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the moment that his hand was upon his horse, just as he was about to mount, the animal violently started back several paces, and when he was at last in the saddle, it refused for a time to move, rearing and prancing backwards, like that horse which the greatest captain of modern times had mounted as he was about to cross the Niemen. Many in Zurich at that time thought with the soldier of the Grand Army when he saw Napoleon on the ground: "It is a bad omen! a Roman would go back!" Zwingle having at last mastered his horse, gave the reins, applied the spur, started forward, and disappeared.

At eleven o'clock the flag was struck, and all who remained in the square-about 500 men-began their march along with it. The greater part were torn with difficulty from the arms of their families, and walked sad and silent, as if they were going to the scaffold instead of battle. There was no order-no plan; the men were isolated and scattered, some running before, some after the colours, their extreme confusion presenting a fearful appearance, so much so, that those who remained behind-the women, the children, and the old men, filled with gloomy forebodings, beat their breasts as they saw them pass, and many years after, the remembrance of this day of tumult and mourning drew this groan from Oswald Myconius: "Whenever I recal to mind, it is as if a sword pierced my beart." Zwingle, armed accord. ing to the usage of the chaplains of the Confederation, rede mournfully behind this distracted multitude. Myconius, when he saw him, was nigh fainting. Zwingle disappeared, and Oswald remained behind to weep.

He did not shed tears alone; in all quarters were heard lamentations, and every house was changed into a house of prayer. In the midst of this universal sorrow, one woman remained silent; her only cry was a bitter heart, her only language the mild and suppliant eye of faith:-this was Anna, Zwingle's wife. She had seen her husband depart-her son, her brother, a great number of intimate friends and near relations, whose approaching death she foreboded. But her soul, strong as that of her husband, offered to God the sacrifice of her holiest affections. Gradually the defenders of Zurich precipitate their march, and the tumult dies away in the distance.

It was eleven in the morning. The Zurichers soon discovered the enemy's army, and cast a sorrowful glance on the small force they were able to oppose to it. Every minute the danger increased. All bent their knees, their eyes were raised to heaven, and every Zuricher uttered a cry from the bottom of his heart, praying for deliverance from God. As soon as the prayer was ended, they got ready for battle. There was at that time about twelve hundred men under arms.

At noon the trumpet of the Five Cantons sounded not far from the advanced posts. Goldli, having collected the members of the two councils who happened to be with the army, as well as the commissioned and noncommissioned officers, and having ranged them in a circle, ordered the secretary Rheinhard to read the declaration of which the Sautier of Lucerne was the bearer. After the reading, Goldli opened a council of war. "We are few in number, and the forces of our adversaries are great," said Landolt, bailiff of Marpac, "but I will here await the enemy in the name of God." "Wait!" cried the captain of the halberdiers, Rodolph Zigler; "impossible! let us rather take advantage of the ditch that cuts the road to effect our retreat, and let us everywhere raise a levee en masse." This was in truth the only means of safety. But Rudi Gallmann, considering every step backwards as an act of cowardice, cried out, stamping his feet forcibly on the earth, and casting a fiery glance around him, "Here-here shall be my grave!"

"It is now too late to retire with honour," said other officers. "This day is in the hands of God. Let us suffer whatever he lays upon us." It was put to the


The members of the council had scarcely raised their hands in token of assent, when a great noise was heard around them. "The captain! the captain!" cried a soldier from the outposts who arrived in haste. "Silence, silence!" replied the ushers, driving him back; “ they are holding a council!"-"It is no longer time to hold a council," replied the soldier. "Conduct me immediately to the captain."......" Our sentinels are falling back," cried he with an agitated voice, as he arrived before Goldli. "The enemy is there-they are advancing through the forest with all their forces and with great tumult." He had not ceased speaking before the sentinels, who were in truth retiring on all sides, ran up, and the army of the Five Cantons was soon seen climbing the slope of Ifelsberg in face of the Granges, and pointing their guns. The leaders of the Waldstettes were examining the position, and seeking to discover by what means their army could reach that of Zurich. The Zurichers were asking themselves the same question. The nature of the ground prevented the Waldstettes from passing below the convent, but they could arrive by another quarter. Ulric Bruder, under-bailiff of Husen in the canton of Zurich, fixed his anxious look on the beech-wood. "It is thence that the enemy will fall upon us!" "Axes-axes!" immediately cried several voices; "let us cut down the trees!" Goldli, the abbot, and several others were opposed to this; "If we stop up the wood, by throwing down the trees, we shall ourselves be unable to work our guns in that direction," said they.-"Well! at least let us place some arquebusiers in that quarter."—"We are already so small a number," replied the captain," that it will be imprudent to divide the forces." Neither wisdom nor courage were to save Zurich. They once more invoked the help of God, and waited in expectation.

