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No. II.

districts on the earth may possibly offer to the inhabitants of Mars, only more decided.

At the distance of from 225,000,000 to 263,000,000 miles from the sun, there appears a cluster of five small planets, named Ceres, Pallas, Juno, Vesta, and Astræa, which are regarded as fragments of a larger planet which has burst; and many of the meteoric stones which have been found, are considered as other portions of the disruptured body.

Jupiter, the next in order, is the largest planet in the system. Its mean diameter is 90,000 miles, and he revolves round his orbit in 9 hours 56 minutes. He is little less than 490,000,000 miles from the sun, and possesses four moons, or satellites, varying from 2,508 to 2,800 miles distant from the planet. On the 2nd of November, 1681, Old-style, Moly

On surveying the moon with the naked eye, her disc appears diversified by dark and bright patches, which, on being examined with a good telescope, are discovered to form strata of mountains, bearing a strong resemblance to the towering sublimity and terrific ruggedness of Alpine regions. Masses of rock rise at once from the plains, lifting their peaked summits to an immense height in the air; while projecting crags springing from their rugged flanks, and threatening the valleys below, seem to bid defiance to the laws of gravitation. Around their base are strewn fragments, which at different periods have been sent from the pendent cliffs. The strata of lunar mountains, called the Apennines, which traverse a portion of the moon's disc, from north-neux saw Jupiter without any of his east to south-west, rise with a precipitous and craggy front, from the level of the Mare Imbrium, in some places their elevation being about four miles. They often descend, however, into the valleys, presenting an inaccessible barrier to the north-east; while in the south-west, they sink in gentle declivity to the plains. Sir J. Herschel informs us, that they offer, in its highest perfection, the true volcanic character, as it may be seen in the crater of Vesuvius; and in some of the principal ones, decisive marks of volcanic stratification, arising from successive deposits of ejected matter, may be clearly traced with powerful telescopes. The moon's surface presents no appearance of the existence of vegetables, and no animals similar to those on the earth could exist there. Everything appears solid, desolate, and unfit for the support of animal or vegetable life.

attendants-a conjunction, it has been calculated, which will not occur again for more than three thousand billions of years.


The planet Saturn is situated at the inconceivable distance of 890,000,000 miles from the sun, and its diameter is 76,000 miles. He presents a most remarkable phenomenon, consisting of two flat and broad rings, the outer diameter of which is 176,418 miles, and its inner diameter, 117,339 miles; the distance of the outer ring from the planet is 19,090 miles. His surface, also, is diversified with belts parallel to the tor, five of which were observed by sir J. Herschel, one of them broad, uniform, and bright, close to which was a dark belt, divided by two narrow white streaks; so that he saw three dark belts, and two bright ones, occupying a wider space than the belts of Jupiter. Besides these splendid rings, which must furnish the planet with a blaze of light, he is illuminated by no fewer than seven satellites, placed at different distances.

Saturn was regarded as the remotest planet from the sun, till the year 1781, when sir W. Herschel discovered the Georgium Sidus, now called Uranus, revolving round the sun in 84 years, at the distance of 1,800,000,000 miles; it has also six satellites.

Mars is the next planet in order of distance from the sun, and from which it is distant 142,000,000 miles. It is of a red colour, which indicates an atmosphere of great density and extent. Sir J. Herschel states that he saw, with perfect distinctness, the outlines of what may be continents and seas; and the brilliant white spots at its poles he regards as snow, for they disappear when they have been long exposed to the sun, and are greatest when just emerged from the long night No one is ignorant of the important of their polar winter. He also pro-influences exercised on this our earth by nounces the seas to be green and the the law of gravitation. Though Galileo land red, the general soil having an explored its nature, it did not occur to ochry tinge, like what the red sandstone him that its action extended to the celes


