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More space should be given to hospital quarters and similar care provided for the female inmates, as the sick ones being cared for in their own rooms are often subjected to annoyance by well but irresponsible inmates. Quite a number of feebleminded women were charges here.

By reason of the fact that there was no apparent effort made to keep separate this class from the general male population while outside of their own dormitories, especial care should be taken to protect them till such time as place can be provided and room be found for them in proper institutions..

The quality and quantity of water which is pumped by steam from seven driven wells in the basement is all that could be desired. It is stored in four tanks holding in the aggregate 5,600gallons. These tanks are in the attics of the buildings. In consequence of this ample water supply and a steam pump, there should be provision made for protection from fire, as at present there is practically none. The buildings and population are too large to longer neglect this proper provision.

The matron was doing all she could and was plainly overworked, and should have assistance. She was receiving $144 a year, while a male and female inmate, scheduled as cooks, were each on the pay-roll as receiving $180.

The farm buildings which are ample, are well removed from the residence buildings. They were undergoing repairs, while a new meat cooler 14 x 16 feet made a valuable addition to the place, which from natural location and character and roominess of the buildings, might entitle it with proper interest and care to rank high among the almshouses of this district.


The Kingston City Almshouse which is located on the outskirts of the city, was visited on the morning of June 20th.

The buildings are of brick, accommodating 90 persons. The buildings are well painted, excellently adapted for the purpose and scrupulously clean in every particular, reflecting great credit upon the management.

Upon the day of inspection there were resident as follows:

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A complete separation of the sexes is maintained.

The water supply from the city mains was adequate and with the addition of hand grenades, good protection is afforded from fire.

The use of electric lights makes danger from fire less liable. The kitchen, in charge of a competent cook, was immaculate, and the diet varied and excellent.

The drainage into the cesspools, which are well removed was good. A well equipped laundry offered good facilities for general cleanliness.

The tramps of the city are cared for by night's lodging and a morning meal at the almshouse, but in a brick building entirely separate from the rest of the institution. The tramps are required to keep that building clean, as well as saw wood required for use at the almshouse.

The female sick are cared for by a female nurse in a separate ward. The males suffering from contagious or offensive diseases, are cared for in the two new brick pesthouses located on the farther side of the farm.

A farm of 52 acres under splendid cultivation, affords in field and garden all that is required in the line of vegetables and for the stock, for all the year.

The records are well kept and the inmates appear contented and responsive.


Inspection was made of this almshouse on the afternoon of June 24th. It is located but half a mile from the center of the village of Cairo, in a deep hollow. Although a quick flowing stream is but a few hundred feet in the rear of the buildings, the

depression of the land is so great that the drainage is necessarily poor. The drains discharge right upon the banks of the stream and when flush water-closets are introduced the drains will have to be carried for a distance down the stream, ensuring a greater fall and better sanitary conditions.

The farm comprises 180 acres of gravelly soil, the greater part being under cultivation.

Upon the day of inspection the census showed:

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33 per cent. are over 70 years of age.

The buildings are of brick, with a capacity of 100 and are in excellent repair and well painted.

The diet was varied and food well cooked. The cleanliness of the buildings reflected credit upon the housekeeper.

The great lack of this almshouse is the insufficient supply of water, for coming from springs not far above the house level it does not rise above the basement floor. In consequence there is no protection from fire. The four bath tubs require filling by hand and the water-closets are out of doors, entailing unnecessary exposure and discomfort to the inmates.

The town water service has been brought to the almshouse property and for the safety, cleanliness and health of the inmates, immediate steps should be taken to provide the house. with fire hose and proper and sufficient water-closets and bathtubs.

The records of admission and discharge have been very imperfectly kept in the past, and in addition the personal histories are entirely lacking for some years. The present superintendent is also remiss in the matter of records.


Visitation was made the morning of June 27th at the almshouse of Schoharie county, which is located 23 miles from Middleburgh on a hillside overlooking the fertile Schoharie valley.

The farm consists of 60 acres of fertile soil under excellent cultivation. The product of six cows belonging to the county and that of seven belonging to a neighboring farmer furnish the inmates with an ample supply of butter and milk.

While the buildings are old they were neat in appearance, having recently been painted inside and out. The grounds and buildings were in a condition of perfect order and cleanliness, reflecting credit upon the superintendent. This is more deserving of note as the inmates are almost wholly unable to do any work.

The census on date of inspection shows:

[blocks in formation]

Hospital accommodations are provided for each sex in large, well ventilated rooms, under care of the matron.

The supply of water is excellent in quality and abundant in quantity affording protection in case of fire and supplying as well the bath tubs and flush water-closets with which the house is fully equipped.

The springs which feed a 2,500 gallon reservoir are about 3,000 feet distant and about 290 feet above the house level.

An iron staircase on the outside of the buildings gives escape in case of fire. It would be better to have additional hose especially kept for fire purposes.

Improvement should be made in keeping the personal records of the inmates, the importance of which was not fully understood.


A careful inspection of this almshouse, which is situated about three miles from Monticello, was made July 7th.

The buildings are all of wood, with shingle roofs. They are in good condition and will accommodate about 100 persons.

The farm comprises about 100 acres of fairly fertile soil, upon 30 acres of which 8 cows are grazed, supplying the milk and butter to the inmates. The farm and garden are well cultivated. The inmates are almost incapacitated by reason of age or physical disability from performing any labor. Forty-eight per cent. of the population are over 70 years of age. A census showed the following classes of dependents:

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Hot air furnaces are used throughout, rendering, it is said, the building very comfortable, but the ventilation is poor.

The buildings throughout are neat and clean with the exception of the men's building, where there is room for decided im. provement.

The water is good in quality, coming from three springs, but the smallness of the supply leaves none for use in protecting the buildings in event of fire. Plainly with buildings of wood so far removed from a settlement there should be appliances to check a fire and protect inmates and buildings. The means of escape are also inadequate.

There are practically no conveniences for bathing and the keeper with the present help at his disposal has not only to do farm work but considerable cooking, thus depriving the inmates of the care and attention they should receive. This condition of affairs also deprives the sick of proper care, made worse by there being no especial accommodations for their comfort.

The present keeper is trying to straighten out the records which have been very defective.

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