At one o'clock the Five Cantons fired the first gun; the ball passing over the convent fell below the Granges; a second passed over the line of battle; a third struck a hedge close to the ruins. The Zurichers, seeing the battle was begun, replied with courage; but the slowness and awkwardness with which the artillery was served in those days prevented any great loss being inflicted on either side. When the enemy perceived this, they ordered their advanced guard to descend from Ifelsberg and to reach the Granges through the meadow; and soon the whole army of the Cantons advanced in this direction, but with difficulty and over bad roads. Some arquebusiers of Zurich came and announced the disorder of the Cantons." Brave Zurichers," cried Rudi Gallmann, "if we attack them now, it is all over with them." these words some of the soldiers prepared to enter the wood on the left, to fall upon the disheartened Waldstettes. But Goldli perceiving this movement, cried out;" Where are you going?-do you not know that we have agreed not to separate?" He then ordered the skirmishers to be recalled, so that the wood remained entirely open to the enemy. They were satisfied with discharging a few random shots from time to time to prevent the Cantons from establishing themselves there. The firing of the artillery continued until three o'clock, and announced far and wide, even to Bremgarten and Zurich, that the battle had begun.


In the meanwhile the great banner of Zurich and all those who surrounded it, among whom was Zwingle, came advancing in disorder towards the Albis. For a year past the gaiety of the reformer had entirely disappeared: he was grave, melancholy, easily moved, having a weight on his heart that seemed to crush it. Often would he throw himself weeping at the feet of his Master, and seek in prayer the strength of which he stood in need. No one had ever observed in him any irritation; on the contrary, he had received with mildness the counsels that had been offered, and had remained tenderly attached to men whose convictions were not the same as his own. He was now advancing mournfully along the road to Cappel; and John Maaler of Winterthour, who was riding a few paces behind him, heard his groans and sighs,


intermingled with fervent prayers. If any one spoke to him, he was found firm and strong in the peace that proceeds from faith; but he did not conceal his conviction that he should never see his family or church again. Thus advanced the forces of Zurich. A woful march! resembling rather a funeral procession than an army going to battle.

As they approached they saw express after express galloping along the road from Cappel, begging the Zurichers to hasten to the defence of their brothers.

At Adliswil, having passed the bridge under which flow the impetuous waters of the Sihl, and traversed the village through the midst of women, children, and old men, who, standing before their cottages, looked with sadness on this disorderly troop, they began to ascend the Albis. They were about half-way from Cappel when the first cannonshot was heard. They stop, they listen: There is no longer any a second, a third succeeds..... doubt. The glory, the very existence of the republic are endangered, and they are not present to defend it! The blood curdles in their veins. On a sudden they arouse, and each one begins to run to the support of his brothers. But the road over the Albis was much steeper than it is in our days. The badly-harnessed artillery could not ascend it; the old men, the citizens, little habituated to marching, and covered with heavy armour, advanced with difficulty; and yet they formed the greater portion of the troops. They were seen stopping one after another, panting and exhausted, along the sides of the road near the thickets and ravines of the Albis, leaning against a beech or an ash tree, and looking with dispirited eyes to the summit of the mountain covered with thick pines.

They resume their march, however; the horsemen and the most intrepid of the foot-soldiers hasten onwards, and having reached the "Beech Tree," on the top of the mountain, halt to take council.

What a prospect then extended before their eyes! Zurich, the lake and its smiling shores-those orchards, those fertile fields, those vine-clad hills almost the whole of the canton. Alas! soon, perhaps, to be devastated by the Forest-bands.

