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A new edition just out. Fifteenth thousand. There is no better story book for Kindergartners, Primary Teachers and Mothers.

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THE MACMILLAN CO., NEW YORK CITY. SINGING VERSES FOR CHILDREN. Words by Lydia Avery Coonley. Illustrations by Alice Kellogg Tyler, music by Frederic W. Root and others. Price, $2.00.

One pauses before attempting to speak of such a book as this. When a verse-writer like Lydia Avery Coonley who finds a way to the heart with happy touch in simplest metre, writes the songs of a book for the children, and Frederic Root, Eleanor Smith, and other good composers set them to music, and Alice Kellogg Tyler makes the pictures, and the Macmillan Company brings it all out in warm, rich colors and elegant binding,- when this rare combination appears before us in book form there is not much to do but enjoy this thing of beauty which must be a joy forever.

It is always to be regretted that beautiful things cannot be put at a price low enough for the masses to possess them. This rare book ought to be in every school-room for the inspiration of the teachers and the æsthetic training of the children. One can imagine the big eyes of the little folks who might be allowed to turn these beautiful leaves when their lessons were early learned and when their hands were very clean. The children of poorest districts need such beauty-training far more than they need "rules" and discipline.

The following is a table of contents: Good Morning, Pussy Willows, Sunshine Song, After the Rain, Come, My Dolly, Wind Song My Pegasus, Cradle Song, Baby Moon, Clouds, The Child and the, Flag Song, Silver Night, Dancing Song, Snow-Balls, Bed-Time, The Little Stars, Christmas Song. Every selection is full of the poetry and pathos of simple child life and will go straight to the childheart. A happy arrangement places the words and music of each song on opposite pages, thus allowing the artistic ornamentation of each page to complement the other in color and design.


"The borders of the road are like the em

broidered margin of a fine garment, full of beautiful and elaborate detail." So says the author in his opening sentence, and it is this 'elaborate detail" of the wayside as he sees it that makes up the contents of this volume. Early wild flowers, shrubs belonging to the rose and heath families, meadow singers and common. birds, beetles, butter-flies, bees weeds, mountain and woodland coloring, are treated in these pages with a delightful informality. As he walks by the roadside he sees with the sharp eyes of a nature lover, and tells what he sees as easily and musically as a brook flows. There are twenty-six full page half-tone illustrations, besides a wealth of pen and ink drawings of the commonest weeds and flowers. It is a joy of anticipation to imagine the teacher's sense of richness as she really owns this book and can turn to it a

dozen times a day for facts, for suggestion, for

its resource of illustration, and for the inspira

tion between the lines, to teach the children

how to see.

The type, paper and illustrations are of an order to make one wish to preserve the book for these alone. The contents are a collection of delightful out door essays with the true spirit of nature in every line. It is a spring and summer companion that will soothe, cheer, and suggest at the same time.

LEE & SHEPARD, BOSTON, MASS. ON PLYMOUTH ROCK. By Samuel Adams Drake. Price, 60 cents.

The story of the Pilgrim Fathers is told over again by this well known author with simplicity and without too much of history. It is a transcript of their daily life and will give to children the true spirit of the times. Its illus. trations are taken from the Plymouth settlement and many are choice works of art. Teachers will be glad of this little book for supplementary reading and the early history of the colonies.

HARPER & BROTHERS, NEW YORK CITY. EYE SPY. Afield with Nature among Flowers and Animate Things. By William Hamilton Gibson. Price, $2.50.

It is hard to speak of any of Hamilton Gib. son's books with moderation. Every one is a treasure that increases in worth when we realize that the marvellous eye that saw so much and the hand that could execute what the eye perceived will never do more for the uplifting of humanity. For the books of Hamilton Gibson are an uplift of the most wholesome character. The world worn men and women can find recuperation in the fresh. ness of nature they present, and the scholar in books can learn bumility as he sees a world of nature opened to him which he has never noted or studied. But most of all do the children and the teachers of children need the spirit which animates this author's works the spirit of reverence for nature as the handiwork of the Creator. "Eye Spy" has an autobiographical interest in its opening chapter containing the naturalist's recollections of his boyhood, his first impressions of nature, his studies and favorite books, and the beginning of his professional career. There are chapters on beetles, the housefly, wasps, splders, snakes, grasshoppers, pansies, cocoons, clo. vers, mushrooms, primroses and other insects and flowers. It is all worth careful study, and the boys and girls are fortunate who can get their eyes and hands on this book.


