Imágenes de páginas


RANDOLPE, THOMAS, an English poet, who died 1631, before his thirtieth year, 256. RAVEN, a large bird of a black color, having its name from ravenous, because of its greedy disposition. The proverb (p. 65) is directed against those who would pull out the mote from a brother's eye before heeding the beam in their own. READING, Remarks on, 13, 52, 399. RECORD, On page 320, Shakspeare places the accent of the noun on the last syllable. It should be on the first, to distinguish it from the verb. To suit the measure of the verse, however, an exception may here be made.

RECORD'ER, a species of flageolet, in Shakspeare's time.

RECTILIN'E-AR, right-lined, straight. REDUNDANCE (Lat. redundans, streaming over, overflowing), superabundance. REEF, a range of rocks seeming to be reft or rift from the main land. RE-ENFORCEMENT, an increase of strength or force by something added. RELIGION. This word is believed to be from the Latin rel'igo, I bind back or fast; whence it means, an acknowledgment of our bond or obligation as created beings to God, our Creator. See pp. 279, 313. RESERVOIR (rez-er vwor'), literally a place where anything is reserved or kept; a tank or pond in which water is collected and preserved in order to be conveyed by pipes where it is needed.

RETRIBUTION (Lat. retribuo, I give back), repayment, requital. The proverb, "the feet of retribation are shod with wool" (p. 66), indicates how silently and surely punishment must come to the transgressor. "Thy sin shall find thee out," - if not to-day, at some future time. Thou mayest have long credit, but thou must pay at length with interest.

KEPUBLIC (Lat. respublica, public wealth, or commonwealth), that form of government in which the supreme power is vested in the people.

On the American Republic, 287. RETROSPECTIVE (Lat. retro, back, and specto, I look at), looking back on past


A Retrospective Review, 127. REVOKE (Lat. revoco, I call back). In card-playing a revoke is when a party does not follow suit, though in his power to do so.

RHEIMS, an ancient city of France, where

most of the French kings have been crowned. Pronounced Răngz. RHINE, a celebrated river of Europe, which, rising in Switzerland, flows into the North Sea. Its dista, flowing its windings, is about six hundred miles. Lines on, 359.

RICHTER (pronounced Reehk'tur), a celebrated German novelist, b. 1763, d. 1825. The Two Roads, by, 92. RILL FROM THE TOWN PUMP, 231. RITE, & customary ceremony or observ40


ance, applied chiefly to religious cere


RIVAL (Lat. rivus, a river). Rivals, in the primary sense of the word, were dwellers on the banks of the same river, contenders for its water privileges; whence the word came to be applied to any who were cn any grounds in more or less unfriendly competition with one another. ROBERTSON, WM., a celebrated historian, b. in Scotland, 1721, d. 1793.

Discovery of America, 188. Mary, Queen of Scots, 244. ROGERS, HENRY, a distinguished contributor to the Edinburgh Review in 1849-53. Vanity, &c., of Literature, 345. ROGERS, SAMUEL, a highly-esteemed Eng lish poet, b. 1760, and alive 1854.

In Rome, 307.

ROLAND (pronounced Rolang'; the a as in father), Madame, the wife of a French statesman, was born in Paris, in 175. She was remarkable for her beauty and intellectual gifts. She was one of the viotims of the French revolution. See an ao count of her execution, p. 291.

ROME, a city of Italy, formerly the metrop'olis of the greater part of the world known to the ancients. Its present popu lation is estimated at one hundred and eighty thousand, including about nineteen thousand foreigners, 307, 386.

ROM'ULUS, the reputed founder of the city of Rome. He is supposed to be a mythical personage.

Roor. The root of a word is the primary signification to which it can be traced. Ro'sARY (Lat. rosarium, a rose-garden). A Catholic devotional practice, consisting in repeating certain prayers a certain number of times. As the computation is made by beads, the string of beads used for this purpose has acquired the popular name of a rosary.

ROUEN (pronounced Roo-ang'; the a as in father), an ancient city of France on the river Seine.

ROUTE (pronounced rout or root), the way of a journey; a course.

ROUTINE (roo-teen'), a round or course of occupation. It is from the Lat. rota, a wheel.