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Scarcely had these noble-minded men begun to deliberate, when fresh messengers from Cappel appear beAt these fore them, and exclaim," Hasten forward!" words many of the Zurichers prepared to gallop towards the enemy. Toning, the captain of the arquebusiers, My good friends," cried he to them, stopt them. "against such great forces what can we do alone? Let us wait here until our people are assembled, and then " "Yes, let us fall upon the enemy with the whole army." if we had an army," bitterly replied the captain-general, who, in despair of saving the republic, thought only of dying with glory; "but we have only a banner and no soldiers." "How can we stay calmly upon these heights," said Zwingle," while we hear the shots that are fired at our fellow-citizens? In the name of God I will march towards our warriors, prepared to die in order to save them."


"And I too," added the aged banneret Schwei"As for you," continued he, turning with a contemptuous look towards Toning, "wait till you are a little recovered." "I am quite as much refreshed as you," replied Toning, the colour mantling on his face, "and you shall soon see whether I cannot fight." All hastened their steps towards the field of battle.

The descent is rapid; they plunge into the woods, pass through the village of Husen, and at length arrive near the Granges. It was three o'clock when the banner crossed the narrow bridge that led thither; and there were so few soldiers round it that every one trembled as he beheld this venerated standard thus exposed to the attacks of so formidable an enemy. The army of the Cantons was at that moment deploying before the eyes of the new-comers. Zwingle gazed upon this terrible spectacle. Behold, then, these phalanxes of soldiers!a few minutes more, and the labours of eleven years will be destroyed perhaps for ever!

A citizen of Zurich, one Leonard Bourkhard, who was ill disposed towards the reformer, said to him in a harsh tone, "Well, Master Ulric, what do you say about this business? Are the radishes salt enough? Who will eat them now?" "I," replied Zwingle, "and many a brave man who is here in the hands of God: for we are "And I too-I will help to his in life and in death." eat them," resumed Bourkhard immediately, ashamed of his brutality,-" I will risk my life for them." And he did so, and many others with him, adds the chronicle. It was four o'clock; the sun was sinking rapidly; the Waldstettes did not advance, and the Zurichers began to think that the attack would be put off till the morrow. In fact, the chiefs of the Five Cantons seeing the great banner of Zurich arrive, the night near at hand, and the impossibility of crossing under the fire of the Zurichers, the marsh and the ditch that separated the combatants, were looking for a place in which their troops might pass the night. "If, at this moment, any mediators had appeared," says Bullinger," their proposals would have been accepted."

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The soldiers, observing the hesitation of their chiefs, "The big ones abandon us,” began to murmur loudly. said one. "The captains fear to bite the fox's tail," said another. "Not to attack them," cried they all," is to ruin our cause." During this time a daring man was preparing the skilful manoeuvre that was to decide the fate of the day. A warrior of Uri, John Jauch, formerly bailiff of Sargans, a good marksman and experienced soldier, having taken a few men with him, moved towards the right of the army of the Five Cantons, crept into the midst of the clump of beech trees that, by forming a semicircle to the east, unite the hill of Ifelsberg to that of the Granges, found the wood empty, arrived to within a few paces of the Zurichers, and there, hidden behind the trees, remarked unperceived the smallness of their numbers, and their want of caution. Then, stealthily retiring, he went to the chiefs at the very moment "Now the discontent was on the point of bursting out. "Dear gosis the time to attack the enemy," cried he. sip," replied Troquer, captain-in-chief of Uri, "you do not mean to say that we should set to work at so late an hour; besides, the men are preparing their quarters, and everybody knows what it cost our fathers at Naples and Marignan for having commenced the attack a little before night. And then it is Innocents' day, and our ancestors have never given battle on a feast day.""Don't think about the Innocents of the calendar," replied Jauch," but let us rather remember the innocents that we have left in our cottages." Gaspard Goldli of Zurich, brother of the commander of the Granges, added his entreaties to those of the warrior of Uri. must either beat the Zurichers to-night," said he," or Take your choice." be beaten by them to-morrow.