AMERICAN COMPREHENSIVE ARITHMETIC. By M. A. Bailey, Professor of Mathematics in the Kansas State Normal School.

GRAMMAR SCHOOL ARITHMETIC BY GRADES. By E. H. Moore, Ph. D, Head Professor of Mathematics, University of Chicago.

The Comprehensive Arithmetic possesses many new and striking features in its application to business and everyday affairs of life It devotes separate sections to the "Lumber Dealer," ," "The Carpet Dealer," "The Paper Hanger," "The Mason," "The Farmer," etc. Pupils trained in this book will be prepared to go from the class-room to the counting-room.

Grammar School Arithmetic covers the work of fifth, sixth, seventh and eighth grades of public schools. No rules are given in this book, but the inductive or laboratory method is followed throughout. In the selection of problems attention has been given to correlation with other subjects in the grammar school

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A song book for children of all ages and for THE ROYCROFT PRINTING SHOP, EAST schools of different grades. Many of the songs


UPLAND PASTURES. 63 pages. Price, $2.00. This dainty work of art is issued in an edition of six hundred copies, each numbered and signed. Everythil about this ook is unique.

are those used in the schools of Germany and never before put into English words. They are topically arranged. Morning, 10 pieces; Evening and Night, 17; Lullabies, 3; Spring, 27; Summer, 15; Autumn and Winter, 11; Forest and Stream, 15; Flowers, 10; Birds and Other

Creatures, 19; Home, 30; the Hunter, 6; the Soldier, 5; Pleasure, 19.

NATURAL ELEMENTARY GEOGRAPHY. By Price, 60 cents. Jacques W. Redway, F. R. G. S. 144 pages.

This claims to be the latest geography pub. lished, and to follow the recommendations of the Committee of Fifteen. The central idea of its treatment is Man-his history, customs, industries and geographic relations. The discussion of the countries into which man has divided the earth includes the human and descriptive. The divisions of the United States are according to elevation, climate and industries rather than location. In Europe the divisions are according to racial lines. The book has a series of plain and distinct mapsphysical and political-drawn so as to give pupils a correct idea of the comparative areas of countries, population and products. It also presents topical outlines for oral and written work, and suggests independent work by its arrangement of toptcs. The illustrations are drawn largely from nature, and are meant for use rather than ornament. The national reputation of the author of this book will guarantee its accuracy and originality in geographical presentation.


MATKA AND KOTIF. A Tale of the Mist Islands. By David Starr Jordan, President of Leland Stanford, Jr., University, and United States Commissioner in charge of the Seal Investigation.

This allegory of the fur seal is written with a beneficent purpose-a protest against the slaughter of the mother seals. As a story it is full of vivid interest and takes the reader into the atmosphere of the far-away islands with the skill of a true story-teller. But underneath the interest in the seal life, action and habits, there is always the consciousness that the end will be tragic, and this casts a half melancholy on the brightest pages. Such a book from such a man as President Jordan cannot fail to do good. Much of the commercial traffic in seals and the use of them by just, kind-hearted people have been through ignorance and thoughtlessness. The illustrations are numer ous, most of them full page, and all of them show the life, habits and haunts of the seal with great vividness. The sooner our children understand this seal question in its humane aspect, the better for the future of our country.


Every teacher will find something in this book that she will be glad to appropriate. The teachers of smallest children may feel that it has not much for them, but that depends on the kind of teacher she is. If she is searching for solid facts that she can give to her children verbatim, she will fail to find it here, but if she is broad enough to draw constatistics, and has skill enough to adapt this clusions from facts, gather fresh truth from knowledge to childish comprehension, she will find help in this book about fabrics. The contents are Sheep, Wool and Woolens, Car. pets, Cotton, Silk and Linens. Illustrated.

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SHORTHAND Kerst's School, Corning N.Y.
Teacher Wanted!

Lady or gentleman, to travel and appoint agents. No
canvassing. Salary and expenses paid.

ELLIOTT PUBLISHING CO., Philadelphia, Pa. Educational Department.

PAPER CALLING CARDS, in book form.

Something new. Endorsed by clergy. 35 & 40c.
Sample mailed. G. R. BROWN, Dansville, N. Y.

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3 trests Fo


Kindergarten, Primary

Methods and Child Study

by mail. Also work in Latin, Ger-
man, French, Sciences, History, Lit-
erature, etc. Shorthand and Book-
keeping, Review and Degree

Courses. 1000 enrolled last year.
When writing for catalogue state
subjects desired.

National Correspondence Normal,
W. A. Stevenson, Ph.B., A.M., Prin.,
Fenton, Mich.

