Imágenes de páginas

Milton, when the idea firft ftruck him of changing his mystery into an epic poem.

Demofthenes declaiming in a storm.

William the Conqueror, and his rebellious fon Robert, discovering each other in a battle; after they hal encountered hand to hand for fome time.

Charles XII. tearing the Vizir's robe with his fpur. And again, after lying in bed ten months at Demotica.

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Though my mother could na speak,

"She look'd in my face till my heart was like to break." The Abra of Prior's Solomon,

"When fhe, with modeft fcorn, the wreath return'd, "Reclin'd her beauteous neck, and inward mourn'd."

Our Elizabeth, when fhe gave her Effex a box on the ear.

Chatterton's Sir Charles Bawdin, parting from his wife--

"Then tir'd out with raving loud,

"She fell upon the floor;

"Sir Charles exerted all his might,,

"And march'd from out the door."

The Conference of Auguftus, Anthony and Lepidus (you are deep in Goldsmith, I know). Do you remember the fcene? Equally fufpicious. of treachery, they agreed to meet on a little ifland near Mutina. Lepidus first past over. Finding

Finding every thing fafe, he made the fignal. Behold them, yonder, feated on the ground, on the highest part of a desolate island, unattended, fearful of one another, marking out cities and nations, dividing the whole world between them; and mutually refigning to deftruction, agreeably to lifts which each prefented, their dearest friends and nearest relations.---Salvator Rofa would not make me quarrel with him for doing the back ground. Your friend, if any one living, could execute the figures.

Let me fuggeft one more fubje&t.---Monmouth's decapitation, in the time of James ii. Hiftory fpeaks well of his face and perfon. The circumftances of his death are thefe. ---He defired the executioner to dispatch him with more skill than he had difpatched Ruffel. This only added to the poor fellow's confufion, who ftruck an ineffectual blow. Monmouth raifed his face from the block, and with a look (which I cannot defcribe, but the painter must give) reproached his failure.---By the turn of the head, the effect of the blow might be concealed, and left to fancy; who might collect it from the faces of the neareft fpectators.---The remainder of the scene is too fhocking for the eye, almoft

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for the ear.--But, I know not how, whenever I am away from you, nothing is too fhocking for me.----Monmouth again laid down his head.. The executioner ftruck again and again, to as little purpofe; and, at laft, threw down the axe. The fheriff obliged the man, whofe feelings all. muft pity and refpect, to renew his attempt.. Two ftrokes more finished the butchery.

Were it poffible to tear off this last subject without deftroying half my letter, I really would. It. will make you fhudder too much. But, you fee, it is not poffible; and you prefer such a letter as this, I know, to none. The paper only affords me room to fay my horfe is ready. Every ftep he carries me from you, will be a step from happiness.---My imagination would busy herself juft now, about the manner in which I fhould bchave, if I were to die as ignominiously as Monmouth. But, as I feel no inclination for rebellion, fancy threw away her pains.


To the SAME.


5 February, 1778.

Oh! my deareft M. what I have gone through fince I wrote to you last night it is impoffible for


me to defcribe. Thank God, you were not in town! Suffice it that my honor and life are both as you wish them. Now, mine of last night is more intelligible. How ftrange, that the kindest letter almoft you ever wrote me, fhould come to me precifely at the time I was obliged to make up my mind to quit the world, or, what is more, much more, to quit you! Yet, so it was.


The ftory my letter mentioned, of a friend who had received fuch an affront as no human being could away with, was my own. feelings agreed with me, I am fure. Duelling is not what I defend, In general, almost always, it may be avoided. But cafes may be put, in which it can be avoided only by worse than death, by everlasting difgrace and infamy. Had I fallen, I know where my last thoughts would have lingered; and you and your children would have had fome tokens of my regard. Be affured the matter is for ever at an end, and at an end as properly as even you can wish. How happy fhall we be, in 79, or 80 (for before that time we shall furely be bleft with each other!), to have thofe friends about us who were privy to this day; and to talk over the poffibility of it!

H. in all thy future life facred be every fifth of February!

My mind is too much agitated to write any more this evening. To-morrow I will be more particular. My laft I am fure could not alarm you; though, had any thing happened, it would have prepared you. Don't be alarmed by this. Upon my honour! (with which you know I never preface a falfity) I am not hurt; nor, as it fince turns out, is the other gentleman---at leaft, not materially.

One trifling circumftance I muft mention. As I was determined either to kill or be killed (unlefs fufficient apologies fhould be inade),---the only proper, and leaft pernicious, idea of duelling, ---I did not fee why I fhould not recruit my ftrength as much as poffible. So, about three o'clock, I took fome cold faddle of mutton and brandy and water at my friend's. After which I went home to feal up fome things for you, where my friend was to call for me. When I faw him coming to my door between 4 and 5, I had juft wrung the affectionate hand of the man I-moft value, and committed to his care you and your dear little girl, and my dear fifter, &c. &c. Love, honour, revenge, and all my various feel

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