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Sec. 1379. Elections for representatives in the general assembly shall be held on the first Monday of November, one General electhousand eight hundred and seventy, and every two years there- Monday in Noafter; and all elections to supply the place of senators in the vember every general assembly, whose terms of service shall have expired, shall be held at the same time as herein provided for the election of representatives.

D. Sec. 1526, 1629. Act 1868, p. 218.

two years.


Sec. 1380. In the years in which a governor and a lieutenant-governor are to be elected, the election for such officers shall Governor and be held at the time and place herein provided for the election of governor. senators and representatives.

D. Sec. 1556.

Sec. 1381. Elections for sheriffs and coroners of the several

parishes of this State shall be held at the same time hereinbefore Parish officers. provided for the election of members of the general assembly.

D. Sec. 3537.

Sec. 1382. Elections shall be held in each parish at the several election precincts now or hereafter to be established by Precincts. law, until otherwise directed by the supervisors of registration.

Sec. 1383. All elections shall be completed in one day, and Election_comthe polls shall be kept open at each precinct from the hour of pleted in one seven in the morning until six in the afternoon.


of election.

Sec. 1384. The elections at each precinct shall be presided over by three commissioners of election, to be appointed by the Commissioners supervisors of registration, who shall, before entering upon discharge of their duties, take and subscribe the oath or oaths prescribed for State officers. Should only one of the commissioners appointed be present, he shall (except in such cases as the commissioners of election are hereinafter required to close the polls), appoint another, and both together shall appoint a third, and the commissioners so appointed shall take the oath and perform all the duties of commissioners of election in the me manner as if they had been appointed by the supervisors

of registration.

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Powers and


preserve or

Sec. 1385. The commissioners of election shall preserve order and decorum at the election, and shall have power to com

duties of commit to prison any disorderly person for a term not to extend beyond the hour of closing the polls; provided he be permitted to vote before being imprisoned.


Penalty for

creating dis


Any person or persons who shall obstruct, hinder, or by violence or threats of violence, abusive language, or other species of intimidation, interfere with a supervisor of registration or turbances at commissioner of election, or with any person or persons duly appointed to execute the orders of the supervisors of registration or commissioners of election, in the discharge of their duties, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and on conviction thereof shall be punished by a fine not exceeding three hundred dollars nor less than one hundred dollars, and by imprisonment for a period not exceeding three months nor less than one month.

missioners in case of violence or dis


D. Sec. 889.

Sec. 1386. In any parish, precinct, ward, city or town in Report of com- which on any day of election there shall be any riot, tumult, acts of violence, or armed disturbance at or near the polls, which turbance at the riot, tumult, acts of violence or armed disturbance shall prevent or tend to prevent a fair, peaceable and full vote of all the qualified electors of said parish, precinct, ward, city or town, it shall be the duty of the commissioners of election, or the supervisors of registration for the said parish or district, to continue to hold and complete the election by them begun, if possible, and to make a clear and full statement in duplicate of all the facts relating thereto, and as to the effect such riot, tumult, acts of violence or armed disturbance had or might have had in changing, altering or modifying the result of the election, one copy of which they shall transmit to the governor, and the other to the judge of the district court in and for the parish, if it be outside of New Orleans, and one to one of the judges of the fourth, fifth, sixth or seventh district court of New Orleans. And if the governor shall deem the allegations made in said statement sufficient, if true, to invalidate the election of any election and person or persons who may appear by reason of the vote rereject vote in turned from said parish, ward, precinct, city or town to have disorderly pre- been chosen to any office or offices, he shall notify at once the

Governor may invalidate

judge aforesaid of the same, and said judge shall at once proceed to make inquisition thereof summarily and without awaiting the coming of a term of court in said parish, if it be in vacation, and if he be holding court in another part of his district, he shall then and there make such inquisition, or may repair to such parish to make it, and may summon any person or persons to come before him to give testimony, and to bring with them any papers or records giving light thereon; and he shall hear and determine such questions as may arise therein in preference to all other causes before him. And the said district judge shall examine into the allegations made in said statement by said

new election.


