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ed for the attempt, though many may be neceffary, for the incomplete execution of a defign, that had rectitude for its batis, and a beneficent regard for the civil and religious rights of mankind, for its motive.

The liberal-minded will perufe with candor, rather than criticife with feverity; nor will they think it neceffary, that any apology fhould be offered, for fometimes introducing characters nearly connected with the author of the following annals; as they were early and zealously attached to the public caufe, uniform in their principles, and conftantly active in the great fcenes that produced the revolution, and obtained independence for their country, truth precludes that referve which might have been proper on lefs important occafions, and forbids to pafs over in filence the names of fuch as expired before the conflict was finished, or have fince retired from public fcenes. The hiftorian has never laid afide the tenderness of the fex or the friend; at the fame time, the has endeavoured, on all occafions, that the ftrictest veracity fhould govern her heart, and the most exact impartiality be the guide of her pen.

If the work fhould be fo far ufeful or entertaining, as to obtain the fanction of the generous and virtuous part of the community, I cannot but be highly gratified and amply rewarded for the effort, foothed at the fame time with the idea, that the motives were juftifiable in the eye of Omnifcience. Then, if it thould not efcape the remarks of the critic, or the cenfure of party, I thall feel no wound to my fenfibility, but repofe on my pillow as quietly as ever,-

"While all the diffant din the world can keep,

"Rolls o'er my grotto, and but foothes my fleep."

Before this addrefs to my countrymen is clofed, I beg leave to obferve, that as a new century has dawned

upon us, the mind is naturally led to contemplate the great events that have run parallel with, and have juft closed the laft. From the revolutionary fpirit of the times, the vaft improvements in fcience, arts, and agriculture, the boldness of genius that marks the age, the inveftigation of new theories, and the changes in the political, civil, and religious characters of men, fucceeding generations have reafon to expect ftill more aftonifhing exhibitions in the next. In the mean time, Providence has clearly pointed out the duties of the prefent generation, particularly the paths which Americans ought to tread. The United States form a young republic, a confederacy which ought ever to be cemented by a union of interefts and affection, under the influence of those principles which obtained their independence. Thefe have indeed, at certain periods, appeared to be in the wane; but let them never be eradicated, by the jarring interefts of parties, jealoufies of the fifter states, or the ambition of individuals! It has been obferved, by a writer of celebrity,* that "that "people, government, and conftitution is the freeft,which "makes the best provision for the enacting of expedient "and falutary laws." May this truth be evinced to all ages, by the wife and falutary laws that fhall be enacted in the federal legislature of America!

May the hands of the executive of their own choice, be ftrengthened more by the unanimity and affection of the people, than by the dread of penal inflictions, or any restraints that might reprefs free inquiry, relative to the principles of their own government, and the conduct of its adminiftrators! The world is now viewing America, as experimenting a new fyftem of government, a FEDERAL REPUBLIC, including a territory to which the Kingdoms of Great Britain and Ireland

* Paley's Moral Philofophy.

bear little proportion. The practicability of supporting fuch a fyftem, has been doubted by fome; if the fucceeds, it will refute the affertion, that none but small states are adapted to republican government; if the does not, and the union fhould be diffolved, fome ambitious fon of Columbia, or fome foreign adventurer, allured by the prize, may wade to empire through feas of blood, or the friends of monarchy may fee a number of petty defpots, stretching their fceptres over the difjointed parts of the continent. Thus by the mandate of a fingle fovereign, the degraded fubjects of one state, under the bannerets of royalty, may be dragged to fheathe their fwords in the bofoms of the inhabitants of another.

The state of the public mind, appears at present to be prepared to weigh these reflections with folemnity, and to receive with pleasure an effort to trace the origin. of the American revolution, to review the characters. that effected it, and to juftify the principles of the defection and final feparation from the parent state. With an expanded heart, beating with high hopes of the continued freedom and profperity of America, the writer indulges a modest expectation, that the following pages will be perused with kindness and candor: this fhe claims, both in confideration of her fex, the uprightness of her intentions, and the fervency of her wishes for the happiness of all the human race.


MARCH, 1805.





Introductory Obfervations.


The Stamp-Act.-A Congrefs convened at New York,
One thousand feven hundred and fixty-five.-The
Stamp-Act repealed.-New Grievances.-Sufpen-
Gion of the Legislature of New York.


Curfory Obfervations.-Maffachusetts Circular Letter.
-A new House of Reprefentatives called.-Gover-
nor Bernard impeached.-A Riot on the Seizure of
a Veffel. Troops applied for to protect the King's
Officers.-A Convention at Boston.-Troops arrive.
-A Combination against all Commerce with Great
Britain.-A General Affembly convened at Boston→→→
removed to Cambridge.-Governor Bernard, after
his Impeachment, repairs to England.






Character of Mr. Hutchinson-appointed Governor of
Maffachusetts. The attempted Affaffination of Mr.
Otis. Tranfactions on the fifth of March, one thou-
fand feven hundred and feventy.-Arrival of the
Eaft India Company's Tea-Ships.-Establishment of
Committees of Correspondence.-The Right of Par-
liamentary Taxation without Representation, urged
by Mr. Hutchinson.-Articles of Impeachment,
refolved on in the House of Representatives, against
Governor Hutchinfon and Lieutenant Governor
Oliver.-Chief Juftice of the Province impeached.-
Bofton Port-Bill.-Governor Hutchinson leaves the



General Gage appointed Governor of Massachusetts.-
General Affembly meet at Salem.-A Proposal for a
Congress from all the Colonies, to be convened at
Philadelphia.-Mandamus Counsellors obliged to
resign.-Resolutions of the General Congress.-
Occafional Obfervations-the Massachusetts atten-
tive to the military Difcipline of their Youth.--
Suffolk Refolves.-A Provincial Congress chosen in
the Massachusetts.-Governor Gage fummons a new
House of Representatives.


Parliamentary Divifions on American Affairs.-Cur-
sory Observations and Events.-Measures for raising
an Army of Observation by the four New England
Governments of New Hampshire, Maffachusetts,
Rhode Island, and Connecticut.-Battle of Lexing-
ton.-Sketches of the Conduct and Characters of the
Governors of the fouthern Provinces.-Ticonderoga


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