tial mechanism. This great principle was first suggested to the speculative mind of Kepler, who discovered that as one atom exercised its influence on another on the earth, so one planet was mutually acting and acted on by another. He ascertained that this influence took place between the earth and the moon, and he even regarded the tides as produced by the gravitation of the waters of the sea towards that luminary. Hooke also supposed the heavenly bodies to have a gravitation to each other, and obtained so distinct a view of the mode in which the planets might be retained in their orbits by the attraction of the sun, that, had his mathematical attainments been equal to his philosophical acumen, and his attention to the pursuit more detailed and accurate, it is highly probable that the principle of gravitation would have been fully developed to his mind. The great discovery, however, was reserved for Newton, who, while meditating on the nature of this force, was struck with the thought that since gravity is a tendency unconfined to bodies on the very surface of the earth, but reaches even to the summits of the loftiest mountains without its intensity or direction suffering any sensible change, it might reach even to a greater distance-perhaps to the moon! Before this question, however, could be answered, it was necessary to suppose a law according to which its intensity diminishes. Newton soon perceived that this law would require the force of gravity to diminish exactly as the square of the distance increases; so that the attractive force of the earth at the distance of the moon must be as much less than it is at the surface of the earth, as the square of the radius of the earth is less than the square of the moon's distance from the earth. He then, partly aided by a previous calculation of Galileo, computed that the moon might be retained in her orbit by the power of terrestrial gravitation.

Nor was he content with a mere problematic examination of so important a consideration, but subjecting to rigid demonstration every question before he regarded it as definitely settled, he was rewarded for his intelligent perseverance with the discovery, that all the celestial motions known in his time were the consequences of the simple law that each and every particle of matter attracts every other particle of matter in the uni

verse, with a force proportional to the product of their masses directly, and the square of their mutual distance inversely, while they are attracted with an equal force. Proceeding thence to applications of greater difficulty, he proved that some of the principal inequalities of the lunar and planetary orbits are necessary consequences of the mutual gravitation of the different bodies of the system to each other, and that the same mysterious power not only regulates the motions of all the planets and satellites in space, but also determines the figure of the earth, causes the precession of the equinoxes, and produces the tides of the


Little attention is usually given to this great principle, though a view of the superintending providence of God is displayed, which the mind is unable to comprehend, when we remember that not only the universe at large, but every particle of matter in detail, is every instant under the governing agency of the Omnipotent. Heat and light are regarded as essential to existence, but solar gravity is as essential to our well-being as anything material which we can imagine. The complete annihilation of the human race would be the inevitable result of its suspension.

Besides the gravitation of planets towards the sun, the attraction which each exercises on each is of a highly important nature, and these antagonistic forces produce differences of motion-inequalities in the earth's motion being produced by the disturbing forces of the sun and moon. The simplest case of these deviations from regular movement would be displayed by the existence of but three bodies-a central and two revolving ones. If one of the revolving ones were to be so situated in respect to the other as to disturb its regular movements in reference to the central one, it would be an interesting discovery to find out the cause and extent of such perturbations, as they are technically denominated. Though not free from difficulty in the simplest form, it may be easily conceived that the complication is greatly augmented when the combined influences of the various bodies in the solar system are taken into consideration, in the discovery of the cause of peculiar movements in any individual body. Astronomers have been long acquainted with the fact, that in the comparisons of the calculated and ob

served positions of Uranus discrepancies have appeared, the results of the influence of some unknown body. This circumstance was particularly observed by M. Le Verrier, who determined closely to examine the movements of this planet. The tables which had been constructed of its orbit displayed great irregularity in its path, and only a small amount of it could be accounted for by the attraction of known forces, and it was also noticed that these tables in no way agreed with the latest observations. He then resolved to discover, if possible, the cause of these irregularities, and commenced a rigid investigation of the data and calculations which had previously been considered as established, and after much perseverance he determined with great precision the amount of perturbation in the orbit of Uranus due to the attraction of Jupiter and Saturn. With these corrected data before him, he proceeded to compare the calculated path with its actually observed positions, and ultimately arrived at the conclusion that the discrepancies were due to some unknown cause. He next attempted to discover the nature of this influence, and the resistance of the ether; -the existence of some vast satellite of Uranus-some variation in the law of gravity at that enormous distance from the sun-and lastly, an unknown planet, were each in their turn examined; and having satisfied himself that all the former were inadmissible, he determined fully to consider if the influence in operation could be traced to another orb.

The late M. Cacciatore, the successor of Piazza, had previously declared, that he had followed for three days a moving star, which, from the slowness of its motion, he expected was beyond Uranus, but nothing definite had been ascertained. M. Le Verrier having satisfied himself that the stranger was not within the orbit of Uranus-because if a larger body it would then influence Saturn,-he undertook the problem of computing the probable situation of the supposed planet. His task proved successful, for on the 23rd of September last, M. Galle, whom he had urged to watch, discovered the stranger at the Royal Observatory at Berlin, and it has been since seen at Mr. Bishop's Observatory in Regent's Park. It appears to have a volume two hundred and thirty times that of the earth, and Mr. Lassels, of Liverpool, has examined the orb, and announces the probability

