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he reçeve mōr spelinge "catalog" than with the ue. Dhe Prezident ov the American Libreri Asoshieshun, having dauts ov the wiedum ov the chang, incwirie wür sent tu a number ev leding librariana, asking thar opinyun. Dhe ansera wūr sō encuraging that Mr. Cutter nau propoɛce tu adept "bibliografi." Dhis shoa hau much a leding speshalist ma dū with a litl efōrt.

T. B. Sprague, M. A., Viç Prezident ov the Institüt ov Actüeria, England, haa ishūd a monograf in reformd speling on “Dua Vacçineshun Aford eni Protecshun Agenst Smol-pox?' He sea: "I helev that speling reformera shud üa thar utmost influenç tu get a pārshali reformd speling adopted in treting ev subjects ev general interest so that the public me becum familyarizd with the idea that a speling reform iz posibl." Dhe nü dres fits a sientific paper pürfectli.

The sientists hav further takn up the mater ov an ideal ōr metric alfabet and speling, tu be üzd concurentli with the prezent, fōr sientific purposez manli. Everi English dicshuneri haa tu hav such an ideal alfabet tu üa in its pronunshieshun. Everi filological würk has the sam neçesiti. Sō with sjentific wūrka treting ov forin cuntria and giving the pronunshiashun ov forin name. Aa a mater ev fact ech ev aur dicshuneria-Webster, Worcester, Chambera, Stormonth, and the lik-haz a diferent ke alfabet, ech wūrs than the uther; and filologists ar abaut ae bad. It wud be a prodigus gan if thār wūr an agrement on the alfabet ov the fütür simpli för sientific üs.

The Nashunal Asoshiashun ov Great Britain for the Promōshun ov Sōshal Sienç had this mater befōr them in a paper bị Prof. Newman, red tu the Congres at Chettenham, in October, 1878. It wea refürd tu the Edücashun Department, hwich reed a speshal comiti upon it, hū hav givn it much atenshun, and finali past ünanimusli a rezolüshun in favor ev an altürnativ mefhud ov speling. The sa:

Such an altūrnativ mefhud wud be at wunç üsful: 1. Fōr indicating the pronunshiashun ov eni würd er nam that me not be familyar tu erdineri redera. 2d. For teching the proper pronunshiashun ov würda in scüla, and thua cüring vulgarizma. 3d. For reprezenting diferent dialects ov individual pecülyaritia. 4th. For shōing the pronunshiashun ov forin langwagea. Dhis altūrnativ mefhud, if generali aprūvd, wud gradüali becum a concurent methud and perhaps eventuali wud displaç the prezent iregülar speling (just aa Arabic numerala hav generali displaçt the Roman nümerala). In the mentim it wud sūrv tu indicat the direcshun in hwich eni pārshal reforma ev the curent speling shud be mad.

Dhe ar in daut abaut a sütabl ofheriti tu inishiat acshun. It wil be rememberd that aur Memoriala tu Congres contemplat a joint comishun from the guvernments ov the English-speking nashune, tu deçid this mater.

Dhār ār tū impērtant publicashuna nau at hand hwich cōl för such a deçizhun-the Grat Historical Dicshuneri ov the English Filological Societi and the amended vurshun ov the English Bịbl. The Dicshuneri hae nau bin mōr than twenti yere in making. The material acümülated för it ia spōkn ov bị thẻ tun'e wat. Dhe

Ünivürsiti ov Oxford hav nau undertakn tu print it, and the furst volüm wil aper in 1882.

It wil be wun ov the grat buks ov the wūrld; a standard wūrk för generashuna. Dr. Murray, Prezident ov the Filological Societi, hu ia its editor, wishes tu put the ke pronunshiashun in an agred form ov speling. It ia würth agreing for. If it ia agred upon and establisht in the Dicshuneri, we ma wel hōp tu se an edishun ov the nü transleshun ov the Bibl spedili ishūd in it. And then we ma farli sa that the reform standa on an establisht sistem and methud, lik the metric sistem ov wats and mezhüre, and we shal hav nuthing further tu dū but push it intu üs.

