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The Cat and the Rooster

A Cat and a Rooster lived together

in a little house.

The Cat went out to get food, and the Rooster kept the house.

Every day when the Cat set out, he said to the Rooster,

"Now you must let no one in."

One day when the Cat had gone, there came a knock at the door.

A voice said, "Little Rooster,

I am very cold.

and let me in."

Open the door,

The Rooster looked out, and saw at the door an old Fox.

The Rooster said, "Oh, no, little Fox. Pussy told me not to."

Again the Fox said, "Oh,

good little Rooster, please let me in." "Oh, no, no, little Fox.

Pussy told me not to."

"Oh, good, kind little Rooster,

please, please let me in."

The Rooster opened the door,

and the Fox sprang in.

She took the Rooster in her mouth,

and ran off to her hole.

The poor Rooster cried out,

Pussy, where are you?"

Pussy heard the cry,

and came running, and jumped upon the Fox's back, and scratched her, till she dropped the Rooster.

Then the Cat took the Rooster home, and said to him, "I told you to let no one in. If you do not mind, the old Fox will catch you, and eat you."

The next day, when the Cat had gone, there came a knock at the door, and a voice said, "Little Rooster, I am very tired. Will you please let me in to rest?"

"Oh, no, little Fox," said the Rooster, "Pussy said I was not to."


"Oh, good little Rooster, please, please, let me in.”

"Oh, no, no, little Fox.

Pussy said I was not to."

"Oh, good kind little Rooster, please, please, please, let me in." Then the Rooster opened the door.


The old Fox sprang in,

and took the Rooster in her mouth.

and ran off to her hole.

He cried and cried,
"Cock-a-doodle - doo!

Cock-a-doodle - doo!

Pussy, where are you?
Pussy, where are you?"

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