RU'BICUND, inclining to redness. RUBY, a crystallized gem of various shades of red, found chiefly in the sand of rivers in Ceylon, Pegu, and Mysore. RUDDER. "He who will not be ruled by the rudder must be ruled by the rock" (p. 65). He who will not be guided by the restraints of conscience, enlightened by the monitions of religion and experience is likely to make a wreck of his happi


RUSKIN, JOHN, an eloquent English writer, author of a work on "Modern Painters."

The Sky, 263.

RUSSELL, M., Hebrew Literature, 389.

SAG'AMOPE, a name for a chief among some of the North American Indian tribe

ST. PIERRE, BERNARDIN de, an ingenious | French writer, author of the popular tale of "Paul and Virginia" b. 1737, d. 1814.

Storm in the Indian Ocean, 200. SAL'AMIS, an island on the eastern coast of Greece, celebrated for a naval victory gaine over the Persians by the Greeks, B. C. 480. The present name of the island in Colouri.

SALT. The allusion (p. 385, line 5) is to an ancient custom. Salt, if used too abundantly, is destructive of vegetation, and causes a desert. Hence, as an emblem of their doom, destroyed cities were sown with salt, to intimate that they were devoted to perpetual desolation. There is an allusion to the practice in Judges 9: 45. SAMARITANS, a mixed race of Israelites and Assyrian colonists, who, in the time of the Saviour, were looked on with great dislike by the Jews. The Samaritans took their name from Samaria, their capital city. The race is now dwindled down to a few tamilies. The Saviour's parable of the "good Samaritan" (Luke 10: 30) has made the phrase proverbial.

SAN'ATIVE (Lat. sano, I heal), having the power to cure or heal.

SAN FRANCISCO, a city on the bay of that Lame on the west coast of North America. The growth of this city has been unprecedented in the world's history. In 1847 it was an insignificant place; through the discovery of gold in California, it is Dow a great city. For a description of its local and maritime advantages, see p. 290.

SAND, GEORGE, the name assumed in her pablished writings by Madame Dudevant, a French Jovelist, of great but irregular and not always well-directed talents. Extract from, p. 459.

SANIOUS 83'nious), pertaining to sanies, which is a thin, reddish discharge from wounds or sores.

SANSCRIT (that is, the perfect), the present dead language of the Hindoos, in which the books of their religion and laws are written. It is understood now by the Brahmins alone.. The Hindoos are the people of Hindostan' in Asia. SANTILLANE (pronounced San-teel-yah-ne in Spanish; San-teel-yahn in French; te a in both as in father). Santillana is the name of a town in Spain. SARMATIA, the ancient name of Poland. SATURDAY (in Latin, Satur'ni dies, Saturn's day), so called from the planet Saturn.

SATURNALIA (săt-ur-nă'-li-a), a feast among the Romans in honor of Saturn, an old Italian divinity. The Sa-tur'nian period was the golden age, according to the poets.

SAVOYARD (pronounced in French Sa-vo-ayar), a native of Savoy, a duchy bordering on France, Switzerland, and Piedmont. Many of the organ-grinders and exhibitors of shows in Paris are Savoyards.

SCHILLER (pronounced Shiller,, John Christopher Frederic von, one of the most illus. trious poets of Germany, was born at Marbach, in Wirtemberg, in 1759; died 1805. The extract (p. 343) is from his celebrated historical tragedy of Wallen stein, admirably translated by Coleridge. SCHOOL. The Greek word schole, from which this is derived, means leisure, spare time; that is, spare time for study; implying that the time must speedily come when our opportunity will be past, and the engrossing occupations of life wil leave us little leisure, comparatively, for storing the mind. The word school ie sometimes used by seamen as synonymous with shoal: thus we hear of a school of fishes, as on p. 400. In this sense the word seems to be derived from the Saxon sceol, a crowd.