that it has a ring like Saturn and a satellite. He says: "On the 3rd of October, at 8 hours, I observed the planet to have apparently a very obliquely situated ring, the major axis being seven or eight times the length of the minor. I observed the planet again, about two hours later, and noticed the same appearances. With regard to the existence of the ring, I am not able absolutely to declare it, but I received so many impressions of it, always in the same form and direction, and with all the different magnifying powers, that I feel a very strong persuasion that nothing but a purer state of atmosphere is necessary to enable me to verify the discovery. Of the existence of a star having every aspect of a satellite, there is not the shadow of a doubt. Afterwards I turned the telescope to the Georgium Sidus, and remarked that the brightest two of his satellites were both obviously brighter than this small star accompanying Le Verrier's planet."

Since that period, the planet has been frequently observed both in our own country and on many parts of the continent, its distance being about 3,200 millions of miles from the earth, while it is 140 millions from Uranus, whose action it disturbs. With the exceptions of Jupiter and Saturn it is the largest of the planetary system, being 50,000 miles in diameter, and 250 times larger than the earth in cubic bulk.*

Such is a brief description of one of the most important astronomical discoveries of modern times. Though the observation of a new planet would, abstractedly regarded, confer no particular credit on the individuals concerned, yet the circumstances connected with this discovery are truly honourable, and illustrate the mighty achievements which the highly-wrought and well-directed mind is enabled to perform. F.


THE Romish journals, and also the purely political portion of the press, are very much occupied with the doings of Pius IX. On his accession to the pontifical throne, he excited in the minds of many great expectations. Not a few per

*The French and English astronomers have agreed in giving the name of Neptune to the new planet. Its sign in the celestial maps is to be a trident.

sons said, with emphasis, "This is the pope who realizes our ideal. He is the pope of modern times-the pope of the nineteenth century-the model pope, who will give to the Roman Catholic church anew and healthful impulse! Pius IX., they added, "has an enlightened mind, vast intelligence, a noble and generous character. He has thoroughly studied the tendencies and wants of our epoch. Wait; have a little patience, and he will do wonders."

Such were the fine promises made by the journalists on behalf of Pius IX. The Jesuits, it is true, said nothing; unless, indeed, they occasionally essayed to throw some doubts on the new pontiff's liberality. But they were not listened to; the French press, almost without exception, eulogised Pius IX., and attributed to him every imaginable good quality. As for us Protestants, we knew not what to think of this concert of praises, and we waited with impatience for some positive proofs of this liberality. It appeared to us prudent not to trust to mere words; for the holy see has not accustomed the world to reckon on it as the originator of useful reforms.

Well, what has occurred up to the present moment? Alas! I fear that the Jesuits were perfectly right. Pius IX. will be what his predecessors have been -neither more nor less; he will not renounce one of the false traditions of the holy see; he will not reform any of the abuses of popery; he will not curb the tyranny of the clergy in temporal affairs; he will not accord to his lay subjects any real share in the administration of his government; he will not even dismiss his Swiss soldiery-those mercenaries who are the detestation of his people. In short all will remain as heretofore, and the magnificent hopes excited by the new pope will prove nought but a bitter and cruel deception. This, in fact, is now being discovered in the pontifical states. The people expected that Pius IX. would make them some liberal concession on the day appointed for Il Possesso-that is to say, the solemnity of taking possession of the church of St. John of Lateran. On the morning of that day a proclamation was posted on the walls of Rome. The people, all eager and impatient, flocked in crowds to read it, expecting to peruse the articles of a constitutional charter. But, oh! how great was their mistake! How cruel their disappointment! This

proclamation contained nought but a license to construct four poor little fragments of railroad! The liberalism of Pius Ix. proved to be just on an equality with that of the Russian czar! Was it worth the trouble of waiting so long to obtain so little? The Roman people were "cool," as was confessed by the correspondents of the popish journals, and the "holy father" did not receive on his way the applause to which he had grown accustomed. I fully believe these statements. It is even probable that the Romans will not be content to remain "cool;" their enthusiasm will become transformed into indignation, and Pius IX. will learn, perhaps too soon, that nations have no liking to be made the dupes of a deceptive farce.