Have You Examined



The Teacher's Ph tograph on Each of Them.
Agents wanted for every county in the United
States and Canada. Liberal cash commission paid.
Samples free. Thirty (3 x 3 photos from any cab-
inet, postpaid, 75 cents.

H. G. PHILLIPS, Publisher,
Willliamsport, Pa.


OF BOSTON, 258 Washington St., Must have more good teachers. One half of our calls, last month, found us without suitable candidates.


The Pathfinder

The FIRST and ONLY paper giving all the historymaking news of the world logically classified and intelligently digested. Clean, clear, condensed, nonpartisan, up-to-date, entertaining, truthful. Trial, 13 weeks 25 cts. Yearly $1. Low rates to school clubs. Sample free. Pathfinder Washington, DC


Gems by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow," just published. Collection of Longfellow's most celebrated poems. Original colored cover page, with excellent portrait of the poet. Elegantly bound with silk ribbon. Sent postpald, for the marvellously low price of 6 CENTS. Two copies mailed, postpaid, for 10c, Special Offer to Teachers. To enable teachers to secure cheap and satisfactory Prizes to give t scholars, we will mail the Longfellow Booklet at the low price of 40c. per dozen copies. Address: M. C. BURKEL,

Station 4, Jersey City, N. J


Sent Free to School Teachers.

New Pretty Artistic Designs of Flowers, Landscapes, Scenes, Juveniles, Birds, Animals, Crescents, Scrolls, Panels, Vases, Buildings, Bridges, Ships, Anchors, etc. Price, 12 cards, 3x4%1⁄2 inches, 8c; 34x54 12c; 4%x6% 20c; 52x71⁄2 30c; 7x9 50c. All beautiful cards no two alike.

New Catalogue of School Supplies,

Silk-Fringed, Frosted, Mounted, Artistic Cut-Out, and

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Embossed Chromo Reward, Souvenir and Gin Cards, Elementary Drawing Simplified.

Speakers, Recitations, Dialogues, Plays, Drills, Marches, Tableaux, Entertainments, Drawing, Honor, Prize, Alphabet, Number, Reading, and Merit Cards, School Aids, Reports, Diplomas, Certificates, etc., free. All postpaid by mail. Postage stamps taken Address, A. J. FOUCH & CO., WARREN, PA.

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cube, the cylinder and the triangular

Complete. 500 Illus. Price, 75 cents. SIMPLE.-Only three forms, the prism are made the basis of the whole work. EFFECTIVE.-It stands the test. Pupils learn how to not only draw from objects but from memory and the imagination. Augsburg's Drawing Cards.

To more fully show the application of the type forms to natural objects, four sets of cards, each set containing about 50 outline drawings, have been prepared to carry out this feature. They are

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LONDON, E. C., ENGLAND. 63 Fifth Ave., N. Y.

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This book tells the teacher how to proceed from day to day. What to have pupils do. What questions to ask. What answers to require. The book is for the teacher only, the pupils being provided with models which can be prepared by the


teacher and pupils from directions given in the book. Teachers are also enabled to pass an examination in Drawing by studying this book. The book is substantially bound and contains 180 diagrams and illustrations. Price 35 cents prepaid.

We have just added a chapter on color to this book, with questions at the bottom of each page, for the use of teachers preparing for examinations, Price of the book complete prepaid, 35 cents

Address THE EDUCATOR, 35 Exchange St.,


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Incorporated Capital, 85 000,000. Non-assessable.
HON. T. R. FOSTER, President.

FRED A. OTTE, Treasurer.

Is the largest and most ably conducted Transportation and Merchandising Company for the Alaska gold field trade in the world. Will have our

Own Specially Chartered Steamers Direct for the Gold Fields of the Klondyke and Alaska Generally. While we will send a certain number of men to the gold fields who will devote their exclusive time to discovering and taking up mining claims, and working them with the latest and most improved methods, our principal business and specialty is that of doing a

General Trading, Mercantile, and Transportation Business.

We will take with us an enormous stock of goods of all classes and descriptions that can be sold and used to advantage in a new mining country. We will control our own steamers and our boats and barges up the Yukon. We will also have an overland route from Juneau, St Michael's or Dyea. We will be among the very first in the field. This company is organized and conducted for mutual profit and mutual protection. The names of our charter members, stockholders and directors are sufficient guarantee of the integrity and solidity of this company. Transportation and Merchandising is the Greatest Kind of a Gold Mine, for no matter if the prospector is successful or unsuccessful, he must have food, mining outfits and all other necessities of life. Being the largest traders, having the best supplied stores and warehouses scattered all over the Klondyke region, we must necessarily do the business of the country. FORTUNES ARE MADE QUICKLY.