Mentim, it wud sem that ofhore and publishera mit find the Filological Asoshiashun a sufishent ofhoriti for the imediat üs ov such reformd spelung as the think tu be reenabl and economical. Ofhora and editora är ofheriti tu the masez.

Dhe är ia ful ev hōp. We nō, tu be shur, that the reform can not be acomplisht in a de. No generashun rerd in the ōld speling can be expected tu adopt the nü wun for comun litereri üs. Dhar prejudicez ma be overcum and thar reen convinçt so far that the wil agre that thar children shal be tot the beter wa. Ɑ genereshun, probabli tu or thre generashune, must grō up familyar with the nü spelung befor it can becum ünivursal. It e sumtime sed in public discushuna that the chang ma cum raund för aur grat grandchildren, in 1976, and this ia sed sarcasticali, aa thō it wūr a reen for epōzing imediat acshun. But that ie pür tök for a scolar or a filanthropist.

If this reform ia tu tak a çentüri, it ia hi tim it wūr begun. Dhe tru scolar and würker ev tu-da rejoiçez with ol hie mit in the spirit ev that nobl ülogium hwich Lord Bacon pronaunçez on Henry VII.:

"Hia loa, huso märks them wel, wür dep and net vulgar, net med on the spur ov a particular ocazhun for the prezent, but aut ev providenç for the fütür; that he mit mak the estat ov hia pepl mōr and mōr hapi, after the maner ev legislatora in the anshent and heroical time."

The minüts ov the last meting, and ev the Executiv Comiti wūr red bị the Secreteri. ( paper wea red bị Mrs. E. B. Burne, ev New York, from Vię Prezident E. Jonea, B. A., ov Liverpool, England, on


[In the rest ov the pages the macron, hwich indicates a long vowel sound, wil not be used, except ocasionaly az a "cautionary signal."]

Speling Reform ia a mena tu an end; this end being the impruvment and extenshun ov Edücashun in the best and hiest sens, for ōl English-speking peple, and for ol the raçes dependent or conected with the Anglo-Saxon raç bị hwetever tia, the world over.

The object and am ov Educashun ia tu develup the mental, moral, and fizical pauera ov the individual and ev comünitia, so aa tu secür the gratest amaunt ev pursunal and soshal hapines hwich a benefiçent Creator intended hia inteligent cretüre shud enjoi.


Within the past fü yere, the British Parliment has decred, that everi child in Great Britain must atend an efishent scul from the ag ov 5 tu 13, continüusli for at lest fōr aura everi da for fiv dae in the wek, and for net les than ferti weks in the yer, unles prevented bi sicnes or uther unavoidabl coz.

America ia justli praud ov its Public Scul Incum, hwich, acording tu the report ov the Edücashun Comishuner, amaunts tu $80,000,000, or £16,000,000. Dhis, hauever, inclüda meni colegea and scule for hier edücashun. In England, at the rat ov £2 pur child pur Anum, with a prezent atendanç ov abaut fhre milyune, and an expected atendanç ov fiv milyune, aur prezent expenditür ev abaut £6,000,000 wil, in a fü yera, be not far short ev £10,000,000 pur anum from ōl sorçez.

Considering that the furst decad ov the 19th çentüri had past awa befor eni sistematic eforts wur med in England for the Edücashun ov the pepl, and that it woe not until abaut the midl ov the centuri that the Guvernment tuk the mater in hand, coshusli at furst, and with fer and trembling; the progres med in the public provizhun for Educashun iz truli marvelus.

