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The following letter although dated in September was not sent until Dec. 9, and was received Dec. 10, 1879, a few hours too late to allow printing on p. 217, the Philadelphia Teachers' Institute in the list of Life Directors.

PHILADELPHIA, September 13, 1879.

Mr. W: D. Henkle, Secretary National Educational Association. DEAR SIR:-The local committee, composed of members of the Teachers' Institute, the Board of Education, the Permanent Exhibition Company, and teachers of private schools, having completed the pleasing duties imposed upon it in making preparations for the annual meeting of the National Educational Association in this city, and for the accommodation, the convenience, and the pleasure of all visiting members and friends of the Association, desires to make known through you, the general results of its efforts and to indicate the means by which it has been enabled to extend the courtesies of hospitality to the Association, and to aid substantially the cause in which it is engaged.

Through properly-directed efforts of sub-committees and the kindness of the Board of Education, convenient and commodious halls and rooms were secured for the general business sessions of the Association, free of cost. Through the influence of the Finance Committee and the liberality of the following publication and manufacturing houses, the rent of the Academy of Music for an evening lecture, and all necessary and incidental expenses were defrayed :

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After the payment of all debts incurred and the settlement of all claims arising, there remained an unexpended balance of eighty-five dollars. Desiring that the money contributed should be devoted according to the wishes of those by whom it was so cheerfully given, the committee adopted a resolution requesting the Teachers' Institute to accept the balance named, provided it would appropriate from its funds an amount sufficient to increase the sum to one hundred dollars, and that it would invest this total amount in a life-directorship in the National Educational Associa

tion, and to be represented therein by a member duly qualified and elected annually.

The Board of Managers of the Institute subsequently appropriated the required balance, amended its By-Laws to provide for the annual election of a representative to the Association, and instructed its committee on Library to purchase for the use of its members, a full and complete set of the reports of the Association from the date of its organization in Philadelphia, 1857, to the present time.

I have the honor to be yours most respectfully,






Chairman Joint Local Committee.


Proceedings for 1879.


The Board met at 8 P. M. July 28, 1879, in one of the parlors of the Continental Hotel, Philadelphia, Pa. There were present JOHN HANCOCK, President; W: D. HENKLE, Secretary; J. ORMOND WILSON, Treasurer; J. P. WICKERSHAM, W: F. PHELPS, J. L. PICKARD, G: P. BROWN, T. M. MARSHALL, E. T. TAPPAN, ALEX. HOGG, and M. A. NEWELL.

The Secretary and Treasurer made their reports which were referred to an Auditing Committee consisting of E. T. TAPPAN, J. P. WICKERSHAM, and T. M. MARSHALL.

At the request of E. T. TAPPAN permission was granted to read in the Department of Higher Instruction, the paper of C. K. ADAMS, LL. D., he being unavoidably absent.

At the request of W: F. PHELPS the same permission was granted in reference to the paper of the Hon. J: W. DICKINSON, to be read in the General Association.

W: F. PHELPS introduced the subject of memberships, urging that every thing possible should be done to increase the membership list. At the request of the President (JOHN HANCOCK) Mr. EDGAR A. Singer, of the Local Committee made a statement of what had been done by the various city institutions in favor of members.

EDWARD SHIPPEN, Esq., also of the Local Committee, made a statement as to the rooms that had been assigned for the meetings of the General Association and the various Departments.

A statement was made that several of the persons who had enrolled as life-members at Baltimore and Louisville had not yet paid their fees. The general expression was that such names should be dropped from the published list of life-members.

On motion of W: F. Phelps, J. P. WICKERSHAM, M. A. NEWELL, and J. ORMOND WILSON, were appointed a committee to secure from Congress an Act of Incorporation of the Association.


At a subsequent time the Board met but transacted no business except to hear the report of the Auditing Committee, the report being that the accounts of the Secretary and Treasurer were found to be correct.

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The New Board met on call of the President elect, J. ORMOND WILSON, at the Normal-School Building, at 83 A. M., July 31, 1879.

In view of the fact that Prof. ALEX. HOGG's paper had been crowded out of its place in the Department of Industrial Education, the Board on motion recommended President HANCOCK to provide a place for it in the General Association.

The following communication was received from Dr. F. A. MARCH, President of the Spelling-Reform Association, which had met as a Department of this Association.


Hon. W. D. Henkle, Secretary,

SIR-At the last session of the Spelling-Reform Association it was resolved:


"That the National Educational Association be requested to use amended spelling in the printed volumes of its Transactions and other documents."

The President of the Spelling-Reform Association was requested to accompany this resolution with a statement of the different stages of amended spelling in use in other Associations.

1. The American Philological Association and the English Phil. Association print each paper with such reformed spelling as the writer chooses to use in accordance with the general rules of change recognized by the Associations.

2. The American Phil. Association recommends as the beginning of change the amended spelling of eleven words, as follows:-Tho, Thru, gard, catalog, ar, giv, hav, liv, definit, infinit, wisht.

3. The Spelling-Reform Association has selected three of these for a still simpler beginning: giv, hav, liv.

4. The Spelling-Reform Association urges the adoption of five rules which simplify the spelling of many words.

5. The alfabet of the Spelling-Reform Association and the Phil. Association may be used throughout, The State Teachers' Association of Missouri print their Proceedings in this way this year.