Fortunes are made in legitimate speculations. An opportunity of this kind has not presented itself since the California days of '49. Will you sit idle and see such chances pass you by, and will you be one of the people to say, "I had the opportunity, but I missed it"? Better be the one person to say, "The opportunity was presented to me and I grasped it." We need an additional million dollars within the next sixty days to develop and carry out our gigantic plans. A share of stock, its full face value, will be sold to you at the rate of You can come in on the ground floor-you can be one of the originators - be one among the first.

$1.00 PER SHARE (Non-Assessable.)

We are offering the public the grandest enterprise and investment of the day. Anyone with a small amount of money has an opportunity to make a fortune in this gold and trading expedition and can stay comfortably at home. Your investment is safe, profitable and devoid of speculation.

We Will Earn in the Next 12 Months an Immense Income, Thereby
Paying Large Dividends to Our Stockholders.

Our company is composed of some of the most eminent business and professional men, such
as: HON. WM. E. MASON, United States Senator from Illinois; FRANK A. HECHT, of Chas.
Kaestner & Co., Chicago; ALBERT C. BLATZ, Pres. Val Blatz Brewing Co., Milwaukee; B. W.
GRIFFITH, Pres. 1st National Bank, Vicksburg, Miss.; D. G. EDWARDS, Pass. Traffic Mgr. C. H. &
DR. R., Cincinnati; CHAS. H. ROCKWELL, Traffic Mgr. Chicago, Indianapolis and Louisville R. R.
(Monon Route,) Chicago; W. C. RINEARSON, Genl. Pass. Agent Cincinnati, New Orleans & Texas
Pacific R. R. (Queen and Crescent Route), Cincinnati; FRED A. OTTE, past 18 years with Shelby
Bank, Shelbyville, Ind.: HON. T. R. FOSTER, Fostoria and Vicksburg, Miss.; RUDOLPH M PAT
TERSON, of Patterson, Shepard & Co., Chicago; SIDNEY B. JONES, City Pass. Agent Chicago,
Indiana & Louisville R. R., Chicago; WILLIAM A. BECKLEB, Northern Pass. Agent Q & C. Route,
Chicago; JOHN LEAHY. Gen. Southern Agent C., H. & D. R. R., Cincinnati; 3. E. DOYLE, Mgr.
American Carriage Co., Kalamazoo, Mich.; HON. CHAS. H. HOGLUND, Chicago; J. M PHILLIPS,
Cashier, 1st National Bank, Vicksburg, Miss.; DR. ROBERT WALLACE HARDON. Columbus
Memorial Bldg., Chicago; J. B. LEGNARD, Capitalist, Chicago; HENRY H. FULLER, formerly of
Snow & Dickinson, Chicago.

Our first expedition will leave in April, arriving in the Gold Valley of Alaska in May. Our next expedition will follow within one or two weeks after the first, and after that our special steamers and special transportation facilities will follow each other at regular intervals. Everything that human ingenuity can devise or think of to crown our labor with success will be carried with us and done by our representatives. We shall almost at once commence the purchase of our supplies and our equipment, consequently you can become part of us and embrace this opportunity and make your own fortune, or at least an enormous profit, on a small investin ent You must act quickly, and the only way to act is to write us at once, stating how many shares of stock you want, enclosing currency, New York exchange, or in a registered letter, the amount of money to cover payment of your stock at the rate of $1.00 per share, and upon receipt of your letter and the money, the stock will be at once returned to you, with full retails, and you will be posted and kept informed from time to time of the progress of this company, and every month after the expedition has landed you will receive such dividends and profits as your stock is entitled to. This stock will be sold to a limited amount at par for a short period; if you are able to participate, do so at once.

Our transportation offer is the best before the public: $300 1st class Seattle to Dawson City, or $600 i-cluding food for one year. Address and make all money payable to

The Alaska Transportation and Development Company,

Fisher Building, Corner Van Buren and Dearborn Sts.,

Send stamp for Alaska News which gives map and all information of Alaska.

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Buffalo, N. Y.


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THE SWEDISH SYSTEM OF GYMNASTICS. By HARTVIG NISSEN, Instructor of Physical Training in the Public Schools of Boston. Bound in Extra Flexible Cloth. Price, 75 cents.