"Meni a Herod haa sot the yung child ov Popülar Edüceshun.” "It wud be dangerus tu instruct the comun pèpl; it wud mak them discontented with ther condishun." Ɑ noblman, the uther de, being askt tu suport Fonetic Speling, replid that "it wud mak noleg tu ezi for the mas ov agricultural laborera and uthera, that it wud led them tu be disatisfid with thar lot, and tu rebel agenst ther mastera.” It wud be rong tu charg ol the oponents ov Speling Reform with similar motive, but it ia unfortünet for them that the ar faund in bad cumpani. If the Pauere ov darknes had combind tu devia the most efectiv mene for perpetuating "Pepülar Ignoranç," it wud be dificult tu invent an instrument beter fited for that purpus than " Eŋglish speling as it ia."


Or the reaults ov the vast and costli mashineri set up bị the Guyernment for the promoshun ov edücashun satisfactori Ie the tim ov children in Public Elementeri Scule spent tu the best advantag? Du we get the wurth ov the autla ov funda upon scule in üsful noleg ov a practical kind? Thea ar cweschune that ar begining tu be askt eminusli, and the wil pruv so meni nala in the cofin ov cacografi. Nobodi iz satisfid with the progres ov the children in aur scule. The Edücashun Department yer after yer repets this complant: "Dhe rezulte ar not satisfactori; the reports sho the larg proporshun ov children atending aur scule hu ar not prezented tu the inspector tu giv pruf ov the results ov thar instrucshun, and the meger natür ov the results atand bị meni ov thoz hū wur examind."

Dhe meger natür ov the results atend in English scule ma be sen from the fact that onli wun pur çent ev the Grants (Aproprieshune) voted bi Parliment for scula ia pad for eni subject beyond Reding, Riting, Speling, and Arithmetic, with sum elementeri noleg ov Geografi, Gramar, Histori, and Singing.

The ofhoritie hithertu du net sem tu se hwer the shū pinchea, and, insted ov puting the sadl on the proper hors-aur untechabl speling -the scrũ up the techera tu that degre ov tenshun in thar wurk aa sumtima tu prodüç fatal reaults, and in meni instançez efects injurius tu the helth ev both techera and scolare.

Dher is a groing demand for a mor liberal rang ev studie in the scule, but the anser ov the ofhoritie ie, "No room.

Her is a number ov subjects crauded aut er drivn tu a corner in aur scule. Speking ov Peni Baŋks, the venerabl President ov the Liverpool Caunçil ov Edücashun sed the uther de:

"It is litl short ov a crim tu neglect eni oportüniti ov teching habits ov thrift and providenç tu the rizing generashun."

Mr. Wm. Rathbone, M. P., hae ofn spokn tu the sam efect. Hwi ar not Peni Baŋks in everi Public Elementeri Scul in Liverpool? Simpli becoa the wun aur a wèk can not be spard from the coching neceseri for the examinashun in speling.

In the Haus ev Comune everi seshun, and in meni Scul Borde and uther Asemblie in the cuntri, complants ar ofn mad, that Müzic, Object Lesuna, Dhe Loa ov Helth, Cukeri, and uther üsful subjects ar not mor extensivli tōt in Public Elementeri Scula. Dhe redi anser ov the Othoritie tu thee apele ia: "Luk at the redicülusli smel proporshun ov children we ar abl tu turn aut hū can red tolerabli and spel corectli."


Statsmen lik Mr. Lowe, and Educatora lik Bishop Temple se clerli that the remedi for this is the adopshun ov a Fonetic Sistem ov Speling.

It is no longer a mater ov daut, or ov experiment that children entering scul at the ag ov fiv ma be tōt on eni Fonetic Sistem Reding and Speling farli wel bị the ag ov sevn. The rest ov ther tim at scul wud be devoted tu the studi ov the üsful subjects demanded for them. Dhe children nau ask for bred and we giv them a ston; fed them on husks!

Hwot a splendid oportuniti iz aforded bi aur Bord and Volunteri Scule, with compulsori atendanç up tu the ag ov 13 or 14, for aur fütür artizana tu be tot the elements ov mecanics, the propertie ov ar and weter, and uther facts ov fizical sienç, hwich it ia so important the shud understand, and hwich ar esenshal tu the prosperiti ov the cuntri, but hwich ar nau crauded aut bị the ōl-engrosing, never-ending, stil begining demande ov speling!!

