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large number of experiments with various anemometers on the whirling machine at Hersham. Twelve of these were made with the friction of the Kew anemometer artificially increased, seven with a variable velocity, and fourteen with the plane of the cups inclined at an angle to the direction of motion. In discussing the results the following points are taken into consideration, viz. the possibility of the existence of induced eddies, the effect of the increased friction due to the centrifugal force and gyroscopic action, and the action of the natural wind. The conclusion that the instrument is greatly affected by the variability of the wind to which it is exposed seems to be irresistible, and if so, the exact value of the factor must depend upon the nature of the wind as well as upon the mean velocity. There is evidence to show that during a gale the variations of velocity are sometimes of great extent and frequency, and there can be but little doubt that in such a case the factor is less than 2.15. The one point which does seem clear is, that for anemometers of the Kew pattern the value 3 is far too high, and consequently that the registered wind velocities are considerably in excess of the true amount.-On testing anemometers, by Mr. W. H. Dines. The author describes the various methods employed in the testing of anemometers, points out the difficulties that have to be encountered, and explains how they can be overcome. On the rainfall of the Riviera, by Mr. G. J. Symons, F.R.S. The author has collected all the available information respecting rainfall in this district, which is very scanty. He believes that the total annual fall along the Riviera from Cannes to San Remo is about 31 inches, and that any difference between the several towns has yet to be proved.-Report on the phenological observations for 1889, by Mr. E. Mawley. This is a discussion of observations on the flowering of plants, the appearance of insects, the song and nesting of birds, &c. Taken as a whole, 1889 was an unusually gay and bountiful year.

Physical Society, Dec. 6, 1889.-Prof. Reinold, President, in the chair.-The following communications were read :-On the electrification of a steam jet, by Shelford Bidwell, F.R.S. The author showed that the opacity of steam issuing from a nozzle is greatly increased by bringing electrified points near it, and that its colour is changed to orange-brown. Electrified balls and disks when placed in the steam produce similar effects, and when these are connected with an influence machine at work, the decoloration of the jet rapidly responds to each spark. On examining the absorption spectrum of the unelectrified jet, little or no selective absorption was detected, but on electrification, the violet disappeared, the blue and green were diminished, and the orange and red remained unchanged. From these results the author concludes that electrification causes an increase in the size of the water particles in the steam, from something small compared with the wave-length of light, to about 1/50000 of an inch in diameter. Allied phenomena with water jets have been observed by Lord Rayleigh, who found that a straggling water jet is rendered much more coherent by bringing a rubbed stick of sealing wax near it. These observations are of considerable meteorological interest, for the steam jet phenomena go far towards explaining the cause of the intense darkness of thunderclouds, and of the lurid yellow light with which that darkness is frequently tempered. After making his experiments the author learnt that similar observations had recently been made by the late Robert Helmholtz, who viewed the steam jets by reflected light against a dark background. On electrification the jets became much better defined, and presented diffraction colours. Luminous flames also produced similar effects, and Mr. Bidwell has found that glowing touch paper is equally efficient. Helmholtz conjectures that the sudden condensation may be due to molecular tremors or shock imparted by the electrification upsetting the unstable equilibrium of the supersaturated vapour, just as a supersaturated saline solution is suddenly crystallized when disturbed. Another hypothesis suggests that condensation is caused by the introduction of solid matter into the jet by the exciting cause. thus producing nuclei upon which the vapour may condense. On reading Helmholtz's paper, the author tried the effect of gas-flames on water jets, and found that when luminous they influenced the jet considerably, whereas non-luminous flames had no appreciable effect. He also found that luminous flames are positively electrified, and demonstrated this before the meeting. Prof. Rücker thought the surface tension of the films surrounding the water jets might be lowered by the presence of a burning substance, and that the smoke from the touch paper used in some of the experiments on steam jets would introduce