supervisors and commissioners of elections as to how far they are true, and how far untrue, and whether the acts done did or did not cause the election to be determined contrary to the real will of the voters who did and those who were desirous to vote at said election, but were prevented from so doing, and of this he shall cause a record to be made in the minutes of the district court of the parish in question, and transmit a duplicate copy to the governor, who, if the finding of the court is that the elec tion was invalidated by reason of said unlawful acts, may dis regard all returns made from said invalidated parish, ward, precinct, town or city, and if the same were part only of the constituency of an officer to be elected, award commission accordingly to him who would be elected, if those returns be thrown out; or if such officer be solely elected by the parish or sub-division complained of, then the governor shall order a new Provision for s election, and not more than fifteen nor less than eight days' notice of the election shall be given by the returning officer of the parish, by publication, at least twice, in two or more newspapers, if there be such published in the parish or city, and be posted up in at least four public places therein. It shall be the right of those who deny the correctness of the statements made by the supervisors of registration or commissioners of election, Manner of to appear and contest the same, and the witnesses and written contesting or published evidence proffered by them shall be called for, heard and examined by the judge aforesaid equally with that proffered by such supervisors or commissioners; Provided, Provided. That until the finding of the judge in such case as above provided shall have been officially transmitted to the governor, no return thus had in question shall be counted for any candidate, and that if such finding shall not be so transmitted until after the expiration of the time prescribed by law for the official promulgation of the result of the election, no returns so questioned shall be included in such promulgation, but such returns shall be held null and void; And be it further provided, That nothing in this act contained shall be construed so as to prevent the contesting any election by any candidate who may claim to have been lawfully and rightfully elected to any office, but that such person may implead his opponent in any court of competent jurisdiction of the parties and subject matter, and demand that he be adjudged to be duly elected thereto, and if the court, after hearing all the facts and considering the law in the case, shall render judgment final in his favor, and there be no appeal, or, if appealed from, this be affirmed, the said claimant shall be inducted into the office which he claims, and the commission to the incumbent shall be thereby annulled and revoked, and Effect of judganother granted to the claimant, nor shall anything in this act court. Contained be construed so as to take aught from the power given each house of the general assembly to be judges of the qualifications of the members thereof.

D. Sec. 1417, 1631.

ment of the

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unlawful acts.

Sec. 1387. Any person or persons who shall counsel, aid, Punishment of connive at, abet, encourage or participate in any riots, tumults accessories to or acts of violence, or armed disturbance at or near the office of any board of registration in any district or parish, shall be deemed guilty of a felony, and on conviction thereof shall be punished by a fine not exceeding five hundred dollars, nor less than one hundred dollars, and by imprisonment in the penitentiary for a period not exceeding two years, nor less than six months.

Fraudulent transfer and


D. Sec. 891.

Sec. 1388. Any person or persons who shall purchase or cause to be purchased the registration papers or certificate of purchase of registration of any person duly registered according to law, shall be deemed guilty of a felony, and on conviction thereof, shall be punished by a fine not exceeding five hundred dollars nor less than one hundred dollars, and by imprisonment in the penitentiary for a term not less than one year nor more than three years.


legal voting.

D. Sec. 892.

Sec. 1389. Any person who shall knowingly, willfully and Penalty for il- corruptly vote, or attempt to vote on any false or fraudulent paper or certificate of registration, or upon any paper or certifi cate of registration issued to a person other than the one voting, or attempting to vote on said paper or certificate of registration, shall be deemed guilty of a felony, and on conviction thereof, shall be punished by a fine not exceeding five hundred dollars nor less than one hundred dollars, and by imprisonment in the penitentiary for a term not less than one year nor more than three years.

legal registra


D. Sec. 893.

Sec. 1390. Any person who shall willfully and knowingly Penalty for il- register or cause to be registered his name, or that of any other person, as a legal voter in violation of law, or willfully and knowingly vote, or induce or cause another to vote in violation of the laws, or of the constitutional provisions in such cases made and provided, shall be deemed guilty of a felony, and on conviction thereof, shall be punished by a fine of not more than five hundred dollars nor less than one hundred dollars, and by imprisonment in the penitentiary for a period not less than one year nor more than three years.

No unregis

tered person shall vote.

Penalty for bribery.

D. Sec. 894.

Sec. 1391. No person shall be permitted to vote at any election to be held in this State, who has not been duly registered as a qualified voter in accordance with law.

D. Sec. 895.

Sec. 1392. Any person who shall induce by offer of reward, by threats of violence, or otherwise, any person to knowingly, willfully and corruptly vote or attempt to vote, on any false or fraudulent paper or certificate of registration, or upon any papers

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