Imágenes de páginas


FIDDLE-DE-DEE, fiddle-de-dee,

The fly shall marry the humble-bee.
They went to the church, and married was she,
The fly has married the humble-bee.


HEY, dorolot, dorolot!

Hey, dorolay, dorolay!

Hey, my bonny boat, bonny boat,
Hey, drag away, drag away!


A CAT came fiddling out of a barn,
With a pair of bagpipes under her arm;
She could sing nothing but fiddle cum fee,
The mouse has married the humble-bee;
Pipe, cat, dance, mouse,

We'll have a wedding at our good house.


HEY! diddle diddle,

The cat and the fiddle,

The cow jumped over the moon;

The little dog laugh'd

To see such craft,

While the dish ran after the spoon.


COME dance a jig
To my Granny's pig,
With a raudy, rowdy, dowdy;
Came dance a jig

To my Granny's pig,

And pussy-cat shall crowdy.


DOODLEDY, doodledy, doodledy, dan,
I'll have a piper to be my good man;
And if I get less meat, I shall get game,
Doodledy, doodledy, doodledy, dan.


PUSSICAT, wussicat, with a white foot,
When is your wedding? for I'll come to 't.
The beer's to brew, the bread's to bake.
Pussy-cat, pussy-cat, don't be too late.


DING, dong, darrow,

The cat and the sparrow;
The little dog has burnt his tail,

And he shall be hang'd to-morrow.


LITTLE Dicky Dilver

Had a wife of silver.

He took a stick and broke her back,
And sold her to the miller;

The miller wouldn't have her,
So he threw her in the river.


To market, to market, to buy a fat pig,
Home again, home again, dancing a jig;
Ride to the market to buy a fat hog,
Home again, home again, jiggety-jog.


RUMPTY-IDDITY, row, row, row,

If I had a good supper, I could eat it now.


(Magotty-pie is given in MS. Lansd. 1033, fol. 2, as a Wiltshire word for a magpie. See also "Macbeth," act iii. sc. 4. The same term occurs in the dictionaries of Hollyband, Cotgrave, and Minsheu.)

ROUND about, round about,


My father loves good ale,

And so do I.

[graphic][merged small][merged small]

As I was going up Pippin-hill, Pippin-hill was dirty,

There I met a pretty miss, And she dropt me a curtsey.

Little miss, pretty miss,
Blessings light upon you!
If I had half-a-crown a day,
I'd spend it all on you.


TOMMY TROт, a man of law,
Sold his bed and lay upon straw:
Sold the straw and slept on grass,
To buy his wife a looking-glass.


"JOHN, come sell thy fiddle,
And buy thy wife a gown."
"No, I'll not sell my fiddle,
For ne'er a wife in town."


Up hill and down dale;
Butter is made in every vale;
And if that Nancy Cook
Is a good girl,

She shall have a spouse,

And make butter anon,
Before her old grandmother
Grows a young man.


ROWLEY POLEY, pudding and pie,

Kissed the girls and made them cry;

When the girls begin to cry,

Rowley Poley runs away.

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