The publication of his Encyclical Letter was not a circumstance calculated to diminish this discontent. You have doubtless read this document, and I shall therefore not say much about it. Pius IX. pronounces an ostentatious eulogy on poor Gregory xvI., who was but a feeble, pusillanimous, and ignorant monk. He then attacks all the philosophers, men of letters, and journalists of our age, and loads them with the most abusive epithets. Next he comes to that great stumblingblock to the Vatican, the "Bible Societies," and asserts that we imitate the "old artifice of the heretics," by indiscriminate distribution of the Scriptures. Finally, he addresses some very flattering compliments to the Romish bishops, who, (if the "holy father" is to be believed,) are all animated with marvellous zeal, and almost angelic virtue. But not a word about the reforms which had been so pompously announced-not a syllable touching the liberal intentions of the holy see; on the contrary, the pope takes care to repeat, in very explicit terms, that whatever is opposed to the doctrines and practices of the Roman church is "a work of the devil,” which will meet its punishment in eternal fire. Gregory xvi. could not have said more. It was curious to observe the attitude assumed by our political press, when this Encyclical Letter arrived in France. The most prudent preserved complete silence, not finding anything either to praise or blame in the document. Others pretended that it was not to be understood in the "strict sense of the phraseology" employed-that such was the "official style," and that the new

pope was better than his epistle. Others, again, sought to discover a "hidden sense" beneath the insulting language of the pontiff, and exhausted their sagacity to make Pius IX. say that which he did not say. Some, however, more bold and truthful than the former, have honestly confessed that the Encyclical Letter deceived their expectations, and already they employ severe language against the man whom, a few months back, they lauded to the skies. Let us leave them to finish their experience, and the most credulous will be compelled to blush for having reposed such confidence in the reforming spirit of the Vatican.

The Protestants, and they only, have found the Encyclical Letter what they had expected. Why were we to indulge | in vain illusions? Rome will continue to be what she has ever been, until she perishes. She endures a punishment like that inflicted by Mezentius, who, according to the narration of Virgil, was accustomed to bind together a living man and a dead body; thus is the church of Rome chained to the corpse of her former self. Pius IX. can easily give some examples of personal generosity; he will open the prison-doors to a certain number of victims; in the interior of his palace he will | be frugal, temperate, affable, and disposed to listen to the complaints of his subjects. Give him the benefit of as many personal virtues as you please: these I will not dispute. But we may be certain that he will take care not to be a real reformer of his church, or of his temporal government. Were it even in accordance with his wishes to effect a thorough reform, he would not have the power; for the cardinals, the general of the Jesuits, and other dignified ecclesiastics, keep him under their jealous tutelage. The pope is an idol-but he is an idol in fetters.-Evangelical Christendom.


PAMAHO is bearing away a slaughtered deer from the prairie: his bow and ornamented quiver hang at his side. The extended plains of wild, uncultivated lands, called in South America, pampas; in Europe, heaths; in Asia, steppes; in Africa, deserts; and in the southern states of America, savannahs; in North America, are called prairies. The prairies extend for thousands of miles. Here

they are flat; there in waving ridges. In one part they are sterile, in another abounding with flowers and fruits, or covered with grass eight or ten feet high, varied with rich, green velvet turf; hills, bluffs, and ravines, stretching to the brinks of the rivers. On these prairies, skirted and divided as they are by mountains and valleys, gloomy forests and mighty streams, wander mountain goats, wolves, elks, antelopes, grizzly bears, and vast herds of buffaloes or bisons. And there, too, in their tents, or their wigwams, the different tribes of Indians reside.

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A branch from the Upper Mississippi is rolling southward, and Indians of friendly tribes are fishing in the river. Among the Indians, perhaps, the Crows and the Blackfeet, the Sioux and the Creeks, are the most numerous. The Mandans and many other tribes are extinct: the small-pox, the tomahawk, and the white man have destroyed them. From Baffin's Bay to the Gulf of Mexico, and from the Mississippi to the Rocky Mountains, the different tribes are scattered; some live in large villages, some in clustered tents, and some in solitary wigwams. Their customs, dress, and language or dialects differ. Some of them cultivate the ground, but fishing and hunting and war are their customary occupations. Rarely is a bow drawn or a spear thrown in vain. Trappers and fur-gatherers of all kinds, some with white men and some coloured, paddle up the rivers, and roam through the forests and prairies, in quest of beavers, badgers, and minx; foxes, martins, and racoons; lynxes, hares, and rabbits; musk-rats, squirrels, and stoats. Pamaho is standing in a nook by the river's side; his lines, hooked with pointed bone, are laid in the running stream, and his spear lies beside him at the water's edge. A canoe is sailing across the river, the Indians holding up their blankets for sails.

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