On our Common Schoois, 185. The Schoolmaster Abroad, 269. SCHOOLMEN, the teachers of that method of philosophizing which arose in the schools and universities of what are commonly called the middle ages embracing the period from the reign of Constantine, A D. 325, to the era of the invention of printing, 1450-1455. The Schoolmen adopted the principles of Aristotle, and spent much time on points of nice and abstract speculation. Their works are now little read. SCHOTTEL, The Seasons, from the German of, translated by Charles T. Brooks, 83. SCHUBERT, a German writer, from whom the extracts on Telegraphs (p. 376) and on Photography p. 379) were translated by the Rev. W. Furness. SCHWANAU, pronounced Shvar'no. SCIENCE (Lat. sciens, knowing, present participle of scio, I know), in its most comprehensive sense, knowledge, or certain knowledge. The knowledge of reasons and their conclusions constitutes abstract, that of causes and effects and of the laws of nature natural science The science of God must be perfect, the science of man may be fallible. See p. 419.

SCOTT, SIR WALTER, eminent as a poet a novelist, and a historian, was bora in Edinburgh, Scotland, in 1771, and died 1832. His death was accelerated by too great mental effort made to relieve him self from pecuniary difficulties incurred by the failure of his publishers. A few minutes before he sank into the state of unconsciousness which preceded his death he called his son-in law and Lockhart, to his bed-side, and said, "Lockhart, I may have but a minute to speak to you. My dear, be a good man, -be virtuous, be religious, — be a good man. Nothing else will give you sny comfort when you come to lie here." Let every youth take the admonition to heart, as if it had been addressed personally to himself by this good and gifted Scott an Early Riser, p. 226. Pibroch of Donuil Dhu, 46. Hymn of the Hebrew Mail, 164.


Humanity of Bruce, 178. Coronach, 258.


SCRIPTURE (Lat. scriptum, past participle of scrib-erë, to write), a writing. By way of distinction, the word is applied to the books of the Old and New Testament, as being the one Scripture needful; just as the term Bible (from the Greek biblos, a book) is applied by way of eminence to the one book.

SCURRILOUS (Lat. scurra, a buffoon), using low, obscene, or abusive language. SEASONS, POETRY OF THE, in four parts, 83, 297, 337, 374, 433.

SEGUR, COUNT DE, quoted, 329.
SELECT PASSAGES, in Prose, 367.

In Verse, 100, 113, 177, 256, 309, 410. SELF-KILLING, by Chambers, 171. SEMI, a Latin prefix, signifying half; as semi-diameter, half a diameter. SEMINARY (Lat. semina're, to sow), literally, a place where seeds or first principles are implanted; hence, a school, a place of education.

SE-MIR'AMIS, an Assyrian queen, wife of Ninus. Ier history is much mixed up with fabulous matter. She won great battles, founded many cities, and erected buildings of rare magnificence; but she was cruel, unscrupulous, and treacher


BEN'TIMENT (Lat. sentio, I discern by the senses, I feel), hence it is a thought prompted rather by feeling and impulse than elaborated by the judgment; wherefore sentiment should be under the check and control of principle. SEPTEMBER (Lat. septem, seven), so called from its being the seventh month in the ond Roman year, beginning with March. It is the ninth month of our year. SEQUA'CIOUS (Lat. sequax), following, pursuing. It is a poetical word. SERGEANT, JOHN, an eminent American lawyer and statesman, who died in 1853. Declaration of Independence, 381. SEVEN SAGES. The seven sages 99 of Greece (referred to p. 429) were Periander, or, as some say, Epimen'ides, Pit'tacus, Thales, Solon, Bias, Chilo, and Cleobulus. All of them, except Thales, acquired their distinction by their practical wisdom in regard to the affairs of life. They seem to have been the Franklins of their day. They flourished about 600 B. C.

SEX'TANT (Lat. sextans, the sixth part, the limb of the instrument being the sixth part of a complete circle), an astronomical instrument, used principally at sea for measuring the altitudes of celestial objects, by which the latitude in which a ship may be is ascertained. SHAKSPEARE, WILLIAM, or Shakespeare, as his name is sometimes spelled, was born in the little town of Stratford on the Avon, in Warwickshire, England, in April, 1564, and died in 1616, having just completed his fifty-second year. By all who can read the English language he is accounted the greates dramatic writer


of any age. Little is known of his life. His means of education must have been imperfect; but he must have supplied the want by much solitary and intense. though, perhaps, desultory, study. Ou his Power of Expression, p. 312.