PUPILS' OUTLINE STUDIES IN THE HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES. By Francis H. White, A.M. Paper. Square octavo. 123 pages. Price, 30 cents. New York: American Book Co.

This is a book of Outline Studies, Maps and Blanks, intended for use in connection with the study of United States History. It contains an original and systematic combination of devices consisting of outline maps, graphic charts, and blanks for historical tables and summaries, for the reproduction of pictures, for biographical sketches, for studies in civil government, etc. It also contains valuable suggestions to teachers and pupils, and carefully selected lists of historical books and authorities for collateral reading and refer


Its use will encourage the pupil to observe closely, to select the leading and salient facts of history, to classify his knowledge, to inves tigate for himself, and to carry his investigations up to recognized authorities and even to original sources. It also furnishes opportunity and material for the best exercises and training in English composition.

The book is conveniently arranged for either class or individual instuction and may be used in connection with any text-book on United States History.

THE CHILDREN'S FOURTH READER By Ellen M. Cyr. Square, 12mo. Cloth. 372 pages. Fully illustrated. Boston: Ginn & Co.

The "Children's Fourth Reader" has been prepared on the same lines as the Second and Third Readers of this series. The plan adopted in the previous Readers of making boys and girls acquainted with a few of our great authors is continued in this book.

Sketches of Hawthorne, Dickens, Scott, Ten nyson, and Irving are introduced, amply illus. trated with portraits and pictures of the homes of these autors. Choice selections have also been made from well-known writ. ers, like Bayard Taylor, Mrs. Spofford, George MacDonald, Elizabeth Stuart Phelps, Thackeray, Eugene Field, Thomas Nelson Page, Helen Hunt Jackson, R. L. Stevenson, Charles Dudley Warner, Mrs. Ewing and other authors whose writings are especially interesting and instructive to pupils of Fourth Reader grade.

The book is illustrated with vignette portraits of many of the authors, in addition to a large number of original illustrations based upon the text and designed especially for this reader.


To enable the farmers in the Eastern States to pass the long winter evenings in an entertaining and instructive manner, the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway Company has recently published for free distribution, a new pamphlet, finely illustrated with pictures which will delight the eyes of Eastern farmers, and containing letters from their brethren in South Dakota descriptive of their experience while tilling the soil and raising cattle, sheep and hogs in the "Sunshine State "

This pamphlet is well worth reading through from cover to cover. It will be sent free if you will send your address to either H. F. Hunter, Immigration Agent, 291 Dearborn Street, Chicago, or to Geo. H. Heafford, General Passenger Agent, Old Colony Building, Chicago,

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Mrs. Pinkham Tells How Women May Avoid Painful Examinations.

To a modest, sensitive, highstrung young woman, especially an unmarried woman, there is no more trying or painful ordeal than the "examinations," which are now so common in hospitals and private practice.

An examination by speculum, or otherwise, is sometimes a positive necessity in certain stages of many diseases peculiar to women, so at least it is declared by the profession. This would not be the case if patients heeded their symptoms in time.

If a young girl's blood is watery, her skin pale and waxy looking, her lips colorless, bowels torpid, digestion poor, her ears and temples throb and she is subject to headache, begin at once to build up her system with Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. Do not allow her to undergo a physical examination. Here is a letter from a young lady who requests that her name should not be used, but gives her initials and street number so that any inquiry addressed to her I will be received. She says:

"Dear Mrs. Pinkham:-It affords me great pleasure to be able to say a few words in regard to the merits of your Vegetable Compound. I was tempted to try it after seeing the effects of it upon my mother, and now I feel like a new person. I am a stenographer and was troubled with falling of the womb and female weakness in general. I continued to work until I was so weak I could no longer walk, and the last day I was forced to stop and rest.

"I was then so ill that I was compelled to stay in bed and so nervous that I could not hold anything in my hands. The least noise or surprise would cause my heart to beat so loudly, and I would become so weak that I could hardly stand. I suffered for almost a year. It is different now. I can go about my work with pleasure, while before, work was a drudge. Trusting that my words of praise may help some other afflicted person, and be of benefit to womankind in general, I remain, Yours in gratitude, L. H., 444 S. East St., Indianapolis, Ind."



No owner of a Waverley Bicycle ever regretted his purchase. No rider of a Waverley ever felt that he possessed less than the best that could be produced.

INDIANA BICYCLE CO., Indianapolis, Ind.


We may send for another Library or a part HAVE YOU of one, as the children have had more money promised if they want it.



If not, write us for particulars.

EDUCATIONAL PUBLISHING CO., 50 Bromfield Street, Boston.

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