All was unavailing; the chiefs were inflexible, and the army prepared to take up its quarters. Then the warrior of Uri, understanding like his fellow-countryman Tell that great evils require great remedies, drew his sword and cried: "Let all true confederates follow me." Then hastily leaping to his saddle, he spurred his horse into the forest; and immediately arquebusiers, soldiers from the Adige, and many other warriors of the Five Cantons, especially from Unterwalden-in all about 300 At this sight men, rushed into the wood after him. Jauch no longer doubts of the victory of the WaldstetHe dismounts and falls upon his knees, " for," says Tschudi, "he was a man who feared God." All his followers do the same, and together invoke the aid of God, of his holy mother, and of all the heavenly host. They then advance; but soon the warrior of Uri, wishing to expose no one but himself, halts his troops, and glides from tree to tree to the verge of the wood. Observing that the enemy was as incautious as ever, he rejoins his arquebusiers, leads them stealthily forward, and posts them silently behind the trees of the forest, enjoining them to take their aim so as not to miss their


men. During this time the chiefs of the Five Cantons, foreseeing that this rash man was about to bring on the action, decided against their will, and collected their soldiers around the banners.

The most distinguished men of Zurich fell one after another, under the blows of the Waldstettes; but the death of one individual far surpassed all others. Zwingle was at the post of danger, the helmet on his head, the sword hanging at his side, the battleaxe in his hand. Scarcely had the action begun, when, stooping to console a dying man, says J. J. Hottinger, a stone hurled by the vigorous arm of a Waldstette struck him on the head and closed his lips. Yet Zwingle arose,

when two other blows, which struck him successively on the leg, threw him down again. Twice more he stands up again; but a fourth time he receives a thrust from a lance, he staggers, and sinking beneath so many wounds, falls on his knees. Does not the darkness that is spreading around him announce a still thicker darkness that is about to cover the Church? Zwingle turns away from such sad thoughts; once more he uplifts that head which had been so bold, and gazing with calm eye upon the trickling blood, exclaims, "What evil is this? They can indeed kill the body, but they cannot kill the soul!" These were his last words.



IT has been long known that the green matter of plants when subjected to the influence of the sun's rays gives off oxygen. But according to Mulder this solitary fact has not been hitherto brought into connection with that frequent change of materials which takes place in plants, and of which it is merely the final result. It is clear that this oxygen must originate in one or more substances existing either in the places where the oxygen is separated, or in some other part of the plant, and that its being given off from the green parts must be the consequence of the formation of substances poor in oxygen, from others rich in this element, since it is by such a change of substances only that oxygen can be disengaged from plants. Now it will be found that plants do contain substances poor in oxygen. There is a substance almost universally diffused through plants called chlorophyle, viridine, or chromule. It is this that gives the green colour to the leaves and other parts of plants, and since the green parts give off oxygen this substance occupies the very place where this excretion is performed. It is worthy of remark too, that young leaves have a much lighter green colour than those which are older, showing that the quantity of chlorophyle increases with the age of the leaves. This green matter is rich in oxygen, and the leaves give off oxygen not because they are green, but whilst they are becoming green. When green leaves are digested with ether the liquid becomes green. If the solution be then evaporated, and the residue digested with alcohol, a large quantity of a white fatty substance is deposited after cooling, the green colouring matter being held in solution. Chlorophyle then consists of two substances-of a pure green colouring matter, and of wax. We find similar mixtures of a waxy fat with colouring matters in other exterior parts of plants besides the leaves. abounds in the skin of fruits, especially coloured fruits: at first this skin is green, then it gradually turns red or brown Digested in ether such skins yield a large quantity of waxy substance, varying in colour according to the fruit, being grey when obtained from apples, and of a beautiful orange colour when got from the berries of the mountain ash. Senebier found that the red and yellow parts of plants give off no oxygen when subjected to the light of the sun, this being done by the green parts only. The formation of wax in the skin of fruits has its origin from the time when the fruits were green. The wax then formed is left behind, after the green colouring matter of unripe fruits has been changed during ripening. If we add to this that, in the leaves which have changed their colour in autumn, a fatty substance is abundantly found similar to that which exists in the skins of fruits, and in the green leaves-that leaves which become red in autumn belong to plants having red fruits, and that such plants as have yellow leaves in autumn bear mostly fruits of a yellowish colour, there can be no doubt that the red and yellow * Chemistry of Vegetable and Animal Physiology, Part II.