Adam and Orlando, 319.
Isabella and Angelo, 320.
Brutus and Cassius, 350.
Scenes from Hamlet, 371.


Passages from Shakspeare, 391. Wolsey and Cromwell, 421. SHE DIED IN BEAUTY, p. 178. SHELLEY, PERCY BYSSHE, an English poet. b. 1792; drowned by the upsetting of u boat on the Gulf of Lerici, near Leghorn, 1822. He had great genius, unquestionably, but was conceited and presumptuous, undertaking, while yet a boy, to settle questions in philosophy and religion, which, to grapple with fitly, requires a lifetime of study and meditation. intimate friends were of opinion that, had he lived, the goodness of his heart would eventually have corrected the errors of his head, and that poetry would have worked the cure of his irreligion. Address to a Sky-lark, by, 415. SHERIDAN, RICHARD BRINSLEY, distinguished as an orator and dramatist, was born in Dublin, in 1751; died 1816. He had splendid abilities, but was wanting in that high and steadfast moral principle which could control his appetites, and keep him from being immersed in debt. Anecdote of,. p. 278. Extract from his speech against Hastings, 268.

SHELL, an instrument of music; the first lyre being made, it is said, by drawing strings over a tortoise-shell. SHIP, THE, by Wilson, 228. SHORE. This word is the old past participle of the verb to shear. "Shore" (says Tooke), "as the sea-shore, shore of a river, is the place where the continuity of the land is interrupted or separated by the sea or the river." The word shore also means a prop or support for a building, ship, &c. SICKLE (sik'l).

This word is from the Latin sec'ula, a sickle, which is from seco, I cut. SIDNEY, SIR PHILIP, was born in 1554, in Kent, England. Ile wrote "The Defence of Poetry," and other works. He commanded a detachment of forces sent to assist the people of the Netherlands against the Spanish, and fell in a victo rious engagement near Zutphen (pronounced zoot'fen), in 1586. See aneo dotes of, 172, 278.

SIEGE (seej). The word is derived from the Latin sedo, I sit; and au armed force is sometimes said to sit down before a town. A siege is the act of besetting a fortified place with an army. To raise a siege is to relinquish a siege, or cause it to be relinquished. SIERRA (8i-er'ra) is the Spanish name for a Applied to a ridge of mountains, it


suggests the resemblance of their outline to that of a saw. SIGNOR, the French mode of spelling the Spanish señor, a title of respect, pronounced seen'yur. SIMMS, WM. G., a American poet and miscellaneous writer, born 1806, in South Carolina. Quoted, p. 298. SI'NE-CURE (Latin, sine, without, cura, care), an office which yields profit, with little or no care attending it.

SIRAH (pronounced sir'rah, or sărʼrah), a word of reproach, probably derived from Sir ha!-though this derivation is disapproved by Webster.

SKY, THE, Our neglect of, 263. SKY-LARK, TO THE, 415. See Lark. SLOUGH, pronounced slou, when meaning a miry place; and sluf, when meaning the cast skin of a serpent, or the part that separates from a foul sore.

SLUG, to lie idle, to play the drone.
SMITH, HORACE, an English poet and essay-
ist, b. 1779, d. 1849.

On the Coming of Spring, 298.
To the Flowers, 337.

SMITH, REV. SYDNEY, an English clergy-
man, and a contributor to the Edinburgh
Beview; distinguished for his wit.
was born 1768, died 1845.

Labor and Ger.ius, 214.
Resistance to Ridicule, 368.


SOCLE (so'kl or sok-kl), in architecture, a square member, whose breadth is greater than its height; used instead of a pedestal for the reception of a column. It,differs from a pedestal in being without base or cornice. It is derived from the Latin soccus, a shoe.