Englishmen, with thar ken sens ov the valü ev muni, wil net continü tu pa milyune anüali for duing badli in ten yera, wurk hwich ma be dun beter in tū. Sentimental venerashun for old institüshuna ia ōl veri wel in its wa, but evn Temple Bar, with its hori asoshiashune, haz bin remuvd at last, the obstrucshuna tu the trafic ov London having becum intolerabl.


Dhe scofere at speling Reform ar themselve being atakt bị thar ōn wepuna. Ɑ wag asks if we spel-" beauty," hwį net spel


"duty" "deauty"? Hwi net spel "judge" "dgeuj," sinç the furst and the last consonants in the wurd hav preçisli the sam saund? or, rather, hwị not "juj"? Dhe Rt. Hon. Rebt. Lowe, wun ov the Vię Prezidents ov the Speling Reform Asoshiashun and formerli Minister ov Edücashun, haz chalengd the Haus ev Comune that net haf-a-duzn ev its membera can spel of-hand the wurd "unparalleled." Woe the "r" tu be dubld Wee the "1" tu be dubld in wun or both cases? Dhea wud be cweschuna tu puzl Hon. and Rt. Hon. membera olmost as much as turma ov the treti ov Berlin, and yet a child ov ten yere in a Welsh colyeri scul wud be plukt bị an Inspector for felür in speling a wurd ov this kind.

Ɑ serio-comic stori ia told ov a veri devaut theological profesor having reçevd a leter from wun ov the alumni ov hia coleg hū had gon tu hie furst charg in a cuntri church. Horibl tu relat, the yung minister had tū or thre orthografical blundere in the leter adrest tu hie tütor. Dhe gud old man wee so shokt that he sumund the stüdents tu a prar meting, and askt them tu pra urnestli that nun əv ther students in fütür shud disgraç thar alma mater bị bad speling.

The lat Lord Palmerston thretend tu dismis hia secreteri becoz the later spelt" wagon" with wun g, tho "gud ofheritia" wur givn in suport ov that speling. Lord Malmesbury ridicule the idea ov making speling the "wun thing nedful" in the Çivil Surviç examinashun, and he declare that from docüments in hie pozeshun no Prịm Minister from Lord Bute tu Lord Palmerston cud hav past the speling test.

Aa the hevi artileri ev the filologists haa efectüali silençt the popguna ev the etimologists, az far az argüment ie conçurnd, a litl banter and raleri me surv a purpus.

Eni stik iz gud enuf tu bet a bad dog with. We ma fel sinçer simpathi for the man hū apela tu us in such a stran az this:

"Yu wil abolish ōl distincshun betwen the educated and the ignorant. Speling is the wun acomplishment I prided miself upon. I wun ol the prizez at the Speling Bea and no wun haz ever faund mė triping in speling. Nau, yu propoa tu mak everi urchin in a raged scul ecwal tu miself. It is reali tu bad."

It ie tū much, hauever, for aur frenda tu expect that the march ov Edücashun ia tu be stopt for such rezne.


The batl ov rashunal speling must ultimatli be fōt aut az regarde England, at lest, in the British Hauz ov Comuna. Olredi ther ar membera prepard, hwen the tim cuma, tu champiun the coa in the Haus. The costic and inçisiv elocwenç ev Mr. Lowe, hwich haz shaterd meni an obstrucshun tu üsful reforma, ia ther hwen nèded. Sir Charlee Reed, the ünivursali onord and trusted Charman ov the London Scül Bord, wil, in ōl probabiliti, hav a set in the next Parliment, hwer hie comprehensiv grasp ev ol subjects baring on edücashun, hie plezant maner, and bienes tact wil be invaluabl in the discushun ev the cweschun. Dha wil be wel suported bị Mr. Henry Richard, hua father woe wun ov the chef promotera ov Sunda Scula in Wales. Mr. Richard wil be abl tu testifį tu the gud efects ev a

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