colouring matter in the skin of fruits is produced from the pure green chlorophyle. Light is essential to the production of this green matter, but light can only produce it when there is sufficient material at hand whence it can be formed anew from new substances as often as the existing quantity is decomposed by the same influence of light, so that as soon as this stock is consumed, the green colouring matter is itself decomposed, and other compounds not coloured green are formed from it and remain. Asparagus, potatoes, young growing leaves, all become green whenever they are exposed to light. Hence there must be a substance generally diffused through plants that causes the production of chlorophyle -a substance present even where no green colour is perceived, and in parts not exposed to light, since whatever part of a plant we expose to light it will become green, provided it be a part which ought naturally to be deprived of light. This happens not only on the surface, but beneath it as far as light can penetrate through the earth.

Many plants have leaves either speckled or spotted, or of a colour entirely different from green, others are not coloured at all. From this it may be concluded that in such plants or parts of plants the materials are wanting, from which chlorophyle is produced. We may occasionally remark in summer, one single spot of an entirely green leaf coloured red by the sucking of insects, the same effect is caused by hail storms, and is thus caused by this partial wounding of the leaf. The green matter present at the place is decomposed by the light, no new portion is formed, and generally this part assumes the same colour which the whole leaf will take on in autumn. From this we learn that the autumnal change is a chemical one entirely without the intervention of any function of the plant. The colour of leaves which are not green, is either such as is general to the whole plant or partial. Thus in many plants the under surface of the leaves are variously coloured or marked with spots. The yellow colour is frequently met with in variegated striped and spotted leaves, as in the Ilex aquifolium the Aucuba Japonica. The Celtis australis has green leaves with yellow stripes on the nerves of the leaf, and so has the Carduus marinus. Such spots if they have been formerly green are in the condition of the yellow leaves in autumn, or if they have never been green there must have been from the commencement of their growth a want of the material through which they could have become green. For this reason many of these leaves which either have yellow stripes or are otherwise coloured yellow, become entirely green by better cultivation. An interchange similar to that which is perceived between yellow and green is found also between red and green; in this case, however, two different colouring matters must exist. These diversities, the cause of which is always connected with that of the change of colour in autumn, may be thus explained: The green colouring matter which exists everywhere is decomposed by light in the changed spots, and gives rise to a red colour, the green not being restored. This is also the case in the purple beech, (F. sylvatica purpu


rea) on which together with the chlorophyle a red
colouring matter exists, produced by light, the green di-
minishing in quantity the longer the leaves are subject-
ed to the action of light. The white lily when young is
of a green colour. The sea-green colour of botanists
(glaucus) arises from a thin layer of wax spread exter-
For the same reason,
nally over the green leaves.
grasses when covered with dew appear sea green.
small drops of water of which dew consists, and which
are not distinguished by the eye, make the chlorophyle
appear glaucus. Grapes, plums, and other fruits, espe-
cially that of the Myrica cerifera contain a large portion
of this excreted wax.

From the chemical experiments of Berzelius it ap-
pears, that the pure green colouring matter of leaves is
readily decomposed into three different substances, one
yellow, another blue, and a third black-that according
to the proportion of these three mixed with the green
one, a different kind of green must be produced, there-
fore the leaves must be of different shades of green
from the different proportions of these three colouring
matters. It is well known to painters that every varie-
ty of green may be prepared from blue, yellow, or black.
According to Berzelius, the quantity of pure chlorophyle
in leaves is exceedingly small, being not more than dyed
cotton contains of colouring matter. This same chemist
infers that the colouring matter as it becomes green ab-
sorbs oxygen, and that it either loses oxygen or takes
up hydrogen, when it becomes colourless. Hugo Mohl
is of opinion that the sap of plants is never green, but
always either colourless or red,-when it seems to be
green under the microscope this is owing to a little
chlorophyle reflecting green light. Mulder concludes,
that white chlorophyle becomes green by obtaining oxy-
gen during the conversion of starch into wax.