SOC'RA-TES, one of the greatest intellects of any age, was born in Greece, B. C. 470. He taught the immortality of the soul, and strove constantly to enlighten and improve men, to make them happy here, and give them faith in a life hereafter. He believed in one God, to whose providence he traced all human blessings. Being accused of hostility to the popular religion, he was condemned to drink hemlock, a powerful poison, which he did with perfect composure, and died in the seventieth year of his age, retaining to the last his high and hopeful faith. Plato vas his most eminent disciple. SOLILOQUY (Lat. solus, alone, and loquor, I speak), a talking to one's self. Contrasted Soliloquies, 80. Soliloquy of Van Artevelde, 384. SOPE'IST (Gr. sophos, wise), a Greek word, originally signifying a wise person, but afterwards restricted to a bad sense, as the persons calling themselves sophists, through their vain subtleties and dishonest arguments, fell into disrepute ; so that sophistry came to mean fallacious reasoning, or reasoning sound in appearance only.

SOPHOCLES (Sof-o-clès), a Greek dramatic poet, b. 495 B. C. In his ninety-fifth year he is said to have expired from joy, in consequence of the unexpected success

of one of his dramas. Extract from, translated by Lytton, 436.

SORCERER (the o pronounced as in nor). This word is from the Latin sortitor, a caster of lots, and means a con'jurer, a wizard.

SOUNDS AND LETTERS, 15. SOUND AND SENSE, 236. SOUR-KROUT, cabbage cut fine, pressed, and left to ferment till it is sour, 181. SOUTH, ROBERT, an eminent English divine, b. 1633, d. 1716. Quoted, p. 314. SOUTHEY, ROBERT, an English poet and mis cellaneous writer, born in Bristol, in 1774, died in 1843. He was appointed poet laureate (see Laureate) in 1813. He was a very diligent writer, but overtasked his brain to such an extent that he was insane the last few years of his life. The re marks on self-killing (p. 171) apply to his


The Cataract of Lodore, 3e.
The Complaints of the Poor, 63.
Comfort in Adversity, 113.
The Father's Return, 136.
Night in the Desert, 178.

A Fair Day in Autumn, 374. SPAIN. The kingdom of Spain comprises nearly four-fifths of the Pyr-e-ne'an penin'sula, separated from France by the Pyrenees. It is a thoroughly mountainous country. Its chief articles of export are wines, fruits of southern Europe, salt, olive-oil, corks, quicksilver, and a little wool. By the fanatic and insensate proceeding of expelling the Moors (the last remnants of whom were driven out of the country in 1609), Spain lost 800,000 of her most diligent and industrious inhatitants, and the consequences were fatal both to her manufacturing and agricul tural interests. Thus does injustice, in the order of Providence, carry with it its own punishment, to nations as well as to individuals!

SPARTA or LAC-E-DE'MON, one of the most powerful states of ancient Greece. The distinguishing traits of the Spartans were severity, resolution, and perseverance. Defeat and reverse never discouraged them. Their children were early inured to hardship, and at a certain annual festival they were severely flogged, for the purpose of enabling them to bear pain with firmness. Whoever uttered the least cry during the scourging was disgraced. See story of the Spartan boy, p. 77. SPECIAL (special), designating a species or sort; particular, peculiar. Special pleading, in law, is the allegation of special or new matter, as distinguished from a di rect denial of matter previously alleged on the opposite side. A special verdict is one in which the facts of the case are put on the record, and the law is submitted to the judges.

SPIDER. The Apologue of "The Spider and the Bee" (p. 108;, from one of the early productions of Swift, had reference to an active contest gcing on at the time between the advocates of ancient learning


and those of modern learning. The Bee | represents the Ancients, the Spider the Moderns. The Apologue may be not unjustly applied to those "self-applauding writers of the present day, who, "furnished with a native stock," and despising accuracy and careful investigation, undervalue the importance of study and instruction. See Swift.

SPINACH (generally written, as pronounced, Spin'age), a garden plant, the leaves of which are boiled for greens. SPIRIT (Lat. spiro, I breathe). The word primarily signified a breathing or gentle blowing of air. According to Locke, "spirit is a substance in which thinking, knowing, doubting, and a power of moving, do subsist."

The Body's Motive Power, 138. SPONTA-NEITY (Lat. spontë, of free will), voluntariness.

