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The fox said, "Do tell me, Daddy, why you sharpen your knife.'

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"I am going to take your skin off. I want a fur collar for winter."

"O Daddy, do not take my skin. If you will let me go,

I will bring you some geese."

"Very well. See that you do it," said the old man, and he let the fox go. Again he sat down with his knife. The little hare said, "Daddy, why do you sharpen your knife?" "I am going to take your skin off I want some fur mittens for winter."

"O Daddy, do not take my fur. Let me go, and I will bring you some turnips."

"See that you do," said the old man, and he let the little hare go.


The next morning, there came a big knock at the door.

"Daddy," cried the old woman, "some one is knocking at the door. Let us see who it is."

They went out, and saw the bear.

"I have brought you some honey," he said.

"I see you have, and I thank you," said the old man.

Soon there came a knock again. The old man and the old woman went to the door, and saw the wolf.

"I have brought you some sheep," he said..

"I see you have, and I thank you," said the old man.

Soon there came a knock again, and there was the fox with some geese, and after him the little hare came with the turnips.

Now the old man and the old woman have all they want, and the straw ox sleeps in the sun.

Russian Folk Tale.

There Was a Little Man

There was a little man

and he had a little gun,

And his bullets were made
of lead, lead, lead;
He went to the brook,

and saw a little duck,

And shot it through

the head, head, head.

He carried it home

to his old wife Joan,

And told her a fire

to make, make, make,

To roast the little duck

he had shot in the brook,

And he'd go and get

the drake, drake, drake.


The drake was a-swimming, with his curly tail;

The little man made it

his mark, mark, mark!

He let off his gun,

but he shot too soon; And the drake flew away

with a quack, quack, quack!

Old English Rhyme.

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