THE MAGNETIC TELEGRAPH IN AMERICA.-In the course of a year from this time, there is reason to believe that the most distant sections of the Union will be connected by magnetic telegraphs. The Newark Daily Advertiser says that Messrs Stephens & Thomas, of Belleville, New Jersey, have undertaken a great proportion of the contracts for furnishing copper wire for the various lines of the magnetic telegraph now in progress in this country. Subjoined is a list of the lines they have already or nearly completed, with the number of miles of telegraph, the routes, it should be noted, not being in all cases the most direct:

New York to Philadelphia..
Boston to Lowell...
Buffalo to Lockport.
Utica to Little Falls.

Harrisburg to Lancaster..

New York to Buffalo...
Philadelphia to Baltimore..
New York to Boston......

150 miles.

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The wire averages about 17,000 lbs. to a hundred miles, so that these contracts will amount to about 188,190 lbs. of copper wire. Messrs Stephens & Thomas have also just entered into a contract for furnishing the wire for the Atlantic, Lake, and Mississippi Telegraph Company, which has recently been organized for connecting the Atlantic States and the Mississippi Valley, including the Ohio and Lake country. The route between the Atlantic and the Ohio will constitute the first section; that between the Ohio and the lakes (at Detroit) the second section; that between Wheeling and Cincinnati the third section; and so onward in the prolongation of these and other lines to the Mississippi at St Louis and elsewhere, which continuations will be divided into sections of proper extent; including, in the south-westerly branch, Frankfort, Louisville, Evansville, Kaskaskia, &c.; and in the north-westerly route, St Joseph's, Chicago, Milwaulkie, Dubuque, Burlington, Quincy, &c.; while central sections will, in due time, be continued between Columbus, Indianapolis, and Springfield, thence to St Louis, so as to include state capitals as far as practicable in connection with the commercial cities.-Lexington True American.

OBSERVERS AT GREENWICH OBSERVATORY.-The number of persons regularly employed in the magnetical and mete

orological department, in 1843, was four. The order of
observations is arranged every week, and usually proceeds
on the following principle:-The head of the department
takes one complete day's observations in each week; the re-
equally divided between the
mainder of the observations
three other assistants. In order to give reasonable security
that the assistants have really been present at the time at
which their observations profess to have been made, there
is provided an instrument, denominated the watchman's
clock. It consists of a pendulum clock, which has no
hands, but of which the dial-plate turns round; this dial-
plate has a number of radial pins, fixed in its circumfer-
ence, each of which can be pressed downwards (being held
by the friction of a spring only) without disturbing the
others. A lever is attached to the clock-frame, in such a
position that, by means of a cord which passes from the
lever through a hole in the clock-case to its outside, the
lever can be made to press down that pin which happens
to be uppermost, and no other. The clock-case and lock-
frame are securely locked up. Thus the only power which
an assistant possesses over the clock is that of pulling the
cord, and thereby depressing one pin; the dial-plates then
turn away, carrying that pin in its depressed state, and
thus retains for about eleven hours the register of every
time at which the assistant has pulled the cord. About
one hour before returning to the same time (semi-diurnal
reckoning), the bases of the pins begin to run upon a spiral
inclined plane, by which they are forced up to their nor-
mal position before coming to that point at which the lever
can act upon them. It is the duty of each assistant, upon
making the prescribed observations, to pull the cord of the
watchman's clock; and it is the duty of the first assistant
to examine the face of the clock every morning, and to en-
ter in a book an account of the pins which he finds de-
pressed. It is presumed that great security is thus given
against irregularity, as regards the time of the observa-
tions. From Magnetical and Meteorological Observations
made at the Royal Observatory, Greenwich.

BIELA'S COMET, which has a period of six years and about eight months, has been observed recently both in England and on the Continent. On Monday evening Professor Forbes read to the Royal Society a letter from Professor Challis (of Cambridge, we believe), announcing the singular fact that the comet is a binary or double comet. It exhibits two nuclei, separated by a space, which is at present about 140 seconds, but seems subject to change. It is believed that no other instance of a binary comet is on record.-Scotsman.