The use of amended spelling in some form in the Transactions of learned societies is one of the modes of introducing it which scholars look to with the greatest confidence. The American Institute of Instruction admitted it into the last volume of its Proceedings.

Will you be so kind as to communicate this to the National Educational Association in convention, or to its Executive Committee, as may be proper?

For the Spelling-Reform Association.

F. A. MARCH, President.

For want of time to consider this communication on motion of W: F. PHELPS, its consideration was deferred until the next meeting.

Adjourned to meet at Centennial Building at 4 P. M.

Board met at 1 P. M. at the Normal-School Building, fearing a meeting

I could not be secured at the Centennial Building.

W: F. PHELPS presented an invitation from the Chautauqua Assembly to hold the next meeting at Lake Chautauqua.

On motion of E. E. WHITE the invitation was accepted provided railway, hotel, and other arrangements can be made satisfactory to the Executive Committee.

On motion of JOHN HANCOCK, EDWARD DANFORTH, of Elmira, N. Y., was appointed a committee on transportation.

On motion of E. T. TAPPAN a preference was expressed for the second Tuesday in July as the time for the opening of the next meeting.

On motion of E. E. WHITE it was decided to continue the next meeting four days, morning and evening, and to give one afternoon to each Department for the purpose of making the exercises of that afternoon especially prominent.

So much time having been consumed in discussing the place of the next meeting and the manner of arranging for it to make it a success, the Board adjourned before reaching the consideration of Dr. MARCH'S communication, and other points that the Secretary intended to present.

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Miscellaneous expenses.........



July 29. By Cash paid W. D. HENKLE on account of Publica

tion Committe, 1876...........

Cash paid W. D. HENKLE, for miscellaneous ex-
penses and on account of Publication Com., 1877,


$246 50

4 36 2.00

613 49



In Detail of Amounts Received by J. Ormond Wilson, Treasurer of the

[blocks in formation]

Sept. 1,

1 Vol. Proceedings, 1876, to L. G. Marshall............... .......................


Sept. 4,

1 Vol. Proceedings, 1875, to S. T. Lowry.....

1 50

Sept. 4,

1 Vol. Proceedings, 1872, '73, '74, '75, '76, each, Wm. J.
C. Dulany & Co., Baltimore, Md...

8 25


Sept. 7,

Sept. 13,

Sept. 22,

1 Vol. Proceedings, 1858, '59, '60, '63, '65, '66, '70, '71,
'72, '73, each to T. M. Marshall, Glenville, W. Va.,
Mrs. Laura Adams, Annual Membership, 1877.
Vol. Proceedings, 1871, to S. R. Thompson,

9 25 2.00

1 50

Sept. 26,

6 Vols. Proceedings, 1858, '59, '60, '63, '65, '66, 50c each,
E. T. Tappan,..

3 00

Sept. 27,
Oct. 1,

2 Vols. Proceedings, 1860, '66, S. R. Thompson,....
2 Vols. Proceedings, 1858, '59, '60, '63, '65' 66, 1 copy
1870, '71, '72, '73, 2 copies '74, '75, '76 to Robt. Cur-
ry, Esq., Peru, Neb........

1 00

25 25

[blocks in formation]

6 Vols. Proceedings, 1876, S. H. White, Peoria, Ill.......

7 25

Feb. 13,
Feb. 15,
Feb. 18,
May 13, 1 Vol. Proceedings 1877, Pres. N. Porter, Yale College,
Juue 14,
1 Vol. Proceedings 1877, W. H. & O. H. Morrison,

1 Vol. Proceedings, 1858, '59, '60, '63, '65, '66, '70, '71,
'72, 73, 74, 75, 76, to E. C. Hewitt, Normal, Illinois,
1 Vol. Proceedings, 1877, W. J. Corthell, Augusta, Me.,
2 Vols. Proceedings 1877, Board of Education D. C........
1 Vol. Proceedings 1874, Rev. H. A. Thompson, West-
erville, Ohio......

14 25 2.00 4.00

1 50

2. 00


versity, Ithaca, N. Y.....

Aug. 11, 1 Vol. Proceedings 1876, Wm. J. Russell, Cornell Uni

Aug. 23, 1 Vol. Proceedings 1860, Chas. O. Thompson, Worces


[blocks in formation]

1 Vol. Proceedings 1858, '59, '60, '65, '66, '72, '73, S. H.
White, Peoria, Illinois.

7 00

Apr. 1,

1 Vol. Proceedings, each 1872-'73, A. A. Waters, West
Virginia University....

3 25


503 00

Statement in Detail of Payments made by J. Ormond Wilson, Treasurer of the National Educational Association.

Amount paid W. D. Henkle, publication, 1876,..... $246 50-voucher No. 1. Expressage.

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Paid to W. D. Henkle on acc't publication, 1877, 124 20—
Paid Expressage,.........................

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Paid to W. D. Henkle on acc't publication, 1877,
Paid to W. D. Henkle on acc't publication, 1877,
Paid to W. D. Henkle on acc't publication, 1877,

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