their new publications consist of Superintendent Speer's Primary Chart of Sense Train. ing and Mathematics, a definite guide in the Speer method for the first three years, the Striker Vertical Script Reading Chart, adopted for exclusive use in Missouri, and the School Library Encyclopedia in four volumes, just adopted for the schools of Minneapolis and Los Angeles.

We call the attention of our readers to this firm's advertisement in this issue giving in. formation concerning these three publications.

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Foreseeing the demand for a knowledge of the Spanish language Messrs. Isaac Pitman & Sons, the enterprising publishers of New York city, are issuing in weekly parts, "Pit. man's Practical Spanish Instructor," for begin. ners and advanced students. The Spanish text, embodying the latest and most successful method of learning Spanish will be accompanied by literal, full, or annotated transla. tion, and imitated pronunciation. This interesting work will undoubtedly enjoy a very wide popularity, as does "Pitman's Practical French and German Instructors," which are companion works to the above. A special feature of this Spanish work will be the conversational exercises for Tourists and others, as well as Commercial Terms and Business Letters. Seeing there is now a question as to the advisability of introducing Spanish into the public schools as a study this work will certainly be much sought after. This firm have also issued an adaptation of the Isaac Pitman shorthand to the Spanish language that is meeting with much favor.

IN RAILROAD CIRCLES. Edward A Watson, son of General Passenger Agent J. R. Watson, of the Fitchburg road, has been appointed New England passenger agent of the West Shore road, with office at 300 Washington street, Boston. He graduated from Williams College last year, and is the youngest man ever appointed to so important a position in railroad circles hereabouts, but then he is by inheritance, Judgment and energy a born railroad man.

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