GEOLOGY.-A letter from Gottingen announces that M. Koch, a geologist of that city, has just discovered in the United States, in the State of Alabama, at a depth of 111 feet below the surface of the ground, the complete skeleton of an antediluvian serpent, 114 French feet (121 feet 6 inches English) long, the vertebræ of which are from 24 to 30 inches high, and 18 in circumference. M. Koch is of opinion that the animal must have lived in the sea, and that it was carnivorous. He proposes to give it the name of archihydra.

TRANSPORTING FORCE AND DILUVIUM.-Now that we are sustained by the reasoning of mathematicians, who show us that with sudden vertical elevations, each not exceeding 58 feet in the case of an ocean of 300 or 400 feet in depth (and might not corresponding depressions produce the same?), bodies of water have the power of hurling on enormous blocks, sand and gravel to vast distances, and over considerable inequalities, we are relieved from one of the great difficulties opposed to the rational explanation of the position of a very large proporUnder the influence of such tion of this drifted matter. powerful causes of translation, the moistened masses of drift would operate like the moraines of glaciers, and abrade, score, and polish rocks, producing grooves and striæ in given directions. At the same time, in the axis of northern Scandinavia and Lapland, arctic glaciers undoubtedly existed; and from these would float away icebergs, transporting large and angular blocks, such as chiefly occupy the surface of the accumulations of drift, to enormous distances from their native beds without losing their original outline.-Murchison.

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We really cannot echo the praise of Frazer-for the number of pensions is small, and some of the sums paltryobjections not applicable to other pensions of the civil list. Besides, are the amounts placed opposite to Southey and Wordsworth absolute pensions, or are their salaries as poetlaureates included? Southey, Gurwood, and Dalton are all dead; who have got pensions in their stead? No one but Professor Forbes of Edinburgh, that we have heard of.

DR DIBDIN.-We regret to hear of the hopeless state of health of this literary veteran, whose bibliographical and other works acquired so large a share of public attention. At the time when the old-book rage was at the highest, Dr D. led the battle-van; and his splendid editions and enthusiastic example contributed much to the effect, when the Roxburghe Club and the Roxburghe sale made so much noise in the world. The Doctor has, we hear, been twice affected with apoplectic seizures; and being now in his 76th year, it can hardly be expected that nature can sufficiently rally against so fearful an adversary, so as to restore the sufferer to an active or even much of conscious life.Literary Gazette.

EDINBURGH MORTALITY BILL.-Arrangements are being entered into for the publication of a regular mortality bill for Edinburgh.

DONATION TO THE MONTROSE LIBRARY.-Joseph Hume, Esq., M.P., last week presented to this Library the following eight vols. of public reports, viz.,--Debates on the case of the Rajah of Sattara; Scottish Political Martyrs; Rajah Sattara Debate; Statistical data, 2d No.; Parliamentary Report of Lighthouses; Parliamentary Report on the Pris ns of Scotland; Parliamentary Report on the tidal harbours.

[The works presented look like the honourable member's duplicates-but their presentation suggests that members of parliament might do their constituents an important service by sending them their copies of public papers, which members themselves too often treat like waste paper.]

NEW LIBRARY.-A library has been opened for the use of the men of the London Fire Brigade. It already contains 233 works of established reputation, which are much read by the men.

PUBLIC WALKS.-The Liverpool corporation has agreed to give upwards of £80,000 for the Newsham estate of 200 acres, contiguous to the Zoological Gardens, for a public park. The purchase of other grounds, so as to surround these picturesque gardens, is talked of.

NEW YORK THEATRES AND AMUSEMENTS.-At a very moderate calculation, the receipts of the four theatres now in active operation in this city, last week exceeded 11,000 dollars; whilst the musical entertainments collectively realised at least 3200 dollars, making a total for the week of not more than 15,000 dollars!! It is really discreditable to our city that four theatres, two circuses, and concert balls almost nightly, can command a patronage amounting to some 30,000 dollars per week, and that not one regular course of lectures of any description can obtain sufficient encouragement to warrant the undertaking.-True Sun.

