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ALPHA.-You desire to know why the Roman cohort which came to Gethsemane to apprehend Jesus, brought "lanterns and torches," since it was the time of "full moon." The night may have been cloudy, for frost and snow have been known in Judea about the season of the Passover; and as heavy, cold dews then chill the air, there is every probability in favour of this supposition. The soldiers might have fancied that Jesus would hide himself in some retired, shady part of the garden. At any rate, the bringing of lights shows their determination to find their innocent victim. It was also usual for a guard on duty, such as this, to carry lanterns or torches. Thucydides mentions this custom, when describing the picket-guard of the Peloponnesians.

S.S.-We are very thankful to learn that our Magazine has been of so much spiritual advantage to you. You are, however, only one of many readers from whom we receive similar testimony. We believe we have been rendered very helpful to our youthful readers, and we give praise to God on account of it. We print your letter, in order that we may let your appeal in behalf of the Connemara Schools speak for itself, and confirm the other appeal which appears in this number from "H. F." Surely these two appeals will be of service.

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"Dear Mr. Editor,-I have taken your very interesting little periodical since I was ten years old, and have always derived great pleasure and profit from reading it; both my parents took it when they were young, and we quite look forward to the 1st of the month. There is sure to be something in it exactly what I want. Those articles by Miss Anna Mennell have been greatly blessed to me; they are written in such an inspiriting, lively style, and enter so sweetly into the hopes and fears, difficulties and embarrassments of the young Christian. Your Counsels to Correspondents,' too, I always read with great interest, and very often meet with advice just suitable for me. I sincerely trust, dear Mr. Editor, you will pardon my boldness in writing to you.

"The Irish School at Connemara is doing so much good, and is very much in want of help; I am trying to get all the subscriptious or donations I can for it, and the thought struck me, if you would be so very kind as to insert an appeal on behalf of the poor Irish children, in your widely circulated Magazine, some of your readers would perhaps render some assistance: even a penny would be thankfully received, or cast-off clothes of any description. To those who have tasted how gracious our Saviour is, and how sweet it is to serve Him, the appeal would not, I trust, be made in vain. Upwards of 2000 persons of all ages are taught to read the Bible in the Irish tongue by the children of these schools. Any donations in stamps, or parcels of clothes, I should be very thankful for. Please address, S. S., Post-office, Bury St. Edmunds. I send you my real address; if you should favour me with a line, I should be very grateful. "Sincerely wishing you every encouragement to persevere in your good undertaking,

"Believe me, dear Mr. Editor,

"Nov. 10th, 1855.

"Your obliged young friend,
"S. S."

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