SPRAGUE, CHARLES, on the Indians, 303. SPRING, POETRY OF, 117, 297. SQUEERS, a character in Dickens's tale of "Nicholas Nickleby;" the exaggerated cype of a class of schoolmasters who once existed in England.

STALACTITES (Gr. stalak'tis, that which drops), a concretion of carbonate of lime, nanging like an icicle from the roofs of caverns, &c., and formed by the gradual dropping of water holding the carbonate in solution.

STAR. "He saw a star shoot," &c. (p. 92). The meteors, commonly called falling or shooting stars, are supposed to be masses of matter inflated with phosphureted hydrogen gas, and which, being spontaneously ignited, shoot from the upper region of the atmosphere in a downward direction to the earth. The will o' the wisp, or ignis fatuus (Latin for fire of fools), is supposed to have a similar origin, though formed nearer the ground from decomposing substances.

STARBOARD. Standing on the deck of a ship, with the face towards the bowsprit, the side to the right is the starboard, that to the left the larboard. STILL (Lat. stillo, I drop), a vessel, or apparatus, used in distilling liquors.

оск. Of this word, in its various meanings, Trench says, "They are all derived from and were originally the past participle of to stick, which, as it now makes stuck, made formerly stock; and they cohere in the idea of fixedness, which is common to every one."

STOICS, a celebrated sect of antiquity, so called from the stoä (porch or portico), in Athens, where Zeno, the founder of the sect, taught (B. C. 300). The Stoics are proverbially known for the sternness and austerity of their doctrines. They represented virtue chiefly under the character of self-denial; but, with a strange incon istency, did not disapprove of suicide. They studied to make themselves indiffer ent at once to the pleasures and pains of sense, and to exercise complete control over the passions

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STOMACH, COMPLAINT OF A, 157. STORM, on the Mountains, 333.

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in the Indian Ocean, 200. STORY, JOSEPH, a distinguished American judge and writer on law, was born in Marblehead, Mass., 1779, died 1945. He was associate justice in the Supreme Court of the 'United States, having beer appointed in 1811.

Fulton's First Steamboat, 324. STREET, ALFRED B., an American poet (b. 1812) remarkable for the fidelity of his descriptions of forest scenery. Quoted p 297.

STRID'ULOUS, from the Latin stri'dulus making any harsh or hissing sound. STRONG DRINK MAKETH FOOLS, 294. STUDY OF WORDS, Trench on the, 119. SUCCESSIVE. To preserve the metrical har mony of the line (p. 321, line 32), the ac cent may here be placed on the first sy! lable in reading. The labors of lexicog' raphers (dictionary-makers) had not fixed the accent of a large class of words in Shakspeare's day. Success'ive is now properly accented on the second syllable SUFFIX (Lat. sub, under, fixi, I have fixed); a letter or syllable added to the end of a word; a postfix.

SUFFOLK and NORFOLK were the two broad divisions of "southern" and "northern folk" into which the eastern part of England was divided.

8ʊммUM BONUM. See Bonum. SUMMER, POETRY OF, 337. SUNDAY, the first day of the week, is said to derive its name from the Saxons, who consecrated it to the sun in heather: times.

SUPERSCRIPTION (Lat. super, upon, and scripsi, I have written), the act of writ ing upon; also the address, or direction written.

SWIFT, JONATHAN, a celebrated political and miscellaneous writer, born in Dublin, Ireland, in 1667. He was a great master of irony and satire, but many of his writ ings will be deservedly forgotten, for their coarseness. He was created a Dean (an ecclesiastical dignitary) in 1713. In 1739 his intellect gave way, and he expired an idiot, "a driveller and a show," in 1745. With all his failings, he was a very great


The Spider and the Bee, 108. SWORD. Webster's preferred pronunciation of this word is sword, although he admits sord, which is the mode preferred by Walker, Sheridan, Smart, Worcester, and other eminent philologists.

The Sword and the Press, 255. SYC'OPHANT. The derivation of this word is curious and amusing. It is from the Greek sykos, a fig, and phaino, I dis cover; and originally meant an in former against those who stole figs Hence it came to signify a tale-bearer then a parasite, one who tries to obtain the favor of another by flattery, or by tell ing tales of those whom he woukl supplant.

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