[Similar complaints might be made on this side of the Atlantic. Dr Johnson explained the secret of theatrical success to be, that the audiences were pleased without the necessity of making any effort of their own. "Lectures," more or less, require some effort on the part of the hearers. Shortening the hours of business would be a corrective so far, as jaded minds always prefer amusement to information.]

MILITARY MEDAL.-Mr Wyon, the engraver to the Mint, has just completed the die for the medal to be distributed to the officers and soldiers who have served in China during the late war. The die has been successful, and preparations are making for striking the medals, of which 18,000 are commanded. They are to be made all of silver; no difference being made between those presented to the officers and those given to the men.

[blocks in formation]

Total, 126,494







-Railway Herald. ATLAS OF THE ANCIENT AND MODERN WORLD.-A series of maps are in progress, which exhibit considerable novelty, and are so obviously useful that one marvels at the idea not having been hitherto suggested and practically worked out. The new feature consists in the introduction on the one map of the ancient, middle age, and modern names of placesso that the student of geography and the reader of history shall obtain at one view that information which he has been accustomed to seek, by much labour and loss of time, in three different channels-two of them being seldom of easy access.--Art-Union.

[This is not a new idea-Messrs Johnston's National Atlas contains the ancient and modern names of places in Greece; and throughout the whole work the British as well as national names of the principal places are given.]

MORE ABOUT" MILDNESS OF THE SEASON."-The phrase "the mildness of the season" has become quite fashionable; and the newspapers abound with notices of flowers blooming-fruit trees in blossom-the cuckoo's welcome notes resounding through the woods-and all the other attendants on the dawn of spring. One editor holds in his hand, while writing, a nosegay culled from the garden of a friend, containing specimens of flowers at least a month earlier than usual. Amongst these are the single and the double wallflower; the single red, the single blue, and the double red hipetica; the single white primrose, the polyanthus, the pansy, the aconite, and the snowdrop. Another tells us of a garden where, a few days ago, gooseberries, perfectly formed, were gathered, and strawberries might be seen both in full bloom and fruit. Children in their gambols already gather with great delight the red and white daisy. All this is at the beginning of February; but this is not all. An English paper informs us that a boy in the service of Mr Joseph Allen, farmer, of Shirland, whilst gathering turnips in a field last week, found under the leaves of a large turnip a yellowhammer's nest, in which were three newly-laid eggs; the farmer, to convince himself, broke one, and found, to his gratification, that they were indeed new. We have ourselves seen the blue-bottle fly humining about, and a bat was observed, a few evenings since, apparently in search of prey, and as full of life and vigour as at midsummer. Sprigs of heather are frequently met with in full bloom, and the purple heath seems never to have fully lost its lovely hue, till a new race of blossoms was expanded. Here and there, a favourite "Maillie" has been dropping a lamb--not the least wonderful of these prodigies as a new-year's gift to its owner; and the woolly tribe generally have had a more pleasant winter's wandering on our moors and mountains than for many years past. A fresh gooseberry tart is expected from the garden of Col. Montgomerie of Annick Lodge, before the end of the present month, from two bushes on which the fruit is at present swelling as it might be two months hence. Finally, no later than Tuesday last, Mr Auld, Doonbrae Cottage, left at our office a moss rose, the head of which is perfectly formed, and the stalk clothed with mossy prickles, as in the month of May. Vegetation is thus proceeding with a rapidity quite unusual, and buds and blossoms are bursting everywhere into life. Some apprehensien prevails, however, respecting all this unseasonable luxuriance. Eipdemic diseases are ever most prevalent with such rapid alternations of cold and heat, as we are experiencing. field-work of the farmer has also been seriously impeded. The rain which has fallen has rendered the ground so wet, that he can neither cart his manure nor sow his seed; and thus, while the amateur gardener may be rejoicing, the necessary operations of the agriculturist are far behind. Should frost come upon us now, not only will all these flowers, having "wasted their sweetness on the desert air," be nipt and die, and the little snowdrop again be left in solitary purity, but the more important labours of the field may be retarded to a degree, the danger of which is incalculable.-Ayr Advertiser.


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