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occupied and interested by Development, as it would not have been had everything at once made its appearance in its most perfect form. It thus appears that from the conditions we find today, Expressed Things are the Negative side of Infinite Life, as they are all in motion. Impelled by the Infinite Urge, every elemental atom is seeking perfection by effecting combinations, these combinations seeking further combinations, and these combinations seeking still further complexity of Expression. The movements of these atoms in continually readjusting themselves cause what we designate vibrations. As has already been pointed out, the presence within Infinite Life of things having dimensions introduced the element of Space, which is not infinite, but the relativity of one object to another. The movement of these things in their readjustments introduced the element of Time, which is but our method of reckoning the number of vibrations necessary to convey a thing from one locality to another. So long as Expressed Life remains in existence, Time and Space must be, though our conceptions will always be relative to the number of vibrations they require in their movements. Thus when the bodies we possess become finer in our development we shall move with the velocity of thought, though we shall never be able to escape entirely from our consciousness of being a thing with dimensions.

Indeed, we never will desire this, for it would mean the loss of our identity.

The points you are desired to hold as established until further evidence is adduced are these:"

That Infinite Mind is Positive, Immobile, Indivisible, the Absolute;

That Expressed Mind is Negative, and controlled by the Positive. It is composed of the Elemental Consciousnesses, which are Indestructible. The Subconsciousnesses into which these elemental atoms are formed by combinations are temporary, being formed and dissolved by the Infinite Urge to progress and development;

That all things are, always have been, and always will be-Mind, the only Creative Element.

The last point, that everything is Mind, may as well be finally dealt with at once. When Mind was alone there could have been nothing else. In its creative or expressional efforts it had nothing but Itself as material, no tool but Motion. Since then nothing has been imported into Life, as there is nowhere to bring it from, Life being everywhere and everything always. Therefore everything has continued to be, and is now, Life, Mind; in various degrees of activity, it is true. These various degrees of activity in themselves are Mind, directed by Mind,

never under any circumstances or conditions becoming anything but Mind, always acting and re-acting as Mind.

This is becoming quite generally recognized by scientists, who in their researches by inductive reasoning reach the same conclusion—that everything is Mind. These scientists have found some eighty or ninety elementary consciousnesses in the world, which by their various partnerships and combinations have formed themselves into the varied Expressions of Life we see about us. They have traced some of these atoms, these consciousnesses, far beyond the range of vision, to where they measure one fifty-millionth part of an inch in diameter, and can have an existence as entities only in our mind. No scientist has yet attempted to weigh or measure the atoms of which Mind is composed, and it may be reasonably concluded that there are no such atoms, Infinite Life being indivisible, and that the so-called material atoms finally disappear into the essence of Thought, of Mind. It is here contended that when the point is arrived at that the atom has its sole entity in the mind it becomes a Mind atom, and therefore can by no one be considered as anything but Mind. To hesitate further in calling everything Mind and assuming Mind to be the only creative element would seem to be merely materialistic and scientific pedantry.

It being admitted that everything is Mind, Positive or Negative, it follows that Unexpressed Mind, the Mind that did the expressing, is Positive, as the Positive is superior to the Negative as the Expressor is superior to the Expression. As the Positive it must be in a state of Equilibrium. Indeed, it is impossible to conceive of that which is Everything, Everywhere, Always, moving when it has no place in which to move. This must be apparent to the dullest sense. When we survey the heavens and the earth everything appears in a state of majestic stillness, Poise. The idea of perpetually being on the move conveys a repellent sense of fussiness to our conception of the Supreme, Superb control of the Infinite. Science confirms this view of Life, even while affirming that All Life is motion. It is known that the center of the cyclone is perfectly still, the Point of Poise, the Infinite. The absolute center of the huge driving wheel is perfectly still; though microscopic in its dimensions it, too, is the Point of Poise from which power radiates.

Writers and teachers on Dynamics are careful to show that when motion, when started from a given point, is deflected, the point of its deflection may in a diagram be indicated by a dot of pencil or ink as showing the instant of time that the deflection takes place. But this "instant of time" is not an "interval

of time," being miscroscopic in its so-called dimensions; that is, when a ball thrown in a certain direction is struck by a bat and deflected, the instant of time during which the deflection takes place is not computable, no interval of time that can be detected. taking place. Thus it is seen that when the power propelling the ball in one direction is changed to a power propelling it in a different direction, a moment. of stillness takes place, even though it is indistinguishable as an interval of time.

Infinite Life being Omnipresent, it is everywhere the center of all movement. If it were not so, the Universe, in popular phrase, would "go to smash." Infinite Life, then, does not act; it causes and controls action; it is the Ultimate Cause. This attitude is the secret of power. In Man this equilibrium, this faculty of causing and organizing action, is what makes him powerful. As will be seen later on, his organization is a duplication on a small scale of the organization of the Universe, spiritual Man being the Positive and his so-called more material expressions the Negative. The man who always finds his balance, his poise, before he attempts to act, is the strong man.

Following the same line of reasoning we find Negative Life, Expressed Life, doing absolutely what it was expressed to do, Man alone apparently being the ex

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