solid particles and facilitate condensation. Mr. Richardson in quired whether a red-hot iron had any effect. Dr. Fison said he had made experiments on the electrification of flame, and found that potentials varying from + 2 volts to I volts could be obtained in the region within and surrounding a Bunsen flame. Prof. S. P. Thompson commented on the contrast between Mr. Bidwell's experiments and those of Dr. Lodge on the dissipation of fogs by electricity, and also asked whether the colour of the jet depended on the length of the spark produced by the machine. Prof. Forbes thought a crucial test between the two hypotheses of Helmholtz could be obtained by trying the experiment in a germless globe. The President said he had recently noticed that gas flames were electrified. Mr. Bidwell in reply said he ought to have mentioned that the effect of flames on jets may be due to dirt, for if soap or milk be added to the water in the steam generator, no effect is produced by electrification or flame. As to change of colour with spark-length, little (if any) variation is caused thereby. He had not tried whether a red-hot iron produced any effect on a steam jet,-Notes on geometrical optics, Part 2, by Prof. S. P. Thompson. Three notes were presented, the first of which dealt with the geometrical use of "focal circles" in problems relating to lenses and mirrors, and to single refracting surfaces. By "focal circles" the author means the circles having the principal foci as centres, and whose radii are equal to the focal lengths. By their use the point conjugate to any point on the principal axis is readily determined. One construction for a mirror is to draw a tangent to the focal circle from a point P on the axis; the foot of the perpendicular to the axis drawn through the point of contact gives the point conjugate to P. When applied to a thin lens, a tangent is drawn as above to one focal circle, and the line joining the point of contact with the centre of the lens is produced to meet the other focal circle; a perpendicular to the axis from the remote point of intersection gives the conjugate point. Modifications applicable to thick lenses and single refracting surfaces were also given. In his second note the author treated similar problems by the aid of squares drawn on the principal focal distances, the constructions being remarkably simple, as will be seen from the figure, in M1 M2

[blocks in formation]

which M M2 represent the principal planes of a thick lens, F1, F2, its principal foci, and P and Q are conjugate points. The line BC is drawn parallel to P A. In the third note, the paths of rays through prisms are determined by the aid of imaginary planes representing the apparent position of the plane bisecting the dihedral angle of the prism when viewed through its two faces. Just as in problems on thick lenses in which the part between the principal planes may be supposed removed, so when dealing with prisms, the part between the imaginary planes above referred to may be supposed non-existent. In another method of treatment, the apparent positions of points outside the prism when viewed from inside the prism are made use of, and their application to illustrate dispersion was pointed out. Mr. C. V. Boys asked whether the latter construction could be used to show why the slit of a spectroscope appears curved. On the behaviour of steel under mechanical stress, by Mr. C. H. CarusWilson. This is an inquiry into the properties of steel as illustrated by the stress-strain curves given in automatic diagrams from testing machines, and by magnetic changes which take place during testing. After pointing out that the permanent elongation of a bar under longitudinal stress consists of a sliding combined with an increase of volume, the author showed that the "yield is caused by the limit of elastic resistance (p) parallel to one particular direction in the bar (generally at 45° to the axis) being less than along any other direction. When this lower limit is reached, sliding takes place in this direction until the hardening of the bar caused thereby raises the limit of elastic resistance (in the direction referred to) to that of the rest of the bar, after which the stress must be increased to produce further permanent set. From considerations based on the stress

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strain curves of the same material when hardened to different degrees by heating and immersion, &c., it was concluded that the increase of (p) during "yield" is the same for all the specimens, and that the "yield" is a measure of the "hardness." The question of discontinuity of the curves about the "yield point" was next discussed, and evidence to the contrary given by specimens which show conclusively that the yield does not take place simultaneously at all parts of the bar, but travels along the bar as a strain wave. In these specimens the load had been removed before the wave had traversed the whole length; and the line between the strained and unstrained portions could be easily recognized. As additional evidence of continuity, the close analogy between the stress-strain curves of steel of various degrees of hardness, and the isothermals of condensible gases at different temperatures when near their point of liquefaction, was pointed out; the apparent discontinuity in the latter probably being due to the change from gas to liquid taking place piecemeal throughout the substance (see Prof. J. Thomson, Proc. Roy. Soc., 71, No. 130). In seeking for an explanation of the hardening of steel by permanent strain, the author was led to believe this due to the displacement of the atoms within the molecules of the substance. To test this hypothesis, experiments on magnetization by stretching a bar in a magnetic field were made; these show that the magnetization increases with the stress up to the "yield point," and is wholly permanent when approaching that point. On comparing his results with Joule's experiments on the elongation of loaded wires produced by magnetization, the author infers that there are two kinds of elongation-firstly, that produced by relative motion of the molecules, and secondly, an elongation resulting from a straining of the molecules themselves. To this latter straining the hardening by permanent strain is attributed, and this view seems compatible with the results of Osmond's researches on the hardening of steel.-Mr. F. C. Hawe's paper was postponed.

Mathematical Society, Dec. 12, 1889.-Mr. J. J. Walker, F. R. S., President, in the chair.-The following papers were read :-On the radial vibrations of a cylindrical elastic shell, by A. B. Basset, F.R.S.-Note on the 51840 group, Dr. G. G. Morrice. The President then vacated the chair, which was taken by Mr. E. B. Elliott, Vice-President.-Complex multiplication moduli of elliptic functions for the determinants - 53


61, by Prof. G. B. Mathews (communicated by Prof. Greenhill, F.R.S.).—On the flexure of an elastic plate, by Prof. H. Lamb, F.R.S.-Notes on a plane cubic and a conic, by R. A. Roberts (communicated by the Secretary).-Dr. Larmor and Mr. Curran Sharp made brief communications.


Royal Society, December 16, 1889.-Sir Arthur Mitchell, Vice-President, in the chair.-Dr. Thomas Muir read a note on Cayley's demonstration of Pascal's theorem. He has succeeded in simplifying the proof. Dr. Muir also read a paper on selfconjugate permutations, and one on a rapidly converging series for the extraction of the square root.-Prof. Tait read a note on some quaternion integrals, and also a note on the glissette of a hyperbola. When a given ellipse slides on rectangular axes, any point in its plane traces out a definite curve, and the same curve can be similarly obtained as the trace of a definite point in the plane of a certain hyperbola sliding between axes in general inclined to the former.-Dr. Woodhead communicated a paper, written by Dr. Herbert Ashdown, on certain substances, formed in the urine, which reduce the oxide of copper upon boiling in the presence of an alkali. Dr. Ashdown was led to search for these substances in the human subject as the result of observations made upon lower animals.-Dr. G. E. Cartwright Wood discussed enzyme action in the lower organisms. -Dr. Woodhead communicated a paper, by Mr. Frank E. Beddard, on the structure of a genus of Oligochata belonging to the Limnicoline section.


Academy of Sciences, December 16, 1889.-M. Hermite in the chair.-Note on the eclipse of December 22, by M. J. Janssen. The arrangements are described which were made at the Observatory of Meudon for observing this event.On the effects of a new hydraulic engine used for irrigation purposes, by M. Anatole de Caligny. The general disposition of this apparatus was fully described in the Comptes rendus, Novem ber 19, 1887. The present note has reference to an improve

ment introduced for the purpose of remedying a serious defect in the original design. It has now the advantage of giving as good results as any of the systems in general use, while superior to them in simplicity and economy.-On the production of films of ice on the surface of the alburnum of certain species of plants, by M. D. Clos. Early in December, after a hard frost, when the glass fell to 6° C. at night, Verbesina virginica, Helianthus orgyalis, and several other plants exhibited the same phenomenon of glaciation at the Toulouse Botanical Garden as was observed and described by Dunal at Montpellier in 1848. An explanation is here given of the phenomenon, which occurred on a much larger scale on the present than on the previous occasion.-Observations of Borrelly's new comet (g 1889), made at the Paris Observatory with the equatorial of the west tower, by M. G. Bigourdan. The observations were taken on December 15, when the comet presented the appearance of a nebulosity indistinctly round, of 2' diameter, slightly more brilliant in the central region, but without notable condensation. In its expanse were clearly visible two stellar points, and the presence of several others suspected.-On the series by M.

André Markoff. From the nature of these series the author establishes a formula which yields the equation




1202 056 903 159 594 285 40,

I I I + + + + 23 43 correct to 20 decimals. M. Markoff's paper forms a sequel to Stirling's memoir "De Summatione et Interpolatione Serierum Infinitarum."-On magnetic potential energy and the measurement of the coefficients of magnetization, by M. Gouy. The mechanical action of magnets on isotropous substances diamagnetic or feebly magnetic isotropous bodies has often been utilized for measuring or comparing the coefficients of magnetization assumed to be constants. On this hypothesis has been established the expression of the potential energy which serves to calculate the mechanical action in question. Here M. Gouy proposes to supply a somewhat more complete theory by regard. ing these coefficients, not as constants, but as variable with the magnetizing force, and utilizing the experimental data for measuring the variations.-On the colour and spectrum of fluorine, by M. Henri Moissan. The colour of fluorine as here determined is a greenish-yellow, much fainter than that of chlorine under like conditions, and inclining more to the yellow tint. Thirteen rays have been determined in the red region of the spectrum. With hydrofluoric acid several bands have been obtained in the yellow and violet, but very wide and not sufficiently distinct to fix their position with accuracy.—Action of ammonia on the combinations of the cyanide with the chlorides of mercury, by M. Raoul Varet. The paper deals severally with the action of ammonia on the cyanochloride of mercury; the action of absolute ammoniacal alcohol; the action of cyanochloride of mercury and copper.-On an adulteration of ammoniac gas; the cyanochloride of mercury and zinc; and the the essence of French turpentine, by M. A. Aignan. This fraud, which consists in the addition of a small quantity of the oil of resin, is not easily detected, but may be discovered by studying the rotatory power of the liquid, as is here shown.solidification of the chlorides of tin and arsenic, and on their Papers were submitted by M. Besson, on the temperature of faculty of absorbing chlorine at a low temperature; by M. Seyewitz, on the synthesis of dioxidiphenylamine and of a redbrown colouring substance; by M. Pierre Mercier, on a general method of colouring photographic proofs with the salts of silver, platinum, and the metals of the platinum group; and by MM. G. Pouchet and Biétrix, on the egg and first development of the alose, a fish allied to the sardine.

December 23.-M. Hermite in the chair.-On the discovery of a fossil ape, by M. Albert Gaudry. On presenting to the Academy the skull of an ape recently discovered by Dr. Donnezan at Serrat d'en Vaquer, M. Gaudry remarked that, except those from Pikermi in Greece, these are the only cranial remains of a fossil Simian hitherto brought to light. Many other fossils have been found in the same place, which evidently contains large accumulations, especially of extinct vertebrate animals.-Observations of the comet discovered by M. Borrelly at the Observatory of Marseilles, on December 12, by M. Stephan. The observations are for December 12, 13, and 14, during which period the comet steadily increased in brightness, and assumed more distinct outlines. On the 12th it was


obscured for a few minutes by a star of the tenth or eleventh magnitude.-Determination of the difference of longitude between Paris and Leyden, by M. Bassot. This international operation, executed by MM. Van de Sande Bakhuyzen and Bassot, presents a special geodetic interest, Leyden being the northernmost station of the meridian of Sedan which now passes through Belgium far into the Netherlands. From the observations the difference of longitude between Paris and Leyden appears to be 8m. 35 6025., with probable error o'os., which, reduced to the official meridians, gives 8m. 35 2135. — On the degree of accuracy attained by thermometers in the measurement of temperatures, by M. Ch. Ed. Guillaume. presenting to the Academy his "Traité pratique de la Thermométrie de précision," the author took occasion to reply to M. Renou's recent remarks on the accuracy of the mercury thermometer. Reviewing the whole question, and comparing the opinions and experiences of the most distinguished physicists during late years, M. Guillaume considers it placed beyond doubt that mercury thermometers with glass of varying qualities yield varying results. But these differences, formerly supposed to be fortuitous, are now known to be systematic, so that any number of instruments giving identical results may be constructed by a judicious selection of glass and careful manipulation.

On B-inosite, by M. Maquenne. In a previous note (Comptes rendus, vol. cix. p. 812) the author showed that pinite may be decomposed into a molecule of methyl iodide and a molecule of a new sugar called by him B-inosite. The analysis of these two bodies leading to identical results, he inferred that they were isomerous, presenting relations of the same order as those existing between the two known hexachlorides of benzine. This hypothesis has been fully confirmed by his further study of B-inosite, communicated in the present memoir.-On a new class of diacetones, by MM. A. Béhal and V. Auger. The authors have already shown that the chlorides of malonyl, methylmalonyl, and ethylmalonyl react on the aromatic_carburets, yielding diacetones, B, R-CO-CHX-CO-R. They have also determined the formation of compounds having the characteristic property of yielding with the alkalies and alkaline carbonates blood-red solutions. A further series of researches has now enabled them to prepare several of these compounds in large quantities, and thus study their constitution as here described. The best results were yielded by metaxylene and the chloride of ethylmalonyl.-Optical properties of the polychroic aureolas present in certain minerals, by M. A. Michel Lévy. This curious phenomenon is traced mainly to the presence of small crystals of zircon widely disseminated throughout granitic and other rocks. In some cases it may also be due to the presence of dumortierite and allanite. These aureoles offer an interesting example of a simultaneous modification of birefraction and polychroism, a modification, however, which is not permanent, or at least which may disappear, without involving any change in the properties of the mineral itself.-Analysis of the Mighei meteorite, by M. Stanislas Meunier. This meteorite, which fell on June 9, 1889, at Migheï, in Russia, yielded besides the usual constituents, a new element, which M. Meunier has not yet succeeded in identifying.-Papers were contributed by M. Y. Wada, on the earthquake of July 28 at Kiushu Island, Japan; by M. Ch. Contejean, on the circulation of the blood in mammals at the moment of birth; by M. Ferré, on the semeiologic and pathologic study of rabies; and by Messrs. Woodhead and Cartwright Wood, on the antidotic action exercised by the pyocyanic liquids on the development of the anthracite disease.


Meteorological Society, Dec. 3, 1889.-Dr. Vettin, President, in the chair. -Dr. Kremser spoke on the frequency of occurrence of mist, a subject whose investigation he had recently undertaken. Up to the present time the material derived from observation is extremely scanty, as shown by the extremely divergent mean values obtained for different places in close proximity to each other, as, for instance, Hamburg and Altona, or even different parts of the one city, Berlin. It seems scarcely possible to attribute the differences to local conditions in all cases, for the mean annual values resulting from the observations of different observers in one and the same place show an equally striking discordancy. This is undoubtedly due to the want of suitable units for estimating and measuring mists. From the above it follows that it is impossible to determine any secular changes on the basis of existing observations, although the yearly

variations may be. By comparisons based on a long series of observations, it appeared that a series extending over ten years suffices to give a reliable monthly mean. From this it appears

that at most stations the maximal amount of mist occurs in the months of November and December, the maximum occurring in November in the eastern provinces of Prussia, and falling progressively later the further the stations lie towards the west. On the coasts of the North Sea and on the adjacent islands the maximum is observed in January, while it occurs on mountains as early as September and October. At the latter stations the minimum is met with as early as May, and is progressively later (June and July) at the other stations according to the lateness of the maximum. On the islands, as, for instance, Heligoland, the minimum does not occur before September or October. As a general rule, 70 per cent. falls in autumn and winter, 20 per cent. in spring, and 10 per cent. in summer. The amplitude of the yearly differences is greatest on the plains and least on mountains. The number of days on which mist occurs is greatest at mountain stations, amounting on the average to 200 per annum, falling in the low lands to as few as 40 or less. The material at hand for determining the variations in the amount of mist per diem was extremely scanty; still it was possible to make out that, in winter, mist is most frequent in the morning, diminishing considerably towards midday, and being in the evening at times as frequent as at midday, at times somewhat more frequent. In summer, mist is observed only in the morning, and then disappears completely. In the discussion which followed the above communication it was pointed out how essential it is to distinguish between clouds and mist, as also many other factors, such as the frequency of purely local mists, the absence of wind, the difficulty of determining the density of mists, the differences of altitude, &c.-Dr. Sprung spoke on some new self-recording apparatus of various kinds made by Richard of Paris, and described fully his actinometer and anemocinometer.

Physical Society, Dec. 6, 1889.-Prof. Kundt, President, in the chair.-Prof. Planck spoke on the development of electricity and heat in dilute electrolytic solutions. From the experiments of Kohlrausch and Hittorf, and the theoretical considerations of Van t' Hoff, Arrhenius, and Nernst, all that takes place in dilute electrolytic solutions during the passage of a current is very accurately known, especially in the cases where the solution is very dilute and the electrolyte is very uniformly distributed in it. It has become possible to subject the cccurrences in electrolytic solutions to mathematical investigation, owing to the existing conceptions of the osmotic pressure in such solutions, of the more or less complete dissociation of the electrolyte when in dilute solution, of the applicability of the gaseous laws to such solutions, and owing to the experimental determination of the rate at which the ions travel. The speaker had submitted the general case, in which the solution is not quite uniform, to a mathematical analysis, and deduced the formula which represent that which is taking place in each unit of volume of the highly diluted solutions in which dissociation is complete. These formulæ correspond exactly to those arrived at by Nernst for the development of electricity. Up to the present time the thermal phenomena in dilute electrolytic solutions have not been fully dealt with. The speaker showed that heat is the most important form of energy existing in the solution. It is only possible to arrive at a complete understanding of the heat production if, when drawing parallels between dilute solutions and gases, a further step is taken, and it is assumed that just as gases become warmer by compression and colder by a fall of pressure, so also heat is developed in electrolytic solutions when the ions are increased in number, and disappears when they are diminished per unit of volume. Hence the mere diffusive processes in an electrolytic solution whose composition is not uniform must develop an osmotic heat, which makes its appearance, and can be calculated in the absence of any electrical current. This osmotic heat must be taken into account, along with the two already known sources of heat production, during the passage of an electric current through a solution, before it is possible to calculate all the relationships of energy in a dilute, nonuniform, electrolytic solution during the passage of a current through it. The President exhibited the air-pump constructed by Otto von Guericke in 1675, which had recently been acquired by the Physical Society. This pump is still in a thoroughly workable condition, with the exception of the glass vessel, which has been renewed. The pressure in this receiver could be reduced to 20 mm. of mercury, by means of the pump. The

celebrated Magdeburg hemispheres have also come into the possession of the Society, and were exhibited at the same time; they are perfect except in the want of the leather packing.


Royal Academy of Sciences, November 30, 1889.-Dr. Hoek read a paper on the Zuyder Zee herring, showing that it belongs to a race of spring herrings (herrings spawning in spring) closely related to the spring herrings of the Baltic, as described by Heincke. But whereas, in the Baltic, two races of herrings

an autumn or winter herring, and a spring herring can be distinguished, all the herrings which enter the Zuyder Zee-both those which enter it in autumn and those which are caught in spring-belong to one variety: they all spawn in the spring months only; they are reproduced only in water that is rather brackish (nearly fresh); and their fry is very small in comparison with that of open-sea herrings. Considering that the Zuyder Zee herring is a variety which has sprung from the open North Sea herring, it furnishes a striking instance of the formation of a variety under changed conditions in the course of a few centuries.-Prof. van de Sanden Bakhuyzen gave an account of the meeting of the Committee for the Construction of the Photographic Map of the Heavens, held at Paris in September last, and spoke about the share of the Dutch astronomers in that undertaking.

BOOKS, PAMPHLETS, and SERIALS RECEIVED. Challenger Report; Physics and Chemistry, vol. ii. (Eyre and Spottiswoode).-Manuel de l'Analyse des Vins: E. Barillot (Paris, Gauthier-Villars). -Traité de Photographie par les Procédés Pelliculaires, tome premier et second: G. Balagny (Paris, Gauthier-Villars)-Leçons sur la Théorie Mathématique de l'Electricité: J. Bertrand (Paris, Gauthier-VillarsSundevall's Tentamen, translated by F. Nicholson (Porter).-The Nests and Eggs of Indian Birds, vol. i., 2nd edition: A. O. Hume. edited by E. W. Oates (Porter).-The_Cosmic Law of Thermal Repulsion (New York. Wiley)-Old Age: Dr. G. H. Humphry (Cambridge, Macmillan and Bowes).-A Hand-book of Quantitative Analysis: J. Mills and B. North (Chapman and Hall)-Alternate Elementary Physics: J. Mills (Chapman and Hall).-Solutions to the Questions set at the May Examinations of the Science and Art Department, 1881 to 1886; Pure Mathematics, Stages 1 and 2: T. T. Rankin (Chapman and Hall).-Perspective Charts for Use in Classteaching H. A. James (Chapman and Hall).-Theoretische Mechanik Starrer Systeme: Sir R. S. Ball, herausgeben von H. Gravelius (Berlin, Reimer).-Prodromus of the Zoology of Victoria, decade xix.: F. McCoy (Trübner) The Garden's Story, 2nd edition: G. H. Ellwanger (Appleton). -New Light from Old Eclipses: W. M. Page (St. Louis).-A Trip through the Eastern Caucasus: Hon. John Abercromby (Stanford).A Manual of Palæontology, 2 vols., 3rd edition: H. A. Nicholson and R. Lydekker (Blackwood).-A Thousand Miles on an Elephant in the Shan States: H. S. Hallett (Blackwood).-Descriptions of Eight New Species of Fossils, &c.: J. F. Whiteaves (Montreal).-Victoria Water Supply, Third Annual General Report (Melbourne). - Studies from the Biological Laboratory, Johns Hopkins University, vol 4, No. 5 (Baltimore).-Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal, vol. 58, Part 2, Nos. 1 and 2 (Calcutta).-Journal of the Anthropological Institute, November 1889 (Trübner).—Journal of the Royal Microscopical Society, December (Williams and Norgate)-Proceedings of the Royal Society of Queensland, 1839, vol. 6, Part 5 (Brisbane). -Zahl und Vertheilung der Markhaltigen Fasern im Froschrückenmark, No. 9 (Leipzig, Hirzel),-Notes from the Leyden Museum, vol. xi., No. 4 (Leyden, Brill).-The Quarterly Journal of Microscopical